Shadows on the Silverbird (Mafia)

Off the cuff he seemed the most likely to get ganked. I've never been all that good at these games but my gut feeling saved Masked so...

Also, how are you and Astaroh in contact?
Nictis has claimed Medium, and thus is in contact with all dead players.

I actually believe he is a medium- I was noticing a suspicious level of presence of dead players in the thread previously. And ongoing. The only thing to doubt is if he might be a scum medium and not town.
Off the cuff he seemed the most likely to get ganked. I've never been all that good at these games but my gut feeling saved Masked so...

Also, how are you and Astaroh in contact?
I was wondering because he claimed to be a Survivor, and the Cop was known.

I'm a medium
He's the priest. he had deadchat. That's kinda the point of his role

Nictis has claimed Medium, and thus is in contact with all dead players.

I actually believe he is a medium- I was noticing a suspicious level of presence of dead players in the thread previously. And ongoing. The only thing to doubt is if he might be a scum medium and not town.
Ah, you two already got it. Hadn't noticed the next page.
Right. Ten players:
1. @Terrabrand: Claimed Mimic-Survivor. Can use dead-people's powers. Currently claims he has roleblocker, and someone froze me in my room last night, and Terrabrand said it was him, and he was found out to have someone elses face, so this is probably about as solid as it gets. 10/10 survivors.
2. @QTesseract Low activity. Claims Deckhand-Vanilla. However, Nictis claims scum, due to stuff said by Pawn, who we know to be a Mutineer. I'll rate 8/10 scumminess.
3. @TheMaskedReader Highish activity (no 4 out of all living men). Claims Deckhand-Vanilla with no name. Has had some suspicions in the past, lead by Nictis and Pawn, iirc. I'll give him 6/10 scums, with the note they're really probably not mutineer.
4. @Cookie Side Has claimed Scum. Claims that them and pawn are the only mutineer, something disagreed about by Nictis. IS scum. Lynchy lynch time.
5. @atk50 - Middlish - Lowish activity. Claims Nothing. Did some analysis post around Day 2 or 3, iirc, and replaced someone who dropped out. I'll call it 6-7/10 scumminesses. Claim.
6. @Cheese4Every1 - Has posted literally six times. Only once this day. No claim. Nothing to really say. Quiet, no claim, gets me looking at high scum ratings. 8/10. Not Mutineer, most likely. Did replace someone, note. Even so, quiet.
7. @Nictis - Claims Priest-Medium. High activity. Gave a load of information that accuses scum, which caused a scum reveal. Claims that there are three mutineers. Nobody on purple has died, so no idea. Claims Cookie and QT are scum, with the possibiltiy of CW for QT instead. Might be some trickery on scum, but honestly think someone's gonna try kill them. 3/10 scums.
8. @Crystalwatcher - Claims Paladin-Doctor. It's known that a doctor must exist, and nobody is counter claiming, so I'll give this good raitings. 4/10 scums, and probably going to die. Sorry. Did vote to kill themselves a lot though, but said that was to stop others from lynching due to Jester posibility.
9. @Estro - me. I post fairly often, if a bit inanely, but hopefully this should counter balance that. Claimed Skinner-Vanilla with fluff stuff. I like fluff. Nothing to do with my rating, I just like it. Me/me, I'm not unbaised enough.
10. @Cakestepid - Claims Chef-Vanilla. Lowish middlish posting (14 to date), and has been kinda enthuiastic i think. I don't see scumness, but you're getting 4/10 for quietness, mostly.
1. @Terrabrand: Claimed Mimic-Survivor. Can use dead-people's powers. Currently claims he has roleblocker, and someone froze me in my room last night, and Terrabrand said it was him, and he was found out to have someone elses face, so this is probably about as solid as it gets. 10/10 survivors

Technically it's a jailor, which has defensive applications as well.

Also hmm.

2. @QTesseract Low activity. Claims Deckhand-Vanilla. However, Nictis claims scum, due to stuff said by Pawn, who we know to be a Mutineer. I'll rate 8/10 scumminess.
3. @TheMaskedReader Highish activity (no 4 out of all living men). Claims Deckhand-Vanilla with no name. Has had some suspicions in the past, lead by Nictis and Pawn, iirc. I'll give him 6/10 scums, with the note they're really probably not mutineer.

They both claimed Deckhand? Every known town role thus far has had a unique position, even when vanilla. That's eyebrow raising.
Right so it's possible we have two or three deckhands, orrrr it's possible QTesseract and TMR are our remaining scum.

Or at least one of them. To TMR's credit, he was roleblocked on a night where all kills occured.
If Nictis is right and QT is scum, I think it'd be fair to assume TMR is as well. I'm also quite interested in what our silent players have been doing, and that did just tag them, so hopefully we'll see.
If Nictis is right and QT is scum, I think it'd be fair to assume TMR is as well. I'm also quite interested in what our silent players have been doing, and that did just tag them, so hopefully we'll see.
Not necessarily. I suspect if TMR is scum he is specifically necro scum and either they are a group or he is roleblock proof. Given he claimed murdered and healed before Crystalwatcher revealed and on a night with no mutineer kill when we know the roleblock for that night was town.
Like, I refuse to believe mutineers predicted the town doctor's heal choice and attacked their own for town cred. That's way too wild for me.
Vanilla with no name. Has had some suspicions in the past, lead by Nictis and Pawn, iirc. I'll give him 6/10 scums, with the note they're really probably not mutineer
I have a name though.
Gotta agree here.

