Something To Atone For. BtVS/AtS, Doyle SI.

Chapter 19: First Impressions
Chapter 19: First Impressions

When I drop Fred off at the UC Sunnydale campus, she hesitates with embarrassment turning her ears pink. "You don't actually have to play poker."

"I know." Since it seems like she's trying to apologize for her drunken state a few nights ago, I attempt to tone back on the attitude.

"And I'm sorry for talking to you like that." Her accent is a lot stronger when she's stressed out and right now the Texan twang is full bore. "I don't really drink much and kind of got emotional." Her hands start to tremble.

Ignoring my own frustration, I reach over and place a hand on her knee. "You alright Fred?"

"Clem sure had a lot to tell us about Sunnydale." I guess she means while I was talking to Willy. "It's really just sinking in what I signed up for."

"You don-" Right as I start telling her she can still back out, Fred gives me a firm stare.

"Don't even think about giving me an out. I'm just trying to process everything" Her veracity just makes me smile silently. "You heard what Clem said about the really serious games, they play for babies. I'm just so mad that's even a thing and I know you can't do anything about it."

Oh. "So the urgency over the kittens..."

"Kittens are still babies." Noticing her watery eyes, I lean over to pop open the glove compartment.

"Here." Handing her some of the napkins Doyle collected for some reason, I realize I can't really be mad anymore. "Don't worry about last night. You've had a pretty eventful month. I'm kind of impressed you held it together for so long."

Once her eyes are dry, Fred tells me she's going to take the bus home instead of waiting for me. With a goodbye almost back to our normal casualness, I head off to my first day at the high school.

Only a week on the sheet and I'm already getting called in by Principal Flutie. Something that would have taken at least six months in a normal city this size.

The drive from across town barely takes fifteen minutes and I'm forced to admit that Mayor Wilkins did an excellent job designing the place. Almost wish he'd have spent some time doing the same to the rest of California's highways.

Getting out of my Corolla, I hear some students comment on the new substitute, with a few of the smokers even making bets on how long I'll last. Scanning the crowd in front of the school, I'm still amazed at what passes for fashion in the nineties.

Not like I have much better to look forward to though. The denim fad is coming up pretty soon and that's really not something I want to relive.

When I finally get directions to the office and not a random closet, the secretary waves me right through to Flutie's open door. With the grinning principal getting up to greet me the second I step through it.

"Allen, thank you so much for coming in on such short notice." He pumps my hand up and down with enthusiasm, smiling at the navy suit Lorne insisted looked best on me.

"I'm just happy to be getting back to work." Releasing the handshake, it takes everything I have not to wipe the sweat on my pant leg. "Do you want me to stick to the lesson plan or should I just go with one of my back up assignments?"

The man gets flustered at the question and tries to deflect. "Probably best if you go with what you know. We're not sure when Miss Simmons will be coming back."

"So you just need me until she does?" Keeping my expression casual, Flutie starts to relax when he realizes I'm not going to pry for details.

"If that works for you." He explains I'll be taking over the freshman and sophomore English classes. "And as long as the students don't have too many complaints about you, we can always talk about making the position a permanent one." That's really not how it's supposed to work.

"That would be incredible Sir." It's easy to butter up such an easy going man.

The bell rings and Flutie gives me a wide grin. "Guess it's showtime. Good luck, those kids will try to eat you alive."

"Thanks for the warning." Giving the principal a respectful nod, I head off to find my classroom.

When I do reach it, almost every seat is already filled. "Good morning everyone, I'm Mister Doyle."

The sophomores give an unenthusiastic hello back, with only a couple teens putting any energy into it. Willow is of course the one with the bushiest eyes, with most students only getting interested when I get to the attendance sheet.

"Heidi Barrie?" I only have a vague memory of what she looks like and so it takes me a second to figure out what's going on when Harmony is the one to raise her hand.

As soon as I do catch on though, I decide to have my own fun with the students prank. "Well I guess that means Miss Kendall is absent today?"

"And Mister Harris too." I pretend to mark Xander absent as well, when he pretends to be Larry Blaisdell.

I get through a few more names before the teens lose the nerve to keep up the prank. With the one who was supposed to inherit my visions the one to break.

"Told you it was a stupid idea." Cordelia snaps at Xander when I make it clear I know she's not Michelle Blake. "We aren't in junior high anymore."

The pair trade a few quick witted barbs and I just enjoy the show up until the name calling comes out. "Silence!"

My gruff tone is enough to make Cordelia whirl on me with a charming smile. "But Mister Doyle. This was the cretin's idea."

"I have my own ears." Shocked at being called out by a substitute, Cordellia looks to her friends for support. "You want to insult each other, put it in writing so I can grade it."

"And the what now?" Xander blinks in shock.

"You and Miss Chase can give me a fifteen hundred word essay about how terrible the other one is." Before both pairs of eyes can get too carried away with cruel ideas, I lay down the ground rules. "No cursing or name calling. I want you to show how creative you can be."

