Relying on franchise knowledge for how Walpurgis works that isn't explicitly revealed in thread feels weird to me, although it might also be because I'm not exhaustively familiar with either franchise here. I think in the context of this quest's narrative, exploring and interrogating Walpurgis' nature could reveal differences in interpretation from franchise canon or potential twists from the two settings interacting.
Also on a meta-level, taking the time to set up Walpurgis as a character makes sense for the quest's narrative pacing.
On a more practical level, I don't think Homura gave a full intel rundown to the entire group? From my read, the extent of what she shared is covered explicitly in the update, nothing more and nothing less. Even if she did fully brief the group, there's a difference between knowing something and experiencing it. After all, Homura isn't the only one who can provide insight here. Teamwork makes the dream work, and each member of the team has a unique background that can help them gleam insights into how to beat Walpurgis if they get the chance to investigate.
Relying on franchise knowledge for how Walpurgis works that isn't explicitly revealed in thread feels weird to me

Keep in mind that we are not playing Yuki, we are playing the light guiding her, having meta-knowledge and using it is part of the quest's premise.

That is a constant in Naron's quests, and it did lead to some funny things over time. (Like the one time we told Binah to follow the half of Amber's soul she had taken from Cinder's dead body to Ozpin's place to learn who was guarding the other half... and the update had Binah chuckle at how we involuntarily revealed the information right there in our request)

Also on a meta-level, taking the time to set up Walpurgis as a character makes sense for the quest's narrative pacing.

There are other ways to do that than a fight, though. It can be done after and it doesn't have to be from an antagonistic perspective.

I also think Walpurgis is naught but a prelude, at least as she is right now, and Ai is the real final boss. The last update with her gave that kind of vibes to me. In that situation finishing the false idol in one hit makes total sense.

On a more practical level, I don't think Homura gave a full intel rundown to the entire group? From my read, the extent of what she shared is covered explicitly in the update, nothing more and nothing less. Even if she did fully brief the group, there's a difference between knowing something and experiencing it. After all, Homura isn't the only one who can provide insight here. Teamwork makes the dream work, and each member of the team has a unique background that can help them gleam insights into how to beat Walpurgis if they get the chance to investigate.

It makes no sense for Homura to not have given every information she gleaned about Walpurgisnacht over time before the fight to make sure everyone is prepared.

I also think that trusting Homura's information is acknowledging the sweat and tears and blood she shed fighting alone for years, not remembered and isolated. She is the one that knows the most about this witch, the one that spent her whole life trying to beat her to save Madoka, the one that made plans after plans after plans. That's not nothing.

Finally, Yuki said this during the update:
"We're ready to perform," she speaks into the void. "But this won't just be a first act. We'll overcome you and save this city."

And I want to believe in her words, rather than the tentative to intimidate us Walpurgis said immediately after.
[X] An all-out assault, utilizing homura's timestop.

I'll admit I'm unsure about the efficacy of this one, as it feels narratively unsatisfying to win the fight in effectively an instant. But Nyarky's made some good points about the thematics of the Walpurgis fight, and Oriko's chat with Binah has shown that there are greater forces at play so this won't be the final battle.
In fairness, it might be an instant from an outside perspective, but it could be hours inside timestop.
[X] An all-out assault, utilizing homura's timestop.
One day I will learn to check my notes before writing stuff.

This one is especially embarassing because I wrote this down before I even started the Quest; it was planned that long. With how much I was looking forward to this, I certainly did not forget I had notes about it.

Anyway, here. The change so far is thankfully just a title. Even if it is a significant one:
Walpurgis, the Stage-Constructing Witch The Final Performance Before World's End
-Threat Rating: ALEPH
-Threat Assessment: Impossibly durable and incredibly large, Walpurgis floats out of reach and destroys all beneath her. Her main mode of attack is powerful telekinesis, which she uses to grab at her surroundings and throw them. She can spew fire at close range.
One day I will learn to check my notes before writing stuff.

This one is especially embarassing because I wrote this down before I even started the Quest; it was planned that long. With how much I was looking forward to this, I certainly did not forget I had notes about it.

Anyway, here. The change so far is thankfully just a title. Even if it is a significant one:

Well, that's not terrifying at all.

Now excuse me while I go screaming, not related, of course.
[X] An all-out assault, utilizing homura's timestop.

Part of me is praying to Murphy to not mess this up, the other is preemptively cursing him out
I think I can close a few times earlier than usual. The vote is almost unanimous.
Adhoc vote count started by Naron on Mar 4, 2025 at 11:55 PM, finished with 25 posts and 11 votes.

Do you know what time it is?

Correct! It is time to group up and HIT HER TILL SHE DIES!
Time for players to finally be the ones that do this:

Instead of the bosses. :V

Also, Yesod called and ha has this to say:

And finally:
