Sonic The Hedgehog live action movie

A little late, but if that new design up there is legit then I don't get how they're going to implement it without it looking really fucking bad.

Because the original is a tall boy, see?

But the new one looks like it has stubby legs, is he going to be shorter? If he's shorter then wouldn't the eye contact with the live action characters be way off? I guess they could make him bigger to compensate, but that would also mess with the spacing of scenes, wouldn't it?

I mean, I guess the solution is extensive reshoots, which means even more people are being wrung out for labor to get this shit done. And that's a hell of a lot of reshoots to do considering he's the title character.

Or they may not bother, in which case this movie is going to look terrible just from that. Like it'll make the Superman mustache revisionism from Justice League look like graceful editing.
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I'm still betting his screen time is like, 20% of the movie tops.

He's probably going to have a couple big exposition dumps, a bad comedy bit or two and then otherwise be a barely animated blur only slowing down long enough to give a one liner. Even the fight scenes are probably going to be mostly focused on the human protagonists running from Badniks and Jim Carrey mugging the camera.
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I'm still betting his screen time is like, 20% of the movie tops.

He's probably going to have a couple big expedition dumps, a bad comedy bit or two and then otherwise be a barely animated blur only slowing down long enough to give a one liner. Even the fight scenes are probably going to be mostly focused on the human protagonists running from Badniks and Jim Carrey mugging the camera.
Which is why I'm still betting that an equal runtime of the worst episodes of the Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog is going to be a superior viewing experience to this film.
At least that would be an insane comedy scenario focused on Sonic the Hedgehog, instead of a modern "comedy" film that features guest appearances by a Sonic lookalike.

I think he looks a lot a better now. Still not interested in seeing it but not as good a dunkable a target anymore.

Edit: So close but yet so far
Man, that looks so much better!

I mean, I still find annoying that's another "animated creature comes to earth" movie but it looks watchable now!
He looks... ok now?
Edit: Really need to remember to refresh the thread before I post.:oops:
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Seriously though I'm surprised that they actually tried to make their work unterrible, rather than just cut their losses and ram through their doomed cashgrab. Its also interesting because the trailer doesn't really show any substantive change. They just made Sonic's aesthetic less terrible, and had the trailer give more humanizing lines to Sonic that made him seem more dorky than weird and annoying, oh and also showing us live-action Green Hill Zone. But that still makes all the difference I guess.
Sonic certainly looks a lot better. The movie still looks like by-the-numbers, built-by-focus-groups-and-neural-networks nonsense... but at least the character design is no longer a dumpster fire? I guess that's worthy of an Orange Cassidy thumbs up:
Huh. Beyond just the redesign, they also reframed Robotnik's villainy to be more about his selfish motives and personal dickishness.

I mean, it's still not the "mad scientist who wants to use everybody as living batteries for his army of robot slaves" kind of deal that made him such an effective villain to begin with, but it fits better in a family movie and it more neatly connects to the "modern rich techbros are the devil in human form" angle, so yeah, I'll accept it quite happily.
I got the impression the voice-actor got told to toss what he was doing before and just go full Dewey like the VA is currently doing on the DuckTales show.

Movie is no longer an abomination but still not something I'd go out to see, more like catch glances of whilst playing on the TV in the background.