So You Woke Up in a Room.

-What would I win for putting myself in a position of power? Gold? A castle? I just want everyone to survive. I don't think the last group had a leader and look what happened. We need organization, rules! We don't know each other so the only way to be safe is to be organized.-
Arawyn Cu Chulainn
"Do we?" Arawyn asked. "We hardly need to stay together like the best of friends. What we need now is to leave this place. Find a town or some such. Then we can split our seperate ways."

What a bloody twat.

"How about we all take a breath." He said, stepping between the arguing groups. "I agree with fuzzy (@Spook) here that we at least need to work together. Maybe we need a leader but what we need more is a goal... And maybe figure out what each other can do and what our supply situation is like."
"I like the sound of the beach. Ain't been near the sea for a long, long time." Arawyn leaned his warhammer on his shoulder. "I got a bow. See, Lulu? This is how you get people on yer side."
"How about we all take a breath." He said, stepping between the arguing groups. "I agree with fuzzy (@Spook) here that we at least need to work together. Maybe we need a leader but what we need more is a goal... And maybe figure out what each other can do and what our supply situation is like."
"That sounds like a reasonable idea. This merry band of ours doesn't exactly look like it would take following any single one leader well, at least not unless that individual earns their respect." Galen said as he rubbed his beard. "I thi-" Before the old wizard could go on any further, a low warbling sound emanated from high above. One look up anyone could see that something had appeared. Some hovering...contraption? Its body was a spherical orb with several swept back rhombus plates above and below it, the ones above being longer than the ones below. Four arms sprouted from the orb at its center.

"Ah, one of the custodians." Galen uttered as the thing lowered itself down to the center of the room and started looking around. Four green lights, possibly its eyes, glared from the end of the edges of the top rhombus, two lining one side, two lining the other.
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"Ah, one of the custodians." The thing lowered itself down to the center of the room and started looking around. Four lights, possibly its eyes, glared from the end of the top rhombus, two lining one side, two lining the other.
Arawyn Cu Chulainn
"Ah. Is it going ta do something or just float there menacingly?" Arawyn looked at the Custodian, staring at it. Watching ye, ya glowy bastard.
Arawyn Cu Chulainn
"Ah. Is it going ta do something or just float there menacingly?" Arawyn looked at the Custodian, staring at it. Watching ye, ya glowy bastard.
As if on cue, the thing started going to each person. It didn't spend long on them, just long enough to give them a look over and far enough to avoid provoking a hostile response. Eventually, it returned to the center of the room and spoke.

....Okay, that was a little creepy, maybe a little soothing even, but noone understood a damn second of it. Once it finished its little 'speech', several more warbling sounds occurred. A dozen more of them appeared up high, descending down and getting close to each person. They spread their arms wide and a screen of light appeared before each individual. Somehow, everyone understood what was on the screens;
-One-handed Ranged Weapons. 1
-Two-handed Ranged Weapons. 1
-One-handed Melee Weapons. 1
-Two-handed Melee Weapons 1
-Unarmed. 1
-Speech. 1
-Barter. 1
-Cooking. 1
-Medicine. 1
-Traps. 1
-Engineering. 1
-Smithing. 1
-Survival. 1
-Lockpicking. 1
-Pickpocket. 1
-Sneaking. 1
-Alchemy. 1
'You have seven points available. Choose wisely! ;P'

....What in the actual hell?
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Four green lights, possibly its eyes, glared from the end of the edges of the top rhombus, two lining one side, two lining the other
On a well worked instinct Daniel reached deep with himself, grabbing out for his power to enact his transformation... Only for nothing to happen.

No fur or gangs grew as he called upon the tiger.
No hooves or Antlers when he called upon the elk.
No wings or feathers when he called upon the peregrine falcon.

Nothing within him answered. And he slowly, and with a good amount of horror, realized that he couldn't call on the DNA he collected over the years because it wasn't there.

