[X] There's a small girl wandering around near the dorm in the afternoons. You're beginning to wonder about her... (+Empathy)
I don't know about the others, but I really only go for Stat Increases precisely for the narrative. Like, if something has Empathy attached, I'm gonna think that's pretty important to deal with. Whereas improving Knowledge or Expression should see better success when doing stuff or interacting with others.
[X] To try and figure out where Akira lives. It's not like you actually need his help for this.
I don't know about the others, but I really only go for Stat Increases precisely for the narrative. Like, if something has Empathy attached, I'm gonna think that's pretty important to deal with. Whereas improving Knowledge or Expression should see better success when doing stuff or interacting with others.
We don't need to take every Empathy boosting option in existence. The world won't end if we don't take an Empathy option.
We don't need to take every Empathy boosting option in existence. The world won't end if we don't take an Empathy option.

That's... not what I meant? Depends if you're saying "We don't need every Empathy boost" or "We can ignore the Empathy options". Cause what I'm saying is that, if something has Empathy attached, then there's probably an important problem there to solve.

Like yeah, helping Akira is good, but given he's the P5 protagonist he'll probably survive. So we literally have years to solve his issues, and fate may or may not try to protect him.
That's... not what I meant? Depends if you're saying "We don't need every Empathy boost" or "We can ignore the Empathy options". Cause what I'm saying is that, if something has Empathy attached, then there's probably an important problem there to solve.

Like yeah, helping Akira is good, but given he's the P5 protagonist he'll probably survive. So we literally have years to solve his issues, and fate may or may not try to protect him.
Holy shit, you put WAY to much weight into empathy options. I'll repeat myself, since you seem convinced it's true. Not taking an Empathy option of some random person we've never met won't end the goddamned world.

Also, to think 'fate will protect Akira cuz he happens to be Persona 5 Protag' is just a horrible operation system. Guess when Door-Kun comes along we'll never need to heal him in fights and such because fate will protect him cuz he Persona 3 Protag, huh?
[X] There's a small girl wandering around near the dorm in the afternoons. You're beginning to wonder about her... (+Empathy)
Holy shit, you put WAY to much weight into empathy options. I'll repeat myself, since you seem convinced it's true. Not taking an Empathy option of some random person we've never met won't end the goddamned world.

Also, to think 'fate will protect Akira cuz he happens to be Persona 5 Protag' is just a horrible operation system. Guess when Door-Kun comes along we'll never need to heal him in fights and such because fate will protect him cuz he Persona 3 Protag, huh?

... I never said the "world would end", only that Empathy options seem pretty important. Akira is known to us, we have plenty of time to solve his issues. The wandering girl, however, is new and there's no certainty we can help her later.

Whereas no, that's obviously not what I meant. The Persona Cast can die during battle, and every variation of the games' events are canon. Whereas there's no version of P5 where Akira is flat out absent, so unless we radically alter things he'll likely survive until then.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by SeekerofDreams on Jan 8, 2020 at 2:01 PM, finished with 17 posts and 10 votes.
... I never said the "world would end", only that Empathy options seem pretty important. Akira is known to us, we have plenty of time to solve his issues. The wandering girl, however, is new and there's no certainty we can help her later.

Whereas no, that's obviously not what I meant. The Persona Cast can die during battle, and every variation of the games' events are canon. Whereas there's no version of P5 where Akira is flat out absent, so unless we radically alter things he'll likely survive until then.
Considering you're putting the importance of empathy options on the same level, or greater, than Akira and his future shenanigans, one does get the feeling you think we MUST take EVERY Empathy option cuz it could end the world.

I see it as this. What's more in character for Ken? Looking for his friend that worries him, or satisfying his curiousity about some random girl? Honestly, I know which is more Ken to me. Besides, plot shit isn't always coincided with social stat increases.
All right, a bit of research...

-Vote Closed!-

Now, with any luck, this won't end with entire buildings frozen over. That would be a bit conspicuous.
The Search
All right. So you have no idea where Akira lives, and no idea if he's going to be fed at all over the next month. This is fine.

