Shadows on the Silverbird (Mafia)

I told you not to join the mutiny Terra. Know this, if the game is still going after QT and the Necromancer are lynched, you're next on the block.

Actually... @Crystalwatcher Mind hammering? Terrabrand decided to sign up with the Greens and is trying to help QT dodge the lynch.
@Crystalwatcher don't fucking hammer Nictis is hitting my scumdar real hard trying to end the day without letting us actually talk this out.

I haven't joined the bloody mutiny. I just am doubting you are actually right about QTesseract, and pretty firmly convinced atk50 is scum. I'll kill QTesseract tonight, even, unless atk50 flips mutineer.
I haven't joined the bloody mutiny. I just am doubting you are actually right about QTesseract, and pretty firmly convinced atk50 is scum. I'll kill QTesseract tonight, even, unless atk50 flips mutineer.
You are currently choosing not to end the Mutiny, giving them another night to kill, and excusing further mutiny kills as a two-shot kill you picked up from Pawn. You also are on record as absorbing the memories of whoever you eat, so yes. I do believe you joined the mutiny.
Like. This is fucking absurd. Nictis, if you are town you should realize that trying to hammer after less than a day when discussion is still ongoing is anti town. Which has me thinking you are likely to be scum trying to end things before your narrative can be disrupted, and not town actually trying to hash this out.
You are currently choosing not to end the Mutiny, giving them another night to kill, and excusing further mutiny kills as a two-shot kill you picked up from Pawn. You also are on record as absorbing the memories of whoever you eat, so yes. I do believe you joined the mutiny.
I absorb like three or four townies, and a single mutineer, and that makes me a mutineer? Bullshit. I'm not an amnesiac, I just think you are either scum or going fixated again. A mutineer could have elected not to kill. QTesseract is probably actually a mutineer, yes. It's not guaranteed, and I think atk50 is more likely to be scum.

If I was now a mutineer doing as you said, you know what I would have done? Claimed a third jailing, and coordinated with QT to claim I jailed him again.
The 'picking up fluff' thing is exactly why I told you not to eat Pawn's body.

I'll be honest, I'm irritated right now. Every bloody time I interact with QT on Mafia, it's them accusing me of fallacious arguments, saying the fucking opposite of what I've said, circular arguments, all that shite. I want to hammer just because I don't want to deal with them. Every time I've talked to them this game in particular, every time last game I was talking with them. It's the same bullshit.

Letting them live is giving the Mutiny a win. You are currently trying to let known scum live, after gaining a scum kill. That's why I believe you are scum.
Because. You know. It's only today I revealed I was limited to two uses. Woulda been super easy to get QT off as 'not a mutineer' by saying 'lets scum hunt among the others' and then claiming to jail him while killing off cheese.
I only disclosed I now had a copy of the mutineer kill because I'm still a bloody survivor and prefering to work with town. I'd have made a series of carefully selected, unverifiable lies by now were I converted to scum.
You could have picked up the fucking Cop's body. I didn't think I'd need to tell you to do that. Instead you ate the body of scum, after telling everyone that you gain their abilities, which I had assumed would include access to the chat.

I'm going to go take a break, too much shit between working out what all QT is actually saying, talking with my friend, watching an anime so I can talk to my friend, and trying to get my point across clearly.
I'm willing to either not kill tonight or kill QTesseract, as town desires, if we lynch atk50 instead. If we kill QTesseract, I'll go with murdering atk50. It's not complicated.

You could have picked up the fucking Cop's body. I didn't think I'd need to tell you to do that. Instead you ate the body of scum, after telling everyone that you gain their abilities, which I had assumed would include access to the chat.

I'm going to go take a break, too much shit between working out what all QT is actually saying, talking with my friend, watching an anime so I can talk to my friend, and trying to get my point across clearly.
You forget I am a survivor, and you claimed Pawn claimed roleblocker. I wanted the bloody roleblock to maximize my chances of surviving.

