Chapter 18: Cheers
Lorne's face is filled with disappointment the moment we walk inside Willy's Place and he finds out what a dive bar really is. His eyes scan the dingy room and the booths covered in grime, a heavy sigh escaping him.
"You sure we can't go back to the place all the kids seemed to like?"
At least he's keeping his voice low.
"Not until you become part of the Sunnydale Syndrome."
May as well us it to our advantage.
A hairless demon with countless folds of loose skin approaches and tries to warn us off.
"I know this place says it's for a mixed crowd. But you might want to find a friendlier place, the vamps wait outside for last call
"This is the only place in town that I can bring both of my friends." Shaking my head so the Brachen half emerges, Clem is just relieved Lorne isn't going to be the muscle. "Unless you know somewhere better?"
"We got a couple demon bars you and the green guy might like. But nothing that will let you bring her in with you." The loose skin demon gives Fred an apologetic look. "... Well, not unless she's on the menu."
Pulling my borrowed leather jacket around herself, Fred takes a slightly more nervous second glance at the patrons. "But half the people here are human. Why didn't you try chasing them away?"
Clem snorts like the pig he kind of resembles and points to the arguing couple in a corner booth. "Daniel and his new squeeze are vampires."
"Oh..." Taking a closer look, Fred nods when she sees the stain of red on the Asian vampire's lips.
"Cathryn can more than take care of herself." The blonde woman on the cleanest bar stool turns and watches us with rapt attention, while her companion looks a few decades older. "She's the reason only the fledges still actively hunt witches in Sunnydale."
Giving a name to the surly man beside Cathryn, Clem tries to discretely point him out. "O'Toole is one of the best necromancers in the state. No vampire is going after him unless they want to learn what it feels like to be a puppet."
Clem lets us share his regular table, incredibly eager to talk with someone who hasn't already heard all his stories a dozen times before. "Sometimes Ken and Maureen will pop in after the full moon. But they aren't exactly regulars and I think they just needed to be reminded what the real monsters look like."
"What about him?" Fred jerks her chin towards a chubby man in the corner, still wearing his Double Meat uniform.
"Slod demon." Our over eager guide explains and doesn't stop before adding the part about the weight being part of a monthly moulting process. "Jacob really has a thing for kidneys. So if you ever talk to him, try letting it slip yours aren't in the best condition."
"Thanks for the advice." Clem grins wide enough to reveal his double row of teeth and it takes everything I have to not react visibly. "You mind keeping my friends company while I go have a talk with Willy?"
After agreeing, Clem leans in and whispers another warning. "Better not tell him anything private. The guy's not exactly tight lipped."
"Exactly what I'm looking for right now." Taking a look at his almost empty glass, I offer to grab a pitcher for the table.
"No starting a bar fight without us," Fred fires at me with a teasing grin.
Willy hears that part clearly and almost poofs into existence before me with a panicked expression. "Hey, no bar fights at all please! I just got the blood off the roof from the last time Darla stopped by."
"How often do you get beat up for information?" I easily notice the shiner on Willy's face despite the concealer liberally applied.
The weaselly man's face contorts in fear. "... Maybe a couple times a month."
"And how often do people give you anything in return?" That comment has the fear replaced with shining greed.
"What do you have in mind?" He leans in close and whispers, not willing to commit until he knows what I want to know.
"How about I just stick with proving my abilities first." Tapping my temple, I fill Willy in on my being a seer. "You go home and watch Friends this week. See how many of these things happen."
The barely five foot tall man snatches the list I spent a while working on. "This is just telling me the plot to a bunch of movies and shows. How is this going to prove anything?"
"None of them have come out yet." One benefit of going to so many theatres with Fred, is that I now know which movies are coming out over the next six months. "But each thing I wrote down is exactly what's going to happen. I'll start giving you financial advice if you can answer my questions truthfully."
"What kind of advice?" He's not subtle in his eagerness.
"Stuff like who's going to win the next couple Stanley Cups." Willy almost drools at the words. "And which new companies are going to make billions."
Giving the list a long look as he tries to decide if I'm screwing with him, Willy eventually pockets it with a smirk. "What did you want to know?"
"Looking for a new vampire in town. Handsome son of a bitch who looks like his face was carved into the brooding position." Deciding not to beat around the bush, I give Willy the name along with the complete description.
"I'll keep an eye out." Willy winks, making it clear he means in regards to both the predictions and the request. "See how things go."
"And I'll be back." I somehow restrain myself from saying that in an Austrian accent.
Rejoining the trio with a pitcher and glasses, I try to relax enough so I can answer Lorne's questions without blushing. Thankfully Fred and Clem help and spare me from having to answer all of the embarrassing ones myself.
The conversation steers my thoughts towards how everything in these shows is supposed to be a metaphor for life.
I guess that makes mine about how bi people can pass as 'normal'. While I like that a whole lot better than being allegory for alcoholism, it stings how true it rings.
"You play poker for kittens?" Gasps Fred once Clem invites Lorne and I to come to the Lounge Room for a game. "That's awful..." Her expression falls into sadness at the idea.
"It's better than the babies Lurconis and his friends play for." Clem tries to shift the blame but this only serves to make the genius more determined.
Fred whirls on me with the most intense stare yet. "You better win the whole pot each week."
"Well I guess that means we're coming." My tone has Clem suddenly nervous about the offer.
"Are you sure?" He blinks a couple times as he tries to think of an excuse. "Some of the guys can really hold a grudge."
I'm supposed to start small with my hero work. Can't really get much more mundane than card games for pets.
"How about I stop by the animal shelter and adopt all the cats about to be put down because of old age?" I'm not actually sure what Clem's friends need to eat and don't want to shame the culture into starvation. "Would that work or does it have to be kittens?"
"The meat's just more tender," Admits Clem with a blush that reaches the tips of his floppy ears. "I guess we could give it a try. Grunch will probably whine though."
"How can you be alright with eating cats?" This is the first time Fred seems offended by anything out of my mouth and I'm surprised by how much the feeling hurts. "They're adorable!"
"Who am I to decide what animal is worth eating?"
I really only care that the kill is made humanely and the animal doesn't suffer.
That doesn't convince the Texan girl and she stares me down. "You don't eat pets."
"I don't eat pets."
That's easy to agree with. "But they aren't pets to these demons. And I'd rather every demon on Earth started using the pet store instead of the mall as a grocery store."
"That's pretty cold." Her eyes narrow and I can see the realization in her dark brown eyes, that I'm not the perfect man she created in her head. "I thought you had a reason for leaving Donnie with his dad. Didn't think it was just you being the boy's judge."
Frustration surges inside me, making my fingers clench tightly around my glass. "I have a head full of world ending threats. I'm sorry that I don't have time to focus on every little thing."
But even as I make the claim, I know I only left Donnie because I'm only looking at the big picture still. I saw how many times in both series that a shitty person got development and became a hero.
Why didn't I give Tara's brother that same chance to grow?
"I don't expect you to save everyone." Fred crosses her arms and glares hot enough to melt iron. "But what about not ignoring the people you hear screaming for help? Or is this part of the whole teacher cliche?"
Her rage makes the insult just unclear enough that I need to ask for clarification. "... Huh?"
"You have all these great lessons to pass on to Buffy and the rest of us. But you don't seem to follow any of them yourself." Her glare softens into a smirk. "So do you teach because you can't do?"