Well, technically the presence of Master Arturia could be considered a crossover, but the point of that vote was that no actual Nasu mechanics are around.

*Looks at Tunnel Snake Background Planning*
How the hell is that supposed to work? I can't really use Life Rivers as an excuse.
water polo magic
[X] You are the reincarnated King Arthur Pendragon. You are sure of it! Now start the hunt for Excalibur!

Edit: Aww.
SoothingCoffee threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: KING ARTHURR Total: 1
1 1
SoothingCoffee threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: KING ARTHURR Total: 28
28 28
[X] Make akward conversation with the headmaster, wast as much time as you can going over nothing.

Edit: I regret nothing
ertniter threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: who Total: 9
9 9
ertniter threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: how Total: 78
78 78
[X]While everyone is distracted walk towards the sand-clocks that count the house points and steal then. It's their fault for using real gemstones to count points.
ziizo threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Who is the thief? Total: 7
7 7
ziizo threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: is successful? Total: 66
66 66
I think I may have struck the greatest blow against Voldemort yet. Now seemingly anybody can strike him down, since everyone is Harry Potter.

[X] Use the interdimensional Tunnel Snake Floo relay (or The Quantum Tunnel for short) as the center of the ritual you will cast to summon a servant.
Ridiculously Average Guy threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: WHO DIS Total: 5
5 5
Ridiculously Average Guy threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: IT WURK Total: 21
21 21
Goddamit, does nobody see the point of my Saber vote being that there is no crossover?!
Adding the crossover anyway just undermines that and makes Mort justified.
[x] Find a good place to put and display your collection of Holy Grail replicas.

Edit: well, that didn't work.
Takoe threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Skullface.jpg Total: 8
8 8
Takoe threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: King Crimson.jpg Total: 4
4 4
Last edited:
[X] Let Saber out of her handcuffs.

Edit: Wait there Saber-chan, I'll return after grinding my lockpicking skills on the students' luggage.
EvilPorygon threw 1 20-faced dice. Total: 18
18 18
EvilPorygon threw 1 100-faced dice. Total: 14
14 14
Last edited:
Remember, one of the big things about Salt Quests is that you're allowed to edit your action after you see what you've rolled. You can pull off literally anything short of a crossover with that 100. Exercise your imagination.
We already know, we're waiting on a tally and an upfate.
Can't tally myself, unfortunately.
@Mortifer is done.

Char No. Vote Success
1 You are the reincarnated King Arthur Pendragon. You are sure of it! Now start the hunt for Excalibur! 28
3 Latch on to the person next to you and try to eat their hair. 11
5 Get the nearest parseltoungue to give the Basilisk a funny hat and sic it on the headmaster. 82
6 This weird red tattoo'd symbol appeared on your hand overnight. Wonder how the hell it got there. 3
7 While everyone is distracted walk towards the sand-clocks that count the house points and steal then. It's their fault for using real gemstones to count points. 66
8 Find a good place to put and display your collection of Holy Grail replicas. 4
9 Make akward conversation with the headmaster, wast as much time as you can going over nothing. 78
10 You shall summon the greatest demon known to wizardkind! With this summoning seal written in the far east, you shall finally be able to take over wizarding Britain and then, the world! Wait...Why does everything suddenly smell...salty? 85
11 You can't believe what you have just overheard. Lokhart is a kidnapper! But, no one will believe your word over his. You cannot rely on the authorities. You have to do it yourself. Yes, even if you cannot match up to the great hero, this is not something you can ignore. You will save the girl, save the day, and if Lokhart stands in your way, you willbe his Justice. 73
12 Dance on a table during the opening Ceremony. 30
14 Start Turning Everyone into newts! 76
16 Start turning everything around you into crystal. 100
17 You are Harry Potter Clone 117. Your mission is to piledrive Mortifer off the Astronomy tower. 5
18 Mix Polyjuice Potion into the school's water supply so that random people start temporarily turning into Mortifer 88
19 You are Harry Potter Clone 007. Your mission is to piledrive Hagrid off the Astronomy tower onto Lockhart and himself/mirror/reflection as they confirm their love for each other. 90
Anything short of a crossover

Of course, there are loopholes to that

Such as abusing the Tunnel Snake Interdimensional Floo Relay to make a pseudo-crossover with another Salt Quest, with the author of said Salt Quest getting to choose whenever or not they acknowledge it

But other than that no crossovers
Please bear in mind that Mort's a lot stricter on crossovers than me.

Arturia does NOT boost the odds, as she's not actually a crossover. Lockhart is delusional and Mort is gullible.
[X] Everyone has been going crazy so I'm going to stand up say "**** this **** I'm out." Walk out of the Hall and find a place to chill and take a nap with a good book, oh and trap the area I find to hell and back to claim it as mine. Forever.
Nevermore threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Person Total: 17
17 17
Nevermore threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Chance Total: 79
79 79
Update 6
Interlude - ??? ?????? and the Arturian Prisoner
The girl chained to the wall may have given up hope that she'd be able to struggle free, but that didn't stop her from trying regardless. If there was a god, he owed her for this whole debacle, and given their apparent sense of unfairness, they may only grant a miracle if it was for something the girl didn't expect.

Damn that buffoon, and damn that Skeleton too. What exactly was their deal, kidnapping her? Thinking she was King Arthur? It was stupid. They were stupid. Everything was stupid.

The door creaked open, and the girl looked upon, fully prepared to give her kidnapper another tongue-lashing that he would no doubt ignore completely. Imagine her surprise when, instead, a red-haired boy stepped in.

