So You Woke Up in a Room.

Jeol Grimm
Location: The Room

Again another thing appeared in the air, but it seemed different. He looked the choices over frowning, Why were they making him choose whether he needed mana? Jeol's brow furrowed before he looked into himself to find something grave.

His mana was gone.

It had completely disappeared without a trace. A rage billowed within him before he crushed it. He wouldn't gain his mana or affinity back by having a tantrum. He looked his choices over much harder this time, before choosing.

"Aetherworks, Lethian"

Aetherworks sounded neat, as well as powerful, and it seemed he was going on some type of adventure, although mana would probably be more familiar he didn't recognize any of the specializations, although the destruction one seemed to be some type of Black Affinity.
The magical selection screen disappeared, leaving behind only words to work into the mind of the Human. 'Warp Blast, Warp Claw, Devourer's Mark.'
The magical selection screen disappeared, leaving behind only words to work into the mind of the Elf. 'Warp Blast, Light Shield, Aether Vision.'
Arawyn Cu Chulainn
He felt the magic work into his skin, wriggling around like malaised worms, before settling into his mind. He let out a hiss of discomfort. It wasn't painful, truly, but it was like asking Freyhild for a headache cure.


Well, he had three spells. Arawyn decided to play with then later.
Jeol Grimm
Location: The Room

The magical selection screen disappeared, leaving behind only words to work into the
mind of the Human. 'Warp Blast, Warp Claw, Devourer's Mark.'
Jeol groaned in pain as it invaded his brain, the magic being vastly different than he imagined it. Soon the pain faded leaving a slight buzz, the buzz was his new knowledge of his new 3 spells. They seemed to work on vastly different principles than mana just by a glance.

Ohh boy.
With everyone's choices made, the menus disappeared and the Custodians moved back. Before anyone could say a word, the same eldritch energy that had made the cloud to deposit their latest compatriot surrounded them. Dark, purplish smoke wrapped around them for a moment before dissipating. Everyone felt...different. Some felt less capable in some areas of expertise while everyone felt an increase in others. Whatever just happened had 'boosted' them, based on the skills they had deposited points in.

"Now, for those of you that specialize in magic, comes the important part." Galen stated. Several of the Custodians broke off towards those that specialized in magic, a new menu coming into existence. Where as the first seemed to be made of a page of light, this was one seemed to be more like a cloudy scroll. Again, that eldritch energy. The options on it read;
-Mana. (Standard.)
. Destruction.
. Illusion.
. Alteration.

-Animus. (Nature.)
. Introvert. (Focus on Self.)
. Extrovert. (Focus on Others.)
. Gaia. (Focus on Nature.)

-Aetherworks. (Everything.)
. Lethian. (Offense.)
Eunion. (Defense.)
. Balanced.
(Starting abilities will be revealed once selection is made. Ask to find out benefits/drawbacks. Only choose one.)

This day was weird. Really weird. My magic didn't work, I was with a bunch of strangers but... this? This cloudy scroll felt closer to me. Closer to my nature.

I'm finally recovering part of my magic. I probably can change it. Maybe if I decide to go with animus I will turn in some kind of druid. But no.

Mana, destruction.

I will recover my lightning.
This day was weird. Really weird. My magic didn't work, I was with a bunch of strangers but... this? This cloudy scroll felt closer to me. Closer to my nature.

I'm finally recovering part of my magic. I probably can change it. Maybe if I decide to go with animus I will turn in some kind of druid. But no.

Mana, destruction.

I will recover my lightning.
The magical selection screen disappeared, leaving behind only words to work into the mind of the Human. 'Fireball, Lightening Bolt, Concussive Blast.'
Connie tilted her head in slightly consternation, contemplating the screen carefully. True, she was technically a Mystic Adept, but she'd always leaned more towards the inherent abilities of the Adept. It was half of why she was able to use her claws like hands even though they were so much larger and... not hand like.

Still... if she had to identify a part of this that identified with her most strongly, it would be nature and Animus. With tapped her beak against Animus Extrovert, hoping she wasn't going to regret the choice.
The magical selection screen disappeared, leaving behind only words to work into the mind of the Human. 'Fireball, Lightening Bolt, Concussive Blast.'

I can feel it. My magic is returning. Only three spells but they were my favorites when I was studying in the academy... I guess that I'm going to start my training from scratch. I will show everyone that it wasn't just luck. I was one of the great generals for a reason.
-Srax of Glimhollow-
-The Room-
|< << -7- >> >|​

With everyone's choices made, the menus disappeared and the Custodians moved back. Before anyone could say a word, the same eldritch energy that had made the cloud to deposit their latest compatriot surrounded them. Dark, purplish smoke wrapped around them for a moment before dissipating. Everyone felt...different. Some felt less capable in some areas of expertise while everyone felt an increase in others. Whatever just happened had 'boosted' them, based on the skills they had deposited points in.

