Son Quest (Dragon Ball)

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Greetings, boys and girls! Welcome to Son Quest, and prepare to enter the magical, action-packed...
Character Creation


Immaculate Blooming Lotus
Greetings, boys and girls! Welcome to Son Quest, and prepare to enter the magical, action-packed and often very, very silly world of Dragon Ball! This is my first ever quest, so uh... be gentle, please...

A world of technological marvels and magical wonders. Of primeval monsters and warriors who fight with powers undreamed of by normal men and women. A world of fantastic legends, larger-than-life heroes, evil armies that menace the world, and seven magical orbs said to grant the wish of any who assemble them all together. In this world, a young boy with a tail lives in a small hermit's abode deep in the wild forests of Mt. Paozu.
But he's not important right now. What's important right now is that this is your world, too. But who are you? How did you come to be where you are right now? How a story begins is almost as important as how it ends, and will shape the events to come.

[ ] Son Family
Backstory: As an infant, you were discovered abandoned in the woods by your grandfather, Son Gohan, who raised you as his own in his mountain hermitage. Alongside your little brother Goku, also a foundling your grandfather discovered one day, you have been trained in the martial arts, which you discovered you have a certain knack for. Tragedy struck when Goku accidentally disobeyed your grandfather and saw the full moon one night while going out to the bathroom, and Grandpa Gohan died saving you from the transformed Goku. His dying wish was that you never tell your brother that Goku himself was the monster who had killed him, and that you stay by his side. You agreed to both conditions, and you and Goku have lived alone together ever since. You've never even seen another living person, until today…

  • Canon Character Relationship (Siblings) – Goku: You and Goku were raised as siblings and think of each other as such. As the older sibling, Grandpa always stressed that you were responsible for him, and when he died your protective streak only grew stronger, as he was the only family you had left. No matter what happens, you'll always hold a special place in each other's hearts.
  • Martial Prodigy: You don't have as much natural talent as your little brother (seriously, it's just unfair sometimes!), but Grandpa never failed to be impressed by your progress with the martial arts, and Goku's greater talent only pushed you to train harder to stay ahead of your little brother. Neither of you held a candle to Grandpa, of course.
  • Boy/Girl of the Wild: Your Grandpa once said he chose Mt. Paozu to live in because it was isolated from the rest of the world and the beasts in the area are some of the most dangerous in the world. Growing up in that kind of environment has made you very independent and self-sufficient, and you have a special bond with animals; it's easy for you to befriend even very aggressive predators, though sometimes you have to beat the friendship into them. You're also very good at finding what you need to survive, and it's done wonders for your physical attributes: you're strong, you're fast, you're tough, and your senses are very well honed.

  • Uneducated: You showed more interest in the things your grandfather tried to teach that weren't martial arts than Goku did, but that's not saying much. You can do simple arithmetic and can read and write on a basic level, but that's about as far as your education goes. Growing up in the wilderness with a wild boy and an aged hermit didn't do wonders for your social graces and knowledge of the outside world, either.
  • Unfinished (Martial) Education: Grandpa died before he taught you more than the basics of his martial art. Of course, even the basics of the Turtle School stand head and shoulders above the chaff that today's martial arts schools produce. Your technique is impressive, but still raw and unpolished. Against opponents skilled in deception and finesse, you'll find yourself at a distinct disadvantage.

  • No, this character is not a Saiyan.
  • Minimum age is 12, maximum age is 16.
  • Your family name is set to "Son." A name similar to your grandfather and brother is preferred, but not required (just assume it was sewn into your blanket or something).
  • This is the only option that can ride the Flying Nimbus. Technically you both have joint custody over the Power Pole, but since you beat Goku at rock-paper-scissors you get to decide when you let him use it and for how long.
  • Having you around to help (read: force) him to study means that Goku is slightly smarter than canon. He still has trouble with arithmetic and he can barely write anything that isn't his name, though. Not really your fault, though, since you're not much better.
  • Starting Power Level: 15.
[ ] Son of Heaven
Backstory: You're a bit of an oddity, even in a world that has an anthropomorphic dog for a king. You have pointy ears, antennae on your head, and your skin is green, smooth and completely hairless, with pink patches in certain places, like on the palms of your hands. But your appearance is nothing compared to what you're capable of. You only need sunlight and a little water to survive, and you're stronger than most of the humans you've encountered in your short life, even ones who have trained for years in the martial arts. You also have strange abilities, that some superstitious people have called magic. You grew up alone, able to defend yourself ever since you awoke from your egg in the middle of nowhere, your name somehow burned into your mind. From then until now, you have wandered, and seen what the people of Earth are like. You have seen saints and sinners, people who welcomed you with open arms and kind words and people who ran in fear or attacked you on sight. You'd thought you'd seen everything this world had to offer, until today…

  • Canon Character Relationship (Unknown Father) – Kami: Unbeknownst to you, your father is Kami, who spat you out as an egg and left it in the wild, for reasons known only to him and perhaps Mr. Popo. Though he has never interfered directly in your life or revealed himself to you, he does resort to indirect methods at times, to smooth your way and ensure your safety as you learn and grow. You've never consciously realized it, but sometimes, when you're all alone, you feel like someone is watching you, just out of sight, but it's not an unpleasant feeling. It almost feels like someone is watching over you…
  • Green Drifter: You've seen much of the world in the years you've been alive, wandering from place to place. You've seen untouched wilderness and big cities both, and you know how to survive in both, without any help. Sometimes you have to get creative, but no matter where you go, you'll always figure out how to stay alive and get ahead.
  • Dragon Clan: You aren't sure how or why, but you can do things that no one you've ever met can do. Some have called them magic; one old martial artist you met once said it might be some kind of "ki technique" or something along those lines. Either way, the fact remains: you can heal minor wounds with a touch, and sometimes you can hear someone's thoughts or communicate your own thoughts to someone else; it makes your antennae twitch when you do that. And sometimes, when you're in danger, you can release a powerful blast of light from your hands.

  • Eternal Stranger: You've never been able to stay in one place, and you always feel like a stranger, wherever you go. You're just too… different, to fit in with the people you meet and the places you go. Even in the places that are warm and welcoming just don't feel like home to you, and inevitably you find some reason to leave. You aren't exactly unfriendly, but you're a loner by nature and you don't talk much unless you have something that you need to say.
  • No Education: You have no parents, you have no home, and you've certainly never attended school. Sometimes you've stayed in one place to learn a thing or two from someone who's being kind to you, and other times you've traveled with others that you could learn from, but that only goes so far. You learned to add and subtract, but you're functionally illiterate; the most you can do is sign your name. Of course, you're actually quite smart for your age (by Human standards, anyway; you're not sure if you're smart by the standards of… whatever you are). This also counts for martial arts; everything you've learned about fighting, you've learned through a combination of instinct and experience.

