Something To Atone For. BtVS/AtS, Doyle SI.

And now I don't have to do that anymore with a logical reason Walsh will go with. Vampire is two syllables, how many is Hos-tile Sub-terr-est-rial?

She shouldn't need one. The only plausible reason for her to have rejected the term "vampire" in the first place is if she is irrationally clinging to the notion that they are newly discovered by her personally and that historical stories of 'vampires' aren't in fact based on humanity's previous encounters of the same creatures.

"Vampire" is just a common name of a species, it's no more unscientific than "dog".

(And since the rejection *is* irrational, it makes no sense for the given reason to mean she tolerates it when they're not in the field)

[and aside from that, the choice of what particular name she insists on calling them is just lazy writing - the only sense in which they're "subterrestrial" is the pop-cultural belief - not quite actually true in the Buffyverse despite the hellmouth sort of being a hole in the ground - that Hell is physically underground.]
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"Vampire" is just a common name of a species, it's no more unscientific than "dog".
I just assumed Walsh was trying to give them a scientific name. By getting her version in popular use first, she'd be the one who "named" vampires. I don't think she really cared except for a personal credit thing.

Fred is the only one she's letting call them Vampires outside of missions. And that was more to show Fred can stand up to her intellectually in a way the soldiers couldn't.
I'd always assumed Walsh had a disdain and irrational wilful ignorance towards the "myth and legend" aspect of her job investigating the supernatural - which included renaming everything to sound less ludicrous to her bosses.

She actively refused to believe more "magical" things on quite a few occasions, focusing entirely on the biological side of demons and refusing to accept the notion of "souls".

In fact the Initiative didn't even have anyone looking into magic as far as I remember, which is crazy to me given it's something most humans can do to at least some extent.

It's also -seemingly- a lot safer than vivisecting demons and trying to devise novel new biochemical stuff from them... like unstable super-soldier drugs.

I had hoped he would be nice.

I'm not intending offence with my confusion, but I'm genuinely curious as to where that hope came from given he's the soulless variety of vampire.
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For one, what a "soul" is is never actually defined in canon. For two, we have canonical instances of soulless vampires being nice, see: Harmony and Spike. While he absolutely lost his morals when he was changed to a vampire, that is no reason for him to not be able to function within society if he wished to. As he had strong links to the others before being turned, I had hopes that his desire to remain with the group would have him working as a sociopath on their side
Ahh, that's fair. I'd say it was a possibility if being friends with his old friends benefitted him more than it involved hard work and sacrifice and "doing good with little reward", but unfortunately that's most of a Scooby's life - in canon anyway.

There's some amusing and interesting theories on why Harmony is a "nice" vampire (and she did still try to murder Angel and co.), which boils down to the fact she was such a shallow and vapid human that she didn't have much potential for evil beyond being annoying, vain, and jealous, so that's all the vampire spirit could make of her.

Spike's a weirder case, but as you say it is possible to condition good behaviour into people instead of needing empathy or a conscience. Even then Spike consistently failed at being a good person, even almost doing something unspeakable, before running off to get his soul so he actually could be.

Unfortunately Xander wasn't a good person because he lacked the capacity to be a bad one. In fact, he'd likely make a very good vampire due to the sheer amount of resentment, bitterness, and powerlessness he often felt on top of his inferiority complex.

I'd say unless there's a real benefit to Vander's un-life by befriending and working with people he knows are opposed to his very nature and might try to ensoul him (which is essentially having him possessed by the human soul and losing all control), then he wouldn't really be up for it.

Personally, I'd have had Vander leg it immediately and move to Canada or something if he was being smart, but ultimately -as you say- vampires are "attached" (if in a warped way) to their loved ones from life and he'd likely hate the implied cowardice in accepting defeat and running.
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Moving away from the Hellmouth may be wise in terms of avoiding the vampire hunters, but you have to consider what Vander's goals would be. The main thing becoming a vampire does is remove moral objections to doing something to accomplish a goal. We would have to know what Vander wants, besides his friends, to guess at his moves.

