Persona User relations are a tricky thing to quantify, particularly when the main character is not a Wild Card who gets the benefits of random voices. Therefore, I shall try and clarify some of the current relationships... of other people. And maybe throw in a few bits of Ken's things that aren't riddled with spoilers.
Maya Amano: Is friends with Maki Sonomura. Has had contact with Kei Nanjo and his faction of Persona Users. Is vaguely aware that SEES exists.
Shinjiro Aragaki: Has an unbreakable bond with Akihiko Sanada, though they are prone to quarrel. Is an occasional ally of Mitsuru Kirijo. Will do anything for Ken Amada within the realms of possibility, and may attempt a few things that aren't.
Mitsuru Kirijo: Wants to be friends with Akihiko Sanada. Is worried about Shinjiro Aragaki. Dearly loves her father, but has a certain mistrust of his employees.
Akira Kurusu: Tentative friends with Ken Amada and Maiko Oohashi. Finds Morgana annoying, but tolerable in small doses when he isn't interfering with his schoolwork. Wants to pet Koromaru.
Maiko Oohashi: Finds Koromaru adorable. Tentative friends with Akira Kurusu. Has passed Maya Amano on the streets a grand total of twice.
Akihiko Sanada: Has an unbreakable bond with Shinjiro Aragaki, though they are prone to quarrel. Is mildly terrified of Mitsuru Kirijo. Does not know how to people or what fangirls even are.
Maki Sonomura: Friends with Maya Amano and Kei Nanjo. Is dating Yuuya Narumi long-distance. Views the health and safety of her patients as being important above all else.
Koromaru: Loves everyone. He is a very good dog.
Morgana: Misses the Phantom Thieves, and wants to be one of them again. Is annoyed with Maiko Oohashi for distracting one of the few people who can understand him. Is slowly gaining respect for Tsukiya Saito through the use of cat toys.