  • No, you don't know how to make Dragon Balls, and you won't learn how without years of training from Kami or another Namekian who can do it. Kami knew how thanks to residual memories/magic training, and they're the end-goal of Dragon Clan magic; Dende was/will be a magical prodigy who got his true potential unlocked by Guru.
  • No, you do not have the same connection to Kami that King Piccolo and Piccolo Jr. do; you're his son, not a split half of him/a reincarnation of the split half of him. You won't die just because he does.
  • Your appearance must resemble Kami/Piccolo. For your name, a musical instrument is preferred but not required. Gender, of course, is locked to Male (you can choose not to identify as such, but until you tell them otherwise you will be assumed to be male by everyone you meet). No minimum age; maximum age is 16 (unlike Piccolo, you reach adulthood at a normal pace, though you'll age much more slowly once you get there).
  • Starting Power Level: 10.
[ ] Son of the Dragon
Backstory: Many of the cities of this world, particularly the Five Directional Cities, like to believe that they live in a world without the magical and the wondrous. To them, the heroes and martial artists of old are simple fairy tales, the monsters they faced mere boogiemen to scare their children, and the great magical artifacts they wielded and fought over to be nothing but legends. But outside of them, in the many villages, towns and kingdoms where the so-called World Government's grasp is hardly the barest brushing of fingertips, people know better. In places like your home, the old days still live on.
From time immemorial, many great warriors have also been great kings (and some have been… not so great). It is customary in the world of the martial arts to give famous warriors a title to reflect their status; some are unique to an individual, while others are used and reused, either to reflect the passage of the mantle from master to student, or as part of a family tradition. Great martial artists who are also rulers in their own right are called "Heavenly Beast Kings," and are traditionally given the name of an animal, such as "Ox King." Which title has precedence over which is extremely debatable, but for one exception: the Dragon rules over all. The title of Dragon King is one of the most feared and respected in the martial arts, and his kingdom is considered a haven and a Mecca for martial artists.
The current Dragon King is your father, who inherited the title from his father before him. You are the last of seven children, and only by proving yourself the most powerful of them all and becoming a warrior without equal can you earn your father's title for yourself. Like all of your brothers and sisters (the title of Dragon King is genderless), you have been groomed and raised to be a great warrior and a wise and benevolent ruler. You count as your trainers some of the greatest warriors in the world, your father's own personal guard, the Dragon Knights. Once or twice, when you've proven exceptionally diligent and skilled, your father has even deigned to teach you himself.
You thought you would live your entire life like this, training to succeed your father and become the next Dragon King, and rule the people of your kingdom. But today that changes. Today, a chance encounter will change the course of your life…

  • Connections: You are the Seventh Son of the Dragon King, a man who is revered as one of the greatest warriors living, spoken of in the same breath as men like the Turtle Hermit and the Bloody Crane and the king of a small but prosperous and well-ruled kingdom that is considered the beating heart of the martial arts world. All who know the martial arts know that name, and it can open many doors if you are willing to use it. Take care not to do that too much, though: your father despises people who coast through life on the reputations of others. At times, you can also call upon the Dragon Knights or your siblings, or maybe even your father, for assistance, but again, you are a Son of the Dragon, and no one ever became a hero by relying on his father to do everything for him.
  • Trained By The Masters: You have received personal tutoring from some of the most skilled martial artists in the world, and it shows. Your form is spectacular, your physical conditioning is superb, and your mind is as sharp a weapon as any blade. Not only are you stronger than someone your age has any right to be, you're also very good at learning from others, whether that be in formal instruction or just from watching them.
  • Classical Education: The royal tutors have taught you just as rigorously and ably as the Dragon Knights have trained you. You are well-versed in everything expected of a member of the royal family: your manners are impeccable, you can sing and dance, play music, and create and critique art. You are knowledgeable (for your age) in the fields of math, science, history and literature, in the many facets of administration and diplomacy, and perhaps most importantly, in the myths and legends of the world. You know more about magic and magical artifacts than most people are aware exists, even though you yourself cannot do magic (yet).

  • Serious Business: No offense, but you've got a bit of a stick up your ass, my friend. Considering you're royalty who's hardly ever left the palace, much less the kingdom, I suppose that's not really unexpected. You don't have much experience with (or tolerance for) crass or crude people, and your sense of humor leaves something to be desired. You're rather gullible, too. And sometimes… you just take things too seriously. Even silly things, like the time your brother told you that you had to marry that village girl that snuck into the palace courtyard to get her ball back because she fell on you and was now "soiled," and you immediately went to her parents' house to ask for her hand. That day was the first time you heard your father laugh, actually.
  • Honorable Conduct: Deception is one of the core tenets of the martial arts. Even your father says that. And yet… it's just hard for you to accept, at least on an instinctual level. You have a tendency towards fair play thanks to the high-minded ideals about good rulership and what it means to be both a warrior and a king that have been instilled into you. It's not so bad that you'll insist on a fair and gentlemanly fight when innocent lives are at stake, and you certainly aren't naïve enough to expect fair play from evil enemies, but you have trouble committing to actions that you consider unfair or unbecoming of you.

  • Basically, this is the option for a more original character who doesn't have as much connection to the established characters and storyline. And no, you will never be locked out of participating in the canon storyline, and I will always make it clear what options will lead you to it. This is just if you want something more other than "X's best friend."
  • No, your father is not the "Get Out of Jail Free" card. He loves you, but he's stern, distant, and believes strongly in tough love; he outright expects you to put your life on the line to get stronger, and while he'll be sad if you die, it's simply the life of a warrior. Also, yes, he's technically stronger than Master Roshi, in that he has a slightly higher power level. But that's no guarantee he'd win in a fight. Don't expect the Dragon Warriors or your siblings to save your ass from the likes of Mercenary Tao or King Piccolo, either, though they can assist you, depending on the circumstances.
  • Surprisingly enough, this is actually the option where magic plays the largest part, rather than the Namekian one. The difference is that, while you can learn magic, you're more likely to simply pick up some really cool magical swag. And yes, at least some of it will remain relevant even if this quest extends into Z.
  • This might look like Easy Mode, but it's not. It's not the hardest option presented here, but you definitely won't be breezing through everything. And that's all I'll say about that.
  • For your name, something Asian would be preferred, though no required. Chinese or Japanese would, of course, be the most obvious, but anything suitably Oriental will do, especially if it's dragon-related. Minimum age is 10, maximum age is 13.
  • Starting Power Level: 25.
[ ] Son of (a) Man
Backstory: … Honestly? You're no one special, not really. You're pretty smart, but you're no genius. You're pretty good in gym, but you aren't breaking any records. You think you're not bad to look at, but you're not really leaving a trail of broken hearts behind you. Your family is upper middle class, and there's little indication they'll climb any higher than that on the socio-economic totem pole. You'll admit to being above-average, but certainly not special.
You do have a friend that's special, though. A very good friend at that, if a spoiled and needy one sometimes. You and Bulma Briefs, second daughter of the world-renowned Professor Briefs (founder of Capsule Corporation and creator of the world-changing Hoi-Poi Capsules), have been best friends since pre-school. Even though Bulma was smarter than most adults even back then, you two hit it off when you shared your blocks with her (she somehow made a robot out of them). Since then, you two have been constant companions; you go to her house when you want to be excited and amazed and live in a world where the fantastic happens, and she goes to yours when she wants to be a normal girl who lives in a world full of normal people for a while.
You never thought anything would change, until Bulma found a weird orange orb with red stars on it that somehow got in her laundry. Out of curiosity, she searched high and low for clues on what it could be, dragging you along the whole way. Eventually, the two of you found an old mystic who told you that it was one of the legendary Dragon Balls, and that if you collected all seven, you could summon Shenron, the Eternal Dragon, to grant your wish. You thought it was a load of garbage, but Bulma ate it right up. She studied the ball and – after a lot of coffee-fueled all-nighters – found that it emitted a strange energy signature, and quickly built a tracking device that would hone in on that signature. She left to find the rest as soon as summer vacation started, and of course you went along with her. She's practically hopeless without you, and hey, you always wanted to have some excitement in your life.

