He's not Charmed. Just terrified. There is a difference.

I would be pretty terrified too, if the hot Student Council President archetype I have a crush on were to keep turning people into popsickles in front of me, while dressing in skintight biker outfits and casually threatening people with "executions". Poor Akihiko just can't decide if it's worth sticking it in crazy this one time.
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Marin Karin- Is complicated. Mostly, it's a mind-control Spell for use against Shadows, whose lack of... substance... make them susceptible. However, the user of the Spell does not have to take control manually, in which case the target will continue to act normally, but for the fact that they will have a greater respect for the user, and do whatever they say.

I thought Marin Karin was for when the game decided you've been playing too long and should take a break to calm down.:V
Now that we're done discussing Mitsuru's status infliction, and the quirks of programming that made it infamous, for the moment...

-Vote Closed!-

Let's get help reading this from someone who actually knows how to.
A Rough Overview- Persona Analysis
"Here is fine," You say, because you're pretty sure your test results have all kinds of scientific jargon in them and you're not sure where you can find a better translator. "Thank you, Kirijo-san."

She simply ushers you to the table and the two of you open the file. It's... more or less what you'd expected actually- numbers and words that you have little to no chance to ever understand. You're very glad you took Kirijo-san's offer of help.

"I suppose we should start from the beginning. Don't you agree?" She asks, and you nod. Where else would you start, but the beginning? That's kind of what it's there for. "Let's see..." The first sheet of paper is pulled out. "Basic information. You probably don't need to read this, but it helps to make sure there's no glaring errors in the results."

"Is... is that a big problem?"

"It shouldn't be, but..." She sighs. "Suffice to say, when I first awoke to Penthesilea, there were... issues... that I'd rather not be repeated." You decide to take her word for it.
To be fair, I think she was the only known scanner at the time. There were bound to be mistakes.
The first page actually seems straightforward. Persona name, Arcana, that sort of thing. "Now, I don't think we need to spend too much time on this page. Your Persona is Nemesis, and it is of the eleventh Arcana, Justice. Your main affinity is Bless, though you have a minor affinity for electricity as well, and can both heal and use Physical skills. Does that sound about right?"

You nod, though something about the Arcana still seems a little bit off to you... then again, Persona stuff always seems off to you. You decide it doesn't matter and put it out of mind for now. Mostly. "Yeah, but, I was wondering... what is an Arcana, anyway?"

"From what we can tell, it seems to be a classification system built-in to Shadows and Personas. In Shadows, you can tell what its Arcana is by looking at the number on the mask it wears, out of twelve, while Personas are... much less precise. For example, Penthesilea is of the third Arcana, Empress. Outside of making classification easier, though, it doesn't really matter for our purposes."

"Okay. So, what's next?" You ask her.

"Well, the second page-" She cuts herself off, and soon the poor piece of paper is covered in frost. You don't think anyone's going to be reading that any time soon. "...Is mostly pointless conjecture of a highly personal nature that I assume you wouldn't like me to speak about. So I won't."
That... that was a close call, wasn't it?
You decide to trust her judgement on that, if only because her reaction to seeing whatever it was kind of scares you. "R-right. So, page three?"

"Right. Well..." She places the page in front of you, and wow, that's a lot of numbers. "This is basically a very long-winded way of saying that your Persona shows some minor instability, though it's still well within the bounds of what we would consider 'safe' for summoning."

"That's good, right?"

"If you do something that makes summoning your Persona into a habit, then yes, though I would caution you to avoid overly-stressful situations when possible as those may cause your Persona to further destabilize. We- there was an incident in the past, and I think I speak for everyone when I say we'd rather not repeat it."
No objections here.
Your list of things you don't want to know about SEES just went up by one, you think. "Don't worry, Kirijo-san. I'm sure it won't be a problem."

