[X]Plan name: Wege of the third path:
-Have the team split up to handle both sides of the war From familiars to the clara dolls.
-Whoever is capable of mass attacks deal with familiars, while people who have a more single target ranged focus attempt to shoot down the dolls. people restricted to true melee are probably going to be running inference as much as possible.
- Call out to Ai, she should be nearby. Remind her of your friendship and tell her that she is no more bound to the way she was born as you are. Ask for her help in your work on allowing her mothers to see reason.
- Stall the clara dolls as much as possible at the beginning, while taking out the normal familiars. If it doesn't work and/or Ai joins on your side, go on the offensive. If Ai joins against you, concentrate on the clara dolls first. If there is no sign of Ai or she joins against you, trust that she has a plan.
-If either Madoka,Homura or both stop what their are doing, don't see/listen to reason and start attacking the groupe summon withenighte on the spot. If withenight is defeated summon one sin to stall and/or defeat them.
-If both one sin and withenight are defeated free Kuibei and have them dealing with Homura and Madoka.(ONLY AS A LAST RESORT).
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