Something To Atone For. BtVS/AtS, Doyle SI.

did you skip a chapter?
Doyle slept off the venom for a couple days. He had said he picked up a couple more shifts last chapter, so this just picked up after he was recovered. The Cassandra stuff was just a side character in the movie who died, that I included more as a timestamp. It was a way to show other peoples adventures are still taking place and show visions can steer Doyle away from his own plans
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Buffy completely misinterprets, and brings condoms.

Good job on making her think it's her choice, she'll fight so much harder now. And even if she wants to duck out, Slayer scent being delicious to vampires and other demons will keep her in until anger makes her take it up.
Buffy completely misinterprets, and brings condoms.

Good job on making her think it's her choice, she'll fight so much harder now. And even if she wants to duck out, Slayer scent being delicious to vampires and other demons will keep her in until anger makes her take it up.
Pike probably will, just in case.

That was really important. The illusion of choice is really important.
Chapter 9: Rise And Shine
Chapter 9: Rise And Shine

After a quick call to let Fred know where I am, I settle in beside Merrick's hospital bed. Thankfully, I don't have to wait until sunrise for the Watcher to open his eyes.

Shortly after two, Merrick stirs awake with a groan of pain. "Buffy?"

"Sent her home." Flicking the lights on, I smirk at his frown. "Figured it was time we talked."

"You aren't a vampire." His eyes are locked onto the silver cross hanging from my neck.

"Nope." And that's all I'm giving you.

"You're one of her teachers." Merrick is trying to put the puzzle together and I figure he'd manage it if he had the rest of the pieces.

Lifting a hand, I give the 'sort of' motion. "Substitute."

Merrick isn't happy with my lack of answer and stares me down. It's nearly a full minute before he makes up his mind and his scowl softens ever so slightly.

"One with excellent timing." I think that's the closest I'm getting to a 'thank you' from the guy.

"Would be a pretty crappy champion if I let you die right in front of me." Filling a Styrofoam cup with room temperature water, I hand it to the groggy Merrick. "Doctor said you have a concussion and a couple broken ribs. You should probably try taking it easy for a couple weeks."

"Lothos isn't going to wait for me to recover." He glances at the sun just starting to peak over the mountains. "And it would seem I owe you for standing guard as well."

That's just the opening I needed. "Since you can't get in the thick of things for a while. How about we do each other a favour."

"I don;'t need any help with my charge." Merrick grabs the clothes I left folded on the other chair and stumbles towards the bathroom.

"But I do." Letting people help you is supposed to make them like you more. Let's see if it really works. "And you Watchers are supposed to be good at the whole demon research thing."

After he finishes dressing, Merrick emerges with an intrigued look. "What kind of demon?"

"I got bit by one a few days ago and wondered if you knew what species it was." A venom capable of knocking a demon out for two days? That's something that could come in handy one day.

"Do you have a description? Or did you notice any side effects?" The Watcher fills up his cup one more time and downs it in a single gulp.

Pulling out the roll of pictures Fred developed, I hand Merrick the best one. "The thing reeked and had a bite that knocked me out for two days."

"You're incredibly lucky." His blue eyes widen just enough for me to know the Watcher is impressed. "Or the Boretz demon was a juvenile. Because the venom is supposed to leave you in a hibernating state for weeks."

"Slow eater?" I can't stop myself from asking and soon come to regret my curiosity.

Shaking his head slowly, Merrick grimaces at the mental image he's about create. "They bring prey back to the nest and let the young feed on fresh meat..." He pauses for emphasis. "It takes days."

"Must have been a young one." Realizing how bad things could have gone, I'm very glad Fred decided to tag along.

"What about the other demon?" More willing to discuss shop than his own condition, Merrick signs himself out at the front desk and follows me outside.

"Don't have a picture of this one. I just know it's been haunting a hotel for a long time and causes paranoia." And really I hope that's enough for you to go on.

"Several known species could be responsible." He doesn't seem excited by the challenge, instead grumbling as he climbs into my Corolla. "I'll need to investigate first." Giving me directions back to his apartment, Merrick watches me out of the corner of his eye the entire way.

"Well if you handle that for me..." Trying to find the right words, the pause seems more intentional than I wanted. "Me and the crew will help Buffy take care of Lothos."

The middle aged watcher considers the offer in silence, stroking his grey goatee with heavily scarred fingers. "Do you have a plan?"

"Kill all the vampires." I know what he wants to hear and deliver to the best of my ability. "At least the ones too stupid to run."

"It's not that simple," Cautions the older man when I pull over outside his place

"Nothing ever is." But why stress myself by over complicating plans that can change at the drop of a hat?

Coming up with a rough outline and rolling with the punches has worked out so far.
Shrugging off Merrick's look of disappointment, I give him another one of those queenly waves from the other night.

"I'll patrol with Buffy every night until homecoming." Which should give you time to figure out what kind of demon is haunting the Hyperion. "Should be enough time for you to be up and tap dancing around."

If anything happens to her..." He growls with pointless menace.

"I'll probably be dead a few seconds later." I don't bother lying and that strangely seems to be what makes Merrick finally give me a chance. "Not even going to pretend I'm playing the same sport as Buffy."

The long stare as I drive away, makes me more than a tad uncomfortable. He'll fillet me if Buffy gets hurt.

That should do more than give me goosebumps. But I'm really just relieved that Merrick is a Watcher who cares.

When I get back to Fred's apartment, I can see from the street that her lights are still on. I'm not sure if it's because of me or Lorne still adjusting to California time and consider it the entire elevator ride.

Sliding the spare key into the lock, I'm very relieved to find her laughing with our empathetic friend. Scooby Doo proves itself to be fun for both all ages and all species. With the duo red in the face and halfway through one of Fred's tapes.