Aghast at what looks like casual cruelty from a teacher, Willow's hand shoots into the air. "Isn't that kind of mean?"

"It would be if I wasn't also going to make them write a second essay about each other's best traits." I finally allow myself to smirk when I reveal the assignment I had planned for everyone. "I was going to pair everyone up randomly. But it looks like these two volunteered for an extra essay."

"But he doesn't have enough of those to fill a paragraph," Whines Cordelia when I don't relent to her pout.

"Well I'm averaging your mark between the two essays. So you better start thinking of some." The class realizes I'm not one of those teachers who just pops in a movie and exchange annoyed looks.

Looking back down at the attendance sheet, I use it to start calling out pairs. Amy and Willow are an easy duo to match, with Jesse getting stuck with Andrew's older brother. Maybe some friends will stop him from summoning any hellhounds.

Even though I'm looking for her name specifically, my eyes slip over it four times. When I do finally call out her name, Marcie Ross almost falls out of her seat in shock.

"You and Mister Levinson can pair up." Going to be hard for Jonathon to ignore her, if I'm making them spend a week interviewing each other.

The rest of the class I actually do pair up randomly, with only a couple names standing out as ones I kind of remember. But to my annoyance, Vice Principal Snyder saw the whole thing from the door.

His smirk of approval as he saunters off, is enough for me to know he's going to be a reoccurring problem. Of course the troll wants to be friends with me.
Of course the troll wants to be friends with me.
I'm not quite sure where he stands on the line of "just an obnoxious asshole" to "actively sabotaging student safety". The latter is probably just a popular fanon? So I would probably not arrange for him to be eaten by vampires, but I would totally plant drugs in his office and frame him to try to get him fired.
I'm not quite sure where he stands on the line of "just an obnoxious asshole" to "actively sabotaging student safety". The latter is probably just a popular fanon? So I would probably not arrange for him to be eaten by vampires, but I would totally plant drugs in his office and frame him to try to get him fired.
Snyder's future plotline was hidden(kind of poorly I admit and will be obvious in hindsight) in this chapter.

I really don't like it when Snyder picks on Willow. She's everything he says he wants in a student, so I always wished he stopped mid buffy/xander/giles rant to give her a random compliment and tell her to find better friends. To me, Snyder is supposed to be a petty man who never had a date/friends outside of organized groups.
I'd feed him to a vampire just on principal, given that he seems to know something about the Mayor, and colludes. Let someone else be vice principal.

So, where on the timeline are we? Has Buffy moved yet? And does this high school have more than three years, given that Flutie and Snyder are here? Or is this a middle school, with administration by the High School?
I'd feed him to a vampire just on principal, given that he seems to know something about the Mayor, and colludes. Let someone else be vice principal.


So, where on the timeline are we? Has Buffy moved yet?


And does this high school have more than three years, given that Flutie and Snyder are here? Or is this a middle school, with administration by the High School?
Snyder's fate will be quite satisfying to write.


I'm going with the timeline of the Movie takes place in September/October, Buffy (in canon, not this fic) ran away to vegas with Pike in October/November, came home and was sent to the psych ward in Dec. Parents got divorced and Joyce moved to Sunnydale in February, when she got out Joyce brought her to Sunnydale after Easter.

In this fic, the SI woke up and spent the second half of September getting drunk/looking for a town with a low death rate. Saved Made his friends and subbed in LA for 2 weeks and then the Buffy movie wrapped up at homecoming. Doyle spent another week getting Tara and her mom/the double exorcisms. And they've spent about five days dusting/moving into Ted's place.

It was October 27th this chapter (A monday in 1997). So Buffy gets up to 5 months before she canonically arrives in Sunnydale.


It's a 4 year school in this story (not sure if it's a 3 or 4 year school in canon. They seem to have been bullied by kids who already graduated but I can't think of any students in Season 1 who are younger than the Scoobies).
Chapter 20: Which Half Are You?
Chapter 20: Which Half Are You?

Clutching the brown paper bag to my chest so the pig's blood doesn't slosh around, I wait for the ensouled vampire to answer the door. Though now that Willy is a believer, I may need to change Ted's number if he keeps calling for sports tips.

It's still an hour before sunset.
Frowning at the lack of a response, I bang my fist on the cheap wood one more time. I know he's inside.

I'm already having a bad enough day, really not in the mood to wait the vampire out.
Finding out Snyder had saved me a spot at his table in the teacher's lounge, was enough to make me rethink my attitude in class tomorrow.

My frown deepens as I realize what it means that Snyder told me to call him by name. Russell even complimented my handling of the hooligans and warned me not to stay out too late. Does Snyder think we're friends!

I finally hear footsteps and try to control my shuddering. Angel's incredibly recognizable face glares at when the door swings open.

Trying to stand up a little straighter, I introduce myself with a smirk. "How do you pay for this place? Did Whistler hook you up with some cash?"

