Seras Quest - Chronicles of a Policegirl

[X] Athletics. Younearly didn't make it onto the roof.

So regarding the gouls still livingish after the priest's death the solution is simple there was another vampire working with the priest and it was most likely a millenium vamp.
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[X] Supernatural recognition. Know thy enemy.

Let's learn what to focus on and what's useless to try to improve!
[X] Supernatural recognition. Know thy enemy.

We don't know enough about our enemy to actually know what we should learn. So first and foremost, we need to know what are their strengths and weaknesses, then attempt to improve or learn new skills.

The shiny skills can wait for after we learn the full extent of our enemies abilities.
Invisotext spotted.
The first one you hit is filled with recreational reads. Oh my, that book on the table...A cigar as a bookmark...Oh. My.

Right. Different library. Talk about a ballistophile. Those guns...Who needs an eight-barrel shotgun?
[X] Athletics. You nearly didn't make it onto the roof.
and our SAN has probably taken a few hits already.

Who needs SAN in Hellsing? :V

I've gotta ask, are the Hellsing soldiers going to be as useless as in the show? I mean, I remember them just constantly and consistently getting wrecked by everything. I thought they were meant to have been a bunch of badasses with skill in fighting ghouls, vampires and that sort of thing, it is sort of their job after all.

[X] Athletics. You nearly didn't make it onto the roof.

Vampires are much faster than humans if I recall.. should try and close the gap as much as we can..
Why does hellsing suspect something special about the ghouls, rather than just suspecting that there was more than one vamp? That would make more sense.
[X]Magic. Specifically, blessing things. Since you apparently managed to Bless a Car. Somehow.

Probably won't get accepted, but after the shenanigans with the +2 skill, I figured it's worth a shot. Besides, Seras already has 40 in heavy weapons for whatever reason. Assuming that applies to things like HMGs and Grenade Launchers, she should do fine for shooting things.. Being able to run away and such might be nice, as would Supernatural recognition, but being able to bless Guns/Cars/Rocks/Small Furry Animals sounds like it'd be a worthwhile skill.

Also, Yay, Eddie's alive. And not a zombie.