"I need to get myself one of those things," Lorne manages to stop his laughter long enough to point at the screen. "What is it called?"

"A dog collar." The answer slips out of Fred's mouth, along with a string of medicated giggles.

Joining her with some chuckles of my own, I eventually correct the genius with a grin. "I think he means the ascot."

"That would make more sense." She nods sagely, her eyes never leaving the cartoon.

"You two have fun?" They slide apart at my approach and make enough room for me to squeeze in between them.

"Fred was on the phone most of the day," Explains the demon with tinfoil in his hair. "But the sweetheart still found the time to pick me up some of this dye."

Neither seems very concerned, so I tell myself not to worry either. "Anything important?"

"Just dealing with some school stuff, nothing to worry about." Waving off the question, Fred is quick to change the subject. "I finally found the Maclays. You said two kids named Tara and Donnie, right?"

"Yeah. That would be them." Relief mixes with dread as I realize this means I need to start getting ready for the move to Sunnydale. "Where did you find them?"

Fred wipes her fingers on her Dallas Cowboy pyjamas and hands me some papers. "Louisiana. The dad works for the city dump about an hour and a half outside New Orleans."

"Don't you have school in a few hours?" Suddenly noticing the birds are chirping, I turn to Fred with a concerned look.

"Nope." Popping the P, the Texan native props her feet on the coffee table with a carefree grin.
@Flightless Man he really needs to bulk up. A full Brachen is four times a human in strength. A halfbreed is still twice to three times a human with no training. If he bulked up and trained for combat I bet the SI could go Andre the Giant on everyone he fights. Before the gigantism damaged his limbs too much he could lift six 200 lbs men at once without straining. Andre used to do that regularly in his strongman act before he got recruited for wrestling. There was this old newspaper clipping his parents kept and framed from his hometown of him standing with his father, uncles and mother sitting on his outstretched arms at his fourteenth birthday party. Four adults on an absurdly large, lanky teen.
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@Flightless Man he really needs to bulk up. A full Brachen is four times a human in strength. A halfbreed is still twice to three times a human with no training.

If he bulked up and trained for combat I bet the SI could go Andre the Giant on everyone he fights. Before the gigantism damaged his limbs too much he could lift six 200 lbs men at once without straining. Andre used to do that regularly in his strongman act before he got recruited for wrestling. There was this old newspaper clipping his parents kept and framed from his hometown of him standing with his father, uncles and mother sitting on his outstretched arms at his fourteenth birthday party. Four adults on an absurdly large, lanky teen.
You're actually undershooting a brachen's strength. Angel is a Master vampire and Doyle's pureblood dad is noticably stronger than him.

Weak Human is a 0/10, normal human is a 1/10, fit human is a 1.5/10, strong man is a 2/10, fledge vampire (roughly up to a year after being turned)is a 4/10, Minion level vamps(1 year to 100 years on average) are a 5/10, Half brachen is a 5.5/10, New Slayer is a 6/10(Kendra/Freshly called potentials). Low Leveel Master vamp or Primal posseded person (Angelous/Spike/Drusilla level) is a 7/10, Experienced Slayer(Faith or Buffy post S3/4) is 7.5/10, Full Brachen/Werewolf is an 8/10, Prime/powered up Slayer (Enjoined Buffy/Sineya) is a 9/10, Ancient MAster Vamp (Lothos/Kakistos/The MAster) is a 10/10.

The good news is, he will be getting training with both Buffy and Angel at different times.
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Chapter 10: Let's Try The Truth
Chapter 10: Let's Try The Truth

While Lorne flips through the rack of jerseys, I test the weight of a wooden bat. When Fred notices and tries to hold in her giggles, I throw on my most intimidating expression.

"I'm Batman." The growl is completely the wrong tone and the reference is about a decade early. But it gets the response I was looking for, turning Fred's snickering into full blown laughter.

"So does that make me Batgirl?" She grabs a lighter one and mocks my stance with her own pose.

"Lorne dresses bright enough to be our Robin." Glancing over at the demon with frosted tips, I'm happy to see him really coming into his own.

Tossing a few pairs of ice skates into the cart, I consider how hard it will be to fasten the blades securely. "How good are you with power tools? Last time I used a drill, I put a screw right through my thumb."

"Oh my..." Her face flushes at the idea and it takes her a couple seconds to decide between the two climbing axes on the shelf. "That must have really hurt."

"Not even half as bad as the visions." And it's really just starting to sink in that those are going to be for life.

Fred gives me a concerned hum and decides to just get both of the axes. The cute way she tilts her head and mutters under her breath to come to such a decision, give me an uncomfortable thought. What happens if I kiss someone?

Do the visions get passed on like with the single kiss Doyle and Cordelia shared? Or will it require a full on Com-Shucking ritual?

Is it my choice, or will they only pass on if I'm about to die? Grimly, I try not consider the fact that the visions might just be Jasmine's way of controlling me.

It's not like I can just ignore visions of innocent people dying though. So the best I can do is keep making long term plans with my own knowledge.

"Are you going to tell Buffy about the..." The genius gives me a wry smile and mimes sneezing. "You know?"

"After we deal with Lothos and the Hyperion." It will probably be a better idea to tell them not all demons are evil, when I'm handing over a stack of cash. "I want to stack the odds in my favour before I spill the beans." Only one chance to get them all on the plate.

"Neck braces?" Noticing the thick foam, I'm shocked at how simple the idea is. "You really are a winner Fred."

Blushing pink from the praise to the tips of her ears, Fred isn't done impressing me. "If we soak them in holy water first, it should be able to stop anyone in the crew from turning."

