Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice

... Does Sekiro count as a stealth game/character action game hybrid? Like a more refined version of Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance?

I mean, Sekiro's gameplay is fast paced and acrobatic, and the character is agile and inspired by action anime, and there are expressive mechanics that allow one to potentially style on enemies in addition to having a high difficulty.
MGR:R is more hack-and-slash, while Sekiro leans towards Action-RPG (though the RPG aspects are trimmed down to the bare minimum).
MGR:R is more hack-and-slash, while Sekiro leans towards Action-RPG (though the RPG aspects are trimmed down to the bare minimum).

Yeah, but Nier: Automata is thought to count and that game is also an Action-RPG.

Also, Sekiro and MGR have a lot of similarities. Both of them revolve around a parry mechanic, both of them have stealth gameplay, both revolve around a katana wielding superhuman with cybernetic prosthetics who are labeled as ninjas, both of them end with you killing a bombastic, war obsessed bloodthirsty politician , both of them make your character incredibly agile etc.
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Genichi is bombastic? Never got that vibe from him. Desperate yes, but not bombastic. Gyoubo is bombastic, but he's also not a politician, just a really good fighter doing his job.
Isshin wanted to die in a fight as per his memory, so it's a double purpose. Sekiro was the only one who could defeat him. But he's only war obsessed on a personal level, he doesn't have it as a philosophy or want that for the nation. His sake conversations have him bitter at the bloodshed his revolution cost Ashina.
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Completing Sekiro for the first time over 6 months ago: around 50-60 hours.

Completing Sekiro just now: 4 hours.

Gitting Gud at this game can be a pretty good ego trip. 😎

Sekiro Online

An unofficial mod to adds souls-style PvP and co-operative play to Sekiro.

It was less time than expected, co-op and invasions have been modded in, still probably unstable in a number of places though.
So a funny thing happened in Sempo Temple today...

For context, this is my first time actually playing the game and reaching the area, having spent several hours trying to find the temple in the first place. Enemies with ranged attacks still used them but otherwise....... yeah.

Quite bizarre.
Wait, so they just stared at you menacingly?


Creepy, but amusing. If they had ranged attacks they'd spam the hell out of them (the barehanded monks lobbing those cog things(?), for example), so I'd have to kill those, but otherwise it was like 'we chill? we chill' and just I walked on by.

And this is the first time I've been there so yeah, that's my impression of the difficulty curve shattered sorry mrs hanging buddha poster i didn't turn back.
So a funny thing happened in Sempo Temple today...

For context, this is my first time actually playing the game and reaching the area, having spent several hours trying to find the temple in the first place. Enemies with ranged attacks still used them but otherwise....... yeah.

Quite bizarre.

Odd. I've put 200 hours into Sekiro and I don't recall seeing anything like that.
So a funny thing happened in Sempo Temple today...

For context, this is my first time actually playing the game and reaching the area, having spent several hours trying to find the temple in the first place. Enemies with ranged attacks still used them but otherwise....... yeah.

Quite bizarre.

Oh, I see, it's the hidden Visitor's day mode!
After putting this game off for a long while after Isshin and the Demon of Hatred keep kicking my ass, I managed to beat them today in the space of an hour, with Demon taking four tries and Isshin only taking one.

But never have i felt calm and cool headed playing this game until today. I suppose it made a difference compared to my frantic earlier attempts where I either panicly retreat or furiously charge ahead.