I saw that there's going to be an r/anime rewatch soon. I don't really have the patience to stick to an episode a day, but I think that I'm going to go back and watch the show again, since I haven't actually watched it since XV aired. I'm thinking that I'll probably write up a post for each season, over the next few weeks.
I revive the thread to show you something from XDU:

A new attack that has an animated cut-in.
Thank you for reminding me that this thread is still going.

To anyone who pre-ordered the Chris ACT-MODE figure from AmiAmi, you should be getting your notification of payment within the next couple of days, if you haven't gotten them already. If you missed the pre-order, it looks like she's still in stock, so get her while she's available. If you missed the pre-order for Hibiki (who shipped back in the end of April) don't worry, she's also still in stock. Tsubasa, unfortunately, has had her release pushed back to August.

And if you don't like any of them (for whatever reason, what are you even doing in a Symphogear thread if you don't like the main trio?) I still encourage you to buy them if you haven't already, because by doing so you're showing Goodsmile that you want more Symphogear figures from them, which might incentivise them to make the FIS girls next.
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Okay, but what about a Genjuro figure :V
Would be cool, but remember- This is Goodsmile Company we're talking about. They make figures of cute girls. Every time they try to make a cool figure of a cool dude, they find some way to cock it up. And that's assuming they even make a figure of said cool dude in the first place, because often they'll just not make a figure of a male main character.
Well we knew it was coming sooner or later:

Symphogear XV is coming to Blu-ray! The final season of the series! The subtitles are as crazy as ever! Plus we're packing it with extras again!

"Subtitles are as crazy as ever". Considering how some of those songs get, that is an understatement.
While I'm admittedly not the most familiar with that franchise, isn't practically every enemy there directly linked to the gods? And therefore extremely vunerable to just having Hibiki blow past all their defences?
While I'm admittedly not the most familiar with that franchise, isn't practically every enemy there directly linked to the gods? And therefore extremely vunerable to just having Hibiki blow past all their defences?
Yes, but the Yuuki Yuuna game also had a Railgun collab and was perfectly cool with Misaka's lightning working against the monsters.
Symphogear AXZ is now ready for preordering:

AXZ continues the theme of the video looking quite nice, the clean & bold colors just come out good and crisp.

The subtitles continue the styling from prior seasons.

A few screenshots of video and subtitles.
And how are the translations?
Pretty good, far as I've noticed. Few weird but probably justifiable choices, not as good as the better fansubs but not too far off. Season 2 is a big improvement, they get fancier with the typesetting and color coding and also for some reason the case for season 1 was kind of crap, hard to take the disc out. The blu ray for 3 arrived earlier this week but I haven't watched it yet.
Symphogear 10th Anniversary Song Album links
I revive this thread to tell you that, thanks to it being the 10th Anniversary of the first season's release, "All" of the Character Song Albums are now available on various streaming services and download sites. Here is a YouTube video telling about it, you can click the links in the video's description to go to the album you wish to listen to.