"You know him?" His eyes widen just enough for me to know Angel is actually surprised.

"We work for the same bosses." Taking the opportunity, I push past the confused vampire. "Going to need to have a talk with him. Because Whistler did a pretty shit job getting my charge ready."

While his brow creases in frustration, Angel accepts the bag of blood. "What do you mean?"

"You know how the Slayer has a Watcher?" I wait for the broody vampire to nod before continuing. "Well you get me." He frowns and I pretend to pout. "Hello by the way, I'm Allen."

"Why do I need you?" Angel pulls out the Burba weed and raises an eyebrow at me knowing it's used for spice.

"Because I really don't think you want to lose your soul next year." It takes all my willpower not to flinch at Angel's game face and his sudden menacing stance.

"Is that a threat?" The words come out as a snarl that promises pain if the answer isn't the right one.

Shaking my head, I explain about my visions and I'm a little surprised at how quick to trust a stranger Angel is. Guess he's just that desperate for any kind of hope.

"Just figured you should know what will happen if you don't get that soul secured." Now it's time for some fibbing. "Because I'm not turning a soulless vampire back into a human."

"What are you talking about?" He stalks towards me with desperation leaking out of every pore.

"Little something called the Shanshu prophecy." Letting myself smirk as the champion grabs me, I fill him in on how hectic the next eight years are going to be. "But Liam, the prophecy doesn't mention you by name. It's a reward that goes to the vampire who earns it." Gives me a few years to get my hands on Mohra blood and gives Angel a something of his own to fight for.

Growling at the name from his past, Angel stares me down with all of his intensity. "That's not my name."

"Are you half of Angelus, or is he just you without a soul?" My words make him hesitate and give me the opening to really make my point. "Because the way I see it, you aren't atoning for the things the demon did. We're atoning for the things we let happen."

When he catches the word 'us', he gives me a curious look that's just a tad softer. "I let Angelus happen."

"Letting Darla bite you?" He steps back as I lay bare his worst mistakes. "Or being a drunken waste of a son?" I don't stop with the errors of his life and really spook the vampire with my knowledge. "What about the Hyperion or the gunshot victim you fed on?"

"Uh..." Unsure what to defend first, Liam's expression has lost any edge it once had.

"Don't worry about the hotel, we took care of the Thesulac a couple weeks ago." Deciding I've earned the right to the lone leather recliner, I plop myself down in it with a sad smile. "Judy's at peace now."

He starts to pace anxiously at the news, his fists continually clenching. "She told them I was a monster. I was lynched by a mob for trying to help."

"Liam, how old are you?" Before he answers, I clarify my meaning. "Not Angelus, not Angel. I want to know how old was Liam when he died?"

"Twenty six." It takes him a while to mutter the words and I can see he knows how wrong his interest is in current times.

That's all I need to stay committed to my choice of intervention and I remind him how old the Slayer is. "Of course if you want to hide away from life, the Powers will need another vampire with a soul. Want to take a guess at who they choose?"

"... Anyone but him!" Liam's mind instantly goes to Spike and how much it would burn to lose the reward of humanity to.

"I'm working on my own back up plan." Already got a few Orbs of Thessulah, now I just need to wait for Jenny to get into town. "Figured the Kalderash would want vengeance on Darla and we both know she's here in Sunnydale."

When I tell him about the cave of trials in Africa, I also let him know Buffy is still a few months away from moving. "You help me get fighting fit and I'll keep Buffy alive until you get that soul secure."

"Why do you care so much?" He finally picks up on my own personal interest in the topic.

"Because my job gets a whole lot harder if I let you blunder around with just Whistler's vague directions for the next three years." And as Buffy's teacher, I am supposed to keep her safe from creepy older guys.

A couple years and she's almost eighteen. If it took a year and a half for the relationship to reach the naked stage, that should put Buffy a legal adult by the time anything can happen between the two of them.

Good news is, that should leave next year a lot less personal. Drusilla may be a seer in her own right. But Buffy isn't going to be facing nearly as many personal attacks without a lover's vendetta.

"Of course if you don't want to step up and claim the reward for stopping a few measly apocalypses, I guess I can always go look for that soldier you sired on the submarine." Shrugging as if it doesn't really matter much to me either way, internally I'm sweating over the risky gambit to make Liam choose.

"I think his name was Lawson?" It took me a few days to remember his name and I made sure to write it down. "He might have enough of your soul to qualify for the Shanshu."

Before answering, the good looking vampire has some of his own questions. "What made you care?"

"Let people die because I was a coward." Knowing he isn't going to take advice from some goody two-shoes, I reveal the things that give me nightmares each time I sleep. "We all have something to atone for Liam." I can still hear Seidel's neck snapping whenever someone cracks open a can.

"You make it sound so easy." Hope shimmers in his eyes.

Everything sounds easy before you start working at it. "This world will give us plenty of chances to be better than the guy we had been yesterday. We just need to have to guts to take them."