Also the whole "this is a random human soul we are stuffing into a vampire to make it suffer" is *so* incredibly creepy
I have no clue what Vander would want, hmmm...
  • Kill his parents definitely.
  • Maybe torment the rich popular kids who bullied him?
  • Turn or "break" Willow.
  • Kill or turn the rest of the Scoobies.
  • Kill Doyle for coming in and upending his life (and being a continuing threat).
And to be "someone" instead of the ignored, comical, under-achiever. That's probably the big one, he's ambitious.

He's aware that vampires are considered the "no-big" vermin of the supernatural world and that'd grate at him.

So he might gather a "Sinister Six" as Nega-Scoobies to help him and try to pull off something big, so that at least if he dies he's made a mark on history and people's lives that no-one can deny.

Given he's on top of the Hellmouth, he's got decent odds honestly.
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I'd always assumed Wash had a disdain and irrational wilful ignorance towards the "myth and legend" aspect of her job investigating the supernatural - which included renaming everything to sound less ludicrous to her bosses.

She actively refused to believe more "magical" things on quite a few occasions, focusing entirely on the biological side of demons and refusing to accept the notion of "souls".


In fact the Initiative didn't even have anyone looking into magic as far as I remember, which is crazy to me given it's something most humans can do to at least some extent.

It's also -seemingly- a lot safer than vivisecting demons and trying to devise novel new biochemical stuff from them... like unstable super-soldier drugs.


I'm not intending offence with my confusion, but I'm genuinely curious as to where that hope came from given he's the soulless variety of vampire.
That's what I love about Buffy. So many valid interpretations to the characters and metaphors in the show. Because I can totally see what you mean, my own gut feeling just leads me more to the wanting credit.

I saw her not looking into the magic side more as stubborn insistence that she would discover a new way. Magic has colloquial answers people have known for a long time, I need to be the first one to put it in a scientific textbook to standardize the language/terms/names.

I honestly forget she didn't have anyone on staff at least looking into it, I just thought she had them as backroom staff she ignored most of the time.

I had hopes that his desire to remain with the group would have him working as a sociopath on their side
I can say his notes to Willow and Jesse are legitimate love notes (but from a sociopath). He's trying to guilt them into joining him.

There's some amusing and interesting theories on why Harmony is a "nice" vampire.

Spike's a weirder case,

Unfortunately Xander wasn't a good person because he lacked the capacity to be a bad one.
Very good points on all three characters.

If Vander didn't hate Doyle with a passion, he probably would have just left. He knows what kinds of threats are in town.

Moving away from the Hellmouth may be wise in terms of avoiding the vampire hunters, but you have to consider what Vander's goals would be. The main thing becoming a vampire does is remove moral objections to doing something to accomplish a goal. We would have to know what Vander wants, besides his friends, to guess at his moves.

Also the whole "this is a random human soul we are stuffing into a vampire to make it suffer" is *so* incredibly creepy

I have no clue what Vander would want, hmmm...
  • Kill his parents definitely.
  • Maybe torment the rich popular kids who bullied him?
  • Turn or "break" Willow.
  • Kill or turn the rest of the Scoobies.
  • Kill Doyle for coming in and upending his life (and being a continuing threat).
And to be "someone" instead of the ignored, comical, under-achiever. That's probably the big one, he's ambitious.

He's aware that vampires are considered the "no-big" vermin of the supernatural world and that'd grate at him.

So he might gather a "Sinister Six" as Nega-Scoobies to help him and try to pull off something big, so that at least if he dies he's made a mark on history and people's lives that no-one can deny.

Given he's on top of the Hellmouth, he's got decent odds honestly.
A few things I tried to hint at the last episode.
- Vander's second in command isn't someone he turned (and we haven't seen/heard of any victims.) but Claw (the Master's exile).
- He really wanted to try staying neutral(BEcause he was aware of how many demon fighters existed). But Whistler's warning proved correct and he hates that he was never even given a chance(also that Doyle seems to have taken control of his friends).

-His main goal outside of his revenge, is to be a somebody. Being a new evil overlord sticks him at the bottom of the foodchain. If he was allowed to set himself up as a neutral "boss", he would have been a somebody.
Goals in order: 1: Revenge on Doyle. 2: Get his bestfriends to join him. 3: Show he's a somebody.

