Shadows on the Silverbird (Mafia)

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Welcome aboard the Silverbird, the finest, and largest Airship that flies in these skies! This...


Residant Bird.
United States
Welcome aboard the Silverbird, the finest, and largest Airship that flies in these skies! This crew has done everything the bravest of adventurers could do and more! Tackled ferocious creatures, handled dangerous quests, and proven thy might to your glorious gods many times over! But misfortune reared its ugly head. It started with the disappearance of the some of the crew. If this ship was landed it'd be one thing, too many drinks or similar, but in the sea of clouds above the ocean? No...something was wrong. Slowly more and more of the missing turned up, dead… as withered corpses, brutally beaten, and riddled with gashing wounds. The once great crew grew sullen, desperate, and fearful... and finally turned on each other. Now there is only a skeleton of the former crew, most of them having been tossed to the sea, those lost finding their graves in the waters far below. The captain gathered all who remained last morning, having found yet another person missing after the brawl that took many, and tossed to everyone a thick cloak with a hood. This tale of woe not yet at its end.

"Listen ye dogs, put these on and scatter for the night. We meet again at the rise of the sun. To remove these is to be guilty of all and any foul happenings upon our fair ship! I won't dare see my crew decimated by what blights us! We'll do this the old ways...justice at in this case. It be only our deeds from 'ere on that prove ye loyalty. Use whatever skills you deem necessary to discover these damnable fiends...we must! Long Live the Silverbird! Dismissed."

Following the captains instructions lest you be at risk of being found guilty you all scattered, slept and pondering how to proceed...


Welcome to my first game! This set-up is designed for a minimum of 18 players to a maximum of 24 players! I hope those who play enjoy themselves as they experience this game.

Credit to @ComiTurtle for helping provide advice for balance and helping in wording my flavor better.

Also Credit to @Terrabrand for the rules...which have been credited to many other people is some long chain that I am too lazy to trace! ^_^
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All roles will be randomly assigned.
  • The game will be separated into Day and Night phases. Each Day phase is 72 hours or when hammer drops, each Night phase is 48 hours or when I get all the Night Actions. If you have an extremely good reason, I may give an extension.
  • Always always always post at least once per Day Phase! It'd be nice if you did it once every 24 hours.
  • Lynches happen when a single player has received the definite majority of the current votes (is 9 at 16, 8 at fifteen, 8 at 14, etc), ending the day instantly. If no player receives the majority of votes before 72 hours has passed, the player with the plurality of votes will be lynched.
  • When you vote for someone, vote for them by like so: [x] Lynch [player name]. To rescind your vote, vote [x] Null.
  • Do not write illegible, hidden, or coded messages. Invisitext isn't as cute as you think it is.
  • DO NOT DISCUSS THE GAME WITH OTHER PLAYERS OUTSIDE THIS THREAD. Only talk to another player elsewhere if there is something in your role that allows it. If you're talking elsewhere, impersonating other players is not allowed.
  • DO NOT EDIT YOUR POSTS. If you gotta fix something, doublepost.
  • DO NOT DIRECTLY QUOTE YOUR ROLE PM'S. If you gotta mention it, paraphrase.
  • GM reserves the right to distribute information as they see fit in response to attempts to use role card information itself as a verification method, at will. I suggest you don't.
  • When you die, you stop posting. The only exception is if you are lynched, in which case you get one final post.
  • If you've got a question, or you're confused about something, ask me.
  • Finally, do not act against the spirit of the game. This is a nebulous term, but includes such things as "Taking your ball and going home". Always keep fighting for yourself, always be trying to win. Don't give up, basically.

Player list:
1. @Terrabrand
2. @LostDeviljho Brenda the Carpenter [Hacked Apart] and [Drained of all lifeforce] Night 1
3. @QTesseract
4. @TheMaskedReader
5. @Abdbla Qassi the Musician, [Viking Mob Lynched] Day 1
6. @Yun Deckhand Marvin [Drained of all lifeforce]
Night 3
7. @Archeo Lumiere Second Mate Sylas, [Viking Mob Lynched] Day 3
8. @Pawn Lelouch Bosun's Mate Liah N. Morganson, [Drained of all lifeforce] Night 2
9. @Hybrid Cain the Cannoneer, [Heart Attack(Modkill)] Day 2
10. @Cookie Side Bosun Jack L. Anders, [Viking Mob Lynched] Day 4
11. @Astaroh-M Captain Nelvas [Hacked Apart],
Night 3
12. @Dancelord Replaced by @atk50
13. @Letmebefree First Mate Xerxe, [Viking Mod Lynched] Day 2
14. @shadow shinobi Replaced by @Cheese4Every1
15. @Nictis
16. @Broken Base Sarazen, The Shaman, [Devastated by Necromatic Energies] Night 2
17. @Crystalwatcher
18. @Estro
-19. @Cakestepid Kanis the Chef, [Drained of all Lifeforce]

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Day 1 Start
As everyone slowly rouses themselves and arrives at the deck of the ship they find that none of the remaining crew seems to be missing, was yesterday a strange day of agreed peace between whatever has caused this horror to start and other members of the crew. What could have caused such a mess? Was it truly superstition and mistakes? Was it some malignant presence? Time will tell what caused this.

But as everyone's hooded figures turn towards each other they can feel suspicion brewing, veiled glares of distrust shining through the thick fog that rolled in this morning. And then finally a rumble of thunder of an encroaching storm spurs the first into their words of this life or death debate.

There is 19 players alive, meaning Hammer is set at 10 Votes. There are 72 Hours for the Day phase, meaning day will naturally end at: 12:13 PM EST 1/2/2019
Abdbla Lynched- Night 1 Begins.
As the remaining crew begins to discuss potential suspects a few jokes are thrown out to lighten the mood. As the day passes however things get more serious, some hooded figures point at those who don't agree with their views, others look more towards the ones who are silent and recluse. A few become responsive, others dismissal. Over time a small group of fingers point at one figure, and eventually he speaks "Wait, I'm the first mate, it can't be me!" however suspicion remains...until the last few moments when soul shouts out "I believe him! What about him? He has said nothing since he spoke this morning!" Suddenly more and more fingers are directed at one figure, sitting on a barrel and seemingly unresponsive. As the twilight starts the group of hooded figures advance, some brandishing weapons from within their cloaks, others ready to pummel the accused with their bare fists. The figure looks up as the assault begins and cries out "No wait! I wa-" but what he had to say was never known as the crew descends upon the figure...the rest too brutal to describe.

@Abdbla has been [Viking Mob Lynched] . They were Qassi the Musician. a member of the Crew

As the group backs up they realize he had a music sheet and quill in hand, it seems he was too focused on writing a ballad on these events to realize who the suspicious figure he wrote about was...truly an artists folly. The crew gathers his broken body and prepares a make-shift coffin for him, and carries him down to the deeper parts of the cargo hold so that he may be given proper burial once home...should they make it back alive. Disparaged by the silence that lingers...void of beautiful music the group disperses to their own dwellings and thoughts...

Night 1 has started. It will end in 48 Hours or Once all Night Actions are received. Day 2 will begin at 12:28PM EST Feb-3rd-2019
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