Dusting off my l33tspeak from the ol' battle.net days, 4=A, natch, but I think 12 is an uppercase R, giving us 'Mary Aun'. Not sure what that is, though.

*types in "Mary Aun Wonderland"*
Oh! Found it. Mary Ann.
Mary Ann

Basically White Rabbit mistakes Alice for his housemaid, Mary Ann. Makes sense, given that Kirika is in Alice's outfit.

But ya, all of Kirika's moves are named after old fables.
I dare ya to translate all of her l33tspeak.
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No need to, the wiki has all the attack names without any leetspeak at all. That's just because Kirika's attack names are written in such a way during her display cards they're nearly illegible. So to carry over the nigh unreadable part, leetspeak.

We got info on when Part 2 of Mechvaranus is dropping over ond XDU, it will be on March 31st.
just had a random thought. o.o
Fine revived/awakened, but as a male descendant.
Pretty sure that had to of happened at least a few times, and I bet the first time was a wild time >.>
Twitter has revealed the new attacks for the three for Part 2.



Yeah. I think they may have also released the 'more money when selling' song too, so might want to run your AP stuff with a Radiant Force team for that music mission.
(Trying to get all of Part 1 of the event summarised in one go, so you won't be seeing that until my EP recharges.)

EDIT: Yep, Hajimaru no Babel/Babel of Beginnings, money cards are classified as Memoria, which this boosts the selling price of. Get it and level it ASAP.
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Dammit. Only 5 copies of Miku... I'll have to grind out some more and buy some if that isn't enough. Got some edgebikki too, no idea how many... Of course. I have six copies of that one. Goddammit.
I just finished the available missions. I love the little callbacks to the series,especially Chris introducing herself to EdgeBikki the same way HIbiki introduced herself to Chris in S1.
tbf this is me spending 68 tickets and twelve 10 rolls. 200 rolls total/
Aand all of my three 11 rolls, counting the freebie, gave me an [ALVIDA ASSAULT] each, with [XIĂOGUĀNG] nowhere to be seen. Screw you too, game. Anyway, we've got three new songs! I think. Watashi to iu oto Hibiki sono saki ni (The sound called "Me" will echo out into the future), Eiai Promise (Eternal Love Promise), and Hajimaru no BABEL (Beginning of BABEL). I like those translations, sue me. Not sure what buffs they give, but hey. Only one way to find out.
I got a memoria side where Elfnein and Carol go to Karaoke after first arriving in Japan. While it totally contradicts that one episode of XV, there's some amusing misconceptions: they think the score measurement is measuring their phonic gain.
A Light That Pierces The Heavens summary.
Today in "They're not even being subtle about the yuri":
Tsubasa*'s tearing through Noise and evacuating civilians under Gen's orders in today's cold open. Unfortunately for Bayonet Charge&Maria, there's a nursing home that needs five minutes to evac. Unfortunately for them, another group of Noise have popped up even closer to the grannies. They arrive to see a nurse about to get pasted, only for someone else to intervene: Hibiki Tachibana, with her scarf over her mouth. Chris is relieved she showed up, but all Hibiki's doing is ...ing before slapping Chris away as she walks off. Tsubasa asks if Chris knows her, and Chris explains "Yes, but not the one here", questioning what's up with her. Tsubasa's run across her in battle before, but she was largely the same as here; basically an entirely different person to the one Maria knows. Tsubasa once again questions how they know Bikki, but it's too much to exposition at this point. But Chris realises that Edgebikki's eyes look like hers used to.
Basa explains Edgebikki's not a part of their organisation; she just shows up sometimes and punches Noise, apparently reaching the end of Basa's patience. She gets a call, and asks CHANGE THE FUTURE to come with her to their headquarters: 2div/Sec2, which Change The Future had already grokked. She's an alternate, in case that wasn't already clear. Basa now realises they already know, and questions if they work for FIS, but explanations are being saved for when Gen's around. Back in XDU, Hibiki's tossing and turning, to Miku's Concern. She doesn't want Miku to leave her, and Miku assures her she won't...

