Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice

I finally went to fountainhead, beat the monk to actually get inside the place, then sneaked my way through after the first time I got hit by lightning while swimming. After killing the lightning thrower I snuck past a very big koi and found a shrine at the top of a mountain that probably leads to the boss fight of fountainhead. Decided to try Owl again since I had more Vitality and Attack power, which seemed to make not a single difference since he continues to wreck me. I decided to try finish upgrading all the tools to see if any of them would help. Main thing I'm missing for the last few upgrades is Mercury and Lapis. I tried the gun people at the fort after murdering fountainhead mooks enough to conclude that neither was there and mercury seemed most likely to come from gun people. One eventually dropped but this is gonna take awhile with this drop rate. Any better spot for the mercury and maybe an idea on what drops the Lapis?
Mercury drops from only a few of the very endgame enemies, it's the second most annoying material to get. As for lapis, you can only get six per playthrough from merchants and enemy drops.
I finally went to fountainhead, beat the monk to actually get inside the place, then sneaked my way through after the first time I got hit by lightning while swimming. After killing the lightning thrower I snuck past a very big koi and found a shrine at the top of a mountain that probably leads to the boss fight of fountainhead. Decided to try Owl again since I had more Vitality and Attack power, which seemed to make not a single difference since he continues to wreck me.

What parts of the owl fight is giving you trouble in particular? Are there any specific moves you struggle to defend yourself from?
I finally went to fountainhead, beat the monk to actually get inside the place, then sneaked my way through after the first time I got hit by lightning while swimming. After killing the lightning thrower I snuck past a very big koi and found a shrine at the top of a mountain that probably leads to the boss fight of fountainhead. Decided to try Owl again since I had more Vitality and Attack power, which seemed to make not a single difference since he continues to wreck me. I decided to try finish upgrading all the tools to see if any of them would help. Main thing I'm missing for the last few upgrades is Mercury and Lapis. I tried the gun people at the fort after murdering fountainhead mooks enough to conclude that neither was there and mercury seemed most likely to come from gun people. One eventually dropped but this is gonna take awhile with this drop rate. Any better spot for the mercury and maybe an idea on what drops the Lapis?
There's a spooky purple ghost guy hanging around in the fountainhead palace, near underneath where the lightning person was. It drops a piece or two.
There's a spooky purple ghost guy hanging around in the fountainhead palace, near underneath where the lightning person was. It drops a piece or two.
Aside from the Shichimen Warrior in Fountainhead Palace (one piece), the Pot Noble in the Fountainhead Palace sells two pieces for 6 treasure carp scales each, the Pot Noble whose Truly Precious Bait you choose to use to kill the Great Coloured Carp drops one piece, and the Demon of Hatred drops two. Since you need 10 pieces for all upgrades, you have to do an NG+ run in order to get the last four (or more NG+ runs if you don't want to fight Demon of Hatred at all).
What parts of the owl fight is giving you trouble in particular? Are there any specific moves you struggle to defend yourself from?
Well he is finally dead after 40 or so deaths but the moves that gave me the most trouble were his firecracker cause I kept trying to go through it to get at his back and eating the firecrackers plus the slash attack itself. His lunge attack also gave me alot of shit since until his fight I was terrible at the mikiri counter. The final move that gave me issues was his unblockable sweep, mainly cause I could never jump on him and kept jumping past him. Phase 2 ironically enough was easier since by the time I got to it I had gotten better than hot garbage at mikiri countering. Now that he is dead I have finished every boss up to the main one of Fountainhead, including the bastard headless at the bottom of the lake with his dickbag twin. Is there any sidequests that need to be completed before I kill whatever boss is in Fountainhead?
Congratulations on improving. Sekiro, for good or ill, isn't a game where any specific tool or skill will bring you victory -though they can help in that. Only practice works for that.

Have you explores Ashina Depths yet? Not truly urgent, but useful for grinding and Spirit Emblems if nothing else.
So I decided that any sidequests I may miss can be dealt with on my next playthrough so I went and killed the Divine dragon. Ashina then got invaded and set on fire. After hunting down the last minibosses for the final necklace I found the demon of Hatred who was kinda tough but went down on attempt 12 so he apparently was easier than Owl. Is there anything else to do before the final boss? Also I have gotten all the passive skills and all that is left are various combat arts. Are any of them good enough to grind the points for or should I start pumping my attack power up?
So I decided that any sidequests I may miss can be dealt with on my next playthrough so I went and killed the Divine dragon. Ashina then got invaded and set on fire. After hunting down the last minibosses for the final necklace I found the demon of Hatred who was kinda tough but went down on attempt 12 so he apparently was easier than Owl. Is there anything else to do before the final boss? Also I have gotten all the passive skills and all that is left are various combat arts. Are any of them good enough to grind the points for or should I start pumping my attack power up?
There's a couple of hidden doors in Ashina Castle and the Hirata Estate you might want to grab if you haven't already, and you'll want to make sure you've got your six lapis lazuli from this playthrough. I also don't recall whether you've had your second fight with the Headless Ape - it drops a memory, and after the fight, another miniboss appears there and drops a very useful item.

The two best combat arts in the game are Ichimonji Double and Empowered Mortal Draw; their predecessors are also remarkably effective. Whirlwind Slash and High Monk are situationally useful. Everything else is extravagance. However, if you plan on completing all the skill trees for the achievement, it's recommended not to spend points on Attack Power, as AP rapidly experiences diminishing returns after you hit AP 14 (iirc) and skill points likewise become exponentially more expensive.
Well Isshin is dead again and apparently Owl's school of pain taught me better than I realized since I only died about 15 times. All that is left to do is kneel over Kuro and decide what items to give him.
They did it, they actually did it.