"But-" He wants to take my words for fact and yet his century of guilt holds him back.

"The world isn't going to get any better with you hiding away from it." Winking, I try to jump start the development he underwent in his own show. "So I'm going to ask one more time before I figure out which back up plan to go with."

Liam stares me down warily as I rise back to my feet with a grim expression. "Are you only half of Angelus and an ever lingering threat to the girl you claim to be devoted to. Or are you going to be Liam again and work towards making a life for yourself?"
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"But Liam, the prophecy doesn't mention you by name. It's a reward that goes to the vampire who earns it." Gives me a few years to get my hands on Mohra blood and gives Angel a something of his own to fight for.

Growling at the name from his past, Angel stares me down with all of his intensity. "That's not my name."

"Are you half of Angelus, or is he just you without a soul?"

So here's a thought about BtVS and souls.

Vampires don't have souls, but they do have the memories of their body.

The Kalderesh didn't need Liam's soul, they just needed a soul to provide a conscience.

The various re-ensoulments tend to show immediate changes in their life choices, as if they have different priorities.
The only one that stays reasonably on-target I can remember is Spike.

So is there any particular reason to think they got the "right" soul?
The person wouldn't know the difference, they have all the same memories.
The caster can't exactly eyeball it and say "yeah, I recognize that glowy-bit."

It might not necessarily matter, but it does put an additional spin on the scenarios.
"You only love me for my body."
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Ostensibly your soul is your mind, have we ever seen any humans function without a soul?

Jack O'Tool?

I can't remember any specific instance of just yoinking a soul, but it has been a while.

Catherine Madison does a body-swap with Amy where they seem to have kept their memories going to the new body.
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So here's a thought about BtVS and souls.

Vampires don't have souls, but they do have the memories of their body.

The Kalderesh didn't need Liam's soul, they just needed a soul to provide a conscience.

The various re-ensoulments tend to show immediate changes in their life choices, as if they have different priorities.
The only one that stays reasonably on-target I can remember is Spike.

So is there any particular reason to think they got the "right" soul?
The person wouldn't know the difference, they have all the same memories.
The caster can't exactly eyeball it and say "yeah, I recognize that glowy-bit."

It might not necessarily matter, but it does put an additional spin on the scenarios.
"You only love me for my body."
Oh man, tell me about that! They never clarify how souls work at *all* in the show, or even what they are! When someone is turned into a vampire, does a demon take over? Or is it more a case of having their morals surgically removed and replaced by demonic instinct? Why do some vampires like Drusilla, Spike, and Harmony act like how they were as humans, while others don't at all?
So here's a thought about BtVS and souls.

Vampires don't have souls, but they do have the memories of their body.

The Kalderesh didn't need Liam's soul, they just needed a soul to provide a conscience.

The various re-ensoulments tend to show immediate changes in their life choices, as if they have different priorities.
The only one that stays reasonably on-target I can remember is Spike.

So is there any particular reason to think they got the "right" soul?
The person wouldn't know the difference, they have all the same memories.

It might not necessarily matter, but it does put an additional spin on the scenarios.
"You only love me for my body."
This incredibly intriguing. And it has a whole lot of potential in a story focused on it.

Angel gets a different soul each time the ritual is done, which is why his personality in S1/2 of Buffy, is more stalkery less active hero. Season 3 of Buffy and the first 4 seasons of Angel, he had a pretty consistant personality. Season 5 of Angel, he's the most friendly he's ever been but is also the most okay with commiting bad acts for a really big hit on evil.

Ostensibly your soul is your mind, have we ever seen any humans function without a soul?
That kid Ryan possesed by a demon. The demon was terrified of how evil the kid was and tried to make the kid kill himself to escape his torment.

And the MAyor sold his soul before we see him in Season 3. He functioned fine for a century.

Oh man, tell me about that! They never clarify how souls work at *all* in the show, or even what they are! When someone is turned into a vampire, does a demon take over? Or is it more a case of having their morals surgically removed and replaced by demonic instinct? Why do some vampires like Drusilla, Spike, and Harmony act like how they were as humans, while others don't at all?
Doesn't help that different writers contradict/retcon each other a few times. Joss is on record saying the episode theme supersedes keeping to already stated canon. Which basically says any stand alone episode that is the only place to present actual facts, is an exception you can choose to ignore.


Solider: Comparative Adjective that indicates one of the objects being compared is much more solid than the others.

Soldier: military member
Thank you, fixing now.
How will you be using souls in your canon?
Souls are a mystic anomoly that grew in humans, giving them the ability to choose morally instead of just acting on instinct. It's an evolution/mutation of primal animal spririts (which humans also would have had in the past).

Souls that pass on to an afterlife/become a ghost, are a mystic imprint of who the person was in life. But the body still has the biological memories which let a possessing entity view (at least some of) them.

