So You Woke Up in a Room.

Arawyn Cu Chulainn
Bugger, Arawyn thought. He turned back and crawled further away from the deer. "Right," he whispered. "Rupert, you circle around to the right. Quiet-like. Kid, you go to the front of the deer, block the exit. Centuar, ye stay here, I'll go left to tha rocks. Savvy?"

He didin't wait. He started for the rocks, drawing a single arrow. When he reached the rocks, he nocked it and drew.

1D100 => (58) = 58
The deer's ear's twitched as they caught the sound of something. It raised its head up, just in time to receive an arrow in its shoulder. A whine escaped its lips as it immediately turned tail and ran towards the right, straight towards Rupert and the shrubs.

Despite being in a panic, the deer had enough sense left to jump clear over the shrubbery. It knocked over Rupert, who tried to get a slash in but the state of his sword meant that the shortened blade missed the animal's flank. The Centauress broke off from her position to keep up with it, but it knew the surroundings far better than she did. This caused it to disappear into the woods, leaving only a notable blood-trail to track it by.
The deer's ear's twitched as they caught the sound of something. It raised its head up, just in time to receive an arrow in its shoulder. A whine escaped its lips as it immediately turned tail and ran towards the right, straight towards Rupert and the shrubs.

Despite being in a panic, the deer had enough sense left to jump clear over the shrubbery. It knocked over Rupert, who tried to get a slash in but the state of his sword meant that the shortened blade missed the animal's flank. The Centauress broke off from her position to keep up with it, but it knew the surroundings far better than she did. This caused it to disappear into the woods, leaving only a notable blood-trail to track it by.
Seeing as the Deer is going to be bleeding for a while, Takeo ran after it. "Come on, let's chase it!" He called out to the elf, the centaur and the knight.
Arawyn Cu Chulainn
Sod, he cursed. He took of running, nimbly leaping over tree and root, following the blood trail.

1d100 => 69
The trail goes on for a fair bit, the trail eventually leading to the deer as it rested. The animal was doing something odd; trying to angle its head so that it could take hold of the arrow in its shoulder. It almost got it when the buck noticed the Elf rushing after it. Still tired, the animal froze for a moment as it tried to decide whether to keep running or to try and face down its attacker. The Centauress and Rupert followed close behind the Elf, the Centauress heading over to try and cut off one of the animal's routes for escape.
(Really? If so, nevermind what I said. Continue with the hunt.)
The trail goes on for a fair bit, the trail eventually leading to the deer as it rested. The animal was doing something odd; trying to angle its head so that it could take hold of the arrow in its shoulder. It almost got it when the buck noticed the Elf rushing after it. Still tired, the animal froze for a moment as it tried to decide whether to keep running or to try and face down its attacker. The Centauress and Rupert followed close behind the Elf, the Centauress heading over to try and cut off one of the animal's routes for escape.
Arawyn Cu Chulainn
Arawyn drew another arrow, taking careful aim, before loosing the arrow at the deer. "Ye buggering shite," he cursed idly.

1d100 => 73
Big Bite/Daniel Torres

He has been quite since they had left the room, staying to the edge of the camp as the others gathered and prepared. He would have offered to help, maybe gathered firewood or try to set up some sort temporary shelter but he just couldn't find the nerve.

He felt naked, weak. Easily killed if someone with a blade felt like he was a waste of space.

Sure those around him seemed alright enough if a bit crazy but he didn't like his weakness. He needed meat, something to activate his powers and give it weight.

Some of the others had gone to get some food but that felt too far off. He wanted something then and now.

Maybe someone still at the camp had some jerky or something. If not... Well, he guess he's have to go bug hunting... Again.

"Hey," he called loud enough that he was fairly sure most at the camp heard him. "Does anyone have any meat on them? Jerky or anything?"
Arawyn Cu Chulainn
Arawyn drew another arrow, taking careful aim, before loosing the arrow at the deer. "Ye buggering shite," he cursed idly.

