Shadows on the Silverbird (Mafia)

You know, sticking my vote where my words are.

[x] Lynch atk50

Your interactions with Pawn make me suspect you.
I have time for one quick post before I lose contact, so here I am.

In short: what interaction?

I mean, if you're talking about the memevote, that's what I always do. Or if you're talking about me joining a different wagon, I thought I made my reasoning clear. We had been promised a response, there was suitable pressure on Pawn, and I'm not very vote-happy in hammer games. I don't want to put someone who is going to respond and is comfortably in the lead vote-wise within the danger zone where hammer is easily achieved. Based on that reasoning, I decided that ample pressure could be placed on someone else as well, while we waited for a response.

I'm about to leave the ground, so I'll be losing signal.
I kind of want to vote terrabrand, because mimics as a fantasy creature are usually hostile and one pretending to be crew is even more so,
I mean I'm only pretending to be crew to the extent I ate a corpse after waking up to the bloody mess this ship has become so you people wouldn't kill me for being a monster.

Don't get me wrong, I get the suspicion, but I'm throwing myself out into the open because it'd look real fucking bad for me when Astaroh-M flipped town, which I'm pretty damn confident he is given the info he pulled, so rather than waiting and having to claim survivor after my inaction led to the death of a cop, I figured I've got better odds of getting through this alive if I immediately reveal and help verify the cop as honest rather than waiting.

Honestly if I was scum I'd probably try to use the fact that Astaroh-M isn't a great player to let the probable cop get lynched and then try to repeat my Curtain Call performance and assert his claim of me looking like Xerxes must have been a lie or a power effect or something. As is, since I care only for my own survival I, you know, want to not give strong arguments for lynching me.

Fluff wise I seem to be an extra smart mimic who is seriously regretting his habit of hibernating as lamps in dungeons about now. I'm only not being 110% forthcoming to the extent that I don't want to give scum a level of info to plan around. But if town insists, I'm perfectly willing to reveal more as to not get lynched. Gotta play to that survivor condition.

I have time for one quick post before I lose contact, so here I am.

In short: what interaction?

I mean, if you're talking about the memevote, that's what I always do. Or if you're talking about me joining a different wagon, I thought I made my reasoning clear. We had been promised a response, there was suitable pressure on Pawn, and I'm not very vote-happy in hammer games. I don't want to put someone who is going to respond and is comfortably in the lead vote-wise within the danger zone where hammer is easily achieved. Based on that reasoning, I decided that ample pressure could be placed on someone else as well, while we waited for a response.

I'm about to leave the ground, so I'll be losing signal.
I can't articulate fully why, but the way Pawn was interacting with you, and the way you pulled away from voting him could have been scum supporting each other discreetly.
I mean, I really would rather have not revealed because I'd rather not be a prime target for kills, but I can only hope the probability of protectives and the fact I'm not strictly town will outweigh that in scum judgement and not lead to me dying. But I could see where this would go if I'd just let the cop die, I'd be branded scummy and my survivor claim would look like 10x more like a serial killer with the delay.
Oh hey day start. Uhhh, will probably be dead for the remainder of today and tomorrow (ACT with extended time yaaaayy.... [I crave death]) but Sunday I will be active. The mimic claim makes sense I guess? But my tired brain sees red and thinks bad so idk. Could be a long con cult type thing or something. Idk I'm going to bed man.
... meh

it's half one in the morning, I'm nulling and sleeping, so if something stupid happens overnight it's not my fault.

[X] Null

also because i really don't get jesters

I should feel insulted...

But is true.

I mean this isn't even hypothetical to be honest. I'm going off the fact I just won a game by going 'lol I'm not sure you're not town and I dunno why you're making this audacious bullshit claim but it's bullshit lol town don't lynch me' and people bought it while I was caught red handed.

So. Uh. Yeah, I'd probably be trying to claim you must be making a dumb claim for some reason or misunderstood or something and getting you lynched to remove the cop to at least shield my allies and hopefully trick people... again... by claiming 'eh I guess he was just playing dumb'.
I mean I'm only pretending to be crew to the extent I ate a corpse after waking up to the bloody mess this ship has become so you people wouldn't kill me for being a monster.

Don't get me wrong, I get the suspicion, but I'm throwing myself out into the open because it'd look real fucking bad for me when Astaroh-M flipped town, which I'm pretty damn confident he is given the info he pulled, so rather than waiting and having to claim survivor after my inaction led to the death of a cop, I figured I've got better odds of getting through this alive if I immediately reveal and help verify the cop as honest rather than waiting.

