Something To Atone For. BtVS/AtS, Doyle SI.

Chapter 75: Two Months Later
Chapter 75: Two Months Later

The guilt over how everything turned out with the Master has finally lessened enough that I can meet Angel's concerned eyes in the passenger seat. I haven't Fred very much since she had Graham help her move her things to campus.

It's finally sunk in that she really getting away from all the crazy since the last time we spoke was when Dennis got his new body. Glad someone I care about is able to have a normal life.

"You have enough chew tabs?" Worried about how fast she's going through the latest batch the Maclays sent, I have absolutely no idea how to fix this mistake of mine.

She's pure human... The visions will kill her in just a couple years and I still haven't figured out something better than slipping some Mohra blood in her coffee once a week.

Determination to avoid that has had me taking advantage of Jenny's online expertise and my growing wealth has been put towards quite the collection of esoteric books. Giles might even think I'm a proper educator when he sees how many shelves have been filled.

"As long as I don't have more than one vision today." Winces my brave passenger as the front door swings open the reveal a waving pair of Summers women. I really need to start recording stuff before Dawn changes all my memories.

"If you do have one?" My voice demands with worry filling it.

Angel rolls her eyes and the dark eyeliner really makes the expression sting more than it should. "I go straight to you, Jenny, or Snyder."

Can't believe he's the one who said they can call him that, just because he thinks it's cool to just go by only a last name. As strange as it is to even think about, it seems like Russel is actually being accepted by the group.

Darla gives him less lip than anyone besides Jesse and the teens have stopped sassing him all the time. Of course they still give him his fair share of teasing, it's just spoken without actual hatred now.

Hell, Snyder's even taken over coaching the swim team ever since the fish guy vanished without a trace. Fred couldn't even find a trail, so I'm really thinking he just got unlucky one night.

Since Nest's defeat, Vander has been laying so low I was worried he left Sunnydale. It wasn't until he started leaving Willow 'love' notes, that I knew for sure he was still around.

"Or Buffy." I know you and the other teens have started staking vampires at the Bronze without me.

At least if Buffy helps I can stop asking Darla to keep an eye on you all. I'd prefer if she helped Lorne keep the Sunset Club safe anyway.

No matter how many facts I spouted, the teens latched onto the idea of Darla, Liam, Dennis, Lorne, Clem, and I, being the true 'Lonely Ones'. They don't think all vampires are just misunderstood now and the costumes at the club have become more varied. But It's really strange to see the one guy who really seems to be trying to cosplay a Brachen.

Of course Lorne loves his little clutch of groupies who insist on covering themselves in green body paint every night. Do they start the second they get home from school?

The owner was quick to offer him a nightly spot to host his radio show live and the greedy gleam in Lorne's eye had me slightly concerned. But it's given both Dennis and Darla something to do each night too.

Dennis is just as good a cook as the show claimed he was and has turned the Sunset's kitchen into something of actual quality. Of course Darla refused to have anything to do with that part of the business and took the bouncer's position eagerly.

Enough of the teens liked Frankenstein enough that Jenny's been able to start a science club. With Willow helping Warren take charge of the club, it seems like the girl is starting to open up again.

Giles really was even more disappointed by Dennis' performance than I thought. He made it very clear the Council can't afford to be replacing all of it's robots each patrol and I was able to sleep soundly once that phone call was over.

"As long as we can keep making it seem like it's me who has the visions," It was Jesse's idea and I have to admit it was quite brilliant. "The Mayor shouldn't care about you at all."

"You're really going to that meeting with him?" Her face scrunches up at the idea. "And just with Snyder?"

"After our help making sure the Aurelians became an endangered species, Wilkins apparently just wants to find out what other ways I intend to help." The cheque Russel handed me on Friday was big enough to make it clear the Mayor seems to think I'm on his payroll now.

"It's probably best if we split the teams up and you lot handle the stuff at the school." I've dealt with enough of the filler that you shouldn't be completely overwhelmed by it now.

Joyce follows her daughter to my van with a warm smile. "Thanks for all of the help Allen. It's made the move so much easier on us both."

"We're already going right past the place, no reason you need to leave early." My shrug is casual as Buffy pulls open the sliding door with her own 'good morning'. "And hey yourself. Ready for hell on Earth?"