"Uh, are anyone else's powers not working?" A good deal of his previous confidence started to evaporate.

You have seven points available. Choose wisely! ;P'
"What is this a video game?" He mumbled a moment later.
....Okay, that was a little creepy, maybe a little soothing even, but noone understood a damn second of it. Once it finished its little 'speech', several more warbling sounds occurred. A dozen more of them appeared up high, descending down and getting close to each person. They spread their arms wide and a screen of light appeared before each individual. Somehow, everyone understood what was on the screens;
Arawyn Cu Chulainn
He blinked. He rubbed his eyes. He pinched his neck, and confirmed that this was indeed happenning. Ah well, there was nothing to do except poke the numbers in. Lets see, he knew how to swing two handers, so there goes, bows, and good old fist fighting.
-One-handed Ranged Weapons. 1
-Two-handed Ranged Weapons. 1 + 3
-One-handed Melee Weapons. 1 + 1
-Two-handed Melee Weapons 1 + 3
-Unarmed. 1 + 1
-Speech. 1 - 1
-Barter. 1
-Cooking. 1 + 1
-Medicine. 1
-Traps. 1 - 1
-Engineering. 1 - 1
-Smithing. 1
-Survival. 1 + 1
-Lockpicking. 1
-Pickpocket. 1
-Sneaking. 1 + 1
-Alchemy: 1 - 1
"Uh, are anyone else's powers not working?" A good deal of his previous confidence started to evaporate.
"I can still talk to the spirits and hit people with heavy sticks, if that's what yer talking about."
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As if on cue, the thing started going to each person. It didn't spend long on them, just long enough to give them a look over and far enough to avoid provoking a hostile response. Eventually, it returned to the center of the room and spoke.

....Okay, that was a little creepy, maybe a little soothing even, but noone understood a damn second of it. Once it finished its little 'speech', several more warbling sounds occurred. A dozen more of them appeared up high, descending down and getting close to each person. They spread their arms wide and a screen of light appeared before each individual. Somehow, everyone understood what was on the screens;
....What in the actual hell?

Lysyris looked at the thing, and what was listed under it. It seemed like a list of things people were good at. The harpy supposed that she should put the numbers under the stuff she was actually good at.
-One-handed Ranged Weapons. 0
-Two-handed Ranged Weapons. 0
-One-handed Melee Weapons. 0
-Two-handed Melee Weapons 0
-Unarmed. 5
-Speech. 4
-Barter. 4
-Cooking. 4
-Medicine. 1
-Traps. 0
-Engineering. 0
-Smithing. 0
-Survival. 4
-Lockpicking. 0
-Pickpocket. 0
-Sneaking. 2
-Alchemy. 0
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As if on cue, the thing started going to each person. It didn't spend long on them, just long enough to give them a look over and far enough to avoid provoking a hostile response. Eventually, it returned to the center of the room and spoke.

....Okay, that was a little creepy, maybe a little soothing even, but noone understood a damn second of it. Once it finished its little 'speech', several more warbling sounds occurred. A dozen more of them appeared up high, descending down and getting close to each person. They spread their arms wide and a screen of light appeared before each individual. Somehow, everyone understood what was on the screens;
-One-handed Ranged Weapons. 1
-Two-handed Ranged Weapons. 1
-One-handed Melee Weapons. 1
-Two-handed Melee Weapons 1
-Unarmed. 1
-Speech. 1
-Barter. 1
-Cooking. 1
-Medicine. 1
-Traps. 1
-Engineering. 1
-Smithing. 1
-Survival. 1
-Lockpicking. 1
-Pickpocket. 1
-Sneaking. 1
-Alchemy. 1
'You have seven points available. Choose wisely! ;P'

....What in the actual hell?

This was incredible. What kind of magic was that? It was just... I was too amazed even to think clearly but at least I knew something for sure. I needed to decide now how I will be useful. This is going to be some kind of boost magic, right...?