I'm going to claim, I'm Deckhand Dulgan. Vanilla. Got picked up after a tsunami destroyed my village, and the crew's a family to me. I'm not strong or tough, so I've been studying letters to try and learn magic, but until I can get an education at the capital I'm outta luck.
Not necessarily. I suspect if TMR is scum he is specifically necro scum and either they are a group or he is roleblock proof. Given he claimed murdered and healed before Crystalwatcher revealed and on a night with no mutineer kill when we know the roleblock for that night was town.
I meant that he'd be purple yeah. didn't mean to imply he'd be green. a group would be uh, kinda not good, given the size of town. With 2 mutineers alive, probably, if they're three large, same as mutineers originally, we're level pegging with scum. And that's including you as town. I think. Would also make the original composition over 1/3rd non town. A Duo might be more likely.

I have a name though.
That's entirely on me and not reading closely enough. Sorry!
And y'all beat me to it. :ninja:
Also cheese has claimed a power at least. Not sure if he claimed a role, but he has claimed a power we have no evidence is false.

I'm currently eyeing scum as most likely to be among CookieSide, Atk50, QTesseract, and Cakestepid, though Nictis as ballsy Necro scum is conceivable if not actually topping my concerns.
Nictis as ballsy Necro scum is conceivable if not actually topping my concerns.
Works in fluff but... Well, being able to talk to the dead isn't particularly useful for scum this game as far as I can tell. Majority of roles are vanilla, Lookout can't actually tell who is visiting, only that people have come and gone, there doesn't seem to be a Rolecop, the only people with info that I can pass on is the two Cops, and there's not a whole lot of reason for scum to do that. I could see the use in lying to claim to be a Medium to claim the Cops checked a buddy, but I'm actually a Medium and Cookie basically confirmed it.

While I like the idea of a Necromancer talking to the dead rather than raising their corpses to do whatever they do for him (You are so lucky that Astaroh checked you btw, I would totally be labeling you as The Necromancer if I wasn't sure you were a Mimic) there just doesn't seem to be much of a point to it right now.
While I like the idea of a Necromancer talking to the dead rather than raising their corpses to do whatever they do for him (You are so lucky that Astaroh checked you btw, I would totally be labeling you as The Necromancer if I wasn't sure you were a Mimic) there just doesn't seem to be much of a point to it right now.
See the thing is my read is you are town but I have very little proof. You've never been attacked, roleblocked, jailed, or cop checked.

So while I'm reading you as town I want to keep in mind the danger you might not be as things go forward.

And like, I could see Necromancer As Medium being thematically appropriate and useful as a fake claim function in a way that eg gunsmith kinda isn't. You get to confirm what all kinds of powers were... Without narrowing the field of other scum for town to pin you down on.

Like, as the most recent example of why I want to keep in mind the possibility you might be scum, I pulled out a win in Curtain Call in part because people believed Bladestar was as he said even though there was no cop check or anything backing the claim. If we mentally lock you in as town incorrectly, that could cost the win down the line. I am reading you as town, but if we manage fo cut through all the likely scum and wind up, say, down to you, me, and Estro or something? I don't want to rule you out without harder evidence.
See the thing is my read is you are town but I have very little proof. You've never been attacked, roleblocked, jailed, or cop checked.
Doesn't matter, but I was cop checked actually. Last night.

So helpful, I know.
You get to confirm what all kinds of powers were... Without narrowing the field of other scum for town to pin you down on.
If I lie about any of the roles, your role is designed to call me out on it. shrug.
I pulled out a win in Curtain Call in part because people believed Bladestar was as he said even though there was no cop check or anything backing the claim.
That's an interesting claim. There were two dead scum backing his claim, and a lack of anyone able to counterclaim him. Very different circumstances, but there was definitely something backing it.

Anyways, I was just pointing out that I couldn't see much use for the power in scum's hands this game. The dead can't help with targeting, and as far as fake claims go... There's a lot of Vanillas this game. I also can't lie about what people were, saying that Hybrid was a Vigilante would have had you being able to call me out for example.
That's an interesting claim. There were two dead scum backing his claim, and a lack of anyone able to counterclaim him. Very different circumstances, but there was definitely something backing it.

True, the fact that a purple kill had been killing yellows was limited evidence.

Really, that just comes back to 'dovah should have brought back Sabest's power at some point', but my point was not to relitigate past games.

My point was the principle, which fair that was a bad example, but in general, ignoring unconfirmed people? Not always safe.

Anyways, I was just pointing out that I couldn't see much use for the power in scum's hands this game. The dead can't help with targeting, and as far as fake claims go... There's a lot of Vanillas this game. I also can't lie about what people were, saying that Hybrid was a Vigilante would have had you being able to call me out for example.

Now that, that is actually a very good point. I'm not gonna completely rule you out still, but I hadn't considered that I could very easily call you out and my role is somewhat self verifying, so as a scum power the potential to distort deadchat info would be very limited.
5. @atk50 - Middlish - Lowish activity. Claims Nothing. Did some analysis post around Day 2 or 3, iirc, and replaced someone who dropped out. I'll call it 6-7/10 scumminesses. Claim.

Alright, you want me to claim? I'll claim, then. I'm Dreften the Painter. I'm part of a troupe of artists that was hired a few months back to raise morale. After all, everyone loves decor, eh?

Anyways, it's pretty clear that that didn't quite work. Paintings didn't stop mutineers, unfortunately.

And if it wasn't clear, I'm a vanilla.
Tbh I'm quite confused by the scum target choices this game. Feels like they went with taking out a lot of the people providing them cover in practice.

Like I get Astaroh being targeted, and Broken Base, but almost literally everyone else feels like people you would leave alive to draw lynches. *Shrug*.
I am betting we have a godfather what with two confirmed cop type roles, a medium to pull their results if they died early, and me as a sort of backup. If scum doesn't have some kind of godfather or framer type role I will be shocked to say the least.