  • Canon Character Relationship (Best Friends) – Bulma Brief: You're both far from the others' only friend, but you both know that no one will ever be a better friend. You grew up alongside each other and you've both always had the other's back, ready to step in and help or just lend a sympathetic ear.
  • Voice of Reason: Mrs. Brief (and no, you never did learn her name. You're pretty sure Bulma doesn't know her name) always liked to say that you were a very calming influence on Bulma, and she's right. It's not just Bulma, either; you've got a knack for getting people to calm down and talk things out like sane, rational people, and you're just as good at getting them to see things the sane and rational way: your way. Of course, it's not a superpower or anything; you're not going to convince a murderous psychopath bent on death and destruction to hang up his Mad Max leathers and go work a 9 to 5 at the local flower store, but it's much easier to reason with people who actually can be reasoned with.

  • Nothing Special: You really are just an average guy/gal. You're no technological genius, you didn't even know magic existed until recently (and still don't believe it does, to be honest) and you've never had even the slightest bit of martial arts training. You don't even have all that much natural talent related to those fields. What are you even doing here?

  • No, this is not the super-genius option where you unravel the secrets of ki and magic and put them in a bottle, and then reverse-engineer Gero's android technology to the public as an encore. Partly because there's already a very good quest for that sort of thing and partly because I really do not have any interest in writing that kind of story, nor do I have much confidence in being able to write it well. I will allow you to point out applications of things Bulma invents that she doesn't consider, if they're something a person of above-average intelligence would reasonably come up with, but I'd really, really like it if that's as far as it went.
  • This is Very Hard Mode, at least if you don't want to be Launch 2.0: you're starting out as a completely normal person who is about to embark on a very abnormal journey. You don't have any bonuses to learning ki or magic (you still can, obviously, it's just much harder), and if you want technological goodies you'll have to ask Bulma to make them for you like everyone else.
  • No restrictions on name, though something that is a pun is preferable. Age is locked to 16, gender can be male or female.
  • Yes, it is possible for you to become an Android. Depending on how that happens it'll be a Bad End. Even in the best-case scenario, your power (relative to the other Z Warriors, not in absolute numbers) will be more in line with Androids 19 and 20 than with 17 and 18, at least at first. There is no quick and easy route to making a Super Saiyan your bitch here, although such a thing is quite possible.
  • You want to waifu Bulma? Be prepared for an uphill battle; you're pretty far in the friend zone and will need to put in a lot of work to get out of it.
  • Starting Power Level: 5
[ ] Son of... Who again?
-[ ] Write-In (Please be reasonable about this. No power level higher than 25 at the very most, the first pro is free but after that you need to make a con for each pro, no more than 3 pros and 2 cons, and no Androids or non-Namekian aliens. Yes, Majins count as aliens. I'm sorry, I love the idea of them being their own race, but no.)

[ ] Son of the Future
Backstory: Androids rise and terrorize the world. In one timeline, the worlds most brilliant living person, Bulma Briefs, invented a time machine and sent her son back in time to try and save the world. In this one, she built a spaceship and sent him on a Hail Mary pass to try to find New Namek and use one of their Dragon Balls to save the world. He succeeded, depending on your meaning of success. He made it to Namek and used the Dragon Balls, yes, but the wish was where things got tricky. There was no conventional way to solve the problem, the androids were stronger then the dragon and could not be destroyed via wish, the other hero's were dead for too long to be brought back, and bringing the population back was pointless if the Androids would just kill them again. So, he wished that everyone on the planet who was not a mass murderer be taken somewhere they would be safe and happy. Unfortunately for him, during his journey the Android known as Cell activated and began absorbing people. It absorbed everyone, everyone except you. You are the sole survivor if the planet earth and though you know not how you got here to this strange time decades before your own birth you swear to not let all that death be in vain.

  • Driven: You know what happens to this world if you don't do anything. You have survived the apocalypse, you were born after the world had ended and you wound up here in this strange past when it finally died. Nothing will stop you from never seeing the face of that dark future again.
  • Future Knowledge: You are from the future, and know things others don't. For instance, your family had old tapes of some of the World Martial Art Tournaments you would watch in a capsule home with a portable. You know who the strongest man in the world is, who you can go to to become stronger. More to the point, you know who's to blame for the Androids and presumably that green monster you saw just before the end. The Red Ribbon Army. Hopefully, you can take it down before they end the world.
  • Quick Learner: You never had much time to learn, so you learned quickly. Not math or science or anything like that, none of those tools for evil, you never had time for that. You once saw someone doing something called parkour, using it run away from dangerous areas quicker than anyone else could. You saw a boxer beat down a gang of bandits once. You saw your brother make a cast for a broken arm, once. You saw your mother make a bow and arrows, once, and you only saw her hunt once. You saw so so many things just once or twice or just a handful of times, and you did a lot with those lessons.

  • Future Knowledge: You come from the future and you know just enough information to be dangerous. Unfortunately, that goes both way. You think the world's strongest man is Jackie Chun as the tapes your family owned of the tournaments after that were destroyed. You have no idea that the man who built the Androids was Dr.Gero, or that it happened decades after the Red Ribbon Army was destroyed, or even that the Androids are really Cyborgs. You don't even know when the Red Ribbon Army was destroyed.
  • Warped Perception, because Future Knowledge is not going to be the title of three separate points: You were born and raised after the world ended, you don't really know what the world was like before that or how to act in a world where everyone isn't out for survival. You aren't stupid, actually you're quite cunning and intelligent, but your social skills and naivety might be just as bad as Goku's in their own way.