This is difficult. On one hand someone with knowledge about medicine is extremely useful. I knew about alchemy and medicine and... nothing else in this list, really.

Would this let me get expertise in things I knew nothing about, like cooking? I could focus on speech so I can convince everybody to not kill themselves doing stupid things... but no, I never was a public speaker. I leaded men into battle but convincing people? Not my thing...

I decided to go with I was already comfortable with.

-One-handed Ranged Weapons. 1
-Two-handed Ranged Weapons. 1
-One-handed Melee Weapons. 1
-Two-handed Melee Weapons 1
-Unarmed. 1
-Speech. 1
-Barter. 1
-Cooking. 1
-Medicine. 4
-Traps. 1
-Engineering. 1
-Smithing. 1
-Survival. 1
-Lockpicking. 1
-Pickpocket. 1
-Sneaking. 1
-Alchemy. 5
"I can still talk to the spirits and hit people with heavy sticks, if that's what yer talking about."
"Well I can't transform so I'm a little out of tricks right now." Probably shouldn't have said that in front of armed strangers but panic was taking a bit of a hold on him. He needed to take some deep breaths.

You have seven points available. Choose wisely! ;P'
'Does this thing just want to know what we're good at? Kind of a limited list but I'll play along.'

One-handed Ranged Weapons. 0
-Two-handed Ranged Weapons. 0
-One-handed Melee Weapons. 2
-Two-handed Melee Weapons 0
-Unarmed. 5
-Speech. 5
-Barter. 4
-Cooking. 1
-Medicine. 1
-Traps. 0
-Engineering. 0
-Smithing. 0
-Survival. 4
-Lockpicking. 0
-Pickpocket. 0
-Sneaking. 1
-Alchemy/magic 1
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-Srax of Glimhollow-
-The Room-
|< << -6- >> >|​

As if on cue, the thing started going to each person. It didn't spend long on them, just long enough to give them a look over and far enough to avoid provoking a hostile response. Eventually, it returned to the center of the room and spoke.

....Okay, that was a little creepy, maybe a little soothing even, but noone understood a damn second of it. Once it finished its little 'speech', several more warbling sounds occurred. A dozen more of them appeared up high, descending down and getting close to each person. They spread their arms wide and a screen of light appeared before each individual. Somehow, everyone understood what was on the screens;
-One-handed Ranged Weapons. 1
-Two-handed Ranged Weapons. 1
-One-handed Melee Weapons. 1
-Two-handed Melee Weapons 1
-Unarmed. 1
-Speech. 1
-Barter. 1
-Cooking. 1
-Medicine. 1
-Traps. 1
-Engineering. 1
-Smithing. 1
-Survival. 1
-Lockpicking. 1
-Pickpocket. 1
-Sneaking. 1
-Alchemy. 1
'You have seven points available. Choose wisely! ;P'

....What in the actual hell?

Whatever retort Srax had been forming against General Blue-Hair died when the caretakers showed themselves. His general sense of aggravation faded into wary confusion as they warbled and trilled. By the time one had parked itself in front of him and revealed a nonsensical list, the poor kobold was nothing short of befuddled. The only reason he did not dismiss it as a dream was the throbbing in his back where the pick had fallen on it.

What? What was this? Was it asking us to rate ourselves? Neither farming nor mining were present. Perhaps Two-Handed Melee, for swinging the pick? Bah.

Srax stuck with the skills that aligned best with what he knew, shaking his head as he marked them off. It would hardly hurt. Well. It better not hurt, at least. He'd only woken up five minutes ago, and he was already tired of today.