"He's exaggerating. I've been to way worse schools." Didn't Angel pretty much get 'home schooled' by Caleb? "We'll let you know which teachers to stay on the good side of."

Conceding the point with a chuckle, I wink so Buffy knows I was just referring to why she should avoid the library. "Not quite as many extra curriculars at this school and the teachers might not be as highly acclaimed as the ones you had at Hemery. But the cliques intermingle more than you would think."

Even in the show, Cordelia and her friends knew far too much about the 'cretins'. And for such an apparent loser even Jonathon was getting invited to some of the parties.

"Angel's friends usually come over after school to study. What time do you want Buffy home?" Leaving the power entirely with Joyce, I can practically feel Buffy's irritation coming off in waves.

Joyce considers the question for moment and goes over how much work she has to do at the gallery before it's ready for opening day. "I'll be home around six."

My expression twists into one of sympathy. "Why don't you just stop by and join us for dinner? That's way too late in the day to worry about food and I pretty much have to have enough food to feed an army."

Glad to avoid dishes tonight, Joyce gratefully accepts the offer and lets me back out of the driveway. I keep the conversation basic until I turn off Revello Drive before giving Buffy a serious look in the rearview mirror.

"It's going to be a whole lot safer if you tell your mom about everything..." Her face goes pale at the idea hanging in the suddenly tense van. "Want to do that that tonight at dinner?" Should make patrolling a whole lot less stressful for the next two years.
I'm not sure if it's my day, or intentional in the writing, but I can feel the sadness coming off him for most of the chapter. Poor bastard.

I wonder if this would become an ongoing thing with him, he meets great women who want to be with him because he's a hero, but leave him because being a hero means he's got a much lower life expectancy.

Could just be a one off that he learns from, or a continual experience that prevents him from maintaining a steady relationship, and giving him something in common with Graham and his bros, which keeps him firmly on the 'do not capture our drinking buddy' list.

Either way, I realised I haven't done a full binge of this story since it came out, just every chapter, and individual ones again as a refresh. May do that sometime today. How is your muse and burnout prevention going?
I'm not sure if it's my day, or intentional in the writing, but I can feel the sadness coming off him for most of the chapter. Poor bastard.

I wonder if this would become an ongoing thing with him, he meets great women who want to be with him because he's a hero, but leave him because being a hero means he's got a much lower life expectancy.

Could just be a one off that he learns from, or a continual experience that prevents him from maintaining a steady relationship, and giving him something in common with Graham and his bros, which keeps him firmly on the 'do not capture our drinking buddy' list.

Either way, I realised I haven't done a full binge of this story since it came out, just every chapter, and individual ones again as a refresh. May do that sometime today. How is your muse and burnout prevention going?
I was definitely trying to get a melancholy feeling across.

With the visions gone, he's not just a guide anymore. His life will only get more dangerous.

Fred leaving wasn't just because of his own dangers. She knew being with her was only going to double his risk and couldn't add to that.

My muse never left and I got some good ideas on the stories overall size/direction. It's looking to be a '4 season' story with a few 'movies'(12-20 chapters) in between seasons. The big problem was feeling the burnout and so I'm going to stick to a Monday-Friday schedule from now on.
"You have enough chew tabs?" Worried about how fast she's going through the latest batch the Maclays sent, I have absolutely no idea how to fix this mistake of mine.

She's pure human... The visions will kill her in just a couple years and I still haven't figured out something better than slipping some Mohra blood in her coffee once a week.

I'm confused here. This seems to be written from a perspective where Angel somehow got the visions transferred to her, but I can't find anywhere in the previous chapters where it was ever mentioned before this. The obvious point for this to have happened would be when she did CPR in the Master's lair, but no mention of it was made then or in the rest of the chapter.
I'm confused here. This seems to be written from a perspective where Angel somehow got the visions transferred to her, but I can't find anywhere in the previous chapters where it was ever mentioned before this. The obvious point for this to have happened would be when she did CPR in the Master's lair, but no mention of it was made then or in the rest of the chapter.
This was confirming they did transfer, since I had failed at making it clear in the last few chapters. I thought I had explained the criteria for vision transferal and then had them all happen in the Master's cave. I didn't acknowledge it in the cave, since everyone was focused on Doyle surviving and it wasn't in the phonecall to Tara, because Angel hadn't had a vision yet.