"Should we try washing our clothes in it?" It's not exactly expensive.

"Couldn't hurt to try." She grabs a few pool cues and cases on the way to the register. "You think these would be alright to just carry around? Sharpen them up for two sturdy stakes you could also crack a skull with."

"Uh..." The clerk blinks at Fred's comment, unsure if he should finish ringing us through or call the cops.

This is exactly why we brought Lorne with us and I point at him confidently. "We're shooting a movie a few blocks over. Group of outcast teens and a cheerleader defend the school from aliens."

Nodding along fervently, Fred helps sell the story with her enthusiasm. "It's the first time I get to be in charge of special effects. You will not believe how much of the budget had to go towards tinfoil and Vaseline."

"You did his makeup?" The red head behind the counter gets a good look at Lorne, his jaw quickly hanging in aw. "That's going win you awards."

"Awards?" That strikes a chord of intrigue in the 'actor'. "Tell me more." Lorne leans on the counter with a friendly smile.

The clerk nods eagerly and lifts up his uniform, revealing an Elvira shirt underneath it. "You could totally be a daytime version of the Dark Mistress."

"That's actually not a bad idea." Get him a local program in Sunnydale and Lorne could walk around in the middle of the day. "You do love to talk."

Just tell everyone he's a method actor and if it takes off... That would actually give Cordelia a way to get something on her resume.

"Music rights will be expensive," Warns Fred, turning Lorne's smile upside down.

"Sunnydale has plenty of local bands. It shouldn't be hard to get them to come on and play for you." Lots of empty buildings we could rent out and I know the Dingoes would love the exposure.

After paying for the gear, I drop the pair off back at Fred's place with a bag of Wendys. Lorne is too excited to even say farewell, still rambling on about his ideas to be even better than Leno. But the way Fred says my name and waves goodbye from sidewalk, makes me realize how far I've already fallen.

"You really don't need to wait up for me you know?" I do have the spare key.

"Might as well start looking into the haunted apartment." Fred rolls her eyes as Lorne impatiently waits. "You didn't really give me much to work with."

It's not like I have a photographic memory, I'm lucky I can remember as much as I have so far. I know it's only going to get harder to make informed choices, now that I'm starting to really change things.
Though I guess that's probably a good thing. Fred and Lorne aren't perfect matches for the characters I know from the show and that's only made it easier to befriend them.

"Well I appreciate it. I'm pretty hopeless with technology." She snorts at my words and finally lets Lorne drag her towards the door.

Once I see them get inside the building, I head off to patrol with Buffy. But instead of focusing on our surroundings, the petite blonde powerhouse peppers me with questions.

"What did you mean about two billion friendly demons?" That seems so contrary to what Merrick has taught her, that Buffy finds it hard to resolve the two ideas.

"I was going to wait until I had proven myself to you first." Cursing myself, I realize lying will just ruin the trust I've managed to build. "But I guess now is as good a time as any."

"What do you mean?" Wary eyes watch my every movement.

Trying to keep Buffy calm, I hold up my hands slowly. "Some of us just want to live a decent life and help out when we can."

Relaxing the muscles in my face, I shiver when the blue barbs emerge from my face. She tense up for an attack that never comes so I go back to my human appearance once she's gotten a good look.

"What are you?" She doesn't jump right into violence and I can only hope that's a good sign.

"Half Brachen." The name is followed by a quick description, with my openness doing more to convince Buffy than anything I actually say. "Ask Merrick how often we cause trouble."

"I will. Count on it." No longer carefree, Buffy has at least stopped looking at me like a potential threat.

Grinning in an attempt to ease some tension, I remind her which class I teach. "Not exactly my strong suit. I'm teaching english, not math." That gets a small giggle out of the Slayer I count as a victory and gets us patrolling again.

It doesn't take long to find some of Lothos' cronies, giving Buffy a chance to work through her frustration. She's not selfish enough to take all of them though, leaving two of her classmates for me.

"Mister Doyle?" The baseball player I can't remember the name of hesitates. "What are you doi-" Just long enough for my sharpened pool cue to slide between his ribs, turning him into a cloud of ash that blows away in the wind.

"Craig!" His friend snarls in shock, throwing himself at me with savage ferocity when I try to repeat the process.

He's fast enough to nick me with his claws, leaving a pair of angry red lines along my jaw. But instead of flinching away, I swerve to the left and swing.

The bottom half of my pool cue cracks against the vampires skull, stunning the jock for my follow up. At first smug at my success, I get ready to help Buffy with her four.

"Took you long enough." She's already finished and is leaning against a parked van with a cocky smirk.
Weak Human is a 0/10, normal human is a 1/10, fit human is a 1.5/10, strong man is a 2/10, fledge vampire (roughly up to a year after being turned)is a 4/10, Minion level vamps(1 year to 100 years on average) are a 5/10
Shit, in later episodes Xander was able to hold off fledges. How the fuck did he get that strong? Inconsistent writing of vampiric strength by the showrunnere..

That said, DogbertCarroll has a fairly consistent bit of fanon that he uses, where minute amounts of vampire dust inhaled over years makes a person stronger.
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Shit, in later episodes Xander was able to hold off fledges. How the fuck did he get that strong? Inconsistent writing of vampiric strength by the showrunnere..

That said, DogbertCarroll has a fairly consistent bit of fanon that he uses, where minute amounts of vampire dust inhaled over years makes a person stronger.
I just mean on a pure strength level. Who would win Purely in weightlifting/arm wrestling. Xander learned how to fight, something 95% of vampires never do. Also getting super powers, makes them very arrogant.
Chapter 11: Let's Dance
Chapter 11: Let's Dance

Waving at Fred and Alonna up on the roof of the school, I'm relieved they haven't been found by the school. Really going to need the balloon brigade to cover the students' retreat.