-One-handed Ranged Weapons. 1
-Two-handed Ranged Weapons. 1
-One-handed Melee Weapons. 1
-Two-handed Melee Weapons 1 + 2
-Unarmed. 1 + 2
-Speech. 1
-Barter. 1
-Cooking. 1 + 1
-Medicine. 1
-Traps. 1
-Engineering. 1
-Smithing. 1 + 1
-Survival. 1 + 1
-Lockpicking. 1
-Pickpocket. 1
-Sneaking. 1
-Alchemy. 1
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Another warble came from above and another Custodian came down to the one at the center of the room. It spoke to the central Custodian in that strange language, causing the first one to freeze. The three stubby rectangular fingers on each of its four multi-jointed arms clenched and the whole thing started to tremble. Its eyes glowed brightly as it turned to look up into the air. A small storm-cloud like thing was forming mid-air, eldritch energies causing a shiver to course through everyone's back. Those with magical inclinations sensed nothing from the thing, however. If one listened closely, it almost sounded like reality itself was screaming in agony. The first Custodian then began to speak, this time in something that actually resembled a language. It was harsh, guttural.

And it seemed like it wasn't chanting or casting this spell. If anything, it sounded like it was having a furious argument with an unseen party. It jabbed one of its fingers towards the ground while sounding like it was making a demand. At that, the storm convulsed in on itself and violently, almost comically, spat out someone into the room. The Custodians at the center of the room moved back to avoid the falling individual, the first one sounding like it was muttering angrily to itself as the figure landed on the ground.
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Jeol Grimm
Location: The Room

His eyes opened.
He blinked.
He sat up while looking around, he was in a paneled room, he could vaguely recall rooms like this in Ironstone. Mostly in places like the blacksmith, wide panels of stone lining the floor there. Here they were made out of some material he couldn't recognize. Jeol's eyes wandered the large room in its entirety, finally landing on the strangers on the other side of the room. He stood up while looking down at himself, he still had his cloak and poorly sewn clothes.
He frowned, he hadn't spoken common in a while, but he swore that it didn't sound like that.
Jeol Grimm
Location: The Room

His eyes opened.
He blinked.
He sat up while looking around, he was in a paneled room, he could vaguely recall rooms like this in Ironstone. Mostly in places like the blacksmith, wide panels of stone lining the floor there. Here they were made out of some material he couldn't recognize. Jeol's eyes wandered the large room in its entirety, finally landing on the strangers on the other side of the room. He stood up while looking down at himself, he still had his cloak and poorly sewn clothes.
He frowned, he hadn't spoken common in a while, but he swore that it didn't sound like that.
The newest Custodian to be in the room hovered over in front of the boy, opening its arms and displaying the same message the others recieved;
-One-handed Ranged Weapons. 1
-Two-handed Ranged Weapons. 1
-One-handed Melee Weapons. 1
-Two-handed Melee Weapons 1
-Unarmed. 1
-Speech. 1
-Barter. 1
-Cooking. 1
-Medicine. 1
-Traps. 1
-Engineering. 1
-Smithing. 1
-Survival. 1
-Lockpicking. 1
-Pickpocket. 1
-Sneaking. 1
-Alchemy. 1
'You have seven points available. Choose wisely! ;P'

The First Custodian jabbed a finger towards the boy before pointing at the others and what they were doing. It barked a single, harsh order, its patience still lost from...whatever that was that brought forth this new adventurer. The storm had already disappeared, leaving nothing to study or watch but the ceiling.
Jeol Grimm
Location: The Room

He blinked again.
This was strange, he was supposed to be in the lush forests of Aggemon, not here. He sighed deeply before looking the choices over. After a moment of thought, he started to place the points in each.
-One-handed Ranged Weapons. 1
-Two-handed Ranged Weapons. 1
-One-handed Melee Weapons. 1 + 2 = 3
-Two-handed Melee Weapons 1
-Unarmed. 1 + 1 = 2
-Speech. 1 + 2 = 3
-Barter. 1
-Cooking. 1 + 1 = 2
-Medicine. 1
-Traps. 1
-Engineering. 1
-Smithing. 1 + 1 = 2
-Survival. 1
-Lockpicking. 1
-Pickpocket. 1
-Sneaking. 1
-Alchemy. 1
Looking his choices over Jeol nodded, It looked good, He sat down while staring at the Custodian in what seemed to be curiosity.
I looked at the doors. It was time to start moving. The last group was nearly wiped out, they probably were like us. A group of strangers that find themselves in a strange room. A situation like this one needs a team that works together. I worked before with subhumans but not with Elves and Dwarves, and of course not goblins.