"Bloody hell." He swore, rushing over to her. "Are you alright?"

"No." The girl replied. "I've been kidnapped!"

"I know." The boy said, looking over at the handcuffs. "I overheard Lockhart's talk with the Headmaster. Blimey, I never did like the guy, but I didn't think he was a kidnapper..."

"You overheard them? The girl asked. "What are you doing here, anyway?"

"Going to school." The boy replied.

"You're a student here?" The girl asked, before shaking her head. "No, not important. How'd you know to listen in on them?"

The boy paused, tapping the handcuff with his wand. "...It's a long story."

"Short version?" The girl asked.

"Bullshit magic." The boy replied. "As far as I can tell, my future self sent memories back to me? At first, it felt like I'd lived them, but it faded after a while, feels less real. But I saw..."

The boy gulped. "Bloody hell, it was horrible. All the skeletons, making bad puns. All the tunnel snake reference. Merlin's wand, it was a nightmare."

Then, sighing, he lowered his wand. "The handcuff's... Whatever enhancement is on them, I can't break them. Sorry, but I can't get you down."

The girl looked down. "...Oh."

A moment passed, as the boy went through his pockets. "...Chocolate frog?" He asked.

The girl looked back, seeing the moving creature in his hand, and blinked. "Uh... No thanks."

The boy sighed again. "Sorry I can't get you down."

"Can't you get help?"

"With Lockhart?" The boy asked. "Nobody would believe me. A lot of people consider him a hero."

"What a load of-"

"Listen." The boy said. "I can't do anything now, but I recall something vaguely, from my future memories. I might be able to learn a spell that could help here, if I get some time. I'll make sure to sneak in from time to time to try it out."

The girl smiled. "Really?"

"I can't just leave you here." The boy said. "What's your name, anyway?"

"Arthurline Grey." The girl introduced yourself. "You?"

"Ron Weasley."

And Now Back To The Speech...
"Ladies and Gentlemen-" I begin, only for someone to tap me on my shoulder. Turning around, I come face to face with Hagrid, still rocking his fabulous robes.

"Yes?" I ask. A moment passed.

"So." Hagrid began. "Nice weather, isn't it? Good for all me silk production."

"Is there a point to this?" I ask.

"And I was wondering." Hagrid went on. "What colour silk you think would go good on your bones?"

"I look fabulous in everything." I continue. "So I'll let you decide."

"Classical black? A good choice. My father was always a fan."

Suddenly, I hear a scream, and look to the crowd.

...Huh. Everyone was showing their inner me-ness. Look at all those skeletons. Over in Gryffindor, a boy in Quidditch clothes- Shouldn't that only be for when you're on the field?- Was cracking up.

"Hey, Crabbe!" Called the Goyle Potter. "Are you a skeleton? Don't worry, I'll fix it."

And with a wave of his wand, everyone in Slytherin turned into a newt. The boy looked at his wand for a moment.

"I, uh." He began. "I don't know how I did that."

"It was like this." Neville said, waving his wand. Suddenly, everything was shining. Wishing I could squint my eyes, I had a House Elf bring me sunglasses, and looked around more.

...Huh. No wonder all that shining was happening. Everything was crystal now. I was crystal, Snape was crystal, even Finch's cat was Crystal. The Ghosts, too. Nearly Headless Nick, recognizing that he now had a physical body, immediately went around reducing the length of his name. A changed man, Headless Nick started beaming, while people looked at the crystal knife in his hand in horror.

"This is getting silly." I say. "Ten points from each house responsible for this."

Everyone turns to the hourglasses of points, only to notice them empty.

"...Where are the points?" I ask.

"Don't worry." Snape replied. "They're charmed to return if stolen."

Sure enough, after a moment, there is a yelp as a big pile of crystal gems disappear from out beneath a Ravenclaw Student with the Harry Potter Curse- Is that Hermione?- And they appear momentarily.

"Clever." I note. "But seriously, how did Neville do this."

The boy rubs the back of his crystal head shyly. "Uh... Gran taught me a spell to turn things into crystal. Didn't get it working, though. Guess I did now?"

"Your grandmother is a terrifying woman." I note. Neville nods in agreement.

"Well." I note. "Everyone is crystal, and some of us are skeleton newts, and Lockhart is missing, and Idon't see the Weasley twins which is mildly terrifying, but at the very least, this can't get any wors-"

Suddenly, Quirrel ran in.

"Cats!" He called. "McGonagall is leading a cat army into battle! She demands a pay rise, and threatens flooding the castle in hairballs if we refuse!"

Everyone turns to him.

"...I thought you'd want to know." He says, fainting, landing on the back of his head.

"I just want this day to be over." I moan.

So, uh, I lost my old character list and had to make a brand new one, forgot most of the results too, so if anyone spots characters shuffled around a bit, that's why.

You may now throw your vote behind what happens during the Battle of Eighty Bazillion Cats.
So are Ron and King Arthur also affected by the crystallization, or did they escape it through Saber's Magic Resistance?
[X] It's so shiny! Polish your new crystal wand

EDIT: Internet on my side is rather weird now sorry for double posting.
If I double posted.

EDIT2: Doh I just realized what my vote sounds like.
WanderingEye threw 1 20-faced dice. Total: 5
5 5
WanderingEye threw 1 100-faced dice. Total: 97
97 97
Last edited:
[x] Start playing the Final Fantasy theme and wax on about the power of the crystals like you're a JRPG villain.
Takoe threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Who Total: 8
8 8
Takoe threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Powah Total: 72
72 72