  • This character is starts at the same time frame as the others.
  • Preferable an asian name please, bonus points if it has a meaning that is somehow appropriate for the character.
  • Minimum age 10 and maximum 15.
  • Despite not being good with people and growing up in a horrible, everyone out for themself future, that does not mean you are anti-social or dislike people or are a ruthless jerk. Just the opposite, due to lacking those things you crave them even more, you wish to and seek to be around other as often as you can, you strive to be kind when possible and help others. This world is wondrous, what with all it's food and people not killing each other for scraps and the water and someone just gave you an ice cream because you were alone and looking emotional and it's just beautiful.
  • You are wary of robots.
  • Starting Power Level: 12

Okay, now how about the rest?

[ ] Name
[ ] Gender
[ ] Age
[ ] Appearance (I accept both a description and a picture, though I'd prefer the latter)
Last edited:
Character Sheet(s)
Gender: Male
Age: 12

Health: 5
Ki Shield: 6
Ki Reserves: 6
Physical Attributes
Agility: 5 (4.5 + 0.5)
Might: 5
Reflex: 5
Skill: 5.5 (5 + 0.5)
Speed: 5

Mental Attributes
Awareness: 5.5
Intuition: 3.5
Smarts: 4.5
Wit: 6

Spiritual Attributes
Ki: 6 (5+1)
Magic: N/A
Martial Arts: 7 (6+1)

Weapon Attributes
Weapon Ki: 6 (3 + 3, capped)
Weapon Skill: 6 (4 + 2)
Weapon Speed: 5 (3 + 2)
Connections: Bonus to social interactions against those who are aware of your family name. Certain social actions are unlocked/altered.

Trained By The Masters: +3 points distributed between Physical and Spiritual Attributes. Gain more points from training when under the supervision of someone who knows what they're doing.

Classical Education: +0.5 to Checks involving the arts you were trained in. +0.5 to Checks involving the subjects of your education. +1 to Checks involving myth, legend and magical lore.

Serious Business: Certain social actions are hindered/locked out. -2 to Intuition when attempting to discern falsehood.

Honorable Conduct: +0.5 to one Check during a duel for honor, -1.5 to Checks when attempting to commit dishonorable, underhanded or deceptive actions.

Knack (Ki Manipulation): +1 bonus to Ki when making a Check that involves using a Ki Technique. Slightly easier to learn Ki Techniques.

Phoenix Cap: Once per day, you can add +2 to Ki and +0.5 to all Physical Attributes for one round of combat.
Connections: You are the Seventh Son of the Dragon King, a man who is revered as one of the greatest warriors living, spoken of in the same breath as men like the Turtle Hermit and the Bloody Crane and the king of a small but prosperous and well-ruled kingdom that is considered the beating heart of the martial arts world. All who know the martial arts know that name, and it can open many doors if you are willing to use it. Take care not to do that too much, though: your father despises people who coast through life on the reputations of others. At times, you can also call upon the Dragon Knights or your siblings, or maybe even your father, for assistance, but again, you are a Son of the Dragon, and no one ever became a hero by relying on his father to do everything for him.

Trained By The Masters: You have received personal tutoring from some of the most skilled martial artists in the world, and it shows. Your form is spectacular, your physical conditioning is superb, and your mind is as sharp a weapon as any blade. Not only are you stronger than someone your age has any right to be, you're also very good at learning from others, whether that be in formal instruction or just from watching them.

Classical Education: The royal tutors have taught you just as rigorously and ably as the Dragon Knights have trained you. You are well-versed in everything expected of a member of the royal family: your manners are impeccable, you can sing and dance, play music, and create and critique art. You are knowledgeable (for your age) in the fields of math, science, history and literature, in the many facets of administration and diplomacy, and perhaps most importantly, in the myths and legends of the world. You know more about magic and magical artifacts than most people are aware exists, even though you yourself cannot do magic (yet).

Serious Business: No offense, but you've got a bit of a stick up your ass, my friend. Considering you're royalty who's hardly ever left the palace, much less the kingdom, I suppose that's not really unexpected. You don't have much experience with (or tolerance for) crass or crude people, and your sense of humor leaves something to be desired. You're rather gullible, too. And sometimes… you just take things too seriously. Even silly things, like the time your brother told you that you had to marry that village girl that snuck into the palace courtyard to get her ball back because she fell on you and was now "soiled," and you immediately went to her parents' house to ask for her hand. That day was the first time you heard your father laugh, actually.

Honorable Conduct: Deception is one of the core tenets of the martial arts. Even your father says that. And yet… it's just hard for you to accept, at least on an instinctual level. You have a tendency towards fair play thanks to the high-minded ideals about good rulership and what it means to be both a warrior and a king that have been instilled into you. It's not so bad that you'll insist on a fair and gentlemanly fight when innocent lives are at stake, and you certainly aren't naïve enough to expect fair play from evil enemies, but you have trouble committing to actions that you consider unfair or unbecoming of you.

Knack (Ki Manipulation): Though all true martial artists know how to manipulate the ki in their body to increase their power, you have a certain natural talent for it, which you've made sure to expand upon through practice. Not only is it easier for you to learn and discover new techniques that are based solely in the manipulation of ki, you can use the ones you do know with greater efficiency, making ki-based Techniques more powerful without expending more of your ki.

Phoenix Cap: You own a cap stuck with a feather from the legendary Vermilion Phoenix, who gave up the fire of her life to rekindle the sun. When you wear this cap, you can will the feather to catch fire. When it does, you will be filled with the energy and vitality of a phoenix until the feather is reduced entirely to ashes. But if this cap catches the first rays of dawn's light, the feather will regrow in the cap once more."
Reppūshō (Gale Palm): A technique you created yourself, you got the idea for this technique when you witnessed one of the Dragon Knights send four students flying with a single yell. You use ki to gather and compress wind into your hand, creating a powerful gale that you can release on command. Currently has enough power to send a grown man flying several feet through the air.
Type: Pure Ki
Cost: 1.5 Ki Reserves
Effect: Normal damage. Launches enemy out of melee range. Enemy must make a Might+Wit Check to avoid taking -0.5 to Agility, Awareness & Reflex for 2 turns due to disorientation and temporary loss of balance.

Minor Ki Healing: A technique you gleaned from skimming over the "Dragon's Nine Yang Manual." You can channel your own ki into a healing force that empowers the body's natural healing powers; this speeds the healing process for wounds and helps recover from fatigue or exhaustion. By laying your hand upon someone, you can visit this benefit upon them as well.
Type: Esoteric
Cost: 1 Ki Reserves
Effect: Health and Burned Attributes heal at a rate of 2 points per day instead of 1, and Ki Shield recovers at a rate of 2 per hour instead of 1.