Maybe this was the only way.

I decided to grab everyone's attention. If we wanted to survive we needed to work as a team.

-Everyone. Listen to me.- I decided to stand in the center of the group so everyone could hear me.

-We are in a strange place and we all want to go home. If we don't work as a team we are going to end like the last group, so we need to do this right.-

I looked at them. My eyes sparkling with a little bit of my weakened magic. It always worked with recruits, it made me look more powerful even if I was doing nothing.

-I'm Luxord Aegis. In my world I was general of the human empire and the most powerful mage. My magic is now weakened but I will work to recover all my power. We should all know what are our strengths so we can know who needs to do each task. This way we can succeed where others have failed.-

And now... the moment of truth. These people needed guidance. Even the subhumans. Prideful and uncooperative creatures but maybe these ones were sane enough to accept this arrangement.

-I will be the leader. Someone has to. My experience in the higher ranks of the military makes me the most appropriate candidate to that position unless someone has a better idea. Our priority should be organization so we can work together.-

You can't put two people in a room without both of them thinking they know best. You put enough people in a room, you'll find someone dim enough to say it out loud. Best to tear that sort of idea down before it got out of hand, but the other guys seemed to have that well in hand. In the meantime, keep a special eye on Little Boy Blue and take note of everything that seems relevant while this little machine asks me to fill in the paperwork.

-One-handed Ranged Weapons. 3 +2
-Two-handed Ranged Weapons. 2 +1
-One-handed Melee Weapons. 1
-Two-handed Melee Weapons 0 -1
-Unarmed. 1
-Speech. 4 +3
-Barter. 1
-Cooking. 0 -1
-Medicine. 1
-Traps. 1
-Engineering. 1
-Smithing. 1
-Survival. 0 -1
-Lockpicking. 2 +1
-Pickpocket. 2 +1
-Sneaking. 3 +2
-Alchemy. 1

Another warble came from above and another Custodian came down to the one at the center of the room. It spoke to the central Custodian in that strange language, causing the first one to freeze. The three stubby rectangular fingers on each of its four multi-jointed arms clenched and the whole thing started to tremble. Its eyes glowed brightly as it turned to look up into the air. A small storm-cloud like thing was forming mid-air, eldritch energies causing a shiver to course through everyone's back. Those with magical inclinations sensed nothing from the thing, however. If one listened closely, it almost sounded like reality itself was screaming in agony. The first Custodian then began to speak, this time in something that actually resembled a language. It was harsh, guttural.

And it seemed like it wasn't chanting or casting this spell. If anything, it sounded like it was having a furious argument with an unseen party. It jabbed one of its fingers towards the ground while sounding like it was making a demand. At that, the storm convulsed in on itself and violently, almost comically, spat out someone into the room. The Custodians at the center of the room moved back to avoid the falling individual, the first one sounding like it was muttering angrily to itself as the figure landed on the ground.
"Welcome to the club, pal."
As if on cue, the thing started going to each person. It didn't spend long on them, just long enough to give them a look over and far enough to avoid provoking a hostile response. Eventually, it returned to the center of the room and spoke.