1d100 => 73
The arrow flew true. The deer had started to react just as it was launched, causing the arrow to slam just above its heart. It fell to the ground, kicking all four limbs as it desperately fought to retain life, its sole remaining eye jerking around as it panicked. Hoarse whining sounds escaped from it as it lay dying. The only thing left to do was finish it off.
The arrow flew true. The deer had started to react just as it was launched, causing the arrow to slam just above its heart. It fell to the ground, kicking all four limbs as it desperately fought to retain life, its sole remaining eye jerking around as it panicked. Hoarse whining sounds escaped from it as it lay dying. The only thing left to do was finish it off.
Arawyn Cu Chulainn
The elf drew a knife and stalked to the deer. He grabbed it by the snout and slit its throat, blood gripping into his palm. "Well, ye horned bugger. Ye had the right o' it." He grabbed it by its legs and slung it over his shoulder. "Got it, me lads." He stood up, and started to to walk back.
Arawyn Cu Chulainn
The elf drew a knife and stalked to the deer. He grabbed it by the snout and slit its throat, blood gripping into his palm. "Well, ye horned bugger. Ye had the right o' it." He grabbed it by its legs and slung it over his shoulder. "Got it, me lads." He stood up, and started to to walk back.
Rupert grunted as he sheathed his broken blade while the Centauress just nodded. They fell into step with the Elf and began the walk back to the 'camp'.

"Was it just me or was that beast trying to remove the arrow you first shot it with?"
Big Bite/Daniel Torres

He has been quite since they had left the room, staying to the edge of the camp as the others gathered and prepared. He would have offered to help, maybe gathered firewood or try to set up some sort temporary shelter but he just couldn't find the nerve.

He felt naked, weak. Easily killed if someone with a blade felt like he was a waste of space.

Sure those around him seemed alright enough if a bit crazy but he didn't like his weakness. He needed meat, something to activate his powers and give it weight.

Some of the others had gone to get some food but that felt too far off. He wanted something then and now.

Maybe someone still at the camp had some jerky or something. If not... Well, he guess he's have to go bug hunting... Again.

"Hey," he called loud enough that he was fairly sure most at the camp heard him. "Does anyone have any meat on them? Jerky or anything?"
Lysyris heard one of the others mumbling about being hungry. It probably couldn't hurt to hand a piece over right now. "Got a preference?"
Rupert grunted as he sheathed his broken blade while the Centauress just nodded. They fell into step with the Elf and began the walk back to the 'camp'.

"Was it just me or was that beast trying to remove the arrow you first shot it with?"
Arawyn Cu Chulainn
"Probably. Wouldn't put it past some godly prat to shove some smarts into a deer," he grunted.
Nirkuhiib the Wormy Waste Gobbo

All this time Hiib was just trying to jury rig some primitive shelter.

(Tinkering with sticks, wood, leaves, grass rope a la don't starve hooooo!)
Alfonso Alonso threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Shelter Total: 54
54 54
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Nirkuhiib the Wormy Waste Gobbo

All this time Hiib was just trying to jury rig some primitive shelter.

(Tinkering with sticks, wood, leaves, grass rope a la don't starve hooooo!)
The supplies are a little wet from recent rains, but there is enough of it to make some shelter for everyone to remain under. Not anything fancy or that would stand up well to a full on downpour, but more than enough to suit current needs.
"Hmmm..." Srax hedged as he thought about it, digging out a fire pit with the broad end of his pick. "Could you gather some wood while I set the pit up, maybe look for good sources of duff? We'll need something to bed down in."

Wood, huh? Would I could probably do. I still didn't have a clue what "duff" was, but my pride wouldn't let me ask.
He said it was for bedding, so the best I could think to do was come back with a few armfuls of something half-decomposed, under the assumption that the pup wasn't looking forward to resting on a bed of coal.

Being out here didn't smell right. No smog or smoke or spoilt meat, and the air felt sharp and crisp. It had me on edge the whole time as I circled our little island of civilisation searching for something to make me feel a bit less useless out here. Dry sticks and damp leaves. That's what I needed. Dry sticks, damp leaves.

