Sonic The Hedgehog live action movie

Hollywood exec: Hello commander, we would like to receive assistance in making our movie and was hoping the United States Military is able to help!

Military officer: That's not a problem! What's the movie about?

Hollywood exec:

Honestly, I can dig this look of Egg-Man.

I think we're seeing the rise of the Nintendo/Sega/Super Smash Bros Cinematic Universe here, bois.

- Mushroom Land.
- Detective Pikachu coming out.
- Sonic's rings being used as dimensional portals.

Next thing you know, we'll have a Mario movie end credits teaser.
So the CGI is eye-searingly horrible and somehow even worse than I expected. But, idk, that ending scene with "oh it's not my child in the bag." What kind of idiot wrote the script for this? That's not an "everyman joe" joke. That's the kind of joke a serial killer makes in a horror movie. Someone trying to make that joke IRL would get the police called on them. And it doesn't just stop with the absolute trash writing. I get that people working on the movie probably knew it was bad, sure, but to let some of this stupidity all the way into the trailer basically shows that everyone every step of the way was asleep at the steering wheel.

I'm starting to think there's a secret second Hollywood that competes to create the worst movie possible.

Honestly, I can dig this look of Egg-Man.

I think we're seeing the rise of the Nintendo/Sega/Super Smash Bros Cinematic Universe here, bois.

- Mushroom Land.
- Detective Pikachu coming out.
- Sonic's rings being used as dimensional portals.

Next thing you know, we'll have a Mario movie end credits teaser.
The fact you could be right makes my soul hurt a little.
On one hand, that would with 99% certainty be terrible.

On the other hand, it might give us a Kirby movie, which I think is worth any risk.
Doubtful. Sonic the Hedgehog is under Paramount (aka, Viacom), Detective Pikachu is Legendary and Warner, and the animated Mario film and the Mario amusement park section are Universal. That's three separate big studios for the core properties. If Nintendo was building a shared universe, they'd have picked a single studio/production company to do most of them - they don't have the "we had to sell movie rights in the nineties" excuse Marvel does for having been scattered, these were fresh contracts AFIK.
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I feel like people are being kinda dramatic.

It looks mediocre. Not particularly good and not absolutely horrid by typical kid movie standards. Just there, mostly. Like all the other forgettable movie adaptations of 90's stuff like Trolls and Smurfs and such.

Kids will probably enjoy it.
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Can we get a tag change from "mistakes may have been made" to "mistakes have definitely been made" please? I mean god damn but they've failed on nearly all levels and this is just the trailer.

I mean Christ, the Mario movie was terminally embarrassed by its source material too but at least they decided to get all Terry Gilliam with it.
Why did they go so deep into uncanny Valley, why is what I presume is Eggman,...not very Eggman, he seems like a generic douche. And I don't recall EMP's being a thing Sonic could do. This is...impressively cringey. This is...this is a thing, I guess.
So I know Sonic has DEEP LORE because comic books and I won't touch that with a ten foot pole but does Sonic have the ability to Za Warudo his way out of problems?
So I know Sonic has DEEP LORE because comic books and I won't touch that with a ten foot pole but does Sonic have the ability to Za Warudo his way out of problems?
No, he's just very fast. I think that's supposed to be a "Sonic so fast everything seems to be hyper-slow" joke, kinda like the one they did with the Flash in Justice League, combined with a callback to the Sonic-taps-his-foot-impatiently-and-looks-at-his-watch idle animation from the original game. I think.
Maybe I set my expectatibs too low..... but that doesn't look all that bad.

Okay, I probably have set my expectations too know, but still feels like a better mess than..... Super Mario Brothers.

Honestly, I can dig this look of Egg-Man.

I think we're seeing the rise of the Nintendo/Sega/Super Smash Bros Cinematic Universe here, bois.

- Mushroom Land.
- Detective Pikachu coming out.
- Sonic's rings being used as dimensional portals.

Next thing you know, we'll have a Mario movie end credits teaser.

There is the possibility, however small, that someone makes a Sonichu movie.
Well, Sonic himself makes me want to remove my eyes with a spoon, but other than that, it's really not as bad as I expected.

I won't go and actually pay money to see it, but if it ends on Netflix or something, I'll probably watch it.

Also Jim Carrey as Eggman looks more fitting that I dared to hope for, but I'm still convinced that Danny Devito on stilts would have been more fitting.
Honestly, Eggman needs to be as much CGI as Sonic or, failing that, a fat suit. EGGman. He needs to be egg-shaped.
Why is the Sonic IP so cursed. It feels like everytime it even makes the slightest headway something horrible happens.
I will say I liked how they picked actors and a soundtrack to stay on the Sonic brand of trying desperately to be what people in the early 90's considered cool without any understand as to why.
I think we're seeing the rise of the Nintendo/Sega/Super Smash Bros Cinematic Universe here, bois.

- Mushroom Land.
- Detective Pikachu coming out.
- Sonic's rings being used as dimensional portals.

Next thing you know, we'll have a Mario movie end credits teaser.
Phase One: Detective Pikachu, Sonic the Hedgehog, Detective Pikachu 2, The Legend of Zelda, Super Mario, Super Smash Bros
Phase Two: Detective Pikachu 3, The Legend of Zelda 2, Super Mario Bros 2, Metroid (except it's also Star Fox), Super Smash Bros: Melee, Pikmin,
Phase Three: Super Mario Bros: Civil War, Earthbound, Metroid 2, The Legend of Zelda 3, Splatoon, Super Smash Bros: Brawl, Pikmin 2, Kirby, Super Smash Bros: Ultimatum

Punch-Out!, Animal Crossing, Wario-Ware and Ice Climbers are all Netflix Series.