"I wasn't expecting you to have so many friends," Admits Buffy, while Pike tries not to look uncomfortable in his tux. "Merrick really made it sound like this wasn't going to be a lonely life."

"You might be one of the chosen few." Nodding to Levar, he leads his group towards to parked busses. "But the many who chose..." I turn and point to Jerome's team currently breaking into the portable near the gym. "They outnumber us tenfold."

"But..." Buffy frowns at such a conflicting message.

Tapping my temples with a knowing grin, I try to settle her nerves. "You want to know how this was all supposed to go down?"

"Everyone dies?" Pike scowls at the people laughing at his outfit and it looks to be taking all his willpower to stay.

"If I left when I was supposed to and let you handle this..." Pausing long enough to point out Merrick sneaking in through a side door, I give Buffy a rundown of the movie. "Merrick would have died, you burn the school down, and run away to Vegas for a few months."

Her eyes go wide in shock and I don't leave anything out. "You're even supposed to end up in a psychiatric ward for while. You know, when you start telling everyone it was vampires that did it."

"What?" Anger surges across the Slayer's face.

"People want an answer. Most will stop looking once you give them one." That comment leads to me telling the pair what to tell the cops after everything goes down. "So don't run away and give a quick statement about some creepy guy stalking you. I'll handle the rest of the questions."

"People are really going to believe a vampire attack was just another school trying to prank us?" She's doubtful of the claim, her eyebrows raising with a snort.

Handing over a couple balloons to stick in her handbag, Buffy reconsiders her opinion once I explain. "We make it look like a water balloon fight gone wrong and people will convince themselves it's what happened."

Gunn saunters over and holds up a green balloon of his own. "What's the hold up Teach? Much longer and the crew is going to start chucking some of the ammo at the school."

Mixing the holy water with paint only works when incredibly diluted and more like coloured water than anything. But it makes the acidic fluid a lot harder for the vampires to just wipe away.

"Sun's still got to set." My reminder makes us all glance up at the orange sky that gives us another half an hour at best.

"I lure Lothos and his goons out into the field, so you can get everyone else out the front?" Buffy triple checks the plan, the waiting what really seems to be driving her spare.

"My team will cover the escape," The gang leader growls with more than a little frustration in his voice. "We'll thin the numbers as much as we can."

With a grunt of agreement, I make sure the modified bat will slide out of it's holster with ease. "We got enough cross to give all the students?"

"Grandma's church was happy to provide them," Confirms Gunn with a smirk. "Holy water and crosses is a fair trade for being able to hold night services."

"How long you been doing this?" Pike is impressed by the claim, happy to see he can make a difference even with Buffy taking point.

"Few years." Is all Gunn reveals, staying vague as he eyes my skate-bat with envy. "Was getting real tired of losing people I grew up with."

As I try to consider how to answer that, I eventually settle on my bodies physical experience. "Found out about everything on my twenty first birthday. Took a couple years to get my head out of my ass."

"It must have been really stuck." Buffy smirks at me, while the two guys exchange confused looks.

"You two better get inside." Making sure my foam neck brace is securely fastened, I find nothing out of place. "And remember to keep an arm's distance apart."

Pike's eyes bug out while Buffy crosses her arms, not amused in the slightest. "Excuse me?"

"You know..." Sticking my tongue out like a very mature adult, I at least manage to not roll my eyes. "Putting some between you and the biters is probably going to keep you alive longer."

"Oh." Pike flushes in embarrassment while Buffy rolls her eyes. "That makes sense."

The well dressed duo march across the street, leaving Gunn and I to take charge of our teams. He watches me take a few swings with the four bladed bat and gives an impressed whistle.

"Where do I get myself one of those babies?" His eyes are focused on the handle and how sharp of a point it's been carved into.

"Fred made it." My comment has Gunn cough in astonishment.

He watches me for any sign of deceit. "You serious? The nerd girl makes your weapons?"

"It was my idea..." I try not to pout and fail miserably.

"Should see what she can do to trick out my ride." Gunn knocks his fist against mine as we split up.

"I'll try and keep an eye on your boys." But no promises.

Shaking his head, Gunn lets me know exactly where his priorities lay. "Just make sure we can fill more urns than caskets. They all know the cost."

His response makes me frown as I climb onto the school bus. The eight guys following my lead have already gotten every window opened and are ducked down out of sight.

"I need a couple of you to open the doors and another two to cover them." Gripping my bat tight to stop my hands from shaking, I wait for Fred's whistle.

It only comes a few minutes after sundown. Three sharp blasts let us know how many groups of vampires we have to deal with and I wait for the screaming.

Balloons start flying off the roof, splashing against the dozen minions between the bus and school. "Water!"

With a roar to action, I lead the charge off the bus. The four streams that cover us, break the vampires into more manageable groups.

Only one is even capable of fighting back when we reach the group. But that changes after my swing nearly takes his nose off.

I don't waste time working out frustration and go right for a kill shot. Feigning a swing for the vampire's head, I thrust for his chest once he covers his face.

Two more whistles from the roof are followed by a volley of balloons. With a growl of frustration, I know we can't waste the element of surprise.

"Cover us!" Roaring at the pair holding the doors open, I lead the final two inside the chaos.

It's not as many vampires as I feared, which just cements my determination to save the students. "Everybody out!"

Drawing the attention of the crowd also sends a few vampires charging to close the doors. While my group handles them, Buffy takes the chance to lead the majority away.

