Sonic The Hedgehog live action movie

It says a lot that this comes across as a complaint, when for the games the complaint is often "I don't care about all of Sonic's stupid friends". People would rather have a movie with all of Sonic's stupid friends than a movie like the one described here.
I think the main issue with the 'friends' is that they either don't actually do anything other than stand around in cutscenes, don't provide any gameplay changes, or they change the gameplay so radically it stops being fun.

I don't think anyone complained when Sonic Mania's cast grew to five different playable characters, for instance. Or about the Sonic Advance series.
Yeah it's not Tails, Knuckles, or Amy or even Shadow and Blaze that people complain about it's stuff like Big the Cat.
Big is amazing and it is good that we have him!

but he should be an npc and not a playable character.
This vs Pikachu is an interesting contrast.
I think the main failing with Sonic, judging by the leaks above, is a classic lack of confidence in the film's own ability to suspend the audience's disbelief.

They don't think people will buy the idea of a talking superfast blue hegehog to begin with, let alone the fantastic world he lives he. So they start out with a completely normal world from the point of view of a completely normal character. They only introduce the fantastical elements as the plot progresses, and only the bare minimum, to the point where Robotnik isn't even able to start out with his classic look or even be called Eggman, according to the leaks.

The problem is that this adds a sense of artificiality to the plot and alienates the audience from what is actually supposed to be the draw of the film. Detective Pikachu, by contrast, looks like it will immerse it's viewers in it's world from the get go, and it's plot will probably feel a lot more organic in comparison.
I think the main failing with Sonic, judging by the leaks above, is a classic lack of confidence in the film's own ability to suspend the audience's disbelief.

They don't think people will buy the idea of a talking superfast blue hegehog to begin with, let alone the fantastic world he lives he. So they start out with a completely normal world from the point of view of a completely normal character. They only introduce the fantastical elements as the plot progresses, and only the bare minimum, to the point where Robotnik isn't even able to start out with his classic look or even be called Eggman, according to the leaks.

The problem is that this adds a sense of artificiality to the plot and alienates the audience from what is actually supposed to be the draw of the film. Detective Pikachu, by contrast, looks like it will immerse it's viewers in it's world from the get go, and it's plot will probably feel a lot more organic in comparison.
...this explains a lot about why all those shitty '[x] IN THE REAL WORLD' movies keep happening.
There's obviously some form of confusion, you say that's Robotnik, whereas that's obviously some character from Lazytown that I haven't heard of before.
I know this shouldn't be the first thing I comment on, since the design is indeed an uncanny valley nightmare, but... why did they just outright turn Sonic into the Flash? Like sure they both run so fast they can go up or along walls or hydroplane indefinitely, but now Sanic can go fast so hard he subjectively stops time and is so prominently charged with electricity while doing so that cast-off quills can electrocute people and going too fast knocks out the entire US power grid????
Holy shit that thumbnail? Dare I even?

... Yeah wow it literally looks like the parodical idea of what a 2000s mid 2000s video game movie looks like. Like literally that old fan trailer with the Nostalgia Critic in it? Not that far off.

Well, Jim Carrey acting like a piece of shit looks fun.

And Jesus Christ Sonic stretching is the most distressing thing.
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Are they going with a full 90's thing with the song, character and a pre - Truman Show Jim Carrey performance?
why would they make that one shot the preview image?

do they just hate lifekind?