-Vander already has the Zookeeper Shaman, Tucker Wells the Warlock, and Cathryn MAdison the Witch/Mummy/Slayer. With Sid being misdirected doyle's way.
- Swim Coach was nabbed by the Initiative. I'm trying to either wipe out the filler episodes or turn them into a legitimate threat.

He already killed his parents, first thing he did XD
Haha, I keep forgetting that. Right, makes sense.
No way Xander was letting them live. That was a very personal hatred.
Chapter 84: Stepping Up (Jesse)
Chapter 84: Stepping Up (Jesse)

Cordelia is here. "How do does my hair look?" At our club!

Even though I know Willow hates her to the same extreme I crave Cordelia, she's my best friend and hints at the truth. "You should use a comb. Still got a few leaves in that mop."

This is my chance. The words become a mantra as I try to ignore the snickering from my friends and head for the stairs.

Doyle's words repeat in my mind as I catch sight of the Cordelia and the half dozen friends taking up most of the floor. Be direct with what I want and accept a no for what it is.

Instead of hanging around the edge of her group until I build up the nerve to say something stupid, my feet bring me right up to the girl of my dreams.

"Hey Jesse," Harmony tries to get my attention not that I'm a somebody in her eyes. But I don't even register the words and sidestep around her.

"Let's dance." My arm is stiff with what I hope looks like confidence as I hold it out. "Might even get you a drink after, if you don't step on my feet."

Her affronted looks is quickly replaced with a calculating one. Her piercing gaze puts me under the spotlight and I'm amazed to find I pass her muster. "Yeah, alright."

"What brought you here tonight?" Swaying to the music, I can only hope she doesn't feel the thundering of my heart.

I do a good enough job that Cordelia pulls me closer as the song ends. "Another one?"

"Well now you have to let me get you that drink." Holy crap, she's actually smiling.

"What, you going to try telling me you know someone behind the bar?" Cordelia allows me to bask in the radiance of her smirk. "Because I'm not falling for that one again. I'll know if you just spike my drink."

"Doyle's sister is the bouncer. She wouldn't mind slipping me a few." At least I hope so after opening my stupid mouth. "Might even be able to get a whole tray sent over to your table if I time it right." As in any time before Doyle gets here.

"Well if that's actually true, you've just earned a spot at the party this weekend." She practically shoes me off with the promise a table will be claimed before I return.

It takes longer than normal to worm my way through the crowd and out the bomb shelter's doors. Darla proves she's way cooler than any of the teachers and lets me finish her smoke. Not even laughing when I choke and cough on the rank fumes in an attempt to impress.

"Drinking ages didn't really exist back when I was alive." Shrugs Darla when my shock becomes apparent. "And I got up to a whole lot more than that before I was your age. Who am I to be a hypocrite?"

"Well as far as I'm concerned, you're the coolest adult I know!" She actually gets surprised enough by the words to let me pull her into a quick hug.

I'm about to head back inside when Darla grabs my elbow with a warning hiss. "We're not alone."

"What?" My eyes dart around the alley, bringing a sensation of dread when I see four sets of glowing amber eyes.

They're all low to the ground and it's clear they aren't the usual fangsters. But it's only when the blood curdling laughter begins that I have clue as to what the threat is.

"I've seen Lion King at least a hundred times at Willow's house." The lump in my throat is incredibly difficult to swallow. "I know what a hyena sounds like."

"Get inside and tell Dennis I need some he-" She steps in front of me just as the shapes burst forth from the shadows.

Two of the beasts go for Darla. But that means the last pair is coming straight for me and I barely manage to throw myself inside before I get turned into manburger.

The narrow stairs are what save me, the circular descent means the hyenas have to follow me at a walk. My rolling body ends up sprawled on the upper walkway and startles the club goers into silence.

I don't let it last long though and scream a warning. "Rabid dogs!"

It seems like people are going to ignore me. But when the first of the beasts makes it down the stairs, the screaming is picked up by everyone.

Holly is a girl I never really spoke more than fifty words to since I met her in grade three. But I'll never get a chance to do so now that her throat's been torn out by an animal.

She's not the only person to get savaged by the hyenas. But she was the first to die and the rest all seemed to blend into each other.

Surging panic makes me leap over the railing and drop the twelve feet just as snapping jaws close where I had just been. My landing isn't graceful in anyway and I end up tumbling onto my side with a groan.