With a Soul Cannon! Fire when ready!
I'm a personal fan of grape shot.
Souls are a mystic anomoly that grew in humans, giving them the ability to choose morally instead of just acting on instinct. It's an evolution/mutation of primal animal spririts (which humans also would have had in the past).

Souls that pass on to an afterlife/become a ghost, are a mystic imprint of who the person was in life. But the body still has the biological memories which let a possessing entity view (at least some of) them.

I'm a personal fan of grape shot.
Are they unique to only humans then, and other creatures do not have souls? Or would the essence of someone in the afterlife be viewed apart from a soul?
Are they unique to only humans then, and other creatures do not have souls? Or would the essence of someone in the afterlife be viewed apart from a soul?
Demons who have intermingled with humans have some variation of a soul. All Vengeance demons do in canon for example (since they had all been human).

Body is the instincts of a species (Left over from the primal spirit). Mind is the nurture part of a person's experiences (What a vampire takes control of. Which is why they obsess over whatever was bothering them as they died, only with a lack of morality). The soul/essence is the nature part of a person and uniquely grants humans and demon/human hybrids access to an afterlife.
Chapter 21: Hustle
Chapter 21: Hustle

"You didn't say he was going to be so..." Glancing across the pool table at Liam's awkward stance, Fred searches for a word that isn't going to destroy my confidence.

"Good looking?" Her cheeks dust with pink and Fred ducks her head while the vampire pretends not to have heard. "I have eyes you know."

"So does every woman in here." She takes the shot and sends the four ball bouncing around the table without connecting and I glance around to confirm what she said.

Sunday's made her choice, finally got her gang to notice us. The vampire and her friends have stopped harassing randoms, now focused on our corner of the college bar.

"Time to start acting drunk," Keeping my voice low, I make my own incredibly terrible shot.

"Who's acting." Fred snorts to herself as I go after the cue ball I 'accidentally' sent off the table.

The plan tonight was just to make sure the college bar wasn't already serving the caveman beer. But as soon as Liam pointed out his fellow cold blooded patrons, we decided to chase off the nerds being eyed thirstily.

Putting some extra wobble in my step, I saunter over to the vampires' table. One of her minions has the white ball in his fingers and he keeps it just out of my reach.

"Stop teasing him Travis," Sunday smiles at me, with none of the warmth reaching her predatory eyes. "You must be new in town. Haven't seen you or your friends in here before." She takes the ball and holds it out for me with her eyes shifting into a leer. "You should let us show you around."

"Really?" I feel naked under the hungry gazes and try not to visibly shudder. "That would be really nice of you. Liam said he would..." I point out our own vampire and Sunday seems even happier. "But he doesn't seem to have any friends."

"Well we have more than enough to share," Sunday gloats as her three minions nod along eagerly. "Why don't you come back to our place once you finish up the game?"

Nodding dumbly, I return to Fred and make a show of 'convincing' her. While I do, Sunday takes the chance to work out a deal with Liam.

Thanks to my improved hearing, I'm just able to make out the words over the music. "We let my minions have one of them and we can share the one you really want."

"What if I want them both?" The sudden challenge in Liam's voice is reassuring. He's fast on the pick up.

I barely had time to give him and Fred a few hissed instructions when Sunday's gang arrived. Knowing all three of us are on the same page, gives me the reassurance to follow through.

"Well I guess the boys will just have to pick up something on the way home." She giggles at the growls of frustration that come out of her trio of waiting minions.

"That sounds fun." Agreeing with a hopefully fake smirk, Liam joins the other vampires.

While Fred and I finish up the game with increasingly bad aim, I explain the gist of the plan. "You have the bear mace?"

We bought a few different varieties of spray and I found the mace was by far the most aggravating. The worst smelling perfumes are a close second. But are also a lot harder to weaponize.

"Of course I did. This is 'bear' country." Fred rolls her eyes while I'm blocking her face from the vampires' view.

"You get the other victim outside. Liam and I will make sure you aren't followed." Grabbing my case, I exchange the normal cue for the sharpened one.

While I make sure to keep the tip covered with one hand, Fred nods her confirmation with a nervous grin. "I can do that."

"I know you can, that's why I asked." And because I have no idea how many friends Sunday has waiting at her nest.

We've both been getting some training in with Liam after school this week and I'm a little annoyed at being the slowest at picking up the proper moves. Of course I can physically overpower her techniques if it comes down to it, it just grates that Fred can so easily flip me onto my ass.

But I guess she has a more pressing need to learn fast. Fred doesn't have anything supernatural to fall back on in an emergency.

Sometimes I forget she's only had a little more than a month to wrap her head around everything. Not really fair to blame her for a little over reaction.

Passing one of Lorne's posters, I'm happy to have heard people sound interested in the radio show all night. I'm not sure how easy it would have been for a normal person. But Fred somehow got the empath on the airwaves with just the stuff in Ted's basement.

Liam brings up the rear as our merged group leaves the bar, giving me a discrete wink when I spin around feigning drunkenness. While Sunday's minions are not looking happy at Liam's presence, she just hisses some instructions that I can't quite make out.