Honestly if I was scum I'd probably try to use the fact that Astaroh-M isn't a great player to let the probable cop get lynched and then try to repeat my Curtain Call performance and assert his claim of me looking like Xerxes must have been a lie or a power effect or something. As is, since I care only for my own survival I, you know, want to not give strong arguments for lynching me.
I don't buy it. Not onyl does this not address the argument that you could very well be a serial killer, and thus unable to take that kind of risk, it also ignores the fact that for you personally terrabrand the right move as scum would have been to discredit the cop's investigation of you, get off the lynch, and then kill them when convenient or prepare to defend any uncovered teammate (second part wouldn't apply as SK). In short, you're doing exactly what I'd expect scum!terrabrand to do, and only the fact that it's also what survivor!terrabrand would do is keeping you from the lynch.
I don't buy it. Not onyl does this not address the argument that you could very well be a serial killer, and thus unable to take that kind of risk, it also ignores the fact that for you personally terrabrand the right move as scum would have been to discredit the cop's investigation of you, get off the lynch, and then kill them when convenient or prepare to defend any uncovered teammate (second part wouldn't apply as SK). In short, you're doing exactly what I'd expect scum!terrabrand to do, and only the fact that it's also what survivor!terrabrand would do is keeping you from the lynch.
He talks about the game he won over on SB, but he's skipping a few details. Like that the person who accused him was considered scum by a sizeable amount of the players for the entirety of the game, that that person lied repeatedly before accusing him, that this detail only came up at MYLO and there were other people who we wanted lynched... There's a big difference between Day 3 and Day 7 for how well accusing the person calling you out works.
I don't buy it. Not onyl does this not address the argument that you could very well be a serial killer, and thus unable to take that kind of risk, it also ignores the fact that for you personally terrabrand the right move as scum would have been to discredit the cop's investigation of you, get off the lynch, and then kill them when convenient or prepare to defend any uncovered teammate (second part wouldn't apply as SK). In short, you're doing exactly what I'd expect scum!terrabrand to do, and only the fact that it's also what survivor!terrabrand would do is keeping you from the lynch.
I'll grant that as a Serial Killer I'd need to stay alive as well, but I think you have a fairly serious misread of how I'd play as scum.

Also bleh internet problems forcing me to reconstruct my points. And get interrupted by more posts.

He talks about the game he won over on SB, but he's skipping a few details. Like that the person who accused him was considered scum by a sizeable amount of the players for the entirety of the game, that that person lied repeatedly before accusing him, that this detail only came up at MYLO and there were other people who we wanted lynched... There's a big difference between Day 3 and Day 7 for how well accusing the person calling you out works.
I also pulled this on TMR earlier in that same game. Like yes the lies gave me the opening. But I did it multiple times. I'm clearly not at my best right now, but I'm not trying to use that game to distract from status as scum. Really, if I was scum right now I'd not want to call attention to my ability to manipulate crowds.

Anyways. Honestly, if I was an SK I'd probably have gone with claiming to be Xerxes twin brother. Because that's right about as plausible as my mimic claim, only it doesn't give reason to suspect me if, say, I bring back Hybrid's power and start killing people with it.

Like, the only reason I went with claiming honestly is because I personally feel like the best way to play Survivor is to play As Town, but with a modest slant towards self preservation until and unless I hit end game conditions where I'm eg a kingmaker vote the scum can cause to lose if I don't side with them.

I've been doing my best to play townie from the start, because claiming survivor in response to accusations of scumminess plays way the hell worse, but if I was an actual SK I'd probably prefer to keep my capabilities more hidden. Like, as is I look scummy as hell if Astaroh flips scum, I look scummy as hell if people start getting eaten alive or whatever, Cyricubed's fate in the other game is an excellent example of why I'd not want to fake claim a color, particularly not the traditional scum red which is way too likely to be in use as scum if at all thus dangerous unless I have proof it isn't.

And if I was purple I assure you I wouldn't leave Nictis and QTesseract and Astaroh-M and Archeo (cleared by Broken Base) alive for two nights. Not when I got three kills between. I'd probably have hit LDJ later if at all, and honestly would have killed either QTesseract and Astaroh, or Broken Base and Archeo night 2. Threat assessment and all that.

As is I'm offering to put my powers and information as much under town's command as town wishes, and am only holding things back to any degree because revealing too much info on powers is bad town play since it lets scum plan around the limits.

Really, if I was an SK I almost certainly woulda gone for what I think was a kill last night and not mentioned I can nab dead people's powers to leave things in confusion going forward. Or claimed straight up universal backup. Either/or.
I want you to actually contribute beyond a lynch vote for yourself. You don't need to do analysis or anything, just put some basic thought into voting beyond just voting for yourself over and over, yes?
I admit this is on me. I'm not very good at saying anything unless I feel I have something to honestly contribute.