"Cordelia!" I know my friends are together and will be able to keep themselves safe. "Where are you?" But Cordelia and her friends are completely clueless about the real dangers in Sunnydale and I need to get to them.

I find them cowering with the rest of the dancers as one of the animals descends to our level. With one escape blocked, only a few at a time manage to escape up the other set.

A yelp from above makes me grin in relief. Dennis must have gotten out of the kitchen.

With renewed confidence in our odds, I pull Xander's pocket knife out. With a flick of my wrist, the loose blade is out. But really not ready for any kind of action.

Regardless of how useful the weapon is, it's all I have at my disposal. Cordelia and her friends are left at the back of the line, finding popularity at school means nothing in the den of the outcasts.

As the snarling beast chomps down on Harmony's ankle, the snooty blonde shrieks in agony. Two late to save her from harm, I try my hardest to at least save her life.

Throwing myself onto the animal, I stab into it's neck repeatedly. The spray of warm blood makes it hard to keep my grip on the hyena's fur.

But I refuse to let go until it lets go of Harmony and lays still at my shaking feet. It's only when her mangled leg is free that I realize the screams from above are still going on.
Oof! This is all going to leave a very nasty mark on Sunnydale.

I'm surprised the Mayor isn't getting involved with the Hyenas at least. Gangs on PCP is one thing, but the prestigious Sunnydale zoo can't be having their hyenas run amok in town.

Very impressive on Jesse's part at least, both the personal growth and saving Harmony and the Cordettes by tackling and stabbing a magical hyena to death.

Also the idea of Darla being surprise-hugged by a teenager is hilarious to me.
Go Jesse go! He's doing great!
He's been an interesting character to write, since we know so little about him.

Oof! This is all going to leave a very nasty mark on Sunnydale.

I'm surprised the Mayor isn't getting involved with the Hyenas at least. Gangs on PCP is one thing, but the prestigious Sunnydale zoo can't be having their hyenas run amok in town.

Very impressive on Jesse's part at least, both the personal growth and saving Harmony and the Cordettes by tackling and stabbing a magical hyena to death.

Also the idea of Darla being surprise-hugged by a teenager is hilarious to me.
Jesse did scream rabid dogs, so Sunnydale syndrome might keep the Zoo out of the news. Or it might get connected to the snakes that escaped in the fall and bit a teacher.

Technically the Mayor is involved, since he thinks Doyle is working for him now/It's an "open secret" they worked together against the MAster.

I really wanted to show his growth had led him to a halfway point between his canon nerves and vampiric cockiness.

I just loved the idea of Darla being all "I was a prostitute by fifteen, do you really think I care how old you are if you want to drink? And if Doyle finds out it'll just piss him off, so let's do this every weekend."
Chapter 85: Animal Instinct (Willow)
Chapter 85: Animal Instinct (Willow)

Jesse's bellowed warning just before he threw himself over the railing like some kind of action hero is the only reason we had any time to react. While everyone else wasted precious seconds looking around confused, we knew Jesse wouldn't make something like that up.

Like we've been training, the Ghostbusters pulled out whatever weapons we had managed to smuggle inside. While I pulled out the trusty stun gun Fred had given me, Amy was already starting to chant her newest spell.

Jonathan's hands are barely even shaking when he pulls out his bear mace and steps in front of us. An equally terrified Warren takes only a second to do the same, the pitcher of iced tea clutched in his white-knuckled grip.

"What's going on?" My question is answered only moments later when three snarling balls of spotted fur burst down the stairs.

Screams fill the club as everyone tries to get away from the gnashing teeth. But instead of running like the genius I'm called, I follow my friends in a nerve wracked charge.

We aren't fast enough to stop the first two teens from getting mauled. But hopefully our intervention will let them make it to the hospital. If we survive.

I'm not sure if it's Amy's spell or just the abundance of prey. But the hyenas don't seem to even notice our approach.

At least they didn't until Marcie unleashed her inner savage. Her scream of rage has to be to psych herself up. Because I've never seen the meek girl throw herself into danger like this before.

She's not alone in her eagerness to act and I realize we've all been feeling that same guilt. We might have been able to save Doyle. But we just let Xander die and can't even put his body to rest.

