You know that feeling when you wake up, and you're not where you remember falling asleep?
It's a confusing one, but mostly, it makes you paranoid. After all, if you're not where you fell asleep, what happened before you woke up?
I suppose a sleepwalker would be more used to it, but that's irrelevant. I'm not a sleepwalker, and thus, it was fairly unsettling.
Naturally, I got up to have a look around. The first thing I saw was a mirror. Which meant, naturally, I had to spend a few minutes admiring my immense beauty.
I am, after all, extremely attractive. All skeletons are, really, but me more then any other. My skull, for example, was basically perfection made manifest. In fact, the only reason people did not stare at my skull at all times was because my mere presence made everything in my surroundings like more beautiful. But enough about my appearance. If I described my look in-depths, you would be weeping bitter tears of despair, for you would never be able to see me in reality.
So, instead of describing myself, I shall instead mention how I posed for a moment, found my hat, and posed while wearing my hat. It liked that hat. It was a nice hat.
Once the hat was on my head, thus ensuring all was right in the world, I got back to the less important task of figuring out where the hell I was.
...I wasn't literally in hell, was I? I'm pretty sure I'm not. It would've taken months to get rid of all the fire and brimstone that was here last time I visited.
And as I looked around, I realized: This room was full of all my stuff. All my books were on a shelf by my bed, while the wall opposite the bed had a television set up to my Xbone.
...A moment, please. I just thought about the new console generation, and I need to mourn the fact that I didn't pick the console that Bloodborne was on.
After a minute of silence, I spotted a note on the television. Naturally, I went to read it.
Mortifer, I know you forgot, so I left you a note. You have been accepted as this school's Headmaster, and been given a room right next to your office.
Also, you're late.
...Huh. I'm a Headmaster now. And according to a name on the back side of the note, I'm at...
[X] Hogwarts
[X] Homurahara
[X] Ashford Academy
[X] Gekkoukan High
[X] Write-in
For those unaware, this is a Salt Quest style Quest. How that works is simple. To quote TehChron, who came up with the idea:
You guys get to control the other characters in the setting!
Each voter rolls 2 dice per voting round. 1d20 and 1d100. Using the SV Roller by editing your post after you cast a vote, you roll 1d20 preferably titled "Character Selection" and then roll 1d100. Each voter only gets one vote, but! This vote can be changed or updated as many times as a player wants during each voting phase. But the point of the rolls are pretty simple.
Whichever setting gets decided upon, I'm gonna put together a list of 20 characters assigned to each possible result. Your vote becomes an action carried out by the character that corresponds to the result of your dice roll.
The point of the second roll is similarly simple. It's your general success roll. Each voter will have to roll a 1d100 as well to determine said success. In the event that multiple people end up getting the same character to via their 1d20 roll, rather than taking into account whichever individual vote has the highest number of supporters, what we'll do is figure out the average 1d100's for each of the voted upon options to determine which vote takes effect in the next update.
To lay out some ground rules, after you start rolling, you can bank rolls. Banking a d20 banks the character you roll, even once the characters on the list are changed. Meanwhile, banking a d100 will get you the success amount. You can also sacrifice a banked d100 that ha a result of 75 or more, to learn which character you control if you roll a certain result. For example, you could sacrifice a d80 roll to learn who Person 18 is. If you roll a 100, and sacrifice it, you get the identities of all twenty characters at that point in time.
This will start after the next update, of course. For now, simply vote for the setting.