Chapter 11: Let's Dance
Waving at Fred and Alonna up on the roof of the school, I'm relieved they haven't been found by the school.
Really going to need the balloon brigade to cover the students' retreat.
"I wasn't expecting you to have so many friends," Admits Buffy, while Pike tries not to look uncomfortable in his tux. "Merrick really made it sound like this wasn't going to be a lonely life."
"You might be one of the chosen few." Nodding to Levar, he leads his group towards to parked busses. "But the many who chose..." I turn and point to Jerome's team currently breaking into the portable near the gym. "They outnumber us tenfold."
"But..." Buffy frowns at such a conflicting message.
Tapping my temples with a knowing grin, I try to settle her nerves. "You want to know how this was all supposed to go down?"
"Everyone dies?" Pike scowls at the people laughing at his outfit and it looks to be taking all his willpower to stay.
"If I left when I was supposed to and let you handle this..." Pausing long enough to point out Merrick sneaking in through a side door, I give Buffy a rundown of the movie. "Merrick would have died, you burn the school down, and run away to Vegas for a few months."
Her eyes go wide in shock and I don't leave anything out. "You're even supposed to end up in a psychiatric ward for while. You know, when you start telling everyone it was vampires that did it."
"What?" Anger surges across the Slayer's face.
"People want an answer. Most will stop looking once you give them one." That comment leads to me telling the pair what to tell the cops after everything goes down. "So don't run away and give a quick statement about some creepy guy stalking you. I'll handle the rest of the questions."
"People are really going to believe a vampire attack was just another school trying to prank us?" She's doubtful of the claim, her eyebrows raising with a snort.
Handing over a couple balloons to stick in her handbag, Buffy reconsiders her opinion once I explain. "We make it look like a water balloon fight gone wrong and people will convince themselves it's what happened."
Gunn saunters over and holds up a green balloon of his own. "What's the hold up Teach? Much longer and the crew is going to start chucking some of the ammo at the school."
Mixing the holy water with paint only works when incredibly diluted and more like coloured water than anything. But it makes the acidic fluid a lot harder for the vampires to just wipe away.
"Sun's still got to set." My reminder makes us all glance up at the orange sky that gives us another half an hour at best.
"I lure Lothos and his goons out into the field, so you can get everyone else out the front?" Buffy triple checks the plan, the waiting what really seems to be driving her spare.
"My team will cover the escape," The gang leader growls with more than a little frustration in his voice. "We'll thin the numbers as much as we can."
With a grunt of agreement, I make sure the modified bat will slide out of it's holster with ease. "We got enough cross to give all the students?"
"Grandma's church was happy to provide them," Confirms Gunn with a smirk. "Holy water and crosses is a fair trade for being able to hold night services."
"How long you been doing this?" Pike is impressed by the claim, happy to see he can make a difference even with Buffy taking point.
"Few years." Is all Gunn reveals, staying vague as he eyes my skate-bat with envy. "Was getting real tired of losing people I grew up with."
As I try to consider how to answer that, I eventually settle on my bodies physical experience. "Found out about everything on my twenty first birthday. Took a couple years to get my head out of my ass."
"It must have been really stuck." Buffy smirks at me, while the two guys exchange confused looks.
"You two better get inside." Making sure my foam neck brace is securely fastened, I find nothing out of place. "And remember to keep an arm's distance apart."
Pike's eyes bug out while Buffy crosses her arms, not amused in the slightest. "Excuse me?"
"You know..." Sticking my tongue out like a very mature adult, I at least manage to not roll my eyes. "Putting some between you and the biters is probably going to keep you alive longer."
"Oh." Pike flushes in embarrassment while Buffy rolls her eyes. "That makes sense."
The well dressed duo march across the street, leaving Gunn and I to take charge of our teams. He watches me take a few swings with the four bladed bat and gives an impressed whistle.
"Where do I get myself one of those babies?" His eyes are focused on the handle and how sharp of a point it's been carved into.
"Fred made it." My comment has Gunn cough in astonishment.