The letters I get each morning are filled with the best memories we shared growing up and it's taken all my willpower to resist the call. Even though I know it's not Xander anymore, it's the closest I can ever have again.

None of us are willing to lose another friend, especially not so soon. So with that determination filling us, we show these animals just how savage people can be.

"Willow, now!" Warren smashes the pitcher over the nearest hyena's back and drenches it in the sugary liquid.

Catching on at once, I fire my crackling prongs into the animal. It's howl of pain is so human I almost let go of the trigger. But when I see a scarlet Marcie roaring with fury above the other beast, I know I can't let my friends down again.

I don't stop until the charge runs dry and the body in front of me is smoking. "... Did I get it?"

The adrenaline doesn't leave like it usually does and in fact it feels like I got a huge surge of energy myself. Probably should have let go sooner.

Except I don't feel hurt or even sore in anyway. I feel better than I ever have.

While my friends check the injured, the braver teens start to approach the bodies. But my eyes are reserved for two people, making me growl in anger at the sight of the so close together.

Jesse carries a whimpering Harmony up the stairs and I can't hold in my smirk of delight. Why did I ever let Cordelia make me feel so small?

She has such a feeble pack and ours is only growing stronger. With Buffy backing us up we could even dethrone the bitch, the Slayer has experience with popularity.

Even if I don't approve of his current company, I can't deny it's incredible to see how confidant Jesse looks. If only Xander could have seen us. He would have been so proud of me tonight.

Except he's gone and not coming back. Marcie is right, Vander needs to go.

The plan grows in my head and I know how easy it would be for Jesse and I, to turn the open invitation into another trap. Get him alone, tell him we accept the gracious offer, and turn him into ash.

Of course my brain can never stop and I'm hit by a random idea I'll need to ask the Brachen about. Are vampires where the whole spontaneous combustion thing came from?

"That was really fast thinking Warren." I give my friend a dismissive look realizing something about him just smells off.

"I'm just glad it work-" He trails off awkwardly when he realizes I'm not paying attention.

My nose directs me to Marcie who does give me that feeling she belongs. Something I must admit I hadn't really believed before.

It's the same sensation I get when I make eye contact with Jesse and he smirks knowingly. We need to find the other two!

He nods and practically drops the cripple on one of the leather couches. Marcie doesn't even need a signal and follows the pair of us up the stairs, our friends' desperate calls are of course ignored.

We almost make it outside before a pain in our souls makes all three of us howl in anguish. Five has become four.

As a pack we recover quickly. But I know the Alpha needs us. She's alone.

None of us give our friend's fallen body in the alley even a second glance. We know the essence is gone and only bones remain.

But the vampire whore is definitely confused when we ignore her pinned beneath the body. Without a single look in Darla's direction, all three of us begin the hunt for our missing Alpha.
I'd always assumed Walsh had a disdain and irrational wilful ignorance towards the "myth and legend" aspect of her job investigating the supernatural - which included renaming everything to sound less ludicrous to her bosses.

She actively refused to believe more "magical" things on quite a few occasions, focusing entirely on the biological side of demons and refusing to accept the notion of "souls".

Believing that they're not magical [and that anything about them that can't be scientifically analyzed *now* will be able to in the future] is fine. Believing they're not the origin of the vampire myth and therefore properly called "vampires" is just plain ridiculous. Ancient people had plenty of superstitions about wolves and bears, too, doesn't mean they're not real, or that we don't use those words (though oddly enough there was a word for bears that we don't, in most Germanic languages, use anymore, precisely because one of the superstitions was that they would show up if you said it)

I saw her not looking into the magic side more as stubborn insistence that she would discover a new way. Magic has colloquial answers people have known for a long time, I need to be the first one to put it in a scientific textbook to standardize the language/terms/names.

But a weird technical-sounding semi-descriptive English name isn't a scientific name. Doesn't she know any Latin?


Though, I suppose Walsh's thing is just an extension of the central problem of *any* urban fantasy setting. How and why is the public kept ignorant of the existence of vampires, demons, and all other such things? Outside of Sunnydale which supposedly explicitly has a 'Sunnydale effect' caused by the Mayor, what is the countervailing force against every survivor of a vampire encounter, and every vampire hunter, telling everyone they meet everything they remember about it? In a nutshell, why is the vampire myth a myth?

