Chapter 21: Hustle
- Pronouns
- Male
Chapter 21: Hustle
"You didn't say he was going to be so..." Glancing across the pool table at Liam's awkward stance, Fred searches for a word that isn't going to destroy my confidence.
"Good looking?" Her cheeks dust with pink and Fred ducks her head while the vampire pretends not to have heard. "I have eyes you know."
"So does every woman in here." She takes the shot and sends the four ball bouncing around the table without connecting and I glance around to confirm what she said.
Sunday's made her choice, finally got her gang to notice us. The vampire and her friends have stopped harassing randoms, now focused on our corner of the college bar.
"Time to start acting drunk," Keeping my voice low, I make my own incredibly terrible shot.
"Who's acting." Fred snorts to herself as I go after the cue ball I 'accidentally' sent off the table.
The plan tonight was just to make sure the college bar wasn't already serving the caveman beer. But as soon as Liam pointed out his fellow cold blooded patrons, we decided to chase off the nerds being eyed thirstily.
Putting some extra wobble in my step, I saunter over to the vampires' table. One of her minions has the white ball in his fingers and he keeps it just out of my reach.
"Stop teasing him Travis," Sunday smiles at me, with none of the warmth reaching her predatory eyes. "You must be new in town. Haven't seen you or your friends in here before." She takes the ball and holds it out for me with her eyes shifting into a leer. "You should let us show you around."
"Really?" I feel naked under the hungry gazes and try not to visibly shudder. "That would be really nice of you. Liam said he would..." I point out our own vampire and Sunday seems even happier. "But he doesn't seem to have any friends."
"Well we have more than enough to share," Sunday gloats as her three minions nod along eagerly. "Why don't you come back to our place once you finish up the game?"
Nodding dumbly, I return to Fred and make a show of 'convincing' her. While I do, Sunday takes the chance to work out a deal with Liam.
Thanks to my improved hearing, I'm just able to make out the words over the music. "We let my minions have one of them and we can share the one you really want."
"What if I want them both?" The sudden challenge in Liam's voice is reassuring. He's fast on the pick up.
I barely had time to give him and Fred a few hissed instructions when Sunday's gang arrived. Knowing all three of us are on the same page, gives me the reassurance to follow through.
"Well I guess the boys will just have to pick up something on the way home." She giggles at the growls of frustration that come out of her trio of waiting minions.
"That sounds fun." Agreeing with a hopefully fake smirk, Liam joins the other vampires.
While Fred and I finish up the game with increasingly bad aim, I explain the gist of the plan. "You have the bear mace?"
We bought a few different varieties of spray and I found the mace was by far the most aggravating. The worst smelling perfumes are a close second. But are also a lot harder to weaponize.
"Of course I did. This is 'bear' country." Fred rolls her eyes while I'm blocking her face from the vampires' view.
"You get the other victim outside. Liam and I will make sure you aren't followed." Grabbing my case, I exchange the normal cue for the sharpened one.
While I make sure to keep the tip covered with one hand, Fred nods her confirmation with a nervous grin. "I can do that."
"I know you can, that's why I asked." And because I have no idea how many friends Sunday has waiting at her nest.
We've both been getting some training in with Liam after school this week and I'm a little annoyed at being the slowest at picking up the proper moves. Of course I can physically overpower her techniques if it comes down to it, it just grates that Fred can so easily flip me onto my ass.
But I guess she has a more pressing need to learn fast. Fred doesn't have anything supernatural to fall back on in an emergency.
Sometimes I forget she's only had a little more than a month to wrap her head around everything. Not really fair to blame her for a little over reaction.
Passing one of Lorne's posters, I'm happy to have heard people sound interested in the radio show all night. I'm not sure how easy it would have been for a normal person. But Fred somehow got the empath on the airwaves with just the stuff in Ted's basement.
Liam brings up the rear as our merged group leaves the bar, giving me a discrete wink when I spin around feigning drunkenness. While Sunday's minions are not looking happy at Liam's presence, she just hisses some instructions that I can't quite make out.