I was trying to show not tell, but I didn't pull the curtain back far enough.
I thought I had explained the criteria for vision transferal and then had them all happen in the Master's cave.

I was trying to show not tell, but I didn't pull the curtain back far enough.

Agree to both these statements. I do appreciate you trying to slide it in there as a way for readers to stop short and go, "Wait. What about..." I think your emphasis on the breaking ribs is what hid it from me. It drew my eye and attention away from Angel also providing the mouth-to-mouth. I recalled that modern CPR protocol emphasizes the compressions way more than the ventilation, so I subconsciously downgraded any lip-to-lip happening as a lesser sideshow to compressions which broke the ribs.
Agree to both these statements. I do appreciate you trying to slide it in there as a way for readers to stop short and go, "Wait. What about..." I think your emphasis on the breaking ribs is what hid it from me. It drew my eye and attention away from Angel also providing the mouth-to-mouth. I recalled that modern CPR protocol emphasizes the compressions way more than the ventilation, so I subconsciously downgraded any lip-to-lip happening as a lesser sideshow to compressions which broke the ribs.
I'm perfectly willing to admit what I was trying to accomplish with a scene and how well it worked. I was aiming for the vision transfer to be an obvious in hindsight/on a reread. But something that about 40% of readers would miss the first time. I think it was closer to only 20% of readers caught it and that makes it a failure of presentation on my part. I should have had Jesse make a joke about thinking Fred was the one from the South or something.

The rib breaking was just because it happened to me when I had to perform CPR. I was so scared I was going to go to jail (was 16) until the paramedic who arrived laughed and told me that you break a rib 90% of the time when you do chest compressions correctly. So whenever I do a CPR scene, I make sure to include that bit.
She knew being with her was only going to double his risk and couldn't add to that.
I think the word is believed, rather than knew. Because what is he going to do differently now as a result of being single, that he wouldn't have done earlier? It's more likely to be the loss of visions that changes how he acts, since he could very well lower his self worth and now define himself solely by what he does to protect people as a hero, fighting demons. It's not as if she's any less of a weakness if she gets captured now that they're not dating.
I think the word is believed, rather than knew. Because what is he going to do differently now as a result of being single, that he wouldn't have done earlier?
Fred's trying to keep him safe from Walsh/discovery by the Initiative and he's trying to keep her safe from the demon fighting.

Edit: Family just showed up while I was halfway through chapter. Can't finish until they leave, so this one might be a little after midnight.
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Chapter 76: Lounging Around
Chapter 76: Lounging Around

The morning classes pass by in the same self-pitying haze that the last two months have been full of. Every single time I see a couple of blushing teens, my stomach twists uncomfortably.

I made the choice to stop being just a guide. No one to blame except myself for being stuck with a lifetime of loneliness. Either that constant grief.

I'm part of the Buffyverse...
The bitter thought burns inside my head. We don't get happy love lives.

Stopping outside the lounge, I force my expression into a neutral state. Don't need to spoil Russel and Jenny's good mood.

Finding the pair engrossed in a conversation already, I'm not in any rush to join them. Taking my time at the coffee pot, I even refill it before grabbing the lunch Dennis made for me last night.

Not giving me even a minute to dig in, Russel throws me under the bus as soon as I sit down. "And I'm delegating to Allen. He actually seems to like spending time with the kids."

"What am I doing?" The way his eyes are kind of popping out has me uncomfortable.

The smirk grows on Russel's face. "Field trip to the zoo needs more chaperones."

"I've got a dentist appointment that day."

"Haven't told you when it is." His voice is full of triumph.

I can feel myself going pale at the idea of going back to the scene of my crime. "Haven't booked it yet."

"Please?" It's still so strange to hear him ask for anything.

"You have no idea how bad that place smells..." My growl is deep enough to make the secretary give me a strange look.

Chest puffed out as he reminisces about chasing Vander off, Russel just makes Betty look even more confused."Can't be worse than the sewers."

