Shards of a Broken Sun [Deprecated; see link in final post for remake]

Yeah, do note that Dubhe was basically tanking an artillery barrage until someone got lucky and shoved the ice cream into the cone.

Septentrions are serious business.

The next one is probably the biggest beatstick of their numbers, after this, they start using more exotic approaches.

Also, again, pressure slightly fades as Matou's gotten through the initial hurdle intact.
Something to note. In Exalted, humanity as a whole is not important is the cosmic sense of the word. We are pretty much batteries.
In SMT, Human beliefs and desires are extremely important, and baseline humanity has far more growth potential. So what happens when you get a Solar Exalation, designed to magnify everything humans can do, in a setting where humans can do far more than they can in Exalted.
Yeah, that's going to be a Big Deal I imagine. Humans in SMT are... Not fundamentally shackled as being "The weakest ensouled race". You can get mystics and master swordsmen, and people who can design a program capable of binding demons.

The limits are a lot higher, and the Exaltation recognizing this might be important.

Also, why are people so attracted to the "Interrogate the Reality Engine" option? It's hands down the worst reward for the greatest effort here. And we are not yet in so secure a position that we can focus on long-term projects yet.

I mean, if you're going to go for it, at least try to stunt it instead of just pick the offered options (Which are very rarely good options on their own).
[X] Alectai

This seems interesting~

Though my personal priorities mostly involve work on Shadow Etched In Air Shintai, getting the fundamentals of our nature worked out seem more important for now.

Given Amu's Motivation Essence 5 isn't that far off temporally, so this seems like a thing that could be pertinent to that as well.
I'd love to work on Shadow Etched in Air Shintai, but I think we'd be hard pressed to really perfect it unless we had a better grasp of just how Amu's soul actually does the things it does.

A pure Exalted analogue just won't be perfectly effective no matter how much we iron it out.
Alectai, may I suggest adding an acknowledgement that the Fungus is likely to be the doing of Amu's soul?
[X] Alectai

Possible feats for Amu at high essence levels.
Humans have an imprint on the sea of Amaya. Amu could downright dominate it, or at least carve out a large portion of it to her will.
Winged One said:
Alectai, may I suggest adding an acknowledgement that the Fungus is likely to be the doing of Amu's soul?
I'm telling you, if we don't open diplomatic relations with Amusoul now it's going to consume us all.

It's already sending out its feelers in search of MORE POWER, next thing you know it's going to run the diagnostic scans we might be neglecting and take over around here. And everybody wants that.
Why does keeping it secret matter? If anything, knowing there's a goddess helping should help prevent unrest. All the big players already know she's there and are actively courting her favor, so there's no loss there.
[X] Alectai

Well, the Soul-Fungus has just revealed to me who was the being that created the SMT.

Blasto, what the hell happened?
In two days you fail to create a daughter of Myrdin and the Simurg, but then we find a multiverse with soul-fungii? And should't you be dead, killed by Bonesaw?
Bandwagon established:

[X] Focus on understanding Amu's soul
[X] --Typically, a mortal's Soul is limited in how much Essence it can grasp on it's own. With time and familiarity, it is possible for an Exaltation to bridge the gap, but you are not familiar with any other way to increase it to the level possible. A detailed analysis on the methods her own soul has used to reach this level, as well as a detailed examination of the currently obscure details, may yield useful insights, as well as allow you to tailor your own assistance to better match your Host, and potentially improve efficiencies in other departments as well.
I wonder if Persona 3/4 happened in this continuity?

And if so, how long it's been since then.

Because I got a quick look at a few characters from a novel that comes after Persona 4, and between Naoto being Smoking Hot at the age 19, she also apparently has an Eighth Generation Anti-Shadow Weapon as a her partner (And aside from Genesis actually being a dude, he's widely considered a failure because his Persona is a non-combat type).

Getting a team like that in our camp would help with investigation at least.
Alectai said:
I wonder if Persona 3/4 happened in this continuity?

And if so, how long it's been since then.

Because I got a quick look at a few characters from a novel that comes after Persona 4, and between Naoto being Smoking Hot at the age 19, she also apparently has an Eighth Generation Anti-Shadow Weapon as a her partner (And aside from Genesis actually being a dude, he's widely considered a failure because his Persona is a non-combat type).

Getting a team like that in our camp would help with investigation at least.
Persona 3 and 4 both happened. Not very long ago, either. No comment on the others.

Now back to our regularly scheduled Amu!