"Let's hope you're right... Next, we have a number of data points comparing your Persona with that of the others on record. Of course, this is old data in every case but Penthesilea... Akihiko shorted everything out the last time he was asked to provide a point of comparison, and we managed to convince Shinjiro to have a full analysis done exactly once. Over a year ago. As for the others... Suffice to say, they were never proper data points to begin with, with a singular exception."

"...If it's not a good comparison, why is it even here?" You ask.

"I... am not entirely sure," She admits. "I suppose that's another thing I'll have to ask... Though, going off of what we have, and given your age and inexperience, Nemesis is rather more impressive than most would expect." You'll take it.

"In what regard?"

"Personas, besides lending their powers to the wielder, tend to make the wielder more... I suppose you could say that we are... more capable of handling ourselves in combat than the average person, as well as having some magical capabilities added on. But there is also an element of chance- rather, it seems that possessing a Persona causes fate to warp around a person and manipulate chance. Mostly for the better, though there have been cases of it changing for the worse..." Kirijo-san trails off, as though she is considering something. "...Anyway, the field Nemesis produces is an incredibly strong one that seems to provide good fortune."

...Wait a minute. "This sounds like you're saying Nemesis makes me luckier."

"That... is almost exactly what I am saying, yes." Okay, on one hand, that's really cool, and probably fairly easy to do with magic. On the other hand... how? "Of course, this field also helps in the resistance of the more esoteric effects a Shadow can inflict, so it's not purely chance... just very highly mired in it." Kirijo-san sounds rather exasperated by it all.

"Is something wrong?"

"No, not at all. It's just..." She sighs. "The Dark Hour is dangerous, and there are precious few Persona Users around. Were you a few years older, these statistics would make you an excellent choice to join SEES, but as it is..." She doesn't have to finish this. You already know. You're just a kid.

You still hate being told that. Yes, it's true, but they don't have to rub it in! And, well...

For a long time now, you've experienced the Dark Hour. For most of it, you've had no idea what it was, only that it clearly wasn't a good thing- and that was made obvious enough by the coffins laying everywhere. Even after Mom died, you barely understood what happened- blocked out most of the memory, even, aside from what the Persona that did it looked like. You didn't even know that the creature was called a Persona or anything, just that it existed.

Just by being told about the Dark Hour, by learning what it is and what the creatures lurking there are called, by telling you these things you'd have no way of finding out otherwise... these people have helped you more than you could ever have imagined, when you first encountered Shinjiro-san on that sidewalk.

And now they're saying that, because you're a kid, you can't help them out in return.

You never even got the chance to fully consider it.

This cannot stand.

[ ] Ask if you can join SEES anyway. (+Courage)

[ ] Ask when you will be old enough to join. (+Diligence)

[ ] Ask if you can at least have an Evoker for emergencies.

[ ] ...You know, maybe this isn't the best time. You'll broach the subject...
-[ ] Sometime next week.
-[ ] Sometime next month.
-[ ] Whenever you next think of it.
[X] Ask if you can join SEES anyway. (+Courage)
-[jk] Threaten SEES to beat them one by one if they don't agree

Hell yeah we ask to join them! Isn't that how Ken joined in canon anyway? And I really, really want to have a proper team! And maybe finally kick some ass!
[X] Ask when you will be old enough to join. (+Diligence)

Don't want to join now. Also Courage is our highest social stat so I see no need to further boost it at this particular moment.
[X] Ask if you can join SEES anyway. (+Courage)

We're stuck experiencing the Dark Hour, and have been already attacked once. This way we can actually get combat experience so we can defend ourselves, rather than hope we keep one-shotting enemy Shadows.
[X] Ask if you can join SEES anyway. (+Courage)

We're stuck experiencing the Dark Hour, and have been already attacked once. This way we can actually get combat experience so we can defend ourselves, rather than hope we keep one-shotting enemy Shadows.
That's assuming even if they let us join that they'll let us fight.
[X] Ask when you will be old enough to join. (+Diligence)