-Homura's hidden trait revealed
-The Will To Stand Up Straight: Only when I embraced Hope did I stop clinging to her. That was a valuable lesson I shall never forget.
-The Knowing I: I fell further than anyone, and consequently rose higher than any before me. My love gave me wings, and upon them I crest. I am The Devil, now and forever.
-Madoka's hidden trait revealed
-The Will To Stand Up Straight: I found my purpose and I will stay true to it, no matter what happens.
-The Hope to Be A Better Person: I believe that we can all grow, united more so than divided.
-The Expectation For The Meaning of Existence: We were all born for a purpose. Be it large or small, there is value in every single one of us.
-Those Who Are Faithful and Trustworthy: I will never forget those who walked my path with me, even if it was just a single step. And I will never forget my dear Homura.
-The Eye Embracing the Past, Building the Future: I saw their suffering. So much of it, a desperate struggle against a fate that seemed set in stone. I know every sin of every being in existence. And I will make it the foundation for a better tomorrow.
-The Knowing I: Even if I have to take the place of Atlas and lift tomorrow upon my own shoulders, I will not falter. Because I have become Hope when there was none to be found. Even if the cycle is broken, another, better cycle will take its place.