"Have we gone back into them?" My snarky retort has the secretary leaning in closer for the juicy gossip.

"It's either this or you handle the talent show in May." The choice is offered with a mocking grin. "Your choice."

"Give me the talent show!" The urgency shocks Russel out of his cockiness. But I can only focus on one very small detail I overlooked.

I haven't done anything about Morgan or Sid yet! The realization that this is the third person in Buffy's life with a brain tumour, really has me wondering if it's just bad luck. Or are some of them maybe a side effect of something magical?

Well since I'm already helping some of the teens with start up funds for a robotics company once they graduate... Maybe I should talk to Amy about Mohra blood.

"Really?" Russel's shocked voice brings me back into the moment. "I thought I was going to be stuck with that damn thing again."

"I'd rather risk my ears." Better get used to bad singing before Liam comes home.

"How's the ID coming along?" Once the secretary leaves the three of us alone in the lounge, Russel steers us towards the important topics.

Shrugging awkwardly, I fill them in on the very little I know. "Fred said it would take a while."

"It's been two months..." Jenny's lips twist into a frown. "I'm pretty sure I could have gotten something whipped up by now."

"She's just making sure to stay under the radar." I did warn her the government is keeping an eye on Sunnydale. "Don't want any suits grabbing Dennis."

Wrinkles form on Russel's forehead right before he speaks. "What happened to Dennis just reclaiming his own identity?"

"He didn't want to be nearly a hundred." Wouldn't have been able to experience anything life has to offer that way.

"Makes sense," hums Russel as he finds nothing he can argue with. "Does that mean you're going to pretend he's another half sibling instead?"

Shaking my head, I try not to dwell for too long on the how. "Can't keep getting away with that. Fred's just going to surprise us with his backstory." And for some reason, Dennis is perfectly fine with just getting a random identity.

"How's the swim team treating you?" I'm not just curious about the teams' physical health and actually care about the sudden volunteering my friend did.

Jesse hasn't complained once and that's what I find most unusual. But as I watch my friend shoot another beaming smile at Jenny, I realize it's not actually such a mystery.

"Apparently my attitude is just what the swimmers need to really push themselves." He lets himself smirk. "I'm pretty sure we can avoid the bottom rankings at the next meet."

"Really?" I'm impressed, in the show the team was barely worth being called one.

Russel's grin goes from confidant to unnervingly feral. "I'm going to break the boys down and spend the spring turning them into actual competitors."

"You sound like you actually care..." One of my eyebrows goes up. "Feeling alright?"

"I couldn't understand why you spent so much time on the teens." Admitting this seems to bring him physical discomfort and Russel shifts in his seat. "But after Percy beat his best time, he called me coach and he actually meant it."

A chuckle escapes Jenny as she narrows her eyes on her beau. "Is that why I've been having less than half the kids in detention?"

As the newest member of staff, the responsibility has now fallen to her. And I'm perfectly happy being able to go home when the bell rings.

"How are the little mad scientists?" Turning the inquiry onto her and the club Willow talked her into hosting, my lips curl into a smirk. "Anyone else I need to scare straight for you?"

"Chris was the only one I was worried about." Jenny's grimace is enough for me to avoid bringing up how she had to kick his friend Eric out of the club. Pretty sure that kid terrifies all of us.

"He's going to work with Warren and Willow on designing his brother's face?" As long as the coma rumour holds, Daryl Epps will be able to go back to school by spring break.

Humming her agreement between bites of blueberry muffin, Jenny explains why Angel's vision was so easy to deal with."It's not like Daryl wants to look like a monster. He's very willing to go with whatever story we come up with as long as he gets a normal life back."

"Even if he can't play sports anymore?" He can't exactly face any kind of medical scrutiny.

"You get to choose which face you wear." She snorts right in my stunned face. "He's stuck looking like a rotting corpse and will agree to any conditions we set."

My face turns a bit green at what the future could have held. "I just don't want him making a corpse bride out of several cheerleaders."

"Angel never said anything about that!" Shock is mixed with disgust as Jenny resists the urge to jump to her feet.

"I just have a wild imagination." And hopefully that's all it will ever be now. "You find any dirt on the lunch lady yet?"

Not missing a beat when I turn to him, Russel has an answer ready with a smug expression. "Her last day is next Friday."