Once the minions give some grunts of acknowledgement, the blonde vampire gives a louder 'explanation' to keep the 'prey' calm. "How about you boys go and invite some other people back to the house, we can turn it into a party."
"I've never gone to a party before," Giggles Fred and I'm not sure if she's slipping some truth into the act. "College is awesome!"
The trio of minions wander off with Sunday's final reminder to not stop for fast food. Once we're alone, Sunday's words takes on a more sensual tone.
"I hope you don't mind if we have something to drink before they get back." Sunday's predatory gaze darts back and forth between the two of us with a pulse and it makes me very glad the sharpened cue is now in my jacket sleeve. "No reason for us to wait for the fun."
"I guess it's the time to experiment." Making a show of suddenly 'understanding' the double entendre, I give Fred an intrigued look. "What do you think Winnie?"
Giving me a pleased look at the unexpected nickname, Fred's under the breath response is a bit more enthusiastic than I expected. "Well that would be interesting."
We swap 'partners' on the walk to Sunday's run down house, with Liam keeping himself between Fred and the other vampire. We pretend to believe her excuse about renting the place as is and follow our prey into the nest.
Sunday squeezes my hand a final time before opening the door, the whole house only lit by candles. "Power should be reconnected on Monday. Hope you don't mind the mood lighting."
"Just makes things easier." Suddenly dropping the act of inebriation, I let my Brachen side emerge along with the increased strength.
Sunday barely has time to gasp in shock as I impale her through the chest, exploding into a cloud of ash in the time it takes Liam to shut the door. The smell of old blood hangs so thick in the air, I can't tell if we're alone or not.
"We should check the place before the others get back. Make sure they don't have any friends who are going to jump out at us." Three on three is doable, I just don't think we're ready for a swarm of fang faces yet.
"Please don't use that in here." Noticing the can in Fred's hand, our friendly vampire reveals it's at least a deterrent on his species. "Not unless you really have to."
Apologizing with a stiff chuckle, she replaces the mace for her own pool cue. She follows me upstairs as Liam checks the main floor for any threat, with each door we open making our tension skyrocket.
"They really should have turned a maid." The first two bedrooms we check are complete dumps and don't seem to have anything worthwhile. But the bathroom has a medicine cabinet full of prescriptions and only half of them seem to be expired.
"Think Willy would buy these?" Fred frowns at my question and the sealed bottle in my hand. "Or should we start stocking a first aid kit at the house?"
"We aren't selling drugs to Willy." Crossing her arms, Fred spends a few minutes listing every single way that will go wrong. "... And you know some of these will end up in your students' hands."
My idle curiosity sated long before now, I give the fuming girl a look of concession. "That's why I asked." Hadn't given the idea any thought. "I did say I was going to start planning things with you and Lorne."
It looks like Sunday has claimed the entire attic for herself and it's the room we find the stuff of actual value. A box of of wallets give a rough estimate of how many victims have been brought back before us and it's soon clear why they're here.
She finds a dresser and bends down to pull open the bottom drawer. It's almost overflowing with assorted coins and I let out a long whistle.
"Looks like we don't have to worry about the laundry mat for a while." Or having change for a parking meter.
Fred pulls open the middle drawer, revealing at least a few thousand dollars in a loose pile. "That's a lot of money."
"We can split it up four ways at the house." Trying to stop myself from counting it all out now, I slide open the top drawer to find it full of jewelry.
"Well we can sell this stuff." Picking out a few choice pieces, Fred gives me a sideways glance. "I don't think Willy can hurt anyone with some rings and necklaces."
"Get down here!" Liam's warning from downstairs has us both grab our sharpened cues and dart towards him.
Broody pants is waiting by the door, his own stake in hand. "Two of them are back with company, no sign of the skinny one yet though."
"Play dead and try to surprise them, or should we just go right for the heart?" We have numbers and the vampires have hostages. Not really sure who has the advantage right now.
"Scare the girls with them and we'll deal with the vampires." Fred makes a growling face to remind me I haven't reverted to my own human one yet.
"Should shock the idiots long enough to stake them without a fight," Agrees Liam before he adds that we can repeat the process when the final minion returns.
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