If, say, there is some mystical field covering all of Earth that causes the majority of humans to explain things away (maybe weaker than the one in Sunnydale, but still enough to make them disbelieve any second-hand accounts), maybe Walsh just happens to not be in the percentage of people who are resistant to it, and her dismissive attitude to mythical aesthetics is its remaining effect in the face of constant exposure to overwhelming evidence preventing her and anyone else involved in the project from actually disbelieving the existence of the creatures.

It's certainly plausible for there to be such a global Sunnydale Effect. There's any number of suspects - vampires and hostile demons benefit from it in obvious ways, peaceful demons, witches, etc benefit by not being hunted down by misaimed angry mobs, watchers and other demon hunters benefit by being able to operate outside the law, and TPTB's precious 'balance' certainly depends on it.
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The amorality of the Powers That Be is probably showing as they like the status quo as it is and know that evil has a better chance of winning if humans know just enough to get themselves in trouble or sell their souls for power.

Though it wouldn't surprise me in the least if Wolfram & Hart is helping in that, because their whole deal is subtly corrupting a society by worming their way into positions of power/influence and taking advantage of completely legal loopholes in a society's framework. They don't benefit from openly being a demon-run evil law-firm or having battles in the street.

It's also important to realise most random people who encounter the supernatural tend to immediately die to said encounter or they're traumatized by it and have no evidence or way to explain it. So sure, there's plenty of suspicious stuff but nothing concrete outside of big hot spots like Sunnydale - which have their own solution.

Honestly the big thing is that it's not going to be a secret much longer. The advent of technology that can record evidence being everywhere, supernatural beings getting cocky and lazy about preserving their secrecy, and some potential apocalypses being really hard to cover up led to the Masquerade increasingly wearing thin with the US military becoming aware even.

So you're absolutely right it shouldn't work and that's because in canon it is right about to collapse. The full reveal of the supernatural world occurs about a decade from now when Vampire-Harmony of all people gets caught on camera trying to eat a celebrity.

A lot less oblivious and unknowing people will die and the world's militaries will quickly start slaughtering demons left, right, and centre, but there'll also be a lot more humans either purposefully or inadvertently helping along the apocalypse and becoming villains through magic, demonic bargains, or plain ignorance of the consequences of meddling in the supernatural.

To say nothing of how even the good supernatural beings and magic-users would not accept or enjoy the governments of the world (some of whom very corrupt or zealous) trying to stamp out or regulate what they perceive as their identities.
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So you're absolutely right it shouldn't work and that's because in canon it is right about to collapse. The full reveal of the supernatural world occurs about a decade from now when Vampire-Harmony of all people gets caught on camera trying to eat a celebrity.
Sure, widespread cameras and the internet definitely punches holes in the thing no matter what.

But there has to have been some mechanism for it to have become unknown in the first place. The Buffyverse lore is that in prehistoric times Earth was once ruled by demons (that's the "Old Ones" like what the Mayor is becoming, and like what's buried in the Deeper Well), and they were defeated somehow (the creation of the Slayer is supposed to have been part of this but not all of it AIUI) except for certain weaker species, mainly vampires, that stuck around like cockroaches, and then.... somehow everyone forgot? Despite vampires and such continuously existing the whole time (there was AIUI never a period where vampires and other lesser demons were less of a present threat than they are in modern times).

The "somehow everyone forgot" part is what i'm theorizing about the mechanism of.
Chapter 86: Blunt as a Beast (Buffy)
Chapter 86: Blunt as a Beast (Buffy)

With the hunt unfinished, my body still boils with tension as I follow the wise male back out of our prey's den. He is completely focused on our surroundings. Like my chosen should be. Leaving me free to observe him in safety.

Not as powerful. Dismissing him as ever being able to physically challenge me, I still crave his experience. He knows how our prey thinks and he has done nothing but support me.

"You feeling alright?" See, his first instinct is to check on me. "It looks like you're the one who got rag-dolled."

He doesn't smell like pack. I grin to myself as I let the scents of the night waft over me. That just means he's safe to breed with.

"Still excited." My words have taken on a feral tone and my eyes narrow on him. "Help me relax." You are acceptable.