(I assume this is a survival roll? Not gonna lie, not a great stat for me.

EDIT: But apparently, it works.)
DocSpooky threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Sticks and Leaves Total: 65
65 65
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-Srax of Glimhollow-
-The Forest-
|< << -13- >> >|​

(....It would seem that it has rained recently or the morning dew was heavy and it has yet to evaporate; all the wood you find is too wet to be used as proper firewood.)

Srax growls in frustration, tossing another sodden branch away. Be it from condensation or weather, everything he'd found was too damp to catch. And there'd hardly be enough refuse fit to cushion them all.

-Our best bet right now is to go see that farm. Finding civilization is probably our number one priority... I would go but I don't think I should go alone. We don't need to split the group that much.-

I started walking around a little grabbing some more wood for the camp. -But we probably need to set a place to rest first... just in case...-

After the Kobold failed to lit up a fire I smiled a little. This was a job for a mage like me.

-Just gather all the wood you can. As dry as possible... I'm going to use a fireball.-

"Oh, pyromancy?" Srax visibly lightens up, turning to face Luxord. "That makes things easier. I wasn't going to get anywhere with this striker, not with wood like this. Thanks."

He stands, stuffing the implement in question back into his pack. After a moment's consideration, he leaves the pick there too. His hands are going to be full anyway if he's doing his job right.

All this time Hiib was just trying to jury rig some primitive shelter.

(Tinkering with sticks, wood, leaves, grass rope a la don't starve hooooo!)

The supplies are a little wet from recent rains, but there is enough of it to make some shelter for everyone to remain under. Not anything fancy or that would stand up well to a full on downpour, but more than enough to suit current needs.

Seeing the goblin rapidly cobble together a shelter made Srax pause. Strictly speaking, they didn't need it - there was a perfectly serviceable shelter in the form of the room they'd woken up in earlier. If you could ignore the bloodstains, at least. And the possibility of whatever had created them coming back again.

Actually, new shelter was probably a good idea.

Regardless, the goblin had demonstrated a startling capacity for inventive construction. The kobold considers providing his tent to the goblin as raw material, but decides against it - they'll need it if anyone has to travel more than a day's journey away from the camp. But he could keep an eye out for other useful materials while out looking for firewood.

Wouldn't be worth much if they all froze during the night, though. Wood first. Other goodies if he spots them, but the fire needs to stay going.

"Back in twenty," he indicated before loping into the forest proper. Hopefully Aibhlinn had had better luck in the more sheltered area.

(OOC: Sorry for late response. Busy couple of days and I wasn't sure who to wait for exactly. Suppose I'll roll Survival on gathering useful material, focusing on dry wood. That's not too general a roll, is it?)

(EDIT: Redeemed!)
Spook threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Survival (Resource Gathering) Total: 85
85 85
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-Srax of Glimhollow-
-The Forest-
|< << -12- >> >|​

Srax growls in frustration, tossing another sodden branch away. Be it from condensation or weather, everything he'd found was too damp to catch. And there'd hardly be enough refuse fit to cushion them all.

"Oh, pyromancy?" Srax visibly lightens up, turning to face Luxord. "That makes things easier. I wasn't going to get anywhere with this striker, not with wood like this. Thanks."

He stands, stuffing the implement in question back into his pack. After a moment's consideration, he leaves the pick there too. His hands are going to be full anyway if he's doing his job right.

Seeing the goblin rapidly cobble together a shelter made Srax pause. Strictly speaking, they didn't need it - there was a perfectly serviceable shelter in the form of the room they'd woken up in earlier. If you could ignore the bloodstains, at least. And the possibility of whatever had created them coming back again.

Actually, new shelter was probably a good idea.

Regardless, the goblin had demonstrated a startling capacity for inventive construction. The kobold considers providing his tent to the goblin as raw material, but decides against it - they'll need it if anyone has to travel more than a day's journey away from the camp. But he could keep an eye out for other useful materials while out looking for firewood.

Wouldn't be worth much if they all froze during the night, though. Wood first. Other goodies if he spots them, but the fire needs to stay going.