I'm not even at half the strength I would be with my spiky face. That makes each vampire slightly stronger than me and these ones aren't covered in holy water burns. Even if they are twice as strong as a strong man, they fight with nothing more than arrogant instinct.

It doesn't take long to clear the gluttons still in the gym and start shepherding the stunned students to safety. "Third Street is taking the school rivalry too far this year. I expect you all to be above such juvenile retaliation!"

My explanation starts to get repeated by a few teachers who recognize me and soon the kids are starting to believe it. Thankfully no one questions the weapon in my hands or why the 'pranksters' are exploding into ash.

"Keep everyone covered until you hear sirens. I'll handle the clean up." Mentioning the escape clause was unnecessary, judging from the teen's snort of 'obviously'.

When I do reach the field out back and the real fight, I can see Gunn's crew has suffered at least a couple casualties. Impossible to tell how many vamps they took with them though.

Pike is rolling around with a vampire he's calling Benny, while Merrick tangles with the one called Amylin. Looks kind of like Pee Wee Herman. Standing protectively between Gunn clutching his ribs and a snarling Lothos, Buffy notices my arrival with a growing smirk.

"I finally figured out why Lothos is hiding here in Los Angeles." My words are filled with plenty of bravado as I approach the master vampire from behind. "He's hiding from Kakistos in the Master's shadow."

Buffy mouths 'who', the moment Lothos whirls around to face me. "You again? So eager to die?"

"He probably knows the only way anyone will ever fear him..." My taunting works and Lothos gets ready to pounce. "Is if the two real master vampires take each out."

"Die for your insolence!" He shoots forward even faster than last time and collides with me like a freight train.

My back leaves a trench in the ground, as Lothos forces me away from any support. But just as he prepares to kill me, a high pitched whine interrupts.

He frowns in confusion just a half second before a ball of red light strikes him in the back. The flare explodes in a shower of sparks, igniting Lothos who screams for his final few seconds of existence.

When only his ash remains and I finally breath again, Buffy rushes over to help me up. The minions flee as soon as Lothos is dust and lets me turn to my savour.

Fred is standing in the middle of a dozen stunned crew members, a smoking flare gun in her hands. I only have time to appreciate the sight for a few moments before the sound of sirens can be heard.

"Time to spin a yarn." Buffy bumps fist with Gunn. "Thanks for the help Charles."

"It's Gunn." The protest doesn't reach his eyes as he holds up the peace sign. "With two N's."
If he's gonna be in Sunnydale, any plans for Sunnydale Police Detective Paul Stein?

Paul Stein

“I'm Detective Stein ... I'm sorry but I need to ask you a few things ...” ―Paul Stein[src] Paul Stein was a police detective of the Sunnydale Police Department. “Call me if you "remember" anything.” ―Detective Stein[src] Unlike his superior, Chief Bob, Detective Stein was unaware of what truly...

Aside from the Chief of Police in two episodes of season 2, Stein is the most well known member of the SPD. Whether or not he's in the know about what really goes on in Sunnydale or not is debatable, but unlike the Chief, Stein's three appearances seem to suggest he at least tries to do a good job.

Long term, an ally in the town government, even a low ranking one, could be very useful, especially after Wilkins is out of the way.
I wonder if Merrick has told her about half brackets yet, and that's why she's so chill with him.
He has. Merrick explained they once got used like demonic dogs and most have now been 'domesticated'. Only a few purebloods are still 'wild like wolves'

If he's gonna be in Sunnydale, any plans for Sunnydale Police Detective Paul Stein?

Long term, an ally in the town government, even a low ranking one, could be very useful, especially after Wilkins is out of the way.
I do have plans for the Sunnydale PD to get involved. Doyle has killed one human already and doesn't have a problem taking out evil humans involved in the mystic stuff.
Interlude 1: Misunderstandings
Interlude 1: Misunderstandings

The Sunday after the battle brings a strangely quiet morning in Winnifred Burkle's apartment. With Allen on the road to Louisiana, Lorne and Fred try to get her place packed before his return.

It's a sombre mood as Fred tries not to think of the six students who died. With her relief at the intercom buzzing, very obvious to the empath.

"Is Mister Doyle here?" Buffy's voice reveals her confusion at the name Burkle on the list downstairs. "He said I could find him here if I needed help with anything."

"Sorry Doll, he was up with the sun." Lorne takes his chance to speak to someone new and presses the intercom before Fred has a chance to even move towards it. "Should be back in a few days with his..." Frowning, the green Pylean tries to remember the lie Allen came up with. "Sister and niece."

"Oh..." The fifteen year old's voice is filled with inner turmoil. "Can you let him know I stopped by?"

Exchanging looks of concern, Lorne makes up his mind and buzzes Buffy inside. "You may as well come up, Allen's supposed to check in around dinnertime."

"Whoa..." When Buffy is let in, her eyes immediately lock onto the green demon wrapping plates in newspaper.

"Did you get in much trouble at home?" Fred distracts the Slayer from her staring by bringing up last night's battle. "Or did the cover up work?"

Glancing down at the brunette's hand, Buffy notices a distinct lack of wedding ring. "Dad bought the news report. Don't think Mom is going to let me patrol for a few weeks though, she thinks Pike is in a gang."

Hesitating for a few awkward seconds, Buffy eventually decides to work up to her question with some smaller ones first. "I know you don't have to take his name. But aren't you supposed to at least wear the ring?"

"We're not married," Fred denies it with a frown. "He hasn't actually said what happened to her. So I can only assume..." She trails off and lets Buffy figure it out for herself.

"She died?" Whispers Buffy as she puts a few of the puzzle pieces in backwards.

