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Here I'm going to basically compile all my art.

My Deviant Art:

You certainly have a thing (and a talent) for ridiculous levels of complexity.

How long did it take to do all the tattoos?
"Freeze! I do not fear your mighty hat! I have a gun!"

"You fool! My hat outstrips your gun all on its own! But not only that... my hat has its own gun! In addition to mine!"

"Noooooo! How can such terrible magnificence be?!"

"Also, my skull pauldron has a laser eyepatch. Sorry dude, you were doomed from the start."
Wait a minute, Keris, I can't remember exactly who this is...
My Scourge. Who has not one, not two, but three stolen First Age Artifacts on her in that picture, as well as a stolen moneybag and a probably-stolen apple. In fact, the only things there that I'm certain she has not stolen from someone are her earrings, and she was given those as a gift.

Paying money for things is basically against Keris's religion [1].

Oh, and for those who know her, yes, the very pretty green tint to her hair where the light from below is catching it probably means it's poisoned again.

She does that. :p

[1] Keris: "Yeah, uh..."
Adorjan: *ownership is a painful lie*

Kimbery: "You deserve beautiful things, child."
Metagaos: "MINE."
Keris: "... I just checked, and it is."
Well, I know who is making a cameo should my players ever get to go to Malfeas.