"Now, for those of you that specialize in magic, comes the important part." Galen stated. Several of the Custodians broke off towards those that specialized in magic, a new menu coming into existence. Where as the first seemed to be made of a page of light, this was one seemed to be more like a cloudy scroll. Again, that eldritch energy. The options on it read;
-Mana. (Standard.)
. Destruction.
. Illusion.
. Alteration.

-Animus. (Nature.)
. Introvert. (Focus on Self.)
. Extrovert. (Focus on Others.)
. Gaia. (Focus on Nature.)

-Aetherworks. (Everything.)
. Lethian. (Offense.)
Eunion. (Defense.)
. Balanced.

Srax stared. The seconds dragged on, others making their choices around him as he tried to come to terms with the implications of the scroll in front of him and the events that preceded it.

He'd... yearned, sometimes. To wield magic. Idle daydreams and fascinations that he grew to scoff at, but could never quite muster the pessimism to dismiss. What it must feel like to roll a marble of fire around on your hand. How the wind would feel in his fur should he take to the skies. Only lesser kobolds could strike the Spark - and even then, it was faint compared to most other races. No greater kobold had ever learned more than theory.

Nine options. One choice.

He hums to himself in consideration. Of the three, he felt the most kinship with Animus. The rigors of the more esoteric branches... he'd learned that he didn't have that sort of cleverness. The fluidity of mind that let mages wrap their heads around formalized spells.

Sometimes you can't help but entertain your daydreams, after all.

Srax ruminated, and so remembered. The scent of chipped steel and stone dust, from the mines along the Great Maw. Sunlight and loam on his fur, in the fields of the Surface. The taste of wet copper and the ringing in his ears. The ache in muscles and bones.

He's not a thinker. But he's felt a great many things, and this one feels best.

Animus: Introvert.

He'll just have to trust instinct and hope it's the right call.
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Connie tilted her head in slightly consternation, contemplating the screen carefully. True, she was technically a Mystic Adept, but she'd always leaned more towards the inherent abilities of the Adept. It was half of why she was able to use her claws like hands even though they were so much larger and... not hand like.

Still... if she had to identify a part of this that identified with her most strongly, it would be nature and Animus. With tapped her beak against Animus Extrovert, hoping she wasn't going to regret the choice.
The magical selection screen disappeared, leaving behind only words to work into the mind of the Crow. 'Vital Sight, Reinforcement, Animal Talks.'
-Srax of Glimhollow-
-The Room-
|< << -7- >> >|​

Srax stared. The seconds dragged on, others making their choices around him as he tried to come to terms with the implications of the scroll in front of him and the events that preceded it.

He'd... yearned, sometimes. To wield magic. Idle daydreams and fascinations that he grew to scoff at, but could never quite muster the pessimism to dismiss. What it must feel like to roll a marble of fire around on your hand. How the wind would feel in his fur should he take to the skies. Only lesser kobolds could strike the Spark - and even then, it was faint compared to most other races. No greater kobold had ever learned more than theory.

Nine options. One choice.

He hums to himself in consideration. Of the three, he felt the most kinship with Animus. The rigors of the more esoteric branches... he'd learned that he didn't have that sort of cleverness. The fluidity of mind that let mages wrap their heads around formalized spells.

Sometimes you can't help but entertain your daydreams, after all.

Srax ruminated, and so remembered. The scent of chipped steel and stone dust, from the mines along the Great Maw. Sunlight and loam on his fur, in the fields of the Surface. The taste of wet copper and the ringing in his ears. The ache in muscles and bones.

He's not a thinker. But he's felt a great many things, and this one feels best.

Animus: Introvert.

He'll just have to trust instinct and hope it's the right call.
The magical selection screen disappeared, leaving behind only words to work into the mind of the Kobold. 'Reinvigorate, Harden, Animal Talks.'
(I believe Vahdessi counts as a magic user)

Vahdessi eyed the new screen carefully. She grew suddenly concerned, not only did her body feel strangely out of sync. She had lost her connection to the magic gifted to her by Isa-Radi? Anyone looking in her direction would notice the barely contained anger that threatened to leak out. Whatever powers had brought her here were in no way divine was the only thought she could conclude.

If this is a trial. Vahdessi thought. Let it be a short one oh Isa-Radi.

"Aetherworks, Eunion." She said flatly.
Though most of these people were users of Magic, Takeo was not. He was a swordsman foremost and possibly a gunslinger the second. While these people rediscovered their magic, he was quietly back to meditating and conserving his physical and spiritual strength for any upcoming fight.
(I believe Vahdessi counts as a magic user)

Vahdessi eyed the new screen carefully. She grew suddenly concerned, not only did her body feel strangely out of sync. She had lost her connection to the magic gifted to her by Isa-Radi? Anyone looking in her direction would notice the barely contained anger that threatened to leak out. Whatever powers had brought her here were in no way divine was the only thought she could conclude.

