Zacks Sunday at 6:13 AM #1,252 [X] Focus on research I do belive that she was the real walpergus this entier time. And she is scared about doing what se has to do. She dosen't want to do it but in the end its inevitable.
[X] Focus on research I do belive that she was the real walpergus this entier time. And she is scared about doing what se has to do. She dosen't want to do it but in the end its inevitable.
K Kornuptiko Yesterday at 4:33 AM #1,256 [x] Focus on research It would be funny if we "defeated" Wal before she appeared using the power of FRIENDSHIP!
[x] Focus on research It would be funny if we "defeated" Wal before she appeared using the power of FRIENDSHIP!
CanIChangeMyName Just a passing through rider fan, remember that! Location What are you a cop? Yesterday at 7:52 PM #1,258 [X] Focus on research