Once the minions give some grunts of acknowledgement, the blonde vampire gives a louder 'explanation' to keep the 'prey' calm. "How about you boys go and invite some other people back to the house, we can turn it into a party."

"I've never gone to a party before," Giggles Fred and I'm not sure if she's slipping some truth into the act. "College is awesome!"

The trio of minions wander off with Sunday's final reminder to not stop for fast food. Once we're alone, Sunday's words takes on a more sensual tone.

"I hope you don't mind if we have something to drink before they get back." Sunday's predatory gaze darts back and forth between the two of us with a pulse and it makes me very glad the sharpened cue is now in my jacket sleeve. "No reason for us to wait for the fun."

"I guess it's the time to experiment." Making a show of suddenly 'understanding' the double entendre, I give Fred an intrigued look. "What do you think Winnie?"

Giving me a pleased look at the unexpected nickname, Fred's under the breath response is a bit more enthusiastic than I expected. "Well that would be interesting."

We swap 'partners' on the walk to Sunday's run down house, with Liam keeping himself between Fred and the other vampire. We pretend to believe her excuse about renting the place as is and follow our prey into the nest.

Sunday squeezes my hand a final time before opening the door, the whole house only lit by candles. "Power should be reconnected on Monday. Hope you don't mind the mood lighting."

"Just makes things easier." Suddenly dropping the act of inebriation, I let my Brachen side emerge along with the increased strength.

Sunday barely has time to gasp in shock as I impale her through the chest, exploding into a cloud of ash in the time it takes Liam to shut the door. The smell of old blood hangs so thick in the air, I can't tell if we're alone or not.

"We should check the place before the others get back. Make sure they don't have any friends who are going to jump out at us." Three on three is doable, I just don't think we're ready for a swarm of fang faces yet.

"Please don't use that in here." Noticing the can in Fred's hand, our friendly vampire reveals it's at least a deterrent on his species. "Not unless you really have to."

Apologizing with a stiff chuckle, she replaces the mace for her own pool cue. She follows me upstairs as Liam checks the main floor for any threat, with each door we open making our tension skyrocket.

"They really should have turned a maid." The first two bedrooms we check are complete dumps and don't seem to have anything worthwhile. But the bathroom has a medicine cabinet full of prescriptions and only half of them seem to be expired.

"Think Willy would buy these?" Fred frowns at my question and the sealed bottle in my hand. "Or should we start stocking a first aid kit at the house?"

"We aren't selling drugs to Willy." Crossing her arms, Fred spends a few minutes listing every single way that will go wrong. "... And you know some of these will end up in your students' hands."

My idle curiosity sated long before now, I give the fuming girl a look of concession. "That's why I asked." Hadn't given the idea any thought. "I did say I was going to start planning things with you and Lorne."

It looks like Sunday has claimed the entire attic for herself and it's the room we find the stuff of actual value. A box of of wallets give a rough estimate of how many victims have been brought back before us and it's soon clear why they're here.

She finds a dresser and bends down to pull open the bottom drawer. It's almost overflowing with assorted coins and I let out a long whistle.

"Looks like we don't have to worry about the laundry mat for a while." Or having change for a parking meter.

Fred pulls open the middle drawer, revealing at least a few thousand dollars in a loose pile. "That's a lot of money."

"We can split it up four ways at the house." Trying to stop myself from counting it all out now, I slide open the top drawer to find it full of jewelry.

"Well we can sell this stuff." Picking out a few choice pieces, Fred gives me a sideways glance. "I don't think Willy can hurt anyone with some rings and necklaces."

"Get down here!" Liam's warning from downstairs has us both grab our sharpened cues and dart towards him.

Broody pants is waiting by the door, his own stake in hand. "Two of them are back with company, no sign of the skinny one yet though."

"Play dead and try to surprise them, or should we just go right for the heart?" We have numbers and the vampires have hostages. Not really sure who has the advantage right now.

"Scare the girls with them and we'll deal with the vampires." Fred makes a growling face to remind me I haven't reverted to my own human one yet.

"Should shock the idiots long enough to stake them without a fight," Agrees Liam before he adds that we can repeat the process when the final minion returns.
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Nice chapter. Good to see some of the more minor incidents being wrapped up early. Which reminds me, is Warren still just an asshole ... let's see by Season Six he was a murderer and a rapist. Caveman Beer was originally Season Four. Might be worth seeing what he's up to.

"Whose acting." Fred snorts to herself as I go after the cue ball I 'accidentally' sent off the table.
Who's acting. Rule of thumb, if you can replace it with "who is" then it should be "who's" not "whose".

"That's why I asked. Hadn't given the idea any thought. "I did say I was going to start planning things with you and Lorne."
There are three " in that section, so one must be missing between 'asked' and 'Hadn't'.
Nice chapter. Good to see some of the more minor incidents being wrapped up early.

