Sonic The Hedgehog live action movie

It feels really strongly like Sega was just feeling that weird intimidation that video game people feel when they interact with old media, where for some reason they'll approve the nastiest shit because Hollywood suggested it.
Yeah all I got from the trailer was that Sonic commits one of the worst terrorist attacks on US soil and the army rightfully mobilizes and brings in a expert counter terrorist operative Dr. Robotnik to conduct the mission to eliminate the terrorist Sonic.

Truly a movie for true Patriots.
I'm glad I was never much of a Sonic fan, or I'd probably be disappointed/enraged by this instead of mildly amused by the impending train wreck this movie will be.
I mean clearly the target demographic is 8-13 year olds, just like the TMNT films a few years back.
The trailer just drips with sinister Fortnite energies, I challenge you to deny it.

No I'm not saying that the target demographic isn't kids; I'm saying that it's STUPID that it's kids, because kids don't give a shit about Sonic. Sonic is cared about exclusively by thirty year old boomers like me.
Reactions I've seen broadly fall into two categories:
1) Non-Sonic Fans going "lol wtf"
2) Sonic fans going "Look how they massacred my boy!"

Normally we complain about stuff being too focus tested, but this absolutely was not focus tested enough.

Perhaps one of the most glorious story ever told.

I still have that issue.
That arc was so much better than it had any right to be.
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Normally we complain about stuff being too focus tested, but this absolutely was not focus tested enough.

Yeah this really does seem like a movie for no-one. Perhaps it is a money laundering scheme or some kind of tax dodge? Get a nice big flop on the books so they can report less earnings and keep the Sonic movie licence while they're at it?
Reactions I've seen broadly fall into two categories:
1) Non-Sonic Fans going "lol wtf"
2) Sonic fans going "Look how they massacred my boy!"

Normally we complain about stuff being too focus tested, but this absolutely was not focus tested enough.

I think that the primary "Focus Test" for this should have been showing literally any single person not involved in the production to look at their concept art, and then when they recoiled in horror and confusion, to actually stop and don't go through with it. Or better yet, ask them if they think a Sonic the Hedgehog movie is a good idea, and when they tell you "Hell no, that sounds awful!" you listen to them and cancel it.
I'm glad I was never much of a Sonic fan, or I'd probably be disappointed/enraged by this instead of mildly amused by the impending train wreck this movie will be.

I'm a fan and honestly, I'm not that disappointed, because just like with the Dragonball movie and the Last Airbender movie, I never expected much from this.

Jim Eggman could be funny I guess.
Honestly as long as the movie has some cool scenes in it i can overlook the iffy design and music
According to Tumblr, when Sony was still in charge of making the Sonic movie, the original intention was to make a comedy, but new executives came in and decided that making Sonic into a darker action movie more like Batman: The Dark Knight was a good idea. Because Sonic and Batman are so alike. :rolleyes: Sega found out and stamped its foot, which ultimately led Sony to give up the rights to Paramount. And Paramount is apparently still intending to use the action sequences from Sony's draft.
Isn't Ken Penders the guy that did SatAM? I wouldn't have minded a move version of that.
I mean... early (Well, early-ish. Less than recent. Whatever.) Sonic cartoon/comic stuff could probably be portrayed as a sort of 'baby's first cyberpunk dystopia'. Some of the stuff they got involved in would fit right in with a Shadowrun campaign or somethin', and plenty of the basic premises involved are kinda' horrifying if you stop to think about it much.

It's not like there's not room to run in a dark knight sort of direction, you'd just have to be pretty damn careful about it. There appears to be very little that could be described as careful involved in the decision making involved here :V