Ki Healing: A more powerful form of the Minor Ki Healing technique, learned by performing exercises from the "Dragon's Nine Yang Manual" and practicing the technique during your training with Goku and Bulma. It works exactly like the Minor version, but you are able to safely channel more of your own ki to heal damage more quickly.
Type: Esoteric
Cost: 1.5 Ki Reserves
Effect: Health and Burned Attributes heal at a rate of 3 points per day instead of 1, and Ki Shield recovers at a rate of 3 per hour instead of 1.
Gender: Male
Age: 12

Health: 5.5
Ki Shield: 4
Ki Reserves: 4
Physical Attributes
Agility: 5 (4.5 + 0.5)
Might: 5.5 (5 + 0.5)
Reflex: 5 (4.5 + 0.5)
Skill: 4.5 (4 + 0.5)
Speed: 5 (4.5 + 0.5)

Mental Attributes
Awareness: 3.5
Intuition: 3.5
Smarts: 2.5 (3 - 0.5)
Wits: 3 (3.5 - 0.5)

Spiritual Attributes
Ki: 4
Magic: N/A
Martial Arts: 5.5

Weapon Attributes
Weapon Ki: 4 (3 + 1, capped)
Weapon Skill: 5 (3 + 2)
Weapon Speed: 4.5 (2.5 + 2)
Martial Prodigy: Gains more points from training. Greater chance to learn new techniques/unlock new power in the middle of a fight.

Chasing Tail: Tail allows transformation into the Great Ape when the full moon is seen. If tail is cut off, temporarily lose -0.5 to all Physical Attributes. If tail is regrown, temporarily gain +0.5 to all Physical Attributes.

Wild Child: +0.5 to all Physical Attributes.

Uneducated: -0.5 to Smarts and Wits. Automatically fails any Check to recall general knowledge of most subjects.

Naïve Fighter: -1 to Checks in combat when opponent uses sneaky/deceptive tactics/techniques.

Weapon - Nyoi-Bo: You are the user of the magical Nyoi-Bo, a nearly unbreakable staff that can extend to incredible lengths at will. In combat, you can use this ability for increased mobility, ranged attacks... the only real limit is your skill and creativity. Also, +2 to Checks to use Weapon Techniques using this weapon.
Janken-Po: A technique of the Son Branch of the Turtle School of Martial Arts, invented by Son Gohan and passed on to Son Goku. Based on the children's game "rock, scissors, paper," the user strikes with a punch (rock), a poke to the eyes (scissors), and a palm strike (paper). The user can deceive opponents who are familiar with the technique by calling out a different strike than is used; i.e. yelling "Scissors!" and then punching them.
Type: Physical Cost: None
Effect: Allows user to make 3 attacks in a row. Can be used as a deceptive tactic.

Thunder Hammer:
A technique that Goku invented when he attempted to copy Jin's Gale Palm, later refined with Jin's help into its present state. The user simply channels a large quantity of ki into his fist and throws a powerful punch, expelling the ki with the force of a mighty hammer strike.
Type: Physical Cost: 3 Ki
Effect: Adds +2 to Damage if it connects.
Gender: Female
Age: 16

Health: 1
Ki Shield: 1
Ki Reserves: 1
Physical Attributes
Agility: 1.5
Might: 1
Reflex: 1.5
Skill: 4.5
Speed: 1.5

Mental Attributes
Awareness: 5
Intuition: 5
Smarts: 9 (6+3)
Wit: 5.5

Spiritual Attributes
Ki: 1
Magic: N/A
Martial Arts: 0.5
Brief Family Brains: Smarts Attribute is increased by 1/2 base value.
Gender: Male
Age: 16

Health: 4.5
Ki Shields: 4
Ki Reserves: 4
Physical Attributes
Agility: 5 (4 + 1)
Might: 4.5
Reflex: 5 (4 + 1)
Skill: 4.5
Speed: 5.5 (4.5 + 1)

Mental Attributes
Awareness: 4.5 (3.5 + 1)
Intuition: 4.5
Smarts: 3
Wit: 5 (4 + 1)

Spiritual Attributes
Ki: 4
Magic: N/A
Martial Arts: 4.5
Speed Demon: +1 to Agility, Reflex and Speed

Watchful Bandit: +1 to Awareness and Wit

I Can't Talk to Girls!: If looking directly at a pretty girl, automatically fail all Checks.
Wolf Fang Fist: A technique used by the Wolf Fang Clan of the Diablo Desert; Yamcha is the last surviving practitioner. The technique is a flurry of punching and clawing, finishing off with a double palm strike. The user channels ki through their body to not only empower the strikes, but also to greatly increase the speed of the user when he attacks. When using this technique, the user's aura will take on the appearance of a spectral wolf, the totem animal of the Wolf Fang Clan.
Type: Physical
Cost: 2 Ki Reserves
Effect: Adds +1 to Speed for 1 round when used. +1 to Damage if it connects.
Gender: Female?
Age: ???

Health: 1
Magic Reserves: 6
Physical Attributes
Agility: 1
Might: 1
Reflex: 1
Skill: 1
Speed: 2

Mental Attributes
Awareness: 4.5
Intuition: 4.5
Smarts: 5
Wit: 4

Spiritual Attributes
Ki: N/A
Magic: 6
Martial Arts: N/A
Black Magic Woman: Can use magic.

Mistress of Form: Shapeshifting requires no upkeep.
Shapeshifting: An ancient and powerful magic technique, used for both great good and great evil by mighty heroes and twisted villains alike. Puar uses it to help a petty bandit rob people on desert roads. I guess that's what graduating from a first-rate Magic Kindergarten gets you these days…
Type: Esoteric
Cost: None
Effect: User can transform into almost any form; the minimum size is a cockroach, the maximum size is a tyrannosaurus rex. Attributes do not change between forms.

Minor Flight: Pretty much what it sounds like. Puar learned this one in Magic Elementary School.
Type: Esoteric
Cost: 1 Magic over the course of a day
Effect: User is able to fly using magic. Well, not "fly" really, they just kind of drift in the air at anything from normal walking to normal running speed, and can't go much higher than eye level with the average grown man. It saves them from sore feet, though.
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Quest Mechanics
The first thing to make clear is that this system is, by and large, going to be based on/lifted from the RWBY Diceless RPG, which is currently a WIP that you can find online by just googling that name. I've chosen it for two reasons:
  1. It doesn't require any dice, coin flips, or other elements of chance. A character can either do something, or they can't.
  2. It's very light on rules so I don't have to spend much if any time crunching numbers, looking through modifiers, etc. Again, this is my first time as GM; I figure it'll go much more smoothly for all involved if we keep this simple.

As you read this, you may wonder how the massive power spike that occurs as soon as Dragon Ball Z starts will be handled if this quest gets that far and I decide to do it. The answer is that I'll start a new quest where this one leaves off and throw this system out; it's really not designed to handle planet-busting levels of power.
To determine whether a character can do something, you combine the sum of 2 individual Attributes (or in some cases, only use one). This is a check.

You then compare the check to the number you need to exceed to do what you're trying to do (that will, of course, be determined by me). If your number is lower or equal to it, you fail or you succeed with some cost. There are no critical successes or failures; your degree of success or failure doesn't really matter, except in calculating damage during combat.

