Shadows on the Silverbird (Mafia)

I mean, what else can I say? I'm a vanilla in practice and a core member of the crew in flavor. I'm sorry if I've been a bit quiet, but that's kind of how I play, particularly when lore isn't exactly forthcoming.
I mean, what else can I say? I'm a vanilla in practice and a core member of the crew in flavor. I'm sorry if I've been a bit quiet, but that's kind of how I play, particularly when lore isn't exactly forthcoming.
I don't know how many times I will wind up saying this, but when you are on the hot seat, it's your job to point out who else is scummy, preferably scummier, to save your hide.

As you just pointed out, you're already committed to a claim of vanilla. Silence isn't going to get votes removed and claiming further isn't likely to either. You can, however, review the days and/or claims and point at whatever you think is scummy. If nothing else, if you are truly a town vanilla it helps town when you die.
... this is the part where I'd step off the archeo wagon to avoid accidental hammer except I'm not on it.

Please, no more votes. We don't want hammer when there's still a chance Archeo will defend himself.
...I will do it, though I honestly don't feel it will do much.

[x] Null
I mean. Honestly, if @Archeo Lumiere doesn't even want to defend themself, I'd not be entirely opposed to ending the day just so the game drags less, but optimally in terms of town play we don't just completely accidentally end the day with hammer.

Like, as a player I'm fine with it not dragging, but in terms of strategy it is better if we can get Archeo to at least register opinions on the other players first.
I have come back to civilization to find out that... Nothing changed. Ok. Not sure whether Archeo is a scum vanilla claiming, he is hiding some role power for whatever reason, or the QM made an unusual choice in role creation. I feel that is 2 to 1 odds of not liking the answer, but he is in the verge of hammer so whatever.
At this point, I'd hammer just to get things moving, but I'm already on the wagon.

We've had ten posts in the last day, I get the feeling that there's not much to say.
At this point, I'd hammer just to get things moving, but I'm already on the wagon.

We've had ten posts in the last day, I get the feeling that there's not much to say.
You know what, I might regret this later, but yeah. Nothing seems to have changed, Archeo hasn't really expressed an interest in responding, and I'm bored of the day dragging. Might not be best for me as a play, but this is for fun, so for lack of else to do...

[X] Lynch Archeo Lumiere

I'm gonna go with being fine with the day ending at this point, just so we can have something new to respond to. I'I rather cut my throat wincons wise but at least have fun than murder my fun to optimize for my wincon.
Anyways. @Cookie Side or @Astaroh-M or, you know, anyone else not yet voting Archeo, I'd personally appreciate one more vote for hammer so we can get on with the fun part rather than twiddling our fingers til day's end.
I mean, I don't exactly blame you guys. The closest thing I can point to as incredibly scummy right now is CrystalWatcher, but he's playing the jester card. Everyone else is legitimately inactive, or playing a solidly town game. :/

I've been with my dad all day, so I didn't really have time to check this today.
Day 3 End- Hammer Reached
Night 3 Starts, Ends 48 Hours(9:10PM EST 2/12/2019)
Throughout the day the discusses their surprise at the double death, as speculation is thrown this a way and that a way. "I was attacked but I'm alive!" "Damn Mutinous bastards!" "What about him? He seems especially suspicious!" As more eyes look towards an individual he assures everyone that he simply drives and navigates this ship, nothing else! "I don't believe ye! Get em boys!" Cries out one of the crowd and suddently everyone rushes forward, weapons brandished and magics readied as everyone descends on the poor soul. In the aftermath someone finally flips up the newly dead's hood...revealing to all that

@Archeo Lumiere has been killed by the [Viking Lynch Mob] they were Second Mate Sylas a member of the Crew

The group silently stands there in seems as though the legends of this ship is slowly dwindling...I survival a possibility? As the group makes yet another cask, silence one wanting to talk about the grim results of today anymore. The body is placed with the rest, and then once again...the group disperses.