Sure, your friend has been remarkably stubborn about not letting you know where to find him. And, yes, that means he could go more or less without food for the month, and that is worrying for several reasons.

But that doesn't mean this situation cannot change. You don't even technically need Akira's approval, even if it would have been nice for him to know the kinds of things you know.

But then, not a lot of people know the kinds of things you know. Mitsuru-san's started getting her information from other sources she refuses to name but most likely includes Morgana, Akihiko-san doesn't ask at all, Takeba-san's clueless, and you honestly think that, the less Shinjiro-san knows, the better. Less awkward situations, that way.
Honestly, I'm not sure I could get through that conversation without breaking something. Most likely him. Let's not test it.
So Akira not realizing how much you know, even about him, isn't that much different from how things normally go. Or so you keep telling yourself. It turns out you're not a very convincing person.

Your first step, therefore, is to locate a student directory. Which would probably be a lot easier if classes were still in session. You're pretty sure the one from third grade was destroyed along with the rest of the house, but if it wasn't, you probably left it in the elementary dorms. You don't remember if you brought one home in this past year, but that also means you're not sure you didn't, so you may as well look around your room, because if it's anywhere, it'll be in your room.

What follows is three hours of sorting through all your things, including stuff you haven't even seen since the move, but you still haven't found any address books.

It doesn't even surprise you. It's barely been over a year since you started having friends.
Oh, speaking of friends...
The thought of your friends gives you an idea. You could borrow one of their address books. You know where Maiko lives, and you've got a pretty good idea of where to find Kyouma, so you can just start from there and see where it goes.

They'll probably want to know why you need to look up Akira's address, but... You'll figure that bit out when you get there.

"An address book? Really?" Kyouma produces what you asked for near immediately, which is sort of concerning, even ignoring the fact that he's sitting on a bench with a big stack of ghost stories. You aren't sure if he's planning to use them as references or not, but you make a mental note to pretend not to know him if this all blows up.

...Or figure out a way to help, but your powers really aren't great for dealing with grade school level threats. Staying out of it would probably be better for everyone involved.

You nod. "I've known Akira-san for over a year now." It feels like it's been a lot shorter, sometimes, but that's what the calendar says. "And he still won't let me know where he lives. He doesn't even give any reason for it..." If he just wasn't allowed guests, that would be fine, but...

All things considered, it's probably more serious than that.

"Right. Kurusu-senpai was in third grade, right?" He checks, flipping the book open to a specific page. "Kurusu... Kurusu..." For a moment, you wish Akira had a surname closer to the start of the alphabet. "There we go. Kurusu, Akira. Do you want me to write it down?" Because of course he has writing materials on hand.

Still, you agree, and tuck away the resulting piece of paper so you won't lose it.

All things considered, not a bad use of an afternoon.

Okay, so you have the information you need now. Time to actually use it. Maybe not by yourself, because it might help to have someone a bit more physically imposing around.
I mean, you could...
You're not going to summon your Persona just to freak people out. Mitsuru-san would kill you.
...Oh. Right. Never mind, then.
This means that you'll need actual backup. Fortunately, while not all of the people you live with are aware of Akira's situation, you're sure you could talk them around to your side eventually.

At the same time, you don't want things to escalate more than they would have, so you should probably only bring one of them. After thinking about it for a bit...

[ ] You'll go with Mitsuru-san.

[ ] You'll go with Akihiko-san.

[ ] You'll go with Shinjiro-san.

[ ] You'll go with Takeba-san.

[ ] ...It might actually be safer not to bring anybody.
[X] You'll go with Mitsuru-san.

Because she has wealth and it would be... possible to more-or-less buy Akira from his parents, if they really care so little. Of course, getting Shinjiro involved could see him brimming with righteous justice...
[X] You'll go with Mitsuru-san.

Because she's the only one who is
1) Capable of being threatening
2) Doing it in a way that doesn't leave evidence
[X] You'll go with Mitsuru-san.

On the one hand, it might give her more stress. On the other, it might give her a problem that she can solve relatively easily.
I'm really tempted to bring Shinjiro on the sole reason it was either him or Nemesis to get the point across to Akira's parents.