"It's the only reason I can think of for why he's so devoted to helping strangers." Fred shares her own evidence. "He doesn't really seem to want to stop and think about his own life. So I haven't worked up the nerve to ask him yet."

Nodding at that grim thought, Buffy changes the subject to Fred's own involvement. "What about you? You seem to be coping with the crazy just fine."

"I always knew the world was hiding stuff. I'm just glad it's something I can actually stand up to." Fred leans in a little closer to Buffy and nearly whispers. "Aliens would have been so much scarier to deal with."

"I guess..." Not fully convinced, Buffy ends up packing movies into a box while she waits for the phone to ring. "You're going to Sunnydale with him?"

"Someone needs to watch his back and Lorne is pretty much a pacifist." Fred rolls her eyes at how many times she's been forced to save the seer.

Chuckling in agreement, Buffy thinks back to Lothos' end. "That was a pretty awesome shot."

"Was nothing compared to you." Fred shakes her head, trying to work the pink from her cheeks. "You danced through those vampires. Made Gunn's friends seem like snails."

"It's going to be nice having people to patrol with," Admits the cheerleader as she tapes up her first box and starts helping Lorne wrap the cutlery. "Getting used to having someone watch my back."

"What about your Watcher?" Fred remembers the older man who took part in the fight. "Isn't that his job?"

"He's having a hard time keeping up now. Kind of worried he's not just joking about retirement." Scowling a how many painkillers Merrick took during training yesterday, Buffy tries to keep herself distracted with the packing.

It doesn't work for more than a few minutes at a time. But it gives the girl a chance to get out of her house and the drama between her parents for the afternoon at least.

Buffy explains that Merrick has narrowed down the demon at the Hyperion to a few possibilities. In exchange, Lorne shares some of the less terrible details of Pylea.

"We have a dance for pretty much everything." The claim is followed by him kicking his legs out to each side, in a quick rendition of the 'Dance of Joy'. "But only one of my cousins is any good at keeping a beat. For the most part, it just looks like a bunch of writhing pickles whenever someone gets married."

"It must be so weird without any music." Buffy tries to imagine such a celebration and shudders. "I don't know how many days I wasted listening to the Devinyls. You know, before my mom explained what the lyrics really meant."

Trying not to giggle to hard, Fred shares her own history with music. "Mine had to tell me what Nirvanna really meant by the 'Heart-Shaped Box'."

"And this is why I love music," Lorne preens at the blossoming friendship. "It brings people together."

His comment leads to someone flicking the radio on, all three soon dancing along to Elvis' crooning. When Buffy starts to sing along with him, Fred has to shoot the demon a stern look.

"What did we talk about Lorne?" She stares him down with a hand on each hip, making the empath duck his head.

"I'll take 'Buffy is confused for five hundred'." The Slayer's eyes dart between the demon and the genius, waiting for either to fill her in.

"Lorne tell you some of your fate if you sing around him," Explains Fred with her lips pursed in annoyance. "Makes it really hard to watch anything with him, I love singing the theme songs."

Nodding slowly as she takes in the information, Buffy's curiosity eventually wins out over her fear. "Well what did you get out of me?"

"You're going to have to choose between two people you love pretty soon." Lorne gives her a sympathetic smile.

"Great." Buffy knows what he means and bends a knife when she clenches her fists angrily. "So I guess Mom's not really looking for a vacation home. Things aren't getting better between them."

Fred is quick to deny the words, her voice filled with determination. "How long have they been fighting?"

"Years..." Once she admits that, Buffy looks more lost than before.

"So it's not because of you being the Slayer." Fred consoles her, giving Lorne a chance to take the rest of the utensils from the distraught teen.

Between consoling words and four episodes of Yogi Bear, the pair eventually manage to get Buffy back to a neutral state. Each time the theme song starts to play, both girls burst out in even more amused giggles than the last time.

"Lothos was really old, right?" Fred steers the conversation away from family and back to business once the tape finishes. "So shouldn't he have a bunch of stuff stashed away somewhere?"

"Merrick is going to track them down after we deal with the hotel." Buffy considers the question, her brow crinkling as she does. "Said it's going to take a while to find all the nests and this demon is a problem now."
"Lothos was really old, right?" Fred steers the conversation away from family and back to business once the tape finishes. "So shouldn't he have a bunch of stuff stashed away somewhere?"

"Merrick is going to track them down after we deal with the hotel." Buffy considers the question, her brow crinkling as she does. "Said it's going to take a while to find all the nests and this demon is a problem now."
Let the pillaging commence! I hope the Watchers forward Gunn and Doyle a finder's fee at least with danger pay bonus
Chapter 13: You Said It
Chapter 13: You Said It

The trailer park I pull up to is one of those tacky ones with a bunch of plastic animals. I've counted at least thirty flamingos so far.

Holding up the address Fred printed off, I compare it to the one beside the mailbox. "Here goes everything."

As I slam the door of the rental truck, I notice the curtains move at the kitchen window. This leads to the front door swinging open before I'm even halfway to it, with a scrawny man about to tell me to clear out.

"Steven Maclay?" Ignoring his words, I have a hard time restraining myself to just an angry growl.

"Who wants to know?" His false civility is replaced with wariness.

"Looking for my sister..." I let my demonic side come out and am very satisfied at the sight of a wet patch forming around Steven's crotch. "Took a while but I finally tracked her down."

"But..." A dozen emotions flash across his face as his lie becomes a horrible reality.

My crimson eyes bore into him and I allow myself to revel in the bullies terror. "I'm going to make it really simple for you Steven."

"What do you mean?" I have to give him credit for having the guts to maintain eye contact. Think that puts him slightly above the worms.