Night 3 has begun. It will end in 48 Hours(9:10PM EST 2/12/2019) or when all Night actions are received.
I don't lie in these games unless absolutely necessary, and the only times I've been scum I've died in the first nights. Do you honestly think I would be so quick to make such a bold vanilla claim as being this important to the crew as a lie? If I were actually scum, I would have said that I was just a powder monkey or somesuch, something that could be overlooked easily.
Day 4 begins: Ends(1:45PM EST 2/15/2019)
As the group convenes once more...the same happens as yesterday...two of the group is missing. A short search finds the first inside their room...and as people flip up their hood they see that the inevitable has happened it seems...

@Astaroh-M has been [Hacked Apart]. They were Captain Nelvas a member of the Crew.

a well made cask is prepare for them and they are hauled away. Shortly after the other dead member of this day is found...

@Yun has been [Drained of all Lifeforce]. They were Deckhand Marvin a member of the Crew

The group feels dread as half of their group a few days ago have died tragically...with no real progress seen towards finding the perpetrators behind this mess. They all turn towards each other...grim vibes in the air as the first speaks up this day...

Day 4 has begun. It will end in 72 Hours (1:45PM EST 2/15/2019) or when Hammer is reached. 10 Players remain, thus hammer is set at 6 votes.
Well. My night action got me this info: 2 people did stuff around Astaroh-M, either they visited someone and someone visited them, or 2 people visited them. Not that we couldn't tell they were visited, but that's all the info I got today.
I've got some great info to share now. Pawn slipped up hard.

I am Brados The Priest, and my power is being able to talk to the dead. (I am also currently learning how to fly this ship with Sylas' help, but that's neither here nor there) Pawn tried to sell me a story that the Mutiny would turn Town after having killed off the leadership of our ship. I've managed to talk him into giving me the name of one of his members, and a hint towards the other one who I'm pretty sure I know.

So, info. I can confirm that Abdbla, QT, and Archeo were all vanilla. Pawn was the roleblocker that drugged people, and he's claimed that his buddy is Cookie Side and the other is someone he trusts not to be put into the position of me forcing them to reveal... Which means a good Veteran. I can see two possibilities for this but I'm fairly certain I know which one it is. Yun was roleblocked, TMR was attacked, and Terrabrand is a Mimic leaving just QTesseract and Crystal Watcher.

CW has been voting themselves repeatedly, and as far as I know Pawn doesn't have the highest estimation for their skills in Mafia, on account of how they haven't played a game in quite a long time.
QT has been... Well...
Anyway, I do find the claim suspicious despite it clearing me, because, well, clearing someone as a cop is extremely easy to do! I did it, in Moonton, and it's honestly just a good play for scum. They can save their buddies in a pinch, draw off healers, and there's no penalty for fucking up by hitting a serial killer, because unaligned scum will never say "no I'm not actually innocent." The only real risk is if a watcher or lynched is involved, and even in the latter case not everyone would be willing to bet that town will help them out in exchange for a CC.

Points for picking a standard cop that's more likely to be counterclaimable, and points for picking an important role; if they weren't captain claimed I'd be lynching rn since we definitely have a captain.
Throwing shade on the Captain.
[X] lynch Letmebefree

No. Just, no. His day one avoidance of the lynch was really stupid, and has a degree of coordination that just seems rather implausible for how little he gave. His claim hasn't been counterclaimed, sure, but bring first mate doesn't make him town. The claim of "I didn't freeze anyone last night" is not unbelievable, but it is unlikely and the entire story doesn't hold together so well anyway. The one thing holding me back is that losing a roleblocker and wasting a lynch at once is really suboptimal, but with hybrid on track to a modkill I don't plan on hitting him.
"Being First Mate doesn't make him Town"
The reason would be if you were scum rather than a lyncher, since that way you could (maybe) argue that you'd been framed after he flipped town.

There's no such thing as a move that's never justifiable in mafia, just how likely you expecta given worldline to correspond with the action.
Throwing more shade on the Captain.

I believe that QT is in fact the Godfather of the Mutiny. They haven't stuck out much except for how they've made an attempt on all three of them.

[x] Lynch CookieSide
@Astaroh-M has been [Hacked Apart]. They were Captain Nelvas a member of the Crew.

Cookie Side is a definite scum, QT is probable to highly likely.