....Okay, that was a little creepy, maybe a little soothing even, but noone understood a damn second of it. Once it finished its little 'speech', several more warbling sounds occurred. A dozen more of them appeared up high, descending down and getting close to each person. They spread their arms wide and a screen of light appeared before each individual. Somehow, everyone understood what was on the screens;
-One-handed Ranged Weapons. 1
-Two-handed Ranged Weapons. 1
-One-handed Melee Weapons. 1
-Two-handed Melee Weapons 1
-Unarmed. 1
-Speech. 1
-Barter. 1
-Cooking. 1
-Medicine. 1
-Traps. 1
-Engineering. 1
-Smithing. 1
-Survival. 1
-Lockpicking. 1
-Pickpocket. 1
-Sneaking. 1
-Alchemy. 1
'You have seven points available. Choose wisely! ;P'

....What in the actual hell?

Takeo looked in disbelief. 'What the hell is that?' Then he had a feeling that he'd seen this before in some manga. Peering through his memories, he found it! It was some years back when he encountered a strange metal man with a weird voice that offered to sell him some manga. It wasn't like any manga he had ever read before and ever since then, he had been contacting the metal man for more of his 'wares'.

'Ah! I think it was some manga called uhh... what was it? It's in the tip of my tongue. What was it called? The Kramer? Da Gamah? Uhh... what the hell, I'll think about it later.'

-One-handed Ranged Weapons. 1 + 2 + 1 = 4
-Two-handed Ranged Weapons. 1
-One-handed Melee Weapons. 1
-Two-handed Melee Weapons 1 + 3 = 4
-Unarmed. 1
-Speech. 1
-Barter. 1
-Cooking. 1 + 1 = 2
-Medicine. 1
-Traps. 0
-Engineering. 1
-Smithing. 1
-Survival. 1 + 1 + 1 = 3
-Lockpicking. 1
-Pickpocket. 1
-Sneaking. 1
-Alchemy. 0

After allocating his points, he looked at the others and remarked what a strange bunch they all are.
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As if on cue, the thing started going to each person. It didn't spend long on them, just long enough to give them a look over and far enough to avoid provoking a hostile response. Eventually, it returned to the center of the room and spoke.

....Okay, that was a little creepy, maybe a little soothing even, but noone understood a damn second of it. Once it finished its little 'speech', several more warbling sounds occurred. A dozen more of them appeared up high, descending down and getting close to each person. They spread their arms wide and a screen of light appeared before each individual. Somehow, everyone understood what was on the screens;
-One-handed Ranged Weapons. 1
-Two-handed Ranged Weapons. 1
-One-handed Melee Weapons. 1
-Two-handed Melee Weapons 1
-Unarmed. 1
-Speech. 1
-Barter. 1
-Cooking. 1
-Medicine. 1
-Traps. 1
-Engineering. 1
-Smithing. 1
-Survival. 1
-Lockpicking. 1
-Pickpocket. 1
-Sneaking. 1
-Alchemy. 1
'You have seven points available. Choose wisely! ;P'

....What in the actual hell?

Vahdessi had decided to stay quiet throughout the affair. It was always wise to tune ones ear for analysis rather than action. But the sudden development even caused her to become visibly shocked. Never in her life had she witnessed such a frankly bizarre sight as what was occurring. She closed her eyes and prayed silently for Isa-Radi for guidance. After taking a deep breath, the elven knight decided the best course of action was forward.

"By her wisdom give me guidance," She said. "I hope this is the right path."

-One-handed Ranged Weapons. 1
-Two-handed Ranged Weapons. 1
-One-handed Melee Weapons. 1 + 3 = 4
-Two-handed Melee Weapons 1
-Unarmed. 1
-Speech. 1 + 1 = 2
-Barter. 1
-Cooking. 1
-Medicine. 1
-Traps. 1
-Engineering. 1
-Smithing. 1
-Survival. 1 + 1 = 2
-Lockpicking. 1
-Pickpocket. 1
-Sneaking. 1
-Alchemy. 1 + 2 = 3
Nirkuhiib the Wormy Waste Gobbo

If there is any sensation he felt that could rival his confusion then that would be his overwhelming desire to smash these things to see how they work. Just to think how helpful these light images would be for replacing more normal measuring devices like speedometers and all sorts of other information devices inside cockpits.