If this is a trial. Vahdessi thought. Let it be a short one oh Isa-Radi.

"Aetherworks, Eunion." She said flatly.
The magical selection screen disappeared, leaving behind only words to work into the mind of the Elf. 'Light Shield, Void Guard, Aether Breath.'
Vahdessi eyed the new screen carefully. She grew suddenly concerned, not only did her body feel strangely out of sync. She had lost her connection to the magic gifted to her by Isa-Radi? Anyone looking in her direction would notice the barely contained anger that threatened to leak out. Whatever powers had brought her here were in no way divine was the only thought she could conclude.
Arawyn Cu Chulainn
The other Elf looked pissed. Arawyn couldn't imagine why. Perhaps it was the armor. He would admit that the fact that his old equipment was gone frustrated him to no end, but it was an opportunity to get new ones, perhaps even better ones. He sidled next to Vahdessi, asking, "ay mate, what's gotten into ye?"
Arawyn Cu Chulainn
The other Elf looked pissed. Arawyn couldn't imagine why. Perhaps it was the armor. He would admit that the fact that his old equipment was gone frustrated him to no end, but it was an opportunity to get new ones, perhaps even better ones. He sidled next to Vahdessi, asking, "ay mate, what's gotten into ye?"

Vahdessi was taking in the new information she received when she noticed that she was being addressed. It was the elf she had noticed earlier but she found herself doubting this man was from the Holy States. He had the look of a wild traveler, she attempted not to show any rudeness toward him all the same.

"Forgive me if I seem troubled," She replied. "My skills not being what they once were in this strange place is... Troubling, to say the least. A knight such as myself having to relearn the magical arts is unthinkable. I'm a warrior of the goddess and yet I've become so limited."
Vahdessi was taking in the new information she received when she noticed that she was being addressed. It was the elf she had noticed earlier but she found herself doubting this man was from the Holy States. He had the look of a wild traveler, she attempted not to show any rudeness toward him all the same.

"Forgive me if I seem troubled," She replied. "My skills not being what they once were in this strange place is... Troubling, to say the least. A knight such as myself having to relearn the magical arts is unthinkable. I'm a warrior of the goddess and yet I've become so limited."
Arawyn Cu Chulainn
"Well," Arawyn said, scratching the scar that covered the left side of his face, "I'm sure that there's a silver linin' somewhere." He paused, "nae, can't hardly see one." Then, he turned to the rest, shouting, "aye, ye lot! Ye all done 'ear? I's wishing to bugger of this fookin' pisshole."
With everyone finally finished with their selections, all the magical screens disappeared. With that, the various Custodians began to leave, disappearing high in the air into some strange warbling effect. The only one left was the First Custodian, who summoned forth some sort of tome before depositing it unceremoniously on the middle of the room. The First Custodian then gave a final look over everyone before disappearing along with the rest of its kind, leaving only the adventurers within the room.

"Well then, I suppose we're all finished." Grunted Rupert.

"Indeed." Said Galen as he took out a similar tome from within his robes. "The Custodians had given me this. Seeing as they have given you all one, it's safe to say they give one out per party. From what I could piece together, it seems to be some sort of codex or guide that fills itself up as we go along our way."
-Srax of Glimhollow-
-The Room-
|< << -8- >> >|​

The magical selection screen disappeared, leaving behind only words to work into the mind of the Kobold. 'Reinvigorate, Harden, Animal Talks.'

Srax watched the scroll vanish. For a terrible moment, nothing happened, and his heart lurched. Then came the knowledge - and with it, the elation. He had magic. Perhaps not the sort he'd expected, but...

He examined his hands, broad and callused. Turned them over in scrutiny as though some manifestation of his new talent had appeared. No such thing, and after a moment of consideration he felt silly for humoring it anyway, but he was a kobold who could use magic.

For a lone, heartrending minute, the world was full of wonder again.

"Well," Arawyn said, scratching the scar that covered the left side of his face, "I'm sure that there's a silver linin' somewhere." He paused, "nae, can't hardly see one." Then, he turned to the rest, shouting, "aye, ye lot! Ye all done 'ear? I's wishing to bugger of this fookin' pisshole."

Then reality came rudely crashing back in. Srax startled at Chulainn's shout, not quite stifling the reflexive yip of alarm. Ears back in embarrassment, he returned his attention to the proceedings.

With everyone finally finished with their selections, all the magical screens disappeared. With that, the various Custodians began to leave, disappearing high in the air into some strange warbling effect. The only one left was the First Custodian, who summoned forth some sort of tome before depositing it unceremoniously on the middle of the room. The First Custodian then gave a final look over everyone before disappearing along with the rest of its kind, leaving only the adventurers within the room.