"And what happens if Miss French calls the school?" Since Russel decided to start helping out, I've really taken advantage of his administrative connections to handle upcoming problems.

"Tell you right away." He shudders at the idea of the She-Mantis.

A thoughtful smirk suddenly appears on Jenny's face and she leans towards the now sweating Russel. "Why don't you stop by for dinner and we can make sure she keeps her eyes off of you."

The words make me freeze in place. I don't think I was supposed to hear that part.
Chapter 77: On The Spot
Chapter 77: On The Spot

As the students start to file out of my class before I can pile on anymore homework, I'm relieved Buffy seems to be meshing well with everyone. Cordelia wasn't even giving her a hard time about hanging out with 'losers'.

Actually seeming to respect Willow's grief, I haven't had to call either of them out since Xander's funeral. Proof the self proclaimed 'Slayer of Dating' was never really heartless.

Unless her and Angel suddenly become best friends, I think that's at least one of the Scoobies safe from fate.
In less than three minutes, everyone not getting a ride home with me is long gone.

Giving the teens my full attention, I have to admit Jesse stunned me today. I was expecting him to pretty much replace Xander in the group. But he's proven to be his own man and not shifted his attention away from Cordelia.

Though he has stopped being creepy about it. Just a few tame compliments each day and it seems to be working. I guess it doesn't hurt that he's on a team now and isn't going to ruin her reputation.

"Thought about my idea?" Directing my words to Buffy, I remind her about dinner tonight.

"You really think it's a good one?" Her lips pull down into a conflicted frown. "Giles and Merrick both said it's safer if she never finds out."

"That might have been true in a city like Los Angeles..." Marcie finds her voice and speaks up, even though I can see it on her face that she expects to be ignored in such a large group.

Earning a friend for life, Buffy's enhanced hearing doesn't miss the words. "Is Sunnydale really that bad?"

"Already had to get rid of two teachers since I started here and I'm keeping an eye out for anymore." Considering the risk carefully, I give Jesse a warning look. "Some demons like to hunt virgins specifically. So you should all keep that in mind if a teacher suddenly starts putting the moves on you."

"The Mayor is going to eat us all at graduation..." Jesse tries to change the subject back to how dangerous the town is, his face flushed at what he must think was me singling him out. "You should at least tell your mom about the vampires."

Turning the suggestion back on the lanky boy, Buffy still isn't convinced. "Have you told yours?"

"It was the only way I could think of to keep Vander from getting invited in while I was out one night." His voice is suddenly tight with frustration. "No way my parents would have left him out in the rain, not without me ruining his memory at least."

"And they actually believed you?" Buffy's doubt gets turned away from me and focuses on Jesse's claim.

"Dad already knew about the vampires." Lips quirk into a wry grin as Jesse shares how it went. "He said it's one of the reasons so many of the doctors on staff drink."

Her shocked jaw drops at the same her voice rises in pitch. "Why would a normal person keep living here?"

"Lots of people live right beside an active volcano." Points out Jonathon. "This isn't really that different."

"And every job pays at least twice what you would make even just moving outside city limits." Amy explains her dad's reason for staying. "It's enough for anyone who notices the strange to stop looking in the shadows."

Having gotten the worst results with her folks, Willow nod her agreement. "Mom just told me to keep my voice down and to be inside by sundown."

"I'm not going to tell your mom unless you want to. Just wanted you to know you don't have to break the news alone." Darla should be enough proof of concept and if she's not, I can always just sneeze."

"May as well," Buffy concedes with a strangely relieved face. "Giles isn't going to be happy though."

"The Council does a heck of a lot of good in the world..." My words are as honest as I can be on the subject. "But they are still just people and we're known for screwing up. Either by betrayal or accident, not everyone in tweed can be trusted."

"But you can?" Noticing what seems like hypocrisy, Warren shows some use outside of the computer lab.

"I'll never lie to you unless a life is immediately on the line." My eyes lock onto Buffy's blue pair as I desperately try to make the words sound true. "You've more than earned that from a comrade."

A snort at the classroom door announces the arrival of Angel. "Does that mean you're going to tell her about all the 'visions' you have written down? Or are those still things we don't need to worry about right now?"