But alas naked fighting (now having at LEAST some clockwork knight armor on him was essentially naked for Hiibs combat prowess) was never his specialty, so he will simply have to deal with it.

Well i do not need anything in engineering, i was already one of the best just below true legends of mechanical craft and...
"I do not remember the crucial parts of a titan walkie, or high power mana furnaces!" - He whispered to himself.
Something messed with my knowledge and skill like they did the blue head girls magic.
"Oh this is such BULLSHIT!"

Re learning it is then. And later stomping on whoever did this.

Lesse, while my species is on the small side against outsiders we use rifles or nothing at all. However i used to use in built weaponry and it was relatively compact. Well, it did not use two whole hands of a "Walkie" so logically one handed makes more logicalolo sense for me.

Same story for the melee armaments.
Does smashing with huge claws and armored gauntlets count for unarmed? I thinks it should.

Always preferred to speak what's on my mind, only keeping it to myself if trouble could arise from it.

Barter? Never dealt with the weasely types, trading my gear for things usually was sensible.
Those who were trying to scam me out of my hard work i asked some friends to negotiate, ar a few tons of walking steel.

Cooking? Yeah is usually survived on earthworms and fungus when in deep tinkering. Tasteless but fills the stomach and not rare at all underground. For normal food i ate at the barracks after leasing my services or with friends.

Lockpicking and pickpocket? While goblin arms and legs are slim and dexterous when trained fiddly things that was not tinkering was eating away at my patience like an orc pig in labour. It stabbed my very soul, so annoying!

Traps, ehh...never invested my time into complex things that did not move under their own power. I enterteined thoughts of trapping my "Walkies" against would be boarders and grappling Giants but i preferred to use space for standard gear. So did not put in much willpower for super fancy traps. The sheer mechanical acumen enabled me to design something nice but still low on the "elaborate" totem pole. However main skills took priority, so i'll probably low ball it on a 1 instead of what...a third of my engineering, maybe?.

"Hope this works"

-One-handed Ranged Weapons. 1
-Two-handed Ranged Weapons. 0
-One-handed Melee Weapons. 1
-Two-handed Melee Weapons 0
-Unarmed. 1
-Speech. 0
-Barter. 1
-Cooking. 0
-Medicine. 1
-Traps. 1
-Engineering. 1 + 6 = 7
-Smithing. 1 + 5 =6
-Survival. 2
-Lockpicking. 0
-Pickpocket. 0
-Sneaking. 1
-Alchemy. 2
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(Alright, folks. The time is almost up for all players to choose their skills. If characters don't have stats filled up within the next few hours, I'll be moving on. You can choose whatever stats you want when you come back into the RP.)
Connie considered the point distribution, edging closer to the poor bastard who'd been soundly rebuffed at his attempt to claim some measure of leadership. It looked kind of alike a game... she'd never had much luck with games, mainly because they didn't tend to be built for her physiology.

Nothing to do with animals. She glanced at Sunker, wondering if she would somehow lose her deft hand with the critters and be unable to regain it.

...nah, probably not.

-Unarmed. 1 +3
-Medicine. 1 +1
-Sneaking. 1 +3

That fit her pretty well. Assuming this somehow took priority over actual biology, she didn't want to be stumbling about like an idiot rather than executing a proper dive or keeping her flight relatively quiet. And of course, she needed to be sure she could help clean her pup up after nasty battles.
With everyone's choices made, the menus disappeared and the Custodians moved back. Before anyone could say a word, the same eldritch energy that had made the cloud to deposit their latest compatriot surrounded them. Dark, purplish smoke wrapped around them for a moment before dissipating. Everyone felt...different. Some felt less capable in some areas of expertise while everyone felt an increase in others. Whatever just happened had 'boosted' them, based on the skills they had deposited points in.