"Mary's coming home with me. You get to decide if we take half your stuff or all of it." My smirk only grows even wider when it's obvious he wants to attack me. "Divorce law let you keep half your valuables and your life. Inheritance law means we get everything."

"Donnie's the only one in my will." The pathetic excuse for a father tries to deny my threat.

But that just gives me another target to direct my rage towards. "Guess I better dig two graves."

Steven Maclay's face pales as I stomp towards him, my fists clenched into shaking fists. When I'm within arms reach, he shows exactly how yellow his belly really is.

"You can take them!" He falls onto his back while trying to escape my wrath, looking up at me with terror filled eyes. "Take whatever you want!"

He devolves into sobbing and I end up having to drag him inside by the collar. The woman waiting in the immaculate kitchen, is the spitting image of Tara.

She has a lot more wrinkles and half her hair has been replaced by silver strands. But I can finally see where Tara's inner strength came from.

A rolling pin swings for the side of my head, with me barely ducking under it in time. The first attack is followed up by at least a dozen cans of soup.

Nothing I say gets the distraught wife to stop her assault. It's only when the cretin in my grip tells her to start packing, that Mary finally lets me in the house.

She doesn't give the scum any argument and is in the next room before I have a chance to say anything else. While we can hear her shuffling around in the next room, I keep up the menacing of Steven.

"Mary told me it was just magic..." He mutters to himself while I starting grabbing the nice China I assume came from the wedding. "Said I was just talking nonsense."

He gets worried about something and gets the tiniest bit of inner fire. "What about the kids? What are you going to do with my boy?"

"I tracked my sister by scent." I lie out of my ass, telling the horrible whatever it takes to keep him out of Tara's life forever. "I'll be able to tell if the whelps are worth bringing with me."

While my 'sister' brings suitcases downstairs, I make Steven divide everything else in the trailer. It's very telling that he struggles more with the choice between the television and couch, than he does with the idea of losing his family.

"The kids will be home from school soon," Mary reminds us with a very timid voice, making me glance at the clock on the stove.

She's true to her word, Tara and Donald both getting off the school bus less than ten minutes later. Whatever Donnie says to his sister, has her head hang with shame for the entire walk to the door.

"Get them ready for inspection, I want to be on the road by four." My growl has Steven scampering to obey, while Mary wheels out the last suitcase from her daughter's room.

"What's going on with the U-Haul, Are we moving?" The cocky voice of Donald Maclay, makes me clench my hands tight enough to make my palms bleed.

"All depends on how pure your blood is Nephew." My voice gets both teens to gasp, with Donnie's eyes scanning for any kind of weapon. "Not wasting my time on a filthy human."

Donnie looks ready to argue, only to freeze in horror when I reach for one of the cans Mary threw earlier. Squeezing with less than a quarter of my strength, it bursts and covers Donnie with creamed corn.

He doesn't move beyond trembling as I make a show of inhaling Donnie's scent. Sagging in relief along with his father, when I reject his 'purity' of blood.

"At least one of you smells good, barely any of that human stench in this beauty." My comment to Tara is actually one of the few true ones out of my lips since getting here. Whatever herbs she was last using gives off a pleasant 'woodsy' aroma and I make a mental note to ask about it on the drive.

"Mom..." Turning to Mary with growing fear mixed with just a hint of relief, Tara seeks an answer from the only person she trusts with the truth. "Where are going?"

"Home." My response is firm and full of scorn being directed towards the male Maclays. "You don't belong with these people."

When Tara turns to her father for support, he refuses to even look at her. "It's better this way Tara."

"Donnie?" No matter how much she fears both men, Tara is still heartbroken to learn neither will defend her.

"You heard Pa." Her brother at least makes eye contact as he crushes Tara's hope. "You don't belong here."

"No, they really don't." Agreeing with the foul excuse for a human, I give my 'niece' a warm smile. "So once you put Tara's bed and dresser in the truck, I'll have the girls out of your lives forever."

Steven looks relieved at the news. But Donnie shows he has at least five brain cells in his head.

"What about me? Will my kids be fre-" His father stops him from finishing by slamming his heel on Donnie's toes. "... Like you?"

"Doubtful." It was made to seem like only Tara and her mother was abused. So as long as no one teaches Donnie's kids, they should manage to get a normal life.

The final ten minutes at the Maclay residence is filled with uncomfortable silence. With Tara aware of how little the men care about her, she is left to cling to her mother's arm for support.

"How much is in your accounts?" I don't bother asking Steven and direct the words to his soon to be ex wife. "Get him to sign over a check for half of it. We'll hit the bank before Steven has a chance to do something stupid like cancel it."

"And I'll never see any of you again?" The father's lack of control is driving him crazy, making him only care about getting this over with now.

Once I confirm the question, Steven practically shoes us into the packed U-Haul. Neither he nor his son stick around to say any goodbyes, finally leaving me alone with the only decent Maclays.

"Get in, banks close at five." And Steven is probably already on the phone with his.

Exchanging looks of confusion, Tara and her mom climb into the passenger side. Once Tara is buckled up in the middle, I climb into the driver's seat with a sigh of relief.

"I guess you probably want to know the truth." And I'll even tell you most of it, we're going to be on the road for a while.
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Chapter 14: Making Arrangements
Chapter 14: Making Arrangements

"So you just travel around helping people?" Tara is on her third helping of pancakes and is eyeing the last few between us.

"Well normally the visions are in the same city." I spear my last sausage and slide it onto her plate. "Guess that means one of you is meant for something special."

I forgot Tara had the ability to read people's auras and it really made sure they could trust my answers. After a night discussing the issue in the privacy of a separate motel room, the mother daughter combo have come to an agreement.