A Few Days Earlier, the school-age gang are all meeting up on the way to Lydian; Zababa was apparently having a post-study sleepover with Chris. Hibiki, however, is blatantly looking down; apparently she hasn't been getting enough sleep, and has been doing the aforementioned tossing and turning. Weird 'dream', apparently; Bikki wants dreams about drowning in food. They head to the sims later, Miku tagging along because Bikki is still clearly Not Fine, though sleeping through class isn't a warning sign because she always does it. This time she had a pained look on her face, though, and has lost her appetite; Tsubasa suggests a cold, but Bikki's an idiot so she shouldn't get one.:V
In any case, training goes ahead as Bikki bullet-hells Chris's bullets...until Bikki suddenly gets dizzy and gets KOd by Chris.
Medical finds nothing wrong with her brain, which is good; she's effectively asleep. The issue was Not Sleeping from all those nightmares, it seems. Bayonet Charge blame themselves, but Gen takes responsibility and promises better mental health support in the future. Unfortunately Bikki's straight back to nightmares ruining sleep, like the end of the cold open.

In the morning, Miku doesn't look the best either. Questioning Bikki reveals she has no idea what's going on in her sleep. Protests from Miku about things Not Being Fine eventually get her to reveal the bad feelings from the nightmare keep lingering after she wakes. They head to Elfnein for checkups while the others cheer up Chris by baiting her into a sim run, until they get called to the control room; it's a Gjallarhorn alert with a stronger signal than previous times. Change The Future are eventually sent so there's backup for unforeseen circumstances. Well, after a Noise leak is cleaned up. They head through, and Hibiki and Miku discuss her dreams about being stuck in darkness with nobody to help her.
In the parallel world, Change The Future confirm the moon's intact and promptly hear Tsubasa fighting, so jump in to help to Localbasa's "Who are you people, but thanks for the help"; it then cuts to the cold open. I missed a node here, but they basically go find Edgebikki near Lydian, and get told to go away.

At 2div, Maria explains how they got nothing out of Hibiki. Genjuro then explains what he's able: That after her past(IE Japan what the fuck), she hasn't been able to trust anyone. 2div tried to reach out, but Edgebikki refused that hand. Despite that, she still shows up to fight Noise. They eventually work out the divergence: This Bikki never had Miku as an anchor. In any case, a Noise alarm sounds and they head out, finding Edgebikki's already there. But 2div has detected a greater Noise signal they've seen before...
The signal reveals itself to be a Karma-Noise, to Localbasa's surprise, preventing CTF from speaking to Edgebikki. Edgebikki rushes in, and gives precisely zero thanks for Maria stopping her from getting tentacled into a wall; she's of the opinion that everyone looks out for themselves, and that she never gets help when she needs it. Unfortunately, the Karma-Noise vanishes. Simultaneously in XDU, Hibiki suddenly collapses. Having been rushed to song, Miku forces Bikki to just rest here before getting grabbed by Elfnein for a briefing. They have no idea what's going on with Bikki, but it's entirely mental, with the physical being symptoms. Explaining Bikki's nightmares just raises more mysteries as Noise.jpg prompts a break. Miku's at a loss at what to do.

CTF decide to head back home to report on things, and Localbasa thanks them for their work before being told they'll be straight back after; Gen hands over data for transfer. Noise.jpg later, they visit Bikki and tell her to stay there and rest until she's better, before Chris blows up at Elfnein; the nightmares prompt the theories that Edgebikki appears to be transmitting to Bikki. with a brief explanation as to Edgebikki's personality followed by Miku grilling her for more info while Maria runs the sims and explains to Basa that she's the same over there. After a morning sim run, Elfnein confirms the theory: like with Shirou and Archer, the Bikki's souls are resonating; it's an issue because the Bikkis are polar opposites, so the negative one offloads to the positive one, while the reverse doesn't harm Edgebikki one bit. These fits in particular seem to be due to the Karma-Noise's curse amplifying things. Elfnein, after Noise.jpg, thinks Miku is the key. She stabilises this Hibiki, while Edgebikki lacks her. They can't rely on finding Edgebikki's Miku, so the only solution is to send Miku through. She's not currently a wielder, but she still has the potential to wield Shenshoujing; Elfnein suggests seeing if Edgebikki's world has one. CTF head back through the tunnel while the home team holds Hibiki's hands to try and quell the nightmares. Once Hibiki wakes, Miku explains how she'll be heading through Gjallarhorn. Bikki asks Miku a favor: To save Edgebikki like she anchored Hibiki. This time, Miku's going to be the one who saves Bikki, not the other way round.