"Now, for those of you that specialize in magic, comes the important part." Galen stated. Several of the Custodians broke off towards those that specialized in magic, a new menu coming into existence. Where as the first seemed to be made of a page of light, this was one seemed to be more like a cloudy scroll. Again, that eldritch energy. The options on it read;
-Mana. (Standard.)
. Destruction.
. Illusion.
. Alteration.

-Animus. (Nature.)
. Introvert. (Focus on Self.)
. Extrovert. (Focus on Others.)
. Gaia. (Focus on Nature.)

-Aetherworks. (Everything.)
. Lethian. (Offense.)
Eunion. (Defense.)
. Balanced.
(Starting abilities will be revealed once selection is made. Ask to find out benefits/drawbacks. Only choose one.)
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Melinoe arched an eyebrow at the lists. Such an attempt to quantify a person was almost... Apollonian.

"Very well", she breathed.

-One-handed Ranged Weapons. 1
-Two-handed Ranged Weapons. 1 -1 = 0
-One-handed Melee Weapons. 1
-Two-handed Melee Weapons 1 -1 = 0
-Unarmed. 1
-Speech. 1 +5 = 6
-Barter. 1
-Cooking. 1
-Medicine. 1 +3 = 4
-Traps. 1
-Engineering. 1
-Smithing. 1
-Survival. 1
-Lockpicking. 1
-Pickpocket. 1
-Sneaking. 1
-Alchemy. 1 +1 =2

"And let us select... Mana. Illusion."
Arawyn Cu Chulainn
The elf frowned. The fuck are these? He was no scholar, but none of these sounded like anything he'd seen. Ah, hells to it.

He selected the one that sounded promising. Aetherworks. Balanced. It sounded completely different from his runes and spirit communing, so there.

When he was done, he inspected his bow. As he feared, it was a shit human style longbow. The Bastards who stole his old one couldn't even be arsed to give him a recurve.
Melinoe arched an eyebrow at the lists. Such an attempt to quantify a person was almost... Apollonian.

"Very well", she breathed.

-One-handed Ranged Weapons. 1
-Two-handed Ranged Weapons. 1 -1 = 0
-One-handed Melee Weapons. 1
-Two-handed Melee Weapons 1 -1 = 0
-Unarmed. 1
-Speech. 1 +5 = 6
-Barter. 1
-Cooking. 1
-Medicine. 1 +3 = 4
-Traps. 1
-Engineering. 1
-Smithing. 1
-Survival. 1
-Lockpicking. 1
-Pickpocket. 1
-Sneaking. 1
-Alchemy. 1 +1 =2

"And let us select... Mana. Illusion."
The magical selection screen disappeared, leaving behind only words to work into the mind of the Nymph. 'Disguise, projection, distortion.'
Arawyn Cu Chulainn
The elf frowned. The fuck are these? He was no scholar, but none of these sounded like anything he'd seen. Ah, hells to it.

He selected the one that sounded promising. Aetherworks. Balanced. It sounded completely different from his runes and spirit communing, so there.

When he was done, he inspected his bow. As he feared, it was a shit human style longbow. The Bastards who stole his old one couldn't even be arsed to give him a recurve.
The magical selection screen disappeared, leaving behind only words to work into the mind of the Elf. 'Warp Blast, Light Shield, Aether Vision.'
Jeol Grimm
Location: The Room

Again another thing appeared in the air, but it seemed different. He looked the choices over frowning, Why were they making him choose whether he needed mana? Jeol's brow furrowed before he looked into himself to find something grave.

His mana was gone.

It had completely disappeared without a trace. A rage billowed within him before he crushed it. He wouldn't gain his mana or affinity back by having a tantrum. He looked his choices over much harder this time, before choosing.

"Aetherworks, Lethian"

Aetherworks sounded neat, as well as powerful, and it seemed he was going on some type of adventure, although mana would probably be more familiar he didn't recognize any of the specializations, although the destruction one seemed to be some type of Black Affinity.