"That's why everyone else is waiting for you at the club." He clearly doesn't get my subtlety and forces me to turn up the heat.

"Pack will find us." He scowls at the word choice. "We have time to play first."

Shaking his head, it's clear I'm going to be forced to show him his place. "What are you talking about? We have to stop the rest of the animals before somebody gets hurt."

"Don't care. Want you now." Shrugging at his annoyance, I approach with a confidence I'm not sure why Doyle used to sap from me.

"That's not funny Buffy." His scowl grows and brings a growl to my throat. No one denies me.

"Not joking." He realizes I'm going to do something far too late to stop me from slamming a palm into his chest.

The 'oomph' he makes is followed by a series of breathless gasps as Doyle groans on the ground. But even in a position that should leave him helpless, my opponent doesn't make my job easy.

Struggling like the warrior he's proven himself, I actually find myself unable to pin him. The sudden surge in strength from allowing his true self to emerge is nearly equal to my own and allows him to force me away.

"So I'm assuming you're not just Buffy anymore?" Panting from the effort, Doyle hastily creates some distance between us.

"I feel great." What are you talking about? "Better than I have since the day I was called."

My gaze narrows as I assume it to be just another one of the tricks he uses to fight stronger prey. He watches my every move and I can see concern mixed with wariness. Does he fear me?

Even though my nose lacks his finesse, I don't get any sense that he's scared. Just wary about what our mating dance is going to look like.

"It's time we stopped pretending the regular will ever do for either of us." Strutting forward, I watch his eyes dart frantically for an escape. "We belong together." One I'm not going to provide.

"You're clearly under the influence of something..." His concern for me is touching, if incredibly misplaced right now. "Otherwise you'd never be saying stuff like this." That's what you think.

When he looks away for just a moment, I pounce towards him for round two. But it was just a trap to lure me in and I gasp out in pain, the air suddenly forced from my lungs as his knee drives upwards.

"Really sorry about this Buff. But no way I could have done that if you felt fine." He pants above me and waits for my next move.

He may be placid most of the time. But it's the moments where blood is pumping that he really shows how cunning a predator he is. Our young will be strong and smart.

"I'm not falling for that again." I grin even wider as he keeps his distance. "You pulled the same thing last time we sparred."

Flipping onto my feet right off of my back would normally have strained me. But tonight I don't even feel a twinge in my joints and bonce at my chosen.

Our tango lasts far longer than I would like and when I hear the mournful howls of my pack, I know my time is up. "Just when I was getting excited."

"Just calm down and let's get you to Jenny. She should be able to think of something." He looks down and mumbles something about drawing a blank himself. "No need to put me on a watch list."

"I can keep a secret..." It's you who keeps making people share.

"This isn't up for debate. You're my student and the imbalance of power will always be wrong!" Frantic to convince, his arms flail for emphasis.

I notice he never said anything about a lack of feelings and grin wide enough to nearly split my face. "So if I drop out it will be okay?" I don't need math to hunt and you can tutor me in English if you really think it's important.

"Of course not!" Frantic desperation pours off him and it's a delight to know I'm the only one who can make his face contort in such terror. He's learning his place.

"Why didn't Angel warn me about this?" Once again he mutters to himself and I get annoyed at his obvious distraction. Focus on me!

No matter how much I want to finish our dance, I force myself to slink away. The pang I ignored when one of the pack fell, has become nearly impossible to remain numb to. The pack needs to mourn our lose.

"See you at school." Fun can be had tomorrow night. "If I decide it's worth it." After we hunt.

He tries to block my escape. But once I pick up speed it's impossible for him to catch up. Mom better still have leftovers.
BtVS has been a guilty pleasure of mine ever since I saw that musical special episode. I think this will be interesting!
It's been one of my favourite shows since I saw the Hyena episode (first episode I saw).

Wow that was unexpected. It makes sense, but I was still caught so off guard!
When I realized Buffy was going to get a Primal possesion, I rewatched the cave Buffy episode. She's very Hungry/Horny/Hitty when at a more instinctive level. It would have been horrible if I had Doyle get possesed and had him make a move on a student, so it made sense for Buffy to be the aggressor.

Now the feelings have been revealed, but Buffy has the option of saying it was the Primal.