Back in Edgeverse, Genjuro confirms that they have a Shenshoujing pendant, but no wielder for it; additionally, failed attempts damaged it enough for them to throw it in storage. Genjuro freely gives it to them since they have a Wielder on-hand, taking the legal responsibility for it on him. The obligatory Noise fight turns up Edgebikki again; they're under orders from Elfnein to make sure she knows she's not alone; CTF think it's fitting that they now get to save Bikki when they'd been saved by her. To do this, Chris takes a leaf right out of Bikki's book: she spouts off her name, age, birthday, blood type and favourite thing. This appears to have thrown Edgebikki off a bit. Especially when Maria starts doing it too. Edgebikki walks off, but Change The Future are still determined to save her...
CTF arrive back in XDU, where Genjuro totally wasn't waiting for them, and hand over Shenshoujing to Elfnein, who confirms she can actually fix it. Once fixed, Miku's brought to the sim and given a shot of LiNKER. She has the same feelings as her previous Wielder escapade of SAVE HIBIKI with less yandere feedback loops; she transforms unexpectedly easily. SimNoise give way to Chris going easy on her as a test given she'll be facing Karma-Noise, before getting officially registered as a temporary wielder with a warning to not be reckless.
Miku heads through to the Edgeverse, and Chris explains how it's all the small things being off that shows a parallel world in a futile attempt to be called Senpai before they get hurried to 2div. Who have an urgent message from Nagatacho about a complete relic there that's playing up; the Karma's being prioritised. Miku's suprised at how Gen and Basa are basically identical. A Noise alert sounds; good timing for Miku, because she's eager to save the Edgebikki that'll be there. She actually gets a 'sure' out of Edgebikki before running off to pursue her. In any case the Karma-Noise arrives; Miku gets elbowed out of the way by Edgebikki after getting too close to the Karma. Unfortunately, they run out of time again, and Edgebikki runs off without a word.

Later, Miku's come to the conclusion that the elbow was Edgebikki trying to protect her. She resolves to talk to her while 2div discusses countermeasures for the Karma-Noise. Exposition explains why they can't use Ignite(Karma curse) or S2CA(it relies on Bikki), leaving them with only teamwork as an option, so they resolve to train with this world's Tsubasa. She's a lot less optimistic at working with Edgebikki than CTF, and clearly doesn't quite consider Edgebikki worthy; CTF are just relying on Miku.
Speaking of her, she seems to have come across Edgebikki training; Edgebikki goes "Why do you keep showing up and who do you think you are", so Miku exposits and gets a 'Go away' for her efforts. Miku thanks her for protecting her, but Edgebikki insists that wasn't her intention; Edgebikki retreats; she considers her having helped Miku impossible because she doesn't help people because no one helps her. She proceeds to deny that she's feeling bad about brushing off Miku's thanks before Noise sound.

At the safehouse, CTF don't think Edgebikki will cooperate yet, but Miku thinks she was baiting the Noise away from damaging stuff; that she's subconsciously still Hibiki Tachibana; CTF are still skeptical, but they'll respect Miku's judgement. The next day, Genjuro, to Chris's shock, has managed to get the simulator to do Karma-Noise. As his movie obsession is sci-fi instead of kung-fu, he's an outright inventor and generally good with tech. Incidentally, Kanade's one is into mystery; Maria's just realised that Genjuro runs entirely on movies. CTF think the Sim-karma is too weak, while Basa and Miku are trying to one-up eachother in weaknesses; they're stuck with getting Edgebikki to cooperate. Miku heads out for more Bikki-wrangling, while Tsubasa wants to face off against Ignite.
Back with Bikki-wrangling, Miku requests to work together with Edgebikki. Bikki tells her to make her and transforms; she'll only cooperate if forced to. She proclaims that her fists will do a lot more than hurt if they hit, and Miku insists that her fists aren't made for hurting people; this gets Miku slapped away; meanwhile, two Karma-Noise have no showed. One's populated, which CTF and Basa are dealing with....but the other has showed up near Edgebikki and Miku. The attempt by Miku to get Edgebikki to run fails, so she instead transforms too. Edgebikki, due to her negative emotions getting hit by the curse, isn't doing so well, but charges despite that; there's a kid around, so Miku gets the kid out of there. Once back, Miku effortlessly matches Edgebikki's movements to Bikki's shock.
Meanwhile, the other team is struggling, and Basa asks them to stall it. She's Superb Songing, and collapses once the Karma vanishes; the earth promptly starts shaking.