"Well then, I suppose we're all finished." Grunted Rupert.

"Indeed." Said Galen as he took out a similar tome from within his robes. "The Custodians had given me this. Seeing as they have given you all one, it's safe to say they give one out per party. From what I could piece together, it seems to be some sort of codex or guide that fills itself up as we go along our way."

The kobold's ears swiveled back to the fore in curiosity as Srax examined the tome. He trundled over, picked it up, carefully opened it with a stubby dewclaw, and skimmed the contents before passing it off.

(Edited for coherency with @TheGrudgeKeeper)
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With everyone finally finished with their selections, all the magical screens disappeared. With that, the various Custodians began to leave, disappearing high in the air into some strange warbling effect. The only one left was the First Custodian, who summoned forth some sort of tome before depositing it unceremoniously on the middle of the room. The First Custodian then gave a final look over everyone before disappearing along with the rest of its kind, leaving only the adventurers within the room.

"Well then, I suppose we're all finished." Grunted Rupert.

"Indeed." Said Galen as he took out a similar tome from within his robes. "The Custodians had given me this. Seeing as they have given you all one, it's safe to say they give one out per party. From what I could piece together, it seems to be some sort of codex or guide that fills itself up as we go along our way."
Takeo grabbed the tome and took a look at it, to see what lays inside.
-Srax of Glimhollow-
-The Room-
|< << -8- >> >|​

Srax watched the scroll vanish. For a terrible moment, nothing happened, and his heart lurched. Then came the knowledge - and with it, the elation. He had magic. Perhaps not the sort he'd expected, but...

He examined his hands, broad and callused. Turned them over in scrutiny as though some manifestation of his new talent had appeared. No such thing, and after a moment of consideration he felt silly for humoring it anyway, but he was a kobold who could use magic.

For a lone, heartrending minute, the world was full of wonder again.

Then reality came rudely crashing back in. Srax startled at Chulainn's shout, not quite stifling the reflexive yip of alarm. Ears back in embarrassment, he returned his attention to the proceedings.

The kobold's ears swiveled back to the fore in curiosity as Srax examined the tome. He trundled over, picked it up, carefully opened it with a stubby dewclaw, and skimmed the contents before passing it off.

(Edited for coherency with @TheGrudgeKeeper)
Takeo grabbed the tome and took a look at it, to see what lays inside.
The contents of the tome were....bare. Almost all the pages were blank, though the edges of the pages were color coded to break up individual sections. The Grey sections had some content within, displaying the masked people on the murals. There seemed to be several different groups, though only one had anything to them, a selection of pages under the banner of 'Stonecutters'. Nothing within save the name. So much for getting answers already.
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Galen stepped forward and looked at the tome in Takeo's hands.

"Yes, it is as I suspected; no real information at the beginning, as with our own copy.." The Wizard said with a nod. "No point in staring at it, it's time we decide on what to do now."

"I say we got to the beach." Franklin said with a stretch. "Or that field. That looked nice."

"So long as we don't end up dying when we go on the other side, I don't care what door we go through." Rupert stated. "Anyone have any suggestions?
Galen stepped forward and looked at the tome in Takeo's hands.

"Yes, it is as I suspected; no real information at the beginning, as with our own copy.." The Wizard said with a nod. "No point in staring at it, it's time we decide on what to do now."

"I say we got to the beach." Franklin said with a stretch. "Or that field. That looked nice."

"So long as we don't end up dying when we go on the other side, I don't care what door we go through." Rupert stated. "Anyone have any suggestions?

We should go to the forest. Some place with water and easily accessible food. We need a place to camp until we know where we are.
Galen stepped forward and looked at the tome in Takeo's hands.

"Yes, it is as I suspected; no real information at the beginning, as with our own copy.." The Wizard said with a nod. "No point in staring at it, it's time we decide on what to do now."

"I say we got to the beach." Franklin said with a stretch. "Or that field. That looked nice."

"So long as we don't end up dying when we go on the other side, I don't care what door we go through." Rupert stated. "Anyone have any suggestions?
"I suggest we go to the place with the angel praying. It looks pretty interesting to me." suggested Takeo. 'What the hell, if they don't, I'll there myself. For all I know, I could find an awesome sword there.'
We should go to the forest. Some place with water and easily accessible food. We need a place to camp until we know where we are.
Arawyn Cu Chulainn
"Concur. I kin tag us a deer or some such," Arawyn said. It rankled the hell out of him to agree with some milksop shit, but he was arrogant, not stupid.

"I suggest we go to the place with the angel praying. It looks pretty interesting to me." suggested Takeo. 'What the hell, if they don't, I'll there myself. For all I know, I could find an awesome sword there.'
"An' maybe run inta a bunch o' fanatics raring to burn us at the stake. Nae."