He watches me for any sign of deceit. "You serious? The nerd girl makes your weapons?"
"It was my idea..." I try not to pout and fail miserably.
"Should see what she can do to trick out my ride." Gunn knocks his fist against mine as we split up.
"I'll try and keep an eye on your boys."
But no promises.
Shaking his head, Gunn lets me know exactly where his priorities lay. "Just make sure we can fill more urns than caskets. They all know the cost."
His response makes me frown as I climb onto the school bus. The eight guys following my lead have already gotten every window opened and are ducked down out of sight.
"I need a couple of you to open the doors and another two to cover them." Gripping my bat tight to stop my hands from shaking, I wait for Fred's whistle.
It only comes a few minutes after sundown. Three sharp blasts let us know how many groups of vampires we have to deal with and I wait for the screaming.
Balloons start flying off the roof, splashing against the dozen minions between the bus and school. "Water!"
With a roar to action, I lead the charge off the bus. The four streams that cover us, break the vampires into more manageable groups.
Only one is even capable of fighting back when we reach the group. But that changes after my swing nearly takes his nose off.
I don't waste time working out frustration and go right for a kill shot. Feigning a swing for the vampire's head, I thrust for his chest once he covers his face.
Two more whistles from the roof are followed by a volley of balloons. With a growl of frustration, I know we can't waste the element of surprise.
"Cover us!" Roaring at the pair holding the doors open, I lead the final two inside the chaos.
It's not as many vampires as I feared, which just cements my determination to save the students. "Everybody out!"
Drawing the attention of the crowd also sends a few vampires charging to close the doors. While my group handles them, Buffy takes the chance to lead the majority away.
I'm not even at half the strength I would be with my spiky face. That makes each vampire slightly stronger than me and these ones aren't covered in holy water burns.
Even if they are twice as strong as a strong man, they fight with nothing more than arrogant instinct.
It doesn't take long to clear the gluttons still in the gym and start shepherding the stunned students to safety. "Third Street is taking the school rivalry too far this year. I expect you all to be above such juvenile retaliation!"
My explanation starts to get repeated by a few teachers who recognize me and soon the kids are starting to believe it. Thankfully no one questions the weapon in my hands or why the 'pranksters' are exploding into ash.
"Keep everyone covered until you hear sirens. I'll handle the clean up." Mentioning the escape clause was unnecessary, judging from the teen's snort of 'obviously'.
When I do reach the field out back and the real fight, I can see Gunn's crew has suffered at least a couple casualties.
Impossible to tell how many vamps they took with them though.
Pike is rolling around with a vampire he's calling Benny, while Merrick tangles with the one called Amylin.
Looks kind of like Pee Wee Herman. Standing protectively between Gunn clutching his ribs and a snarling Lothos, Buffy notices my arrival with a growing smirk.
"I finally figured out why Lothos is hiding here in Los Angeles." My words are filled with plenty of bravado as I approach the master vampire from behind. "He's hiding from Kakistos in the Master's shadow."
Buffy mouths 'who', the moment Lothos whirls around to face me. "You again? So eager to die?"
"He probably knows the only way anyone will ever fear him..." My taunting works and Lothos gets ready to pounce. "Is if the two real master vampires take each out."
"Die for your insolence!" He shoots forward even faster than last time and collides with me like a freight train.
My back leaves a trench in the ground, as Lothos forces me away from any support. But just as he prepares to kill me, a high pitched whine interrupts.
He frowns in confusion just a half second before a ball of red light strikes him in the back. The flare explodes in a shower of sparks, igniting Lothos who screams for his final few seconds of existence.
When only his ash remains and I finally breath again, Buffy rushes over to help me up. The minions flee as soon as Lothos is dust and lets me turn to my savour.
Fred is standing in the middle of a dozen stunned crew members, a smoking flare gun in her hands. I only have time to appreciate the sight for a few moments before the sound of sirens can be heard.
"Time to spin a yarn." Buffy bumps fist with Gunn. "Thanks for the help Charles."
"It's Gunn." The protest doesn't reach his eyes as he holds up the peace sign. "With two N's."