I get fluff bits, yes, and I get limited usage of abilities. I have retain my bloody survivor wincon, or else I'd be an amnesiac and already town. Doi.

And I'd have lied about eating Pawn precisely because of your freaking paranoia that makes me scum, had I actually gone over to scum. Also doi. Apparently I should have done so anyways, given what honesty is getting.
I'm willing to either not kill tonight or kill QTesseract, as town desires, if we lynch atk50 instead. If we kill QTesseract, I'll go with murdering atk50. It's not complicated.
Then we kill QTesseract today, end the mutiny, you kill atk, and then we lynch the Necromancer tomorrow. I just want QT dead and not escaping the fucking lynch again as scum because they tell everyone that I'm saying the opposite of what I'm saying and everyone just nods along without actually bothering to check.
Letting QT live when we can't stop them from killing is giving the game to scum. Necromancer or Mutineer, that's another kill that you would be letting loose in the night. We can't afford it Terra.
Like. It's not surprising I wanted to reduce the chances I died.

Then we kill QTesseract today, end the mutiny, you kill atk, and then we lynch the Necromancer tomorrow. I just want QT dead and not escaping the fucking lynch again as scum because they tell everyone that I'm saying the opposite of what I'm saying and everyone just nods along without actually bothering to check.
You know what? Fine. We'll do it your way.

[x] Lynch QTesseract

This is a terrible idea, but hammer @Cyricubed .
Christ, this is a fucking mess. Both of you, calm the fuck down. I don't think Nictis is scum, just tired, irrateble, and a bit of a jackass, something that remains true regardless of his scumminess.

TB, likewise, I think you can be better served by killing QT know, and confirming Nictis' suspicions before the night actions come, where you can kill whomever you think is scum as you please. If QT is actually Town, something that is possible, it would be nice to know that before the next day action startss. Furthermore, if you leave them alive, depending on how actions resolve, we might end up with three kills tonight (1 from Duo Necroscum, 1 from QT, and one from you). I realise we think SK is the most likely, but i'd rather not risk the game on it.

Regardless of both of those, it is Two fucking AM where I am right now, I am null voting, and by god this better not have hammered by the time i wake up.

Day 5 End Hammer reached.
Hammer has been reached....and I'd like people to calm down a little. Brace for day end.
Adhoc vote count started by Cyricubed on Feb 16, 2019 at 9:32 PM, finished with 51 posts and 5 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by Cyricubed on Feb 16, 2019 at 9:32 PM, finished with 47 posts and 5 votes.
Night 5 begins. Ends(9:40PM EST 2/18/2019)
Accusations fly fast, when suddenly a storm erupts and everyone is forced to focus their attention on that for most of the day...after getting out and realizing that the weather has cleared enough to resume the accusations of course, came to a head, ire from the storm rising as two heated individuals shouted at each other until one relented angrily saying: "Fine, we do it your way." The crowd without time for words made quick work of the accused.

@QTesseract has died to the [Viking Lynch Mob]. They were Deckhand Morrigan a member of the Crew

The remaining seven quickly make a cask and set him with the rest...wondering if the next cask will be them. Dread in some's hearts everyone disperses.

Night 5 has begun. It will end in 48 Hours(9:40PM EST 2/18/2019) or when all night actions are recieved.

~Estro's Null came in too late as hammer was achieved and thus was not counted.
Wow, that was impresively mishandled. I was ready to come back to a lot when I signed off to get some tournament games done. Still, I was not ready for this. So. Uh. Congrats?

All I can really do now that "give reads from a confirmed townie veteran" is off the table is confirm Nictis. Unfortunately, you also lynched me before we learned if he could quote verbatim; not knowing one way or another makes it harder. Still, I'm not impressed by his grasp on my thought processes, so I'll be reading deadchat; if he seems scum, you won't be getting a megapost + flavor descriptions of night events from me, ditto for him lying about being a medium.