All I have are meme votes and those would be bad form this late in the game.

Though if someone does feel scummy enough for me I will likely drop my self lynch.
I don't mind claiming since I've got a couple votes on me. I don't have much else to contribute so why not?

I'm a hunter on the crew. I'm kind of like a lookout only I get more vague information. I watch someone at night and I see the total number of people that visit them and that they visit. For example, one person visits my target and they visit another person, I see that two people have come and gone from their quarters. It's incredibly vague information, which is one of the reasons I don't have much else to add. But since it's out there I'll let you guys know what I find each night, assuming I make it that far. Last night I watched Terrabrand and found that two people came and went
I don't mind claiming since I've got a couple votes on me. I don't have much else to contribute so why not?

I'm a hunter on the crew. I'm kind of like a lookout only I get more vague information. I watch someone at night and I see the total number of people that visit them and that they visit. For example, one person visits my target and they visit another person, I see that two people have come and gone from their quarters. It's incredibly vague information, which is one of the reasons I don't have much else to add. But since it's out there I'll let you guys know what I find each night, assuming I make it that far. Last night I watched Terrabrand and found that two people came and went
Okay. I'll... Buy this for now, but since you've claimed, ehat about night 1?

[x] Null

hmm. I'm not feeling like there is anyone to profitably and politely pursue.

[x] Lynch Cakestepid

Nevertheless, I hate leaving my vote idle, and I've got no sense of cake. Can't just leave everyone alone.
I'm a hunter on the crew. I'm kind of like a lookout only I get more vague information. I watch someone at night and I see the total number of people that visit them and that they visit. For example, one person visits my target and they visit another person, I see that two people have come and gone from their quarters. It's incredibly vague information, which is one of the reasons I don't have much else to add. But since it's out there I'll let you guys know what I find each night, assuming I make it that far. Last night I watched Terrabrand and found that two people came and went
If anyone other than Astaroh visited Terrabrand last night, this means that either you or Terra are lying.
I mean, honestly this seems like terrible town play to me, but it does read like terrible town play. This is still a little early to be claiming under that level of pressure, but is consistent with Cheese's play in the SB game.
Everything is pointing to that all being truth for now.
Yes... But it's also easy to verify as a lie if it's not. You're getting some strong eyebrows from me right now Archeo. It's all pointing towards the truth right now because all he did is verify publicly known info, and dropped a claim off the pressure of a single vote.
Last night I watched Terrabrand and found that two people came and went
I use my powers on Terra last night
N2 I had more of a choice given we had two power role sounding fellows to choose between, but I figured Hybrid sounded like a vig and something to ramp down kill count seemed more useful to me.

So i ate the corpse of First Mate Xerxes and gained his memories and powers.
Your defense of him is... odd.

In fact...
[x] Lynch Archeo Lumiere

I don't believe your claim, and we've just seen cop results get messed with.
Your defense of him is... odd.

In fact...
[x] Lynch Archeo Lumiere

I don't believe your claim, and we've just seen cop results get messed with.
What claim? I just stated that in flavor I'm indispensable. I'm a vanilla, and the Second Mate. My job is effectively to simultaneously be the Navigator and the Helmsman, so I can't do shit at night, too busy steering the ship.
What claim? I just stated that in flavor I'm indispensable. I'm a vanilla, and the Second Mate. My job is effectively to simultaneously be the Navigator and the Helmsman, so I can't do shit at night, too busy steering the ship.
That's what I thought you were claiming but... You're indispensable, while there's a mutiny running about. A group of individuals are running about killing to try and take control of the ship, and if you die then they can't control the ship. You made your claim when there was no need for you to, painted yourself as a Vanilla when you know that you want to be taking the hit. Now you're trying to cut down on me verifying the truth of Cheese's claim.

I might be being overly paranoid about this after TMR and Terrabrand's performance in the other game, but we've just seen the Cop results get messed with, and you made yourself seem both like less of a target and absolutely vital for the ship. It doesn't mesh for me, and I might reconsider later, but right now I'm putting it on you.
What claim? I just stated that in flavor I'm indispensable. I'm a vanilla, and the Second Mate. My job is effectively to simultaneously be the Navigator and the Helmsman, so I can't do shit at night, too busy steering the ship.
...The Second Mate of a ship of veteran heroes doesn't have any powers?

Maybe if you were any other position, but Second Mate is pretty high for someone to no have any kind of useful skill, in my opinion.

[x] Archeo Lumiere