You will generally be told the difficulty of most actions where you are dealing with the environment/a specific situation before you attempt it. You will not be told the difficulty when opposing a creature or person until you attempt it.

Other people can assist in a Check. In cases where someone assisting you would reasonably increase your chances of success, they can use the same Attributes that you use in the Check to assist you, but their result is halved and added to your own.
Characters are represented statistically by Attributes. The Attributes quantify a character's raw capabilities, and are used to derive their abilities in and out of combat.

Attributes are split into 3 groups: Physical, Mental, and Spiritual.

Physical Attributes
Agility: The degree of control the character has over their body. This includes any task that involves motor skills and/or flexibility.

Might: Represents your physical strength. Tasks involving Might include things like pushing a large boulder or climbing a hill. Also calculates Health.

Reflex: A character's reaction time. Tasks involving this attribute might involve stepping out of the way of falling debris, catching a pickpocket, or dodging a ki blast.

Skill: Represents your ability to pick up and correctly apply non-combat physical skills including, but not limited to, lock picking, driving a motorcycle and basket weaving.

Speed: Represents how fast you are. This can be applied to any task that involves getting from Point A to Point B.

Note: This is all assuming the character in question is a ki user. A non-ki user's Physical Attributes are all treated as half their actual number for most (but not all) purposes. Of course, there are certain equalizers, such as magic spells/artifacts or very advanced technology.

Mental Attributes

Awareness: Represents how attuned you are to your surroundings as well as your ability to focus. These tasks could be anything from staying awake for long periods of time to hearing a bunch of bandits trying to sneak up on you.

Intuition: Represents the accuracy of your instincts. This includes: not freezing up when coming face to face with a huge dinosaur ready to eat you, determining whether a person is lying to you by looking at them, etc.

Smarts: How likely you are to remember a useful piece of information. This involves anything of academic nature, or even just remembering what way is north.

Wit: Represents how quickly you understand what's going on, and most commonly associated with intelligence. Tasks involving Wit generally involve connecting the proverbial dots or understanding a difficult concept.

Spiritual Attributes
Ki: Your ability to utilize the power within your own body. You want to fire energy blasts? Right here. Also calculates Shield and Ki Reserves.

Magic: Your ability to utilize the power within the world. You want to turn a person into a carrot? Right here. Also calculated Magic Reserves.

Martial Arts: Your level of skill in the martial arts. This can apply not only to simple combat, but also to the mental and spiritual aspects of the arts.

Attributes are increased through training and - very rarely - as a direct result of combat.

For obvious reasons, all three of the above require training and study (or… alternative methods) to unlock during gameplay. Otherwise, they're stuck at 0.
A character's Attributes as presented above are the character's normal limits to what they can do at a given time. You can, however, surpass these limits by having the character push themselves further to great effect (and detriment.)

You can choose to burn an attribute or multiple attributes before making a check, but the bonus only lasts until the next time the character makes a check (or when the task is complete). At that point, the attributes reset to their normal value, subtracting the previous bonus.

You can also burn the same attribute multiple times, using the new (burned) number as the base. You cannot, however burn an attribute for more points then you currently have, and a burnt attribute can't go lower than zero.

When any attribute reaches zero, the character loses consciousness. Since the burnt attributes revert to their new (burned) values immediately the turn ends, that's when you lose consciousness due to being Burned Out.

The Ki attribute is a special case; when burning your Ki, you instead burn all of your physical and mental attributes for the same number points immediately, and again for every round you continue doing so. The most obvious effect to burning your Ki is increased shield/health while burning, increased Ki Reserves, and increased power in attacks that require Ki.

Pushing Magic does not burn the attribute, but requires additional expenditure of Magic Reserves equal to the number of points the Magic attribute is pushed for.

Burned Attributes will recover over time, which can be sped up by receiving healing from various sources. Normally, one day of rest is sufficient to recover 1 point to each Attribute that's been Burned.
Here's how it's going to work: When combat starts, you will get to choose from a general course of action, or write your own: the write-in can be as detailed as you want it to be, and I might award a temporary bonus if your reasoning is strong and the course of action is particularly good. The votes will generally be things like "attack aggressively," "fight defensively," "look for weaknesses," etc.

Once you've voted on the course of action, the two sides will Clash as they each make Checks opposing the other. Sometimes an update during a fight will only have that one Check; other times there may be more due to the circumstances of the fight (i.e. your opponent's attack kicks up a bunch of rocks you have to dodge in addition to trying to attack him).

To burn Attributes in addition to taking a course of action, use the following Template:
[ ] Do such-and-such action.
-[ ] Burn x amount of Ki in y category.

Here are several examples of how to Burn multiple Attributes:

-[ ] Burn 1 Speed
-[ ] Burn 1 Speed and 2 Agility
-[ ] Burn 1 in all Attributes except Ki
-[ ] Burn 1 in all Physical Attributes
-[ ] Burn 1 in all non-Spiritual Attributes
-[ ] Burn 1 in all Attributes, burn 0.5 in Ki (this means you're only burning 0.5 Ki, not that you're burning 1.5 Ki. If you specify an amount, then it assumes that you're not lumping it in with the Attributes you're burning in general).

Etc., etc.
It just wouldn't be Dragon Ball without special techniques. When choosing a course of action, you get to choose one or more Techniques to use, and can specify how you're going to use them. For example, you can decide on a plan to counter a beam attack an enemy is charging up with a beam of your own, and specify that you want to use the Kamehameha (as opposed to, I don't know, the Kikoho).

Each Technique has something one or more unique properties (example: "Enemy is stunned for 1 round, cannot use Awareness Attribute for 2 rounds"); some Techniques have a quality that makes them great to use anytime, while others are pretty situational.

Techniques are also classed into separate categories, which can interact with each other in different ways. The categories are: Physical, Pure Ki, and Esoteric.
As an example, many Pure Ki-type techniques are ranged attacks that don't require a Check to close in with a distant opponent, and
As your character learns and grows on their adventures, they will probably pick up Traits. Traits represent things about them: a certain knack for a certain kind of skill, a deficiency in another, a special weapon or magical talisman they possess, etc. A Trait gives some kind of bonus or malus; this can be either very broad ("+0.5 to all Physical Attributes") or very narrow (+2 to Ki when using Kamehameha).

The Pros and Cons you saw at the start of Character Creation were actually your first Traits, BTW.
Okay, here's how armed combat is going to work: there's a class of Attributes that only applies when you're wielding a weapon. Those are:

Weapon Ki: How effectively you can channel ki through this weapon to empower it or perform ki-based attacks using it. Cannot be higher than your Ki Attribute. If you can't use Ki, you use Might instead.

Weapon Skill: Your actual skill with the weapon you're using. This cannot be higher than your Martial Arts or Skill Attribute, whichever is higher.

Weapon Speed: How quickly you can actually bring the weapon to bear and attack with it. With some exceptions (i.e. stuff like guns and other ranged weapons), this cannot be higher than your Speed Attribute.