Which reminds me, is Warren still just an asshole ... let's see by Season Six he was a murderer and a rapist. Caveman Beer was originally Season Four. Might be worth seeing what he's up to.

Who's acting. Rule of thumb, if you can replace it with "who is" then it should be "who's" not "whose".

There are three " in that section, so one must be missing between 'asked' and 'Hadn't'.
Thank you. I have a few more things on the list that shouldn't let any big names know what's going on.

He should be making April around now.

thank you for the corrections.
Glad to have found this! I always love the Buffy universe , and Doyle rarely gets explored. Granted this is more exploring the character role then the person, but it still works. Hope the early arrival can kick Angel into being proactive instead of hanging around being reactive for awhile.

I do hope Buffy and Angel avoid most entanglements here outside work. She has a better start here by avoiding alot of the "Slayer is always alone!!" Nonsense, but there are very few situations where it's a healthy way to grow. What with her being a child soldier coming into her own and his whole life/curse drama keeping everything such big picture. Repentance and all that.

Fun way to get Lorne able to spend more time in the limelight, as well as get everyone into Sunnydale in a reasonable time frame. Excited to see how this develops!
And suddenly I'm hoping for the QQ version.
And now I'm looking back and seeing all the moments the story could have been a QQ exclusive.

Glad to have found this! I always love the Buffy universe , and Doyle rarely gets explored. Granted this is more exploring the character role then the person, but it still works.

Hope the early arrival can kick Angel into being proactive instead of hanging around being reactive for awhile.

I do hope Buffy and Angel avoid most entanglements here outside work. She has a better start here by avoiding alot of the "Slayer is always alone!!" Nonsense, but there are very few situations where it's a healthy way to grow. What with her being a child soldier coming into her own and his whole life/curse drama keeping everything such big picture. Repentance and all that.

Fun way to get Lorne able to spend more time in the limelight,

as well as get everyone into Sunnydale in a reasonable time frame. Excited to see how this develops!
I'm glad you did to. Buffy is how I first got into fanfic almost 20 years ago and I felt I owed the community at least one fic.

Him not helping fight evil (except when on a patrol date with buffy), is really the thing that makes me hate him in S1/2/3 of Buffy. So that's the SI's main mission with Angel, since Buffy has a support base now and knows she's not unique (but still special).

I'm not just putting Buffy/Angel on hold until he comes back/she arrives. That's just the SI's thought on it not being gross if it does happen now, due to Buffy's being a year and a half older at the first meeting. I wanted to avoid retreading the same old problems of age that are always raised between them and so figured why not just make her older when they meet. It lets me explore some of the other potential issues.

Thanks, I really wanted to give Lorne a way to go out in the sun. So I figured just use the Sunnydale syndrome to make everyone think he's in a costume.

Not quite everyone. But so many problems could have been solved by the heroes just knowing they had back up.
Chapter 22: Spice Of Unlife
Chapter 22: Spice Of Unlife

"Last one's on his way back." Peeking out the curtain, I make out the red headed vampire.

The blonde surfer dude being brought back to the nest looks completely strung out and is being lead by a firm arm around his waist. Need to separate them first.

"How do you want to handle this?" Liam takes his own glance out the window and notices the same problem.

"Go game face and start chasing us, I'll red rover my way between them while Fred tries to make the vamp grab her." Leaving him open for you.

Nodding in agreement, Liam's face blurs into ugliness. I'm first one out the front door, screaming about the monster as I charge straight towards the staggering couple.

Fred is only a few steps behind me, with a snarling vampire right on her heels. But she swerves to the left right when I tackle the surfer away.

"What the he-" The red head starts to snarl, only for his words to vanish in a cloud of ash.

"Dude, not cool." The shirtless surfer rejects my hand up, slowly clambering to his feet with more than a few grunts. "Hey..." He looks around in confusion once he manages the monumental task. "What happened to Travis?"

Showing he had social skills at one point in his unlife, Liam has already reverted to his human face. "The guy with you who was screaming about monsters? I think he was having a bad trip.

"Yeah, he just threw you at me and took off." Playing along with Liam's lie, I have a little bit more to add. "You need to pick better friends. I think he was using you as bait."

"You think?" Still unidentified, the surfer is at least starting to realize he was in some kind of danger. "Man that sucks. He seemed like a chill guy and said I could crash."

Taking enough pity on the guy to give him some advice, we start walking him towards the car. "My advice. Get on the first bus in the morning and don't look back."

Liam tries to sneak off once it's clear the patrol is over. But Fred is very insistent on her invitation.

"You have to sit in the scratchy chair so you aren't too happy." She's pulled out her serious voice. "But it's a tradition, you're going to come over and watch something every time we fight evil."

"Waves here suck anyway..." The guy mumbles a few more unintelligible words before going silent for the rest of the walk.

Liam still hasn't been convinced to come home with us and is trying to find an excuse that Fred will accept. "The suns going to come up soon. You'll be stuck with me all day."