Exhaling all my frustration out one nostril, I force myself not to react anymore visibly than that. "... I put most of them on the calendar."

"After you died!" My 'sister' is quick to retort with betrayal filling her voice. "And you still aren't telling us everything. I saw how many pages you just flipped past."

"Those ar-" I'm about to explain those away and have to freeze when I get hissed at.

"Don't bother telling us those have already been dealt with." Willow joins the rest in showing me under the bus. "I already know you use blue Post-Its on those ones, just not sure what the pink ones are for."

Well crap... These kids are too damn smart.

All eyes bore into me and I know they won't let me avoid the truth this time. "Those are the things that could end the world."

Gasps of shock fill the air as Willow stares at me with horror. "But you have at least ten of those."

"And Wilkins isn't even on that list." I use the Mayor and his plans as a reference base for the scale of threats I'm talking about. "He's barely a state level threat." Even if Wilkins beats us, he's going to be bombed into paste before he reaches the Rockies.

"So what do you consider world ending?" Lips tremble as Jesse pries for answers.

I start holding up fingers as I count some examples off."Cult of all female demons who want to open the Hellmouth, evil spirit trapped in the internet, or a statue that wants to swallow the world."

"I'll tell my mom..." Buffy shares a conniving look with the teens but doesn't reveal the ringleader behind this. "But only if you let me borrow that diary."
It's sad that it seems like everything's kind of gone off the rails for Doyle all at once. Nobody seems to particularly like or trust him anymore (except Buffy), he doesn't like or respect himself anymore, and there's a bit of a "trapped, suffocated, can't do anything" feeling to his internal narrative these days.

I had hoped this was a tiny bit more of a "stop the Buffyverse being quite as grim" fic than the Whedon-esque level of canon grimness things have become. Don't misunderstand I'm still enjoying it, it's well-written and engaging, but it'd be nice to know if this is the new tone for the future or if things will get better and it's just a low point?
Don't misunderstand I'm still enjoying it, it's well-written and engaging, but it'd be nice to know if this is the new tone for the future or if things will get better and it's just a low point?
It's definitely a low point and not a change in overall tone. That's a big part of why I did the 2 month time skip, so we can move ahead to the end of the break up misery. Instead of how Buffy came back after the S1 finale and was acting like a bad girl, Doyle's going through a sad boy episode.

His mood is actually being confronted as I'm writing the current chapter.
Chapter 78: Revelations
Chapter 78: Revelations

The table is set and everyone who isn't at least pretending to be someone's relative has left with the promise to join us for patrol. Of course that had Buffy quite a bit more interested in the activity than she seemed to be down in LA.

Since Qullana is trying to adjust to a normal life, Buffy could just be looking forward to not being the only special one. It's not like Gunn's boys could really push her and now she has three of us to share the burden with.

"Giles will be here at seven. He's going to drive Mom home and answer any of the hard questions while you show me the hot spots." The incredibly nervous girl hangs up the phone. "But he's really not happy about this."

"If this doesn't turn out the way we hope, they can just ignore my advice with the next Slayer." Before Buffy can finish her gasp of shock, I hastily hold up a hand to correct myself. "They can have the next sixty years to figure out a better system."

"Thanks for making Giles tell me the truth." Her face crinkles into an odd expression I can't quite name.

Trying to play it off as a smaller deal than I know it really is, I can only shoot her a half smile. "I did the same thing I do with all of my charges. I gave him the facts and let Rupert choose how to react." Really glad he made the right call though.

Her eyes dart behind me to the clock before sliding towards one of my roommates. "Well that's good. Because I've been told you're still moping around and I can't figure out why."

"You might have noticed Fred isn't here." Whatever reason could I have for feeling depressed?

"She dumped you months ago though..." Darla snorts derisively from the stairs, letting me know it's Angel behind me. "At this point you're acting worse than William."

That really stings and I know my face has contorted into a shocked grimace. "You take that back!"

"Well stop brooding like a bloody awful poet." The scorn in the vampire's voice cuts right through me. "You've been split up as long as she lived with you."

"Time's up on the socially acceptable grieving period," adds a smirking Buffy.

