Replacing Doctor Mother is something that might be best done eventually, but not now and not anytime soon.
One thing I never understood is why Couldron didn't just use the PtV to recruit more decision makers.
I mean, there's a near-infinite number of parallel worlds out there, almost all of which PtV can fully predict.
With such a large available sample, why can't PtV gather the best people that fulfill certain qualifications? People willing to save the world, think on the long term, and take a job away from their current lives?
There'd still be some issues to smooth over, but once this is done, we'd have a board of competent people looking over Earth Bet's situation, and planning for the end of the world, rather than just a small table of some individuals with issues.
Actually, why stop at a board? As someone previously mentioned, let's turn it into a full organization! And if potential Master/Strangers are the problem? Don't recruit anybody from Earth Bet. Or if you have to, take people who wouldn't want to go back.
Contessa can run multiple paths at once. Rather than tie her up into keeping Couldron a secret, have her screen and collect members. Ensure that no people who were given the vials would cause an issue.
And once that's done? Then we start our purpose. Actively train an army, rather than throw them memory-wiped into Earth Bet. Again, don't recruit people from Earth-Bet, because they'd likely have issues about killing their Superman.
If someone starts causing too much issues, like Jack Slash? The board decides he needs to be exterminated. Nuke him from orbit or have someone with an anti-power field tested against him.
If the Protectorate needs firepower? Have a Case 53-like situation where someone from Couldron's army pretends to have his memory wiped.
But I'm starting to get too far ahead now. Let's just take care of this kindergarten situation where nobody can just discuss their problems and must punch each other to feel better.
Communication, people. It's a quest thing.