These Attributes have a "base" score for each character, and are modified by the weapon that character is using at the time. Switch from a sword to an axe, some of those may drop while some may increase. The "base" and "true" Attributes are modified by the character and the weapon they're using: a trained warrior will use a weapon better than an amateur, a master swordsman will get more out of a sword than he will a spear, and an unbreakable magical sword crafted by a master blacksmith will be better than something you pick up at your local pawn shop.

You may point out that the caps, combined with having 3 new Attributes that you'll have to train, seem like some pretty hefty downsides. Well, you're not entirely wrong. To balance that out, there are a few bonuses, namely that:

Many actions are simply easier to do with a weapon. For example, if you're trying to destroy several inch thick tempered steel, it's easier (i.e. the Check required has a lower difficulty) if you're using a ki-enhanced blade to slice it (10) rather than using your bare hands to pull it apart (12). This also applies for cutting people, even through armor.

There are plenty of magical weapons out there, like the Nyoi-Bo, that have special properties. Those can obviously come in very handy. The Nyoi-Bo, for instance, can be used for mobility during combat just as easily as for hitting things.

Weapon Techniques tend to be more powerful (and lethal) than their bare-handed or pure ki counterparts. They're not as versatile, though; most of them are just new and better (and cooler-looking or long-ranged or whatever) ways to slice something with a sword or otherwise mess sh*t up with a weapon, really.
When at least two people are fighting together, they can assist each other. When one of the combatants makes a Check, the other (if they're in range to do so, of course) can assist him, granting that Check a bonus. To do this, he adds 1/2 of one of his own attributes (whichever would be most appropriate to the way he's assisting his partner) to his partner's Check. As an example:

Goku, Krillin and Jin are all sparring with Master Roshi. None of them can even touch Roshi, since he's using his combined Martial Arts + Reflex of 20 to easily counter any attack they use.

Jin attacks, his Martial Arts + Speed equaling 15 - not nearly enough.

Goku, however, adds half of his own Martial Arts to Jin's Check by trying to pin Roshi with an attack of his own, adding 3.5 to Jin's check to make it 18.5. Still not enough, but close.

Krillin could do the same, adding another 3.5 to Jin's Check to raise it to 22, more than enough to succeed... if it weren't for the fact that his last attempt at attacking Roshi resulted in him getting knocked into the water, and he's only just dragged himself back onto the beach, so he can't contribute. So Jin and Goku's attempt at cooperation fails as Roshi easily blocks all of Goku's attacks with one hand and bats Jin away with his cane.
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[x] Son of the Dragon

[x] Jin
[x] Male
[x] 12
[ ] Appearance. Looking for a picture.

This sounds the most awesome. Can we go full wuxia mode, go on a quest to become an immortal and challenge Heaven?

And we need a jian sword. Green Destiny needs to be in here.

I stole this from deviant art.
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[x] Son of the Dragon

[ ] Jin
[ ] Male
[ ] 10
[ ] Appearance. Looking for a picture.

This sounds the most awesome. Can we go full wuxia mode, go on a quest to become an immortal and challenge Heaven?

And we need a jian sword. Green Destiny needs to be in here.

There will be strong wuxia elements, especially during Dragon Ball (not sure yet if I'll go into Z) since that's one of its big inspirations at the start, and this is the option that dives into that more than the others. But no, that specific outcome isn't really in the cards, since Guardian of Earth is a position that can only be given, not taken, and Kami isn't even truly immortal, just incredibly long-lived.
You might be able to convince Kami to make you his successor, though. Of course, then you have to talk him out of de-powering the Dragon Balls if you want to keep using them...
There will be strong wuxia elements, especially during Dragon Ball (not sure yet if I'll go into Z) since that's one of its big inspirations at the start, and this is the option that dives into that more than the others. But no, that specific outcome isn't really in the cards, since Guardian of Earth is a position that can only be given, not taken, and Kami isn't even truly immortal, just incredibly long-lived.
You might be able to convince Kami to make you his successor, though. Of course, then you have to talk him out of de-powering the Dragon Balls if you want to keep using them...

I didn't necessarily mean challenge Kami or take his position. I was thinking more like destiny and getting unnaturally powerful. Would eternal life be possible? Wuxia immortals aren't actually immortal they can be killed.
I didn't necessarily mean challenge Kami or take his position. I was thinking more like destiny and getting unnaturally powerful. Would eternal life be possible? Wuxia immortals aren't actually immortal they can be killed.

Considering Master Roshi was able to do it... Yes, it is possible to become a certain value of immortal. Not easy, but possible.
Also, "unnaturally powerful?" This is Dragon Ball, of course you're going to get unnaturally powerful.
[ ] Son of... Who again?
-[ ] Write-In (Please be reasonable about this. No power level higher than 25 at the very most, the first pro is free but after that you need to make a con for each pro, no more than 3 pros and 2 cons, and no Androids or non-Namekian aliens. Yes, Majins count as aliens. I'm sorry, I love the idea of them being their own race, but no.)
How about


You know what, no.

Better idea.


Not sure if I want it or if it would be accepted, but I think it's interesting. Tell me what you think.

I realize it might be a little unclear, but yes, this character's journey starts at more or less the exact same time as the others do. It's just a little more complicated than the others.

[] Son of the Future
-[] Backstory: Androids rise and terrorize the world. In one timeline, the worlds most brilliant living person, Bulma Briefs, invented a time machine and sent her son back in time to try and save the world. In this one, she built a spaceship and sent him on a Hail Mary pass to try to find New Namek and use one of their Dragon Balls to save the world. He succeeded, depending on your meaning of success. He made it to Namek and used the Dragon Balls, yes, but the wish was where things got tricky. There was no conventional way to solve the problem, the androids were stronger then the dragon and could not be destroyed via wish, the other hero's were dead for too long to be brought back, and bringing the population back was pointless if the Androids would just kill them again. So, he wished that everyone on the planet who was not a mass murderer be taken somewhere they would be safe and happy. Unfortunately for him, during his journey the Android known as Cell activated and began absorbing people. It absorbed everyone, everyone except you. You are the sole survivor if the planet earth and though you know not how you got here to this strange time decades before your own birth you swear to not let all that death be in vain.


  • Driven: You know what happens to this world if you don't do anything. You have survived the apocalypse, you were born after the world had ended and you wound up here in this strange past when it finally died. Nothing will stop you from never seeing the face of that dark future again.
  • Future Knowledge: You are from the future, and know things others don't. For instance, your family had old tapes of some of the World Martial Art Tournaments you would watch in a capsule home with a portable. You know who the strongest man in the world is, who you can go to to become stronger. More to the point, you know who's to blame for the Androids and presumably that green monster you saw just before the end. The Red Ribbon Army. Hopefully, you can take it down before they end the world.
  • Quick Learner: You never had much time to learn, so you learned quickly. Not math or science or anything like that, none of those tools for evil, you never had time for that. You once saw someone doing something called parkour, using it run away from dangerous areas quicker than anyone else could. You saw a boxer beat down a gang of bandits once. You saw your brother make a cast for a broken arm, once. You saw your mother make a bow and arrows, once, and you only saw her hunt once. You saw so so many things just once or twice or just a handful of times, and you did a lot with those lessons.