"Back in twenty," he indicated before loping into the forest proper. Hopefully Aibhlinn had had better luck in the more sheltered area.

(OOC: Sorry for late response. Busy couple of days and I wasn't sure who to wait for exactly. Suppose I'll roll Survival on gathering useful material, focusing on dry wood. That's not too general a roll, is it?)

(EDIT: Redeemed!)
(That works.)
It takes some searching, but it's easy enough to find dry supplies when one looked hard enough; Some were branches buried under piles of other matter, only barely wet compared to the soaked material above it. Others were piles of mostly dry leaves and other material that survived by being under the particularity bushy trees. All in all, it lakes less than an hour to scavenge all the necessary supplies. Even some berries here and there, though how safe those were was an unkown.
Arawyn Cu Chulainn
The scarred elf returned to the camp. He dropped the deer to the ground, kneeling by it. Arawyn drew a knife, and cut out its heart. He took the bloody organ to the tree, dropping in on its roots. "There's yer meat, sprite," he said, then faced the group again.
Arawyn Cu Chulainn
The scarred elf returned to the camp. He dropped the deer to the ground, kneeling by it. Arawyn drew a knife, and cut out its heart. He took the bloody organ to the tree, dropping in on its roots. "There's yer meat, sprite," he said, then faced the group again.
Unseen by the others, the tree Sprite left its tree to stare at the heart down below it.

"....What in the actual h-" It didn't get to finish when a vicious looking crow-like bird swooped down and took the organ for itself. The Sprite merely did an awkward shrug before returning to its tree. "And I though the Caretakers were weird." It mumbled to itself as it disappeared.

"Ah, I see the hunt went well." Galen said as he looked over the deer. "Should be plenty of meat to last us long enough to reach our next destination. The only question left is; where should we all go?"

"The Harpy said there may be a farm to the east, right? We should go there." Rupert stated.

"I say we hit the beach. Bound to find a harbor eventually, plus plenty of fish to hunt." Franklin suggested.
-Srax of Glimhollow-
-The Forest-
|< << -14- >> >|​

It takes some searching, but it's easy enough to find dry supplies when one looked hard enough; Some were branches buried under piles of other matter, only barely wet compared to the soaked material above it. Others were piles of mostly dry leaves and other material that survived by being under the particularity bushy trees. All in all, it lakes less than an hour to scavenge all the necessary supplies. Even some berries here and there, though how safe those were was an unkown.

Srax took two looping trips to ferry materials back to the camp, and to make sure he checked in at the time he'd said he would. Both times, he returns with armfuls of materials - dry logs and branches, clods of leaves and detritus for insulation, some ivy stripped from the trees for cords, even a scattering of berries. Couldn't identify them, but maybe one of the others could.

He drops off the building materials by the goblin with a nod before stacking the wood for the fire.

The scarred elf returned to the camp. He dropped the deer to the ground, kneeling by it. Arawyn drew a knife, and cut out its heart. He took the bloody organ to the tree, dropping in on its roots. "There's yer meat, sprite," he said, then faced the group again.

"Ah, I see the hunt went well." Galen said as he looked over the deer. "Should be plenty of meat to last us long enough to reach our next destination. The only question left is; where should we all go?"

"The Harpy said there may be a farm to the east, right? We should go there." Rupert stated.

"I say we hit the beach. Bound to find a harbor eventually, plus plenty of fish to hunt." Franklin suggested.

"Welcome back, Chulainn," Srax greets as he finishes setting up the firewood. "Two things. One, fire's almost ready. Luxord knows some pyromancy, offered to light it. I've got cooking gear in my pack. Help yourself to whatever you need. Two, I found a few berries while gathering. Mind taking a look at them? I have no clue if they're edible or not."

He shifts, rifling through the pack for his tackle as he stands up.

"No reason we can't scout both with this many people. We can decide where to commit a full expedition later. Just be careful if you head out east - there were some wolves there a couple of hours ago." He shifts his attention to the retired thief. "Franklin, I've got some fishing gear here. Shall we check the beach, test our luck?"
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