Naturally, we cut to how Edgebikki is finding Miku's synergy with her much easier than her normal fights. It's jogged her memory about her Miku. They continue to stay in sync until Miku reiterates that she'll help Hibiki. They cut to the signal at the Memory Ruins surging as a Relic bursts out of the ground in front of CTF: Goliath, a purple thing with a 'Zillaish build. It's even stronger than the Karma, and is stomping CTF; they'd like to have a word with whoever stored something that dangerous down there. It then suddenly dissapears as we cut to Edgebikki getting triggered by Miku's words; having recieved no help, she becomes overwhelmed by negative emotions and goes berserk....
....then absorbs the Karma-Noise. Miku begs her to come to her senses as XDU's Bikki suddenly has a relapse in her world. Miku's words aren't doing a thing as she gets punched, and trying to exhaust or neutralise her just gets the beams dodged. Eventually, though, Edgebikki stops for a moment, and Miku KOs her.

At HQ, Tsubasa's alive but down for the forseeable future; Goliath gets explained as David's one that the US had tasked Japan to research, only recently moved to the Memory Ruins. It seems that the battle's Phonic Gain caused it to awaken, more specifically Tsubasa's Zesshou. They now have Goliath to deal with too; it's active during day but sleeps at night, as in legend. While it goes underground when not in battle, they'll try to exploit that. Meanwhile, Egebikki had no lasting injuries, but has already GTFOd. Finally 2div looked up the local Miku, who never went to Lydian due to her parent moving; they haven't contacted her because she might not remember Bikki and aren't sure dragging her into this is a good idea. Miku, however doesn't think she'd forget about Hibiki, so 2div will just keep an eye on her for now. The SONG gears train; they discuss AltMiku, and Miku wants Hibiki to understand she isn't alone.

While on standby and looking for food, Miku runs into Edgebikki helping an old lady, which Miku considers another sign that the Bikkis are the same at core. Edgebikki justifies it as the lady being in everyone's way otherwise, but Noise promptly gank the old lady, sending Edgebikki into a rage as the other Gears arrive. Noise dead, Bikki drops to the ground in despair...as the old lady turns out not to be ganked, having been moved away by someone else. Edgebikki's feeling extremely confused at feeling good for helping people.

A few days later, nothing significant has happened, and Maria wonders if there's a Goliath in XDU as well, and if they can locate the hibernating Goliath; Miku speculates Goliath caused the Gjallarhorn alert. They can't really leave things alone yet, though they think XDUbikki might be better by now and the alert might be dying down if it was Karma?
We promptly look back into XDU to reveal constant Noise attacks, the alert getting stronger, and Bikki still down...
Back at her home, Edgebikki wakes up after a bleedthrough dream from main Bikki about Miku. She's been having pains in her chest, and removes another fragment from it; it seems she's reaching the endpoint of relic fusion. Away Team returns to find Home Team down and recovering from the massive Noise incursion we saw earlier. Hibiki's also intermittently bad enough to need sedation. They establish that Goliath is causing the alert, and Elfnein works out that Goliath is measuring the amount of light; therefore they can trick it. They're waiting until the others are better before heading back though...or they would, if Tsubasa wasn't more concerned about Bikki than her own health, so they head back right away.
Back with Edgebikki, she's ran into Goliath again; unfortunately Localbasa is still down. Tapping into the power of the fusion, Edgebikki charges in before suddenly hearing an unevacuated boy. She wants to save him, but there's something inside her screaming to kill him. Unfortunately, yelling for him to run got Edgebikki hit and down; she's only saved by night falling. She proceeds to then flashback all the way to Symphogear Episode 1 in her next dream. She considers it a nightmare, and is still barreling straight towards fusion-induced death. She's back in a nihilistic spiral again.