"You really don't want anything else from us?" Pouring a fifth sugar into her coffee, Mary can't seem to believe I just need some help reading a book. "Just some magic lessons?"

"I know it's just going to keep coming up." If I don't at least get a grasp on the basics, I'll just end up causing more problems than Xander did. "Got a pretty busy eight years ahead of me."

I can remember at least a dozen apocalypses off the top of my head. Even if Buffy and Angel stopped them without my involvement, I've already started changing to many things.

Can't really back out of the whole champion gig now. Could have already screwed with destiny enough to get the whole world killed.

"Are we really going to live with a ghost?" Realizing that I'm not going to snap like her father, Tara finally makes eye contact without instantly flinching away.

"Dennis is one of the nice ones." And he'll deal with his mother once the wall is torn down. "I'm sure you'll both love him."

Mary raises her own concerns with the plan to sign Tara up at Hemery. "I saw the news. Is the school really safe?"

"It is now." giving the mother a reassuring grin, I realize this might be a chance to head of another problem. "But you could do me one favour Tara."

"What?" The sweet girl is desperate to repay me.

"Tell Billy Fordham that a werewolf bite is better than one from a vampire." He might need to get locked up three nights a month. But I could probably convince Gunn to set aside a room at the Hyperion.

She promises to do so with a curious frown and the three of us get back on the road once Mary finishes her coffee. The last few hours back to Los Angeles are finally free of any tension, letting us actually start getting to know each other.

I tell them about what really happened at the Hemery dance and Mary seems to be getting more comfortable about the enrolment. But Tara is more interested in the teenage superhero she's been asked to befriend and the idea of a demonic nightclub.

"She fights vampires every night?" Aw fills the younger witch's voice. "All by herself?"

"Most of the time." Watchers are supposed to help. "I patrolled with her a few times." But even Giles was rarely in the field himself. "Not really sure if I was helping or slowing her down though." Kind of went back and forth each night.

Inspiration flashes in Tara's eyes. "So will she need help now that you're leaving?"

"No." Is Mary's quick response that comes out slightly before my own 'if you want to'.

"You said you used to be a nurse." Shrugging off the mother's glare, I realize how useful that could be. "Well Buffy and the crew could both use some patching up when things get rough. You could work something out with Gunn."

Her glare softens and Mary seems to reconsider her hard line stance. "That doesn't sound too bad."

"They lose around five guys a mon-" My words suddenly cut off as pain explodes inside my skull.

Tara barely manages to grab the wheel and pull us to the shoulder, while I writhe in agony through another vision. The searing pain of my organs liquefying is experienced in it's entirety before the victim mercifully dies.

"Allen!" Mary's voice is nothing but panic as her daughter struggles with the wheel.

"That's the worst one by far..." I pant as the sight of the highway returns, the sensation of dread filling me. "We need to make a stop in Vegas."

I was barely able to make out a lit up pyramid before the pain overwhelmed everything and yet that's still enough for a destination. Only one place in the state that I can find one of those.

"Are you going to be alright?" A very worried mother has noticed my shaking hands.

"You should probably drive the rest of the way." That was way too close for comfort.

Tara rummages in her purse and hands me some sappy willow bark. It's cut up into into bite sized squares and she has a paper bag half filled with them.

Taking one, I frown at the smell of sage and cinnamon. "What are they?"

"Mom makes them for my cramps." She blushes red right to her ears. "Better than any painkillers you can get over the counter."

"Well you just became my guardian angels." Ignoring the smell to the best of my ability, I pop the square of bark into my mouth.

To my astonishment, the relief is almost instant. The phantom sensation of my organs melting is replaced with a fuzzy floating feeling and the screaming in my skull becomes low rumbles.

"I'm going to need a lifetime supply of this stuff." I can actually bring this stuff onto a school campus. "Name your price."

"Let me come with you tonight." Tara shows her spine of steel underneath a lifetime of being beaten down. "So I know you aren't just faking this whole vision thing."

"You're the first person whose wanted proof..." Too impressed to be even slightly annoyed, I do remember to glance at Mary before speaking. "But I guess it's alright. Just need to grab you some hairspray first."

A few test runs with Buffy was enough to find out it works to chase off most of the bloodsuckers. The smart ones go for easier prey, while a lighter takes care of any who still decide to go in for the kill.

"You two stay on the main strip and I'll let you know when it's safe." Which means you can see the body if you really want to. "Just need to call my expert first and see if he knows any weaknesses."

I have absolutely no idea what the slug like demon really is. But I don't think this is a problem that will be solved with a box of salt.

"Don't really want to run in unprepared again." Not if Merrick could identify the Boretz with a single glance.

It's frustrating to admit the Watchers may not be completely useless as an organization, with only a few stand out members being of any real use. They may not have the numbers to go toe to toe with evil worldwide.

But the Council has enough knowledge to support the ones who are. I just need to figure out a way to convince them sharing is caring and some stock tips might be a good way to start.
It's frustrating to admit the Watchers may not be completely useless as an organization, with only a few stand out members being of any real use. They may not have the numbers to go toe to toe with evil worldwide.

And of course there's the Peter Principle to consider.
The competent ones go out and muck around until something eats them, and the political wranglers sit back and make terrible decisions.
I hope you remember to charge a finder's fee and a percentage. The Council will make billions off your future stocks data.
Mostly it's about getting access to the knowledge and resources they have. Set up friendly contact so they don't think the Slayer needs to go after me/cease contact with me. The SI will be taking care of his own finances once he gets to Sunnydale.

And of course there's the Peter Principle to consider.
The competent ones go out and muck around until something eats them, and the political wranglers sit back and make terrible decisions.
That's a big part of it. Competent ones get taken out early in the field.