"Allen has some blood in the fridge for you and this way you can keep Lorne company during the day." She even lets the frowning vampire know we have a spare room he can use.

"Either you're coming with us, or I'm following you home once I drop this guy off at the hospital." Unlocking my Corolla, I help Liam get the surfer into the backseat.

He glowers at me for a good ten seconds. "... Fine."

It doesn't take long to get the surfer admitted and we spend the ride back to Ted's now clean house listening to Lorne's pirated radio show. The fact that he gets two callers before we get home is a good sign and gives me confidence in my our plan to acclimatize Sunnydale to the empath.

Coughing awkwardly as the second caller finishes singing 'A Big Hunk O' Love', Liam can't help but brag. "I was at his and Priscilla's wedding you know. Elvis liked my hair."

"Really?" Fred is amazed at that bit of his history and very easily gets the whole story out of Liam. "How did you get invited?"

"Got one of the cooks hammered the night before and stole his uniform." Not even slightly ashamed, he explains his 'brilliant' plan.

He starts to get really into the retelling of it. But my mind wanders the entire drive.

I can finally upgrade the Corolla. Once the idea forms, I can't help but fantasize about the possibilities.

By the time I pull up outside the house, Lorne's show is starting to wrap up. Seems like Fred's run out of questions for Liam too.

"So I got to ask, one Irish half demon to another..." I wait until Liam is giving me his full attention. "What kind of car do you think I should get?"

He laughs once it's clear it's nothing serious and launches into a description of his favourite muscle cars. With Fred reminding me to grab the loot out of the trunk.

"Can you put the jewellery in my room, so I can spend a few days picking out what I like?" Trying not to seem to eager, Fred grabs the lighter box of cash instead.

"If Liam can bring the clothes in for Lorne." I jerk my chin at the most colourful clothes from Sunday's collection. "I really don't want to make more than one trip."

While waiting for Fred to unlock the door, our guest gives me an uneasy half smile. "Tonight has been..." He searches for the right word only to give up and settle for something vague. "Interesting."

"You're allowed to say that it was fun." Rolling my eyes at his need to be aloof, I'm second one inside. "I really don't think you're a big enough ass to ever ignore what perfect happiness means. You'd need someone a lot prettier than me to make you forget."

"And that's why we're here." Agrees Fred as as she starts giving Angel the tour, leaving me to run the trinkets upstairs. "I avoided one hell, really don't want your bad side bringing another to us."

By the time I return from dropping the trinkets off in her bedroom straight out of the fifties, Fred has already shown a very confused Liam the body of Ted. Of course judging by his concerned expression, she's neglected to tell him of the mechanical origin.

"Fred, did you tell him it's just a robot with incredibly realistic skin?" My words make her snort and glance up at a very concerned vampire.

"See, no blood." The android's shirt gets lifted up to reveal a torso filled with wires and not a single organ.

Amazed, Liam gets closer and has no problem using his fingers to feel the fake skin. "It feels so real."

"Which is why I haven't asked her what it's made of yet." Probably some kind of magically transplanted skin from the original scientist, so the android could slip right into his life like nothing had changed.

Because I refuse to believe that Ted is a hundred percent technical, not when the only working models I know of are all designed on the Hellmouth. Maybe it's the ambient energies powering the robots?

The trap door squeaks and is followed by Lorne's glowing face emerging. "Tonight was a new record, I had six callers!"

"At this rate, we're going to need to get you a separate line." It could start getting difficult in my personal life, if the school knows I live with such an... eccentric personality.

Clem comes up next, the tech support for the show assuring me that's not going to be a problem. "I got a cousin with the phone company. I'll make sure to get Lorne a great deal."

While Fred is putting 'Happy Gilmore' in, Lorne and Clem make a bowl of popcorn for everyone but the vampire. Liam is stuck with just a mug of sheep blood and blinks at the strawberry syrup I slide across the counter.

"Trying to use me as a lab rat for some kind of vampire cafe?" He doesn't push it away and eventually decides to try stirring some in.

"You said you liked the Burba weed." It was such a strange idea, I was easily able to remember that Spike sometimes added it to his blood for spice. "And I know chocolate milk was originally just to cover up the blood. So I figure we can try hot chocolate next time and try giving you some variety."

Liam starts to answer with what I assume is a heavy dose of snark, only for my senses to be overwhelmed by a searing headache. The vampire barely catches me under the shoulder's before I collapse to the floor, his worried voice barely audible as the vision replaces everything.

"A church...." When I do recover enough to speak, everyone is crowded around me with different levels of concern.

"Doesn't really narrowing it down very much." Fred snorts. "Forty three in Sunnydale. It's going to take days to check them all."

"One of the condemned ones?" It looked almost as big of a mess as Sunday's nest, so I really doubt the church is in business still.

Checking her notes, Fred's frown softens quite a bit. "Only eleven of those."
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