At 2div, Away Team discuss what happened while they were gone, and the need to resolve things quickly. Good news: Genjuro can manage enough light to stop the retreat. Edgebikki's already at the obligatory Noise alert, though. Rushing in to check on Hibiki gets her flinching away from the heat, revealing the fusion issues to SONG's group. She refuses to come to 2div for a checkup, and heads to train; she's more afraid of no hope from it than not knowing. Miku's back to bother her, but her promise to see the stars gets interrupted by the Karma-Miasma surging around Edgebikki; she manages to wrest it back down and runs off.
SONG's gears suggest Shenshoujinging Gungnir away, but Miku mentions the Miasma; with Edgebikki fused with a Karma-Noise, beaming her might be a legitimate risk to her life. Their priority is now trying to drag Edgebikki for a checkup, but using Gears for that is impossible because it'll make Edgebikki use hers. Miku's now on that, but Maria thinks the alert might still be Karma-Noise, and that she needs to be ready to accept the worst-case scenario...

Next Noise.jpg is in two places, and Edgebikki is headed for one, so Miku gets sent there. Unfortunately, Edgebikki won't listen to reason even when she collapses; she yells at Miku that she's projecting her feelings about her Hibiki onto her, with a side of nobody-will-help-me. Miku doesn't care, so Edgebikki, surging miasma, attacks her. In the in-fight wording, Miku asks why Edgebikki's never thought about why she lacks an Armed Gear; she retorts she can break everything without one. Noise interupt this fight, and Miku elbows Hibiki out of the way of an attack. Urges to punch Miku aside, this seems to have finally gotten through to Edgebikki, who agrees to come for a checkup and stop with Gungnir.

Later, the Noise are dead and Edgebikki's had her checkup, so Miku drags her out only to be interrupted by finding Localbasa in the sim. She's not ready to deploy yet, though, and Maria proceeds to mercilessly tease Localbasa about being jealous about the other pair's 'date' before dragging her out too. 'Basa's a bit shocked that Miku actually got through to her. Turns out Miku dragged her to the local version of Flower, with Bikki reluctant to admit she likes it. After Miku's stuffed herself, Edgebikki asks what vanilla Bikki's like; the first thing Miku starts with is food, followed by sleeping in class, homework, et cetera. A loser, in Edgebikki's words. But then Miku goes onto Hibiki's good points: the helping hand that Edgebikki refuses to admit she reaches out, the refusal to give up, and her "Everything's Fine" catchphrase that rings a bell. Edgebikki, essentially, is jealous of the other her, which causes another surge of destructive impulse. Edgebikki gets left behind for the next Noise.jpg, and they pass CTF as they head back; they're optimistic that things are finally looking up. Edgebikki promptly goes back down into negativity the moment she gets home.

Edgebikki's results are in, and she's overhearing them: Basically the same as in G, except they know the cure. They also detected a second signal which they now realise is the absorbed Karma-Noise; it's intermittent because Gungnir is fighting it. Unfortunately, if Gungnir is purged she won't cope. Having overheard this, Edgebikki goes back into despair and runs off. She asks to the world just why she survived the concert. A Noise alert sounding, she decides to end her life by fighting the Noise rather than going out outside battle; it's another Karma. She's actually overpowering it, but refuses the incoming help because she'll die either way. Miku insisting she became a wielder to save her, and Edgebikki's disbelief causes her to charge in...and absorb this Karma too, going berserk. What's worse, Goliath is also turning up. Edgebikki's not going to last long, so beaming her completely is the only option. Edgebikki punches CTF aside and charges for the city; they tell Miku to pursue her while they deal with Goliath...with backup from the freshly-arrived Tsubasa. As night arrives, Genjuro blasts Goliath with light, making it think it's day and forcing it to waste energy. To deal with it, CTF Ignite for more power given the Karmas aren't near them. It goes down, but CTF are exhausted, and if Edgebikki reaches the city she'll devastate it. And Miku's having trouble catching up. But CTF still have faith in her to solve it.