Best of luck!
Day 6 Begins. Ends(4:05PM EST 2/20/2019)
As everyone awakens they find their group has shrunken to 5...suspicious they all decide to go together, not wanting to separate.

The first poor soul is found....the familiar sight of a withered and decayed seems to be

@Crystalwatcher has been [Drained of all Lifeforce]. They were Jessy, Paladin of Heimnos a member of the Crew

The group looks at each other...distrust takes four people to carry a cask...that would leave a potential killer ready to strike them these bodies will simply have to stay more casks can be prepare. The group moves on...leaving the body...hopefully to not be forgotten in the future. The next body is found...another familiar sight...but...something is different...

@atk50 has been [Hacked Apart]. They were Dreftan, Scarlet Hand Neonate a member of the Scarlet Hand

Evidence is found on his body quickly, a band seeping necrotic energies with the insignia of the dreaded Scarlet Hand...a vile organization focused on Necromancy and other vile acts...Someone spits on their corpse damning their spirit to the darkest reaches of the underworld. Again...the body is left there...out of distrust and the group all goes the first of statements...and arguments begin anew.

Day 6 has started. It will end in 72 Hours(4:05PM EST 2/20/2019) or when Hammer is achieved. 5 Players remain, Thus hammer is set to 3 votes.
... honestly, I should give you more credit, TB. Wasn't expecting Atk. As we haven't won, we have at least one more of either the mutineers or the Scarlet Hand alive, or possibly both. Both would leave us at Lynch or Lose territory for both of the next two days. I'll do an assessment at some point today or tomorrow, and if we could kindly keep from trying to rip each other's heads off, that'd be lovely.
well, it's down to me, terrabrand, Nictis, Cheese, and Estro. I know I'm not scum, for the sake of argument, let's assume I could be. Nictis is confirmed medium, though with necromantic forces, he could be scum. TB is confirmed corpse-power thief, and he killed a necromancer, so without some weird plays going on here he's confirmed survivor. However, he's still the survivor, and could betray us if it'll let him live. The mutineers did NOT KILL last night or Crystalwatcher managed to foil their kill. TB did the kill on who he said he would. With luck, all mutineers are dead. I don't want to bet on that.

Worst case scenario: 1 v 1 v 1 v 2. One surviving scum member from each team, TB is kingmaker and will eventually decide who lives and dies, though we might get lucky.

Best case scenario: 1v1v3. One scum from any team, TB is firmly with town. It's just a matter of scumhunting.

Now, claims. I am still claiming the Vanilla Deckhand Dulgan. My two fellow deckhands, who I had no connection to, are dead. Alas, poor deckhands.

Cheese has claimed the hunter, but has not provided a powerset to my knowledge. I think they're vanilla or scum.
I definitely should confirm I have claimed. I'll provide the name of the role though now, I'm the Hunter. Not sure if I'm allowed to give my role's character name or not, but if you guys really wanna know it I can provide it.
Mind giving a name? Most of us crewfolk have those.

Estro, I cannot remember for the LIFE OF ME, your claim.

TB is confirmed mimic, though could be a very risky scum gamble with a limitless amnesiac. Let's put them down as third-party for now.

Nictis is a confirmed medium against Mutineers, but...ya know. Necromancers.

So...fuck. I'll wait till @Estro and @Cheese4Every1 give their full claims before voting, because as of right now the only person I'm not going to vote for is Terrabrand.
Estro, I cannot remember for the LIFE OF ME, your claim.
I'm Arbellsa the Skinner. Along with LDJ, our now dead carpenter, it is my job to ensure that our Airship remains intact and in good nick, in my case by looking after the skin of the balloon, along with the lifting gas. I also have some fluff about being picked up seven years ago about being picked up along with a group of former palace guards due to my relationship with one of them, I was previously a tanner. The skills transfer, i guess.