As much as I want to bicker the point, I know they're right. Even if my moods only partially about Fred calling it quits, I'm not really ready to share the full details of my future knowledge.

If it was this hard taking down the Master, can I really make a difference against the bigger threats coming up? Or am I just going to get even more people killed?

The address book I've been using to keep track of the things I could remember is open in the Slayer's hand. "How do you make sense of any of this?"

"It's just some notes so I don't forget the big things." It's not like I was writing down a synopsis of every episode for you to go over with a fine-tooth comb.

"Go to little league games and watch the coaches." Turning the book towards me, Buffy's frown is directed at thee incredibly brief descriptions I left her. "How is that helpful to anyone?"

"I got eight years worth of visions all in a single night. Wasn't easy to even get that much written down before I forgot it all." And I'm pretty sure I still didn't even get half of it in the right order.

"How come I didn't get that?" Angel doesn't let me out of the frying pan. "I've only had ones about stuff happening that day."

Darla saves me from answering when she ponders aloud. "Probably because they just got passed on to you. No reason to repeat the same visions Allen already saw."

"I guess..." Not really sounding convinced by the suggestion, Angel side-eyes me intently for clues that I can only hope are absent from my face.

"What about this one?" Flipping to one of the pages with a pink tab, Buffy snorts at the limited information. "Demon Sorority and zombies with a bomb on the same night. That's literally all you have written down!

It's like taking notes for school, you only use key words and phrases to trigger the memory." Would have been awfully stupid of me to leave all that information written down for someone evil to steal.

"How is that worse than the Mayor trying to eat us all?" Confused at my ranking system, Angel is finally distracted enough to stop the glaring.

"The military can blow up a giant snake." Some homemade explosives did the job just fine. "I'm not sure they could close the Hellmouth."

Everyone goes quite at that grim thought and it lasts a few awkward moments. Thankfully Joyce's headlights shine through the window and the mood shifts to a lesser tension.

"I'm really doing this." Buffy takes a few deep breaths and darts to the door ahead of me.

I remind her who really has to worry about consequences tonight. "I'm the one she's going to be mad at. Worst case scenario and she just thinks I'm trying to take advantage of you."

Her cheeks go pink with what I assume must be embarrassment at the idea. "But Mom likes you."

"Let's see if that holds true after she learns what we do most nights." Or that my family is freakier than the Munsters.

"Probably isn't going to be that mad once you mention the savings accounts." Darla brings up the envelopes with each teens' name on it that I brought home from the bank.

"What is she talking about?" Buffy isn't the only one to blink in confusion, with Angel mirroring her stunned movements.

"I made sure to use my visions properly when I had them." An amused smirk appears on my face. "I've invested in some stocks that I know will pay off for everyone helping out." Least I can do considering the fact that both shows make finances an issue at some point.

Joyce is let inside by a chuckling Darla, instantly noticing the undercurrent of excitement I just created. "Buffy is asking about stocks? I'll know it's a lie if you try telling me she's interested in math now."

"Do you prefer to be eased into shocking news or would you rather I just dump you right in the deep end?" Flustered at how many eyes are on me, I attempt to go for levity.

"Is Buffy already in trouble at school?" The groan reminds me that Joyce wasn't always the most understanding parent.

"She's not in any kind of academic trouble." Not with Russel on our side. "We just thought it was time you knew the truth."

When my spikes emerge along with the dark green skin, Joyce let's out a terrified gasp. It only gets repeated when Darla reveals her own fangs with a smirk revealing she's enjoying this at least a little bit.

"Run Buffy!" Joyce's first instinct is to bar her arms wide in an attempt to give her daughter time to flee.

Of course Buffy doesn't move and I'm quick to shake my face back to human. "Now that you know we're telling the truth, let's talk about what kind of town Sunnydale really is."
Interlude 16: Taking The Initiative
Interlude 16: Taking The Initiative

"Any change in Hostile Four?" Director Maggie Walsh wasted no time cutting to the chase when she entered the lab exactly on time. "Or is he still on the hunger strike?"

Winnifred Burkle had quickly worked her way into the doctor's good graces and was now acting as her direct assistant. "He hasn't responded to any shocks. Not even when we turn the voltage all the way up."

