That doesn't change my not knowing what's going on. That's just part of WHY I've got no clue what's going on :V
Reality is out to lunch, leaving the universe to care for itself. Unfortunately, the universe is an unrepentant alcoholic who's currently going on an acid trip whilst watching every anime ever.

Also, there's a skeleton involved somewhere.
[X] The time has come to journey NORTH. Sail Hogwarts to the Avid Horizon, and beyond.

Edit: ... well. It looks like very many people will have very many problems very soon.
will408914 threw 1 20-faced dice. Total: 10
10 10
will408914 threw 1 100-faced dice. Total: 99
99 99
Last edited:
[X] Remember that you are actually some manner of time bureaucrat, and that this 'broken time' thing is now your problem. Aggressively interrogate that dashing skeleton about what manner of advanced magic he used to so easily fix the time tear, you'll need it.
Terrabrand threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Who? Total: 13
13 13
Terrabrand threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: How Well? Total: 54
54 54
[X] After creating some decent, sane company from altering rabbit and a mouse, you go to the quidditch field and turn it into a whimsical garden to have a place to rufuge and enjoy some tea and cake.
-[X] Attempt to escape this twisted time-bubble and return to the world of before. Alternatively, attempt to slip into an alternate dimension away from all these crazy people.
--[X] Take the garden with you and put it in a mobile poket universe
[X] Go smuggle in a dragon and feed it EVERY SINGLE enhancement potion in existence!
tri2 threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Who? Total: 4
4 4
tri2 threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: How Well? Total: 58
58 58
[X] History was damaged. Gather your alternate Timline Selfs and fix, and/or Change, the Timeline to how it should, in your Opinion at least, be.
karmaoa threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Who? Total: 2
2 2
karmaoa threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Success? Total: 86
86 86
[X]The sparrow flies south for the winter.
LordVile threw 2 20-faced dice. Reason: Character Total: 24
17 17 7 7
LordVile threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Success Total: 93
93 93
[X] Get to work on uplifting hundreds of raccoons to use as your personal army and servants.
Nianque threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Who? Total: 7
7 7
Nianque threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: What's the Damage? Total: 51
51 51
[X] Since no single persone can be botherd to clean everything, you simply decide to remove the headmasters skull and put it under a carpet. then he won't find out everything is still broken.
ertniter threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: who Total: 8
8 8
ertniter threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: how Total: 76
76 76
[x] Surely once you summon a familiar, everyone here will be forced to take you seriously! There's this one ritual you remember...
-[X] "My servant that existed somewhere in this vast universe, my divine, beautiful, wise, powerful servant, heed my call, I wish from very bottom of my heart and add to my guidance and appear!"
Redshirt Army threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Who Total: 12
12 12
Redshirt Army threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: How well Total: 48
48 48
What about my vote implies a crossover actually occurs? It'd just be an allusion working on in-universe rules, like that Fate "Saber" thing. Familiars actually exist in Harry Potter, after all.
Not summoned, and I'm not sure that familiars, rather than rather intelligent pets like Hedwig, are actually canon rather than Fanon.
The only allusion with Saber is appearance, Lockhart and Mort are Delusional.
What Grue said, but also that I was mainly talking about the post above you.

My vote did take aspiration from FoZ, I was aiming for something more like Trapped in Another World with the Familiar bits just there for flavor text. I wasn't meaning for the character to literally get summoned by whatever ritual is used in that franchise, merely to keep write it in a way that could convey my intent without breaking the rules. Sorry if it was leaning to much on the wall.
Grue la Grue updated so I'm contractually obligated to do so soon as well. Someone go determine what the winning actions were and I'll update after A Deathly Silence gets its daily words.
Grue la Grue updated so I'm contractually obligated to do so soon as well. Someone go determine what the winning actions were and I'll update after A Deathly Silence gets its daily words.
I'm putting off seeing what horrors are about to be unleashed on me, so:

2)[X] You heard the spell the Headmaster used to fix things, even if nobody else did. Clearly you need to look through the restricted section for a fraying spell so you can return to the past and undo the future that is Yrrah Rettop. [93]
3)[X] Now is the moment! Summon your mobile oppression cloud and unleash the inexplicable rain of twenty-foot fire-breathing chicken-hydras! [57]
4)[X] Go smuggle in a dragon and feed it EVERY SINGLE enhancement potion in existence! [58]
5)[X] AWAKEN MY MASTER! And by master, I mean Tiamat, the Primordial Goddess! [80]
7)[X] Get to work on uplifting hundreds of raccoons to use as your personal army and servants. [51]
8)[X] Since no single persone can be botherd to clean everything, you simply decide to remove the headmasters skull and put it under a carpet. then he won't find out everything is still broken. [76]
9)[x] It's time to d-d-d-duel! Challenge your nemesis to play Chocolate Frog cards with you... while riding motorcycles broomsticks! With the Heart of the Cards, you can't fail! [72]
10)[X] The time has come to journey NORTH. Sail Hogwarts to the Avid Horizon, and beyond. [99]
11)[x]Oh Merln's pants, it looks like someone went and broke time. Again. Even without covering up the mess from the muggles, do you know the unholy amount of paperwork that causes?!
Find the idiot that caused this mess and force them to work for you as an unpaid intern. Then maybe, they'll learn some bloody common sense. [62]
12)[x] Surely once you summon a familiar, everyone here will be forced to take you seriously! There's this one ritual you remember...
"My servant that existed somewhere in this vast universe, my divine, beautiful, wise, powerful servant, heed my call, I wish from very bottom of my heart and add to my guidance and appear!"[48]
13)[X] Remember that you are actually some manner of time bureaucrat, and that this 'broken time' thing is now your problem. Aggressively interrogate that dashing skeleton about what manner of advanced magic he used to so easily fix the time tear, you'll need it. [54]
14)[x] After all of an hour's work, your giant mecha is complete! Time to go get in mecha vs. Kaiju fights with the giant squid, the whomping willow, and a dragon. [77]
15)[X] Attempt to escape this twisted time-bubble and return to the world of before. Alternatively, attempt to slip into an alternate dimension away from all these crazy people. [5]
16)[X] utilize the power of Crystal Earth to destroy Mars. [65]
17)[X]The sparrow flies south for the winter. [93]