At that fight, Edgebikki keeps dodging, proclaiming that her fists are for killing and destruction. Miku can't hit her...so she baits Edgebikki to where she and Hibiki watched meteors, counting on the feedback from her Hibiki, fufilling the promise. Edgebikki insists there's no promise, and sitting and looking at the stars solves nothing. But Miku proclaims that little promises build up, becoming precious memories. Stars whos light pierces the clouds and the heavens. Again, Edgebikki insists she'll destroy everything. Again, Miku insists she's still the same. Hibiki insists that Miku abandoned her, but Miku points out her Armed Gear, and Gungnir's attempt to fend off the Karma-Noise. Miku proclaims she won't abandon Hibiki, and sings her Superb Song, panicking Edgebikki and finally forcing her to remember. To save her, she starts up her Zesshou too. And the two songs and the Triburst form a miracle that catapaults Miku into X-Drive. She asks what Hibiki Tachibana wants. Outside, she wants to be left alone. Inside, she doesn't want to be alone anymore, but eventually forces out a plea for help. As Promise of Eternal Love revs up, the [Light Of Dawn] blasts Edgebikki. Yet it doesn't hurt her. Instead, Miku just welcomes her back.

At Gjallarhorn in XDU, the Gears are back now everything is fine. Hibiki's all better now, too, having gotten better the moment the alert stopped. Then suddenly hurts...with a stomachache. She's been stuffing herself the moment she got out. To wrap things up, Miku explains one final flashback to the other world. Edgebikki is now fine, Light of Dawn having destroyed all traces of Gungnir along with the Karma-Noise. They've lost Hibiki as a wielder, but that's fine. Though Ryoko Sakurai, who's due back shortly, will be dissapointed she missed Shenshoujing and X-Drive. Edgebikki, meanwhile, is out for a walk, hoping she'll meet Miku again. Cue a hug from Miku...her Miku, rather than XDU's. 2div apparently brought her in and explained things. We fade to credits on Sunshine Memories, Miku's S1 character song from the DVDs.
*From what I've gathered you can generally tell alternates by pendant shapes, I don't think we've seen any alternates with Ignite Modules or latent Amalgam yet?
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Ah dammit, I still don't have Maria's card. Well I've got a long time to grind. And if you think this is being unsubtle, listen to Kimi dake ni(To You Alone). Now there is zero subtlety.
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"I love you so much, I'll beat the crap out of you and our friends to make you stop fighting!"
"That's almost as bad as telling me to not give up on living by dying yourself!"
"Shut up and love me!"
"I love you so much, I'll beat the crap out of you and our friends to make you stop fighting!"
"That's almost as bad as telling me to not give up on living by dying yourself!"
"Shut up and love me!"

Now here is a question to ask; Are the speakers of this exchange Hibiki and Miku, Kirika and Shirabe or Tsubasa and Kanade? (I know it is meant to be Miku and Hibiki, it's pointing out how easily that can apply to other combinations in this series)
Now here is a question to ask; Are the speakers of this exchange Hibiki and Miku, Kirika and Shirabe or Tsubasa and Kanade? (I know it is meant to be Miku and Hibiki, it's pointing out how easily that can apply to other combinations in this series)

I mean, that's basically Kirika and Shirabe's exchange in G's episode 11 and 12. :V

On a different note, Ijust noticed how Edgebikky has a different voice from regular Bikky (it's deeper and a lot less emotional), with explicitly different lines. A nice touch. Now if only I knew what they were saying!
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I got real lucky with my rolls. >.>
I got at least one of each of the gacha cards for the new event in like 2 rolls

though this also means I never rolled for the wonderland gacha.
I wonder when that will come back around

one of Edgebikky's opening lines - "Miku...stand back. These guys are mine."
one of her victory lines "I don't need help."
at least to my understanding but I think her defeat line is the saddest :(
I think she might be saying something like "Again....I wasn't strong enough..." or something like that... :(

but there is a line she has that sounds happy/hopeful.
one of her standing lines on the main menu sounds like "The sakura are pretty...this time, me and miku can see it together, our eternal moment" or something like that.

all of this is from a very minimal understanding through word recognition >.>
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Oh nice. I kinda wish they'd include subtitles for those voice lines. I kinda want to know what they're saying.
XDU is a brilliant source of attacks for those of us writing stuff. For example, it turns out that the attack Hibiki's Ignite card uses has a non - Ignite version! Which the English release doesn't have yet, but it exists! As do a whole host of other attacks that weren't in the anime but aren't Gear reconfigurations.