  • Future Knowledge: You come from the future and you know just enough information to be dangerous. Unfortunately, that goes both way. You think the world's strongest man is Jackie Chun as the tapes your family owned of the tournaments after that were destroyed. You have no idea that the man who built the Androids was Dr.Gero, or that it happened decades after the Red Ribbon Army was destroyed, or even that the Androids are really Cyborgs. You don't even know when the Red Ribbon Army was destroyed.
  • Warped Perception, because Future Knowledge is not going to be the title of three separate points: You were born and raised after the world ended, you don't really know what the world was like before that or how to act in a world where everyone isn't out for survival. You aren't stupid, actually you're quite cunning and intelligent, but your social skills and naivety might be just as bad as Goku's in their own way.

  • This character is starts at the same time frame as the others.
  • Preferable an asian name please, bonus points if it has a meaning that is somehow appropriate for the character.
  • Minimum age 10 and maximum 15.
  • Despite not being good with people and growing up in a horrible, everyone out for themself future, that does not mean you are anti-social or dislike people or are a ruthless jerk. Just the opposite, due to lacking those things you crave them even more, you wish to and seek to be around other as often as you can, you strive to be kind when possible and help others. This world is wondrous, what with all it's food and people not killing each other for scraps and the water and someone just gave you an ice cream because you were alone and looking emotional and it's just beautiful.
  • You are wary of robots.
  • Starting Power Level: 12

So, how is it? Any good? Completely terrible?
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Also, quick note for those of a shipping bent (as I myself am): no ship is too canon. If there's enough interest and you make the right decisions in-character, you could end up with just about anybody. Goku? Of course, but Chi-Chi will make her way up to Kami himself to train and fight you. Bulma? Yes, but that's easier the closer you are in age. Krillin? I will be sad, but will still allow it. Master Roshi? ... No (though speaking of the Turtle Hermit, he will be a bit different here). Piccolo Jr.? Yes, actually, but it's probably the hardest one to pull off and the rewards... well, let's just say you're not getting any "bang" for your buck. And of course if you'd rather just stay single forever, that's a perfectly valid option too; I'm no interested in forcing ships on people. But, as they say, ship happens.
One more thing! *thwaps you over head with first two fingers* If you get a relationship, there will be actual work (and by work I mean actions and decisions) involved in keeping it and growing into it. A relationship doesn't settle into perfect harmony just because you say "I love you."

[X] Son of the Dragon
[X] Male
[X] Xiao Long
[X] 14

Do you have any idea Xiao Long I was waiting for someone to think to use that name?
... Okay, so to make up for that, here's a tidbit: your name alters the names of your family members. Pick Xiao Long and your sibs will have names like Ten Long and Shao Long (first to post where those names come from gets a like).

How about


You know what, no.

Better idea.


Not sure if I want it or if it would be accepted, but I think it's interesting. Tell me what you think.

I realize it might be a little unclear, but yes, this character's journey starts at more or less the exact same time as the others do. It's just a little more complicated than the others.

[] Son of the Future
-[] Backstory: Androids rise and terrorize the world. In one timeline, the worlds most brilliant living person, Bulma Briefs, invented a time machine and sent her son back in time to try and save the world. In this one, she built a spaceship and sent him on a Hail Mary pass to try to find New Namek and use one of their Dragon Balls to save the world. He succeeded, depending on your meaning of success. He made it to Namek and used the Dragon Balls, yes, but the wish was where things got tricky. There was no conventional way to solve the problem, the androids were stronger then the dragon and could not be destroyed via wish, the other hero's were dead for too long to be brought back, and bringing the population back was pointless if the Androids would just kill them again. So, he wished that everyone on the planet who was not a mass murderer be taken somewhere they would be safe and happy. Unfortunately for him, during his journey the Android known as Cell activated and began absorbing people. It absorbed everyone, everyone except you. You are the sole survivor if the planet earth and though you know not how you got here to this strange time decades before your own birth you swear to not let all that death be in vain.


  • Driven: You know what happens to this world if you don't do anything. You have survived the apocalypse, you were born after the world had ended and you wound up here in this strange past when it finally died. Nothing will stop you from never seeing the face of that dark future again.
  • Future Knowledge: You are from the future, and know things others don't. For instance, your family had old tapes of some of the World Martial Art Tournaments you would watch in a capsule home with a portable. You know who the strongest man in the world is, who you can go to to become stronger. More to the point, you know who's to blame for the Androids and presumably that green monster you saw just before the end. The Red Ribbon Army. Hopefully, you can take it down before they end the world.
  • Quick Learner: You never had much time to learn, so you learned quickly. Not math or science or anything like that, none of those tools for evil, you never had time for that. You once saw someone doing something called parkour, using it run away from dangerous areas quicker than anyone else could. You saw a boxer beat down a gang of bandits once. You saw your brother make a cast for a broken arm, once. You saw your mother make a bow and arrows, once, and you only saw her hunt once. You saw so so many things just once or twice or just a handful of times, and you did a lot with those lessons.

  • Future Knowledge: You come from the future and you know just enough information to be dangerous. Unfortunately, that goes both way. You think the world's strongest man is Jackie Chun as the tapes your family owned of the tournaments after that were destroyed. You have no idea that the man who built the Androids was Dr.Gero, or that it happened decades after the Red Ribbon Army was destroyed, or even that the Androids are really Cyborgs. You don't even know when the Red Ribbon Army was destroyed.
  • Warped Perception, because Future Knowledge is not going to be the title of three separate points: You were born and raised after the world ended, you don't really know what the world was like before that or how to act in a world where everyone isn't out for survival. You aren't stupid, actually you're quite cunning and intelligent, but your social skills and naivety might be just as bad as Goku's in their own way.

  • This character is starts at the same time frame as the others.
  • Preferable an asian name please, bonus points if it has a meaning that is somehow appropriate for the character.
  • Minimum age 10 and maximum 15.
  • Despite not being good with people and growing up in a horrible, everyone out for themself future, that does not mean you are anti-social or dislike people or are a ruthless jerk. Just the opposite, due to lacking those things you crave them even more, you wish to and seek to be around other as often as you can, you strive to be kind when possible and help others. This world is wondrous, what with all it's food and people not killing each other for scraps and the water and someone just gave you an ice cream because you were alone and looking emotional and it's just beautiful.
  • You are wary of robots.
  • Starting Power Level: 12

So, how is it? Any good? Completely terrible?


Now to wait patiently and watch as my two hours or so of hard work are completly wasted when my vote loses by a mile.

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