After the stress filled Fred realized the Initiative lumped anything demonic into the same category, she knew it was vital to keep her distance from Allen. Every time she had worked up the nerve to end things, he ended up getting himself nearly killed.

She knew if Walsh got her hands on him, Allen would never see the light of day again. It's going to be hard to keep the Initiative's eyes away from the high school. But I have to try.

"Claims the Annointed One will feed us our entrails and spread the Master's darkness across the world." One of the less useful scientists offered nervously.

The director's eyes narrowed until the man seemed ready to faint. "What is he talking about?"

"There will be a time of crisis, of worlds hanging in the balance." Fred carefully checked her notes for the exact phrasing of Luke's prophecy. "And in this time shall come the Annointed, the Master's great warrior. The Slayer will not know him or stop him, and he shall lead her into Hell."

"Is that all of it?" Walsh is completely unimpressed with the dark words and just wanted to get on with the next round of tests.

"Five shall be harvested to bring about the Annointed's reign..." As she tried to ignore the dreadful feeling the words filled her with, Fred forced herself to finish speaking the dark promise. "The Aurelians will rise once more and usher forth her immortal destiny."

No visible reaction graced Maggie's face aside from a brief flicker of boredom. "Just words meant to shake the weak. Is that what you are doctor Stevens?"

"Has our time been just as wasted with the Russian?" With nothing further to say on the vampire topic, Maggie was swift to steer the conversation to one of the other captives.

Guilt filled Fred as she knew his capture was entirely her fault. "He's quite eager to talk to you about the enhancements his serum can give soldiers. Says it's only got a few kinks left to work out before it can used in the field."

"I'll be the judge of that." Never one to just accept grandiose promises, Maggie remained cautiously optimistic about her secret super soldier program.

"Casualties are down fourteen percent since we switched to using flash-bangs." Agent Riley Finn only speaks after his textbook perfect salute. "We're going to need to expand soon or start clearing out some cells."

The stern Maggie just shrugged dismissively. "Funding has already been approved to add a subbasement and expand my staff by forty percent. Just focus on bringing in new specimens until the summer is over."

"We're not really finding those anymore. Not since you insisted we keep our patrols around campus." Disgruntled at the restriction, Riley discreetly shot the one to blame a glare.

Fred just ignored his scorn though and held firm to her suggestion. "You've been claiming the campus as your territory. It's the only way you're going to establish a safe-zone anywhere in Sunnydale that you can expand from."

"Just follow the new route for the rest of the school year and plan out the next neighbourhood you want us to expand into." Frowned Walsh as she finally got a good look at how emaciated Hostile Four looked after two months without drinking blood. "We don't have the manpower to do more until you get those new recruits trained up."

"Yes Mam," answered Riley through grit teeth before moving on to the next part of his report. "We've found more than enough evidence to move on the Delta Zeta Kappa fraternity. At least nine missing girls had last been seen with a member."

An actual shimmer of empathy is in Maggie as she provides a few of the more mundane possibilities. "Human trafficking or some truly disgusting home media. Either way, I don't want us missing anyone."

She made sure to have Agent Finn coordinate with police around the country, despite his eagerness to grab the creeps at his school tonight. No one as happy about having to wait a week. But even Riley could admit it was better if the strict was simultaneous.

"Do we have to keep the bug alive?" Agent Forrest Gates runs enters the room with a groan of disgust, hastily throwing up a salute of his own when he sees the Director. "Because I swear she wants to carve me up special and it gives me the heebee jeebees."

"We can discuss it if you find me something more interesting. I'm told we're running low on space." Walsh dismissed his complaint with one of her usual scoffs. "Or until Miss Burkle can explain how she found a Subterrestrial hiding as a human."

Photocopied Allen's journal and spent weeks trying to figure out what any of it meant. "I saw on one of the cameras that she scared off the vampires. Didn't take long to figure out where she was staying after that."

"How come she gets to call them that?" Forest hissed in frustration at her cousin Graham. "I had to scrub boots for three days last time."

"Because her argument amounted to more than just 'we all know that's what they are'." The explanation Walsh delivered was full of cutting derision that her staff was very used to by now. "Telling me it saves time and that means lives. That was a logical reason I can accept."