Inner Genichiro lightning reversaled my lightning reversal and killed my ass, I died laughing my ass off.

Isshin looks like he has some fun stuff too.

*Finds Youtube already has videos on the new bosses* Okay, let's check it out...
Huh. They do have new tricks. Neat.
Doesn't keep them from being utterly destroyed, but neat.
So what are some fun combination moves you all like doing?

Me, I like to chain Shadowrush/Shadowfall with a mid-air Axe attack. Good for both closing the gap and dishing a substantial amount of posture damage. Fun to use against Genichiro.
I never even thought of combo attacks and now I feel.foolish
Oh, there's lots of cool stuff you can do with combos if you look for them! Especially when you get mid air prosthetics and mid air combat arts.

Like I mentioned, Shadowrush/Shadowfall allows you to close the gap, stab them, leap into the air, and stab them with your prosthetic of choice. The Axe and the Spear both work (the Spear is an uderrated prosthetic tool, given how cheap its Spirit Emblem cost is. Good for mooks).

If you're having trouble getting off a certain CA (combat art) before getting hit, you can jump towards the enemy from afar and start the combat art in mid air. Now you will have much less trouble getting those whacks with the Double Ichimongi in!

Have you ever tried the Floating Passage or Spiral Cloud Passage CAs? Rapidly hitting theim with your sword in a flurry for no more damage than hitting them with R1 R1 R1. Pretty useless, right? Well...if you set your sword on fire, they suddenly become good ways of setting your enemy on fire through rapid fire damage buildup. You can also use the Bestowal Ninjitsu (the effect that gives you a Lady Maria-like blood-blade extension) to make these CAs into genuinely damaging moves that work from a distance - good for mobs of mooks.

Have you ever tried downing an Ungo's Sugar (the one that makes you resistent to damage), equipping you Axe, and SPINNING... and SPINNING, and SPINNING...again and again, until your spirit emblems run out? Your enemy might be able to hyper-armour their way through and hit you once or twice, but the Ungo's Sugar minimizes that. Meanwhile, you are spinning like a Beyblade and carving their poise down to nothing. And, if you're using the Flame Axe, you're also setting them on fire.

Have you ever tried taking some Contact Medicine (the slow-acting poison that prevents you from being affected by fast-acting poison) and equipping the Fiery Mist Raven prosthetic? The Mist Raven allows you to teleport when it detects "incoming damage"...but when you're under the effects of Contact Medicine, you are always experiencing incoming damage. So you can just throw an oil urn on your enemy then repeatedly teleport through them, leaving fire in your wake, setting them on fire. It's admittedly costly in Spirit Emblems compared to a well timed Flame Vent attack, but it's a pretty safe (and cool looking) way of getting that fire damage in.

Oh, here's something I haven't tried yet: using the upgraded Flame Vent to do the big fiery explosion that shoves you backwards, then using Shadowrush/Shadowfall to close the gap again, then using the flame axe in mid air. If the initial explosion of flame didn't set them on fire, the axe probably will.

Did I mention setting them on fire? Setting your enemies on fire is tactically effective, looks cool, and - most importantly - is fun.

Me, a Shura? Nah, that's crazy talk. :V

"Kuro, I'm already a Shura. The Divine Realm's not my kind of place anyway."

-Sekiro, probably
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I'd also like to add: Suzaku's Fire Umbrella? The fiery twirl it does when you unfurl it technically counts as a fire attack. Add in the skills for followup attacks etc for yet more fire attacks and hoo boy.

I cheesed the shit out of that lategame red-eye Ashina Elite using this.
Replayed the Genichiro fight a couple of days ago, and I really feel like the game should have given you the opportunity to fight at least one lightning-throwing enemy before him. Reflecting and/or dodging the lightning isn't too complicated once you get the hang of it, but it's still a new skill to learn, and if you get it wrong you will almost definitely have to redo the previous phase of the boss fight before you get to try again. Having another way to practice would have helped.
Replayed the Genichiro fight a couple of days ago, and I really feel like the game should have given you the opportunity to fight at least one lightning-throwing enemy before him. Reflecting and/or dodging the lightning isn't too complicated once you get the hang of it, but it's still a new skill to learn, and if you get it wrong you will almost definitely have to redo the previous phase of the boss fight before you get to try again. Having another way to practice would have helped.
IIRC there's one kind of enemy that uses lighting (I want to say before the shrine that leads to the Divine Dragon boss, but I might misremember), but even then it's kinda rare.
The fact that the only other boss that requires you to reflect lightning is the Divine Dragon doesn't help, it's easy to assume that the mechanic is the gimminck for that boss only. Then Genichiro fries you.
IIRC there's one kind of enemy that uses lighting (I want to say before the shrine that leads to the Divine Dragon boss, but I might misremember), but even then it's kinda rare.
The fact that the only other boss that requires you to reflect lightning is the Divine Dragon doesn't help, it's easy to assume that the mechanic is the gimminck for that boss only. Then Genichiro fries you.
Aside from bosses (Genichiro, Divine Dragon and Sword Saint Isshin), there are only three other enemies that use lighting, and you can find them all in the Fountainhead Palace:
  • The dog-like white things that have a magatama necklace;
  • The more-ornate tougher Okami Warriors that have a naginata;
  • Okami Leader Shizu.
Practically, Genichiro is the first mob you fight that uses lightning.