I should note that she and Sayaka showed up a paragraph or twoo before. But the point is ultimately the same.

Sorry, Sayaka is so nondescript my eyes glazed over. :V

As expected, good old way it is.

Madoka will receive a sucker punch, mark my words. In fact, we should call Hitomi for help on this one.

By the by, is now a good time to direct your attention to the tags on this Thread? They have been there since the start.

I have been preparing this revelation since before the first word of the introduction post was written. And now we are finally here.

*Looks at it*

Reads *Madokami knows your sins* right next to *Reach heaving through violence*. :facepalm:

Hindsight is 20/20, I'd say.
well, time to reach heaven through violence. personal first gut instinct is cut off the numbers advantage they have, then start focusing them down.
And of course I forgot something again. Madoka's and Homura's mystery traits are revealed.

I put them at the bottom of the Update, where they should have been from the start. Here they are:
-Homura's hidden trait revealed
The Devil
-The Will To Stand Up Straight: Only when I embraced Hope did I stop clinging to her. That was a valuable lesson I shall never forget.
-The Knowing I: I fell further than anyone, and consequently rose higher than any before me. My love gave me wings, and upon them I crest. I am The Devil, now and forever.

-Madoka's hidden trait revealed
The Law of Cycles
-The Will To Stand Up Straight: I found my purpose and I will stay true to it, no matter what happens.
-The Hope to Be A Better Person: I believe that we can all grow, united more so than divided.
-The Expectation For The Meaning of Existence: We were all born for a purpose. Be it large or small, there is value in every single one of us.
-Those Who Are Faithful and Trustworthy: I will never forget those who walked my path with me, even if it was just a single step. And I will never forget my dear Homura.
-The Eye Embracing the Past, Building the Future: I saw their suffering. So much of it, a desperate struggle against a fate that seemed set in stone. I know every sin of every being in existence. And I will make it the foundation for a better tomorrow.
-The Knowing I: Even if I have to take the place of Atlas and lift tomorrow upon my own shoulders, I will not falter. Because I have become Hope when there was none to be found. Even if the cycle is broken, another, better cycle will take its place.
Current vague actual plan for a strategy I have is whoever is capable of mass attacks deal with familiars, while people who have a more single target ranged focus attempt to shoot down the dolls. people restricted to true melee are probably going to be running inference as much as possible.

It's really hard to make up plans when A: I don't know most of the abilities that the cast have and B: the one ability I currently have a grasp on is "is whatever the fuck Oriko needs right this second, to a limited extent."

And also really wishing I knew right now if Nagasi's witch side can restore soul gems.
Well i got an idea. Mb we can summon one sin or if that fails go the nuklear option and summon withenight to slap both homura abd madoka back to reality. And just a question how strong are withenight and one sin at their full power compared to madoka and homura?
It's really hard to make up plans when A: I don't know most of the abilities that the cast have and B: the one ability I currently have a grasp on is "is whatever the fuck Oriko needs right this second, to a limited extent."

And also really wishing I knew right now if Nagasi's witch side can restore soul gems.
The broad strokes you outlined in there would be more than enough for me. I do not need a lot of micro in these plans. It can be helpful if you want specific things to be done by specific people, but it is not necessary.

Also, no. Nagisa can not restore Soul Gems.

And just a question how strong are withenight and one sin at their full power compared to madoka and homura?
But how powerfull is he compared to madoka or homura or both cmbined?Like in therms of power?
Things get weird at the level of power these entities operate at. Consider that Homura, as an exceptional but still human human, could tear a chunk out of a conceptual goddess and steal her power. Likewise, White Night can be beaten to death with souped up but still conventional weapons.

Long answer short, I can not give you a linear powerscale. And even if I could, I would not do it at this point.
The broad strokes you outlined in there would be more than enough for me. I do not need a lot of micro in these plans. It can be helpful if you want specific things to be done by specific people, but it is not necessary.

Also, no. Nagisa can not restore Soul Gems.

Things get weird at the level of power these entities operate at. Consider that Homura, as an exceptional but still human human, could tear a chunk out of a conceptual goddess and steal her power. Likewise, White Night can be beaten to death with souped up but still conventional weapons.

Long answer short, I can not give you a linear powerscale. And even if I could, I would not do it at this point.
Ok thx for ansering my question. I was just curious about that and i wanted to see if I can thrown either one of them at the two.
As I said, there is good reason to think that Ai is among the clara dolls, or close by at the very least as one of them.

A reminder of our bonds with others, and how they still matter is more likely to help than not, IMO.

As such:

[x] Call out to Ai, she should be nearby. Remind her of your friendship and tell her that she is no more bound to the way she was born as you are. Ask for her help in your work on allowing her mother to see reason.
-[x] stall the clara dolls as much as possible at the beginning, while taking out the normal familiars. If it doesn't work and/or Ai joins on your side, go on the offensive. If Ai joins against you, concentrate on the clara dolls first.

And yes, the *slip* of calling Homura *Ai's mother* is voluntary. The occasion was too good to pass up. :V
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I think that we should not be beating down homucifer yeah

....that said if theres any time to bring up whitenight and/or one sin, the fight between god and the devil would be the perfect time to do so.

[X] invoke whitenight and one sin

basic plan no follow-up yet; im not good at making these, so this is just a base if anyone wants to iterate on it.
[x] Call out to Ai, she should be nearby. Remind her of your friendship and tell her that she is no more bound to the way she was born as you are. Ask for her help in your work on allowing her mother to see reason.
-[x] stall the clara dolls as much as possible at the beginning, while taking out the normal familiars. If it doesn't work and/or Ai joins on your side, go on the offensive. If Ai joins against you, concentrate on the clara dolls first.
[X]Its time to risk not beliving both hedins lies:
-[X] Invoke whitenight and one sin to distract or slap Madoka and Homura back to reality.
-[X] Call out to Ai, she should be nearby. Remind her of your friendship and tell her that she is no more bound to the way she was born as you are. Ask for her help in your work on allowing her mothers to see reason.
-[X] stall the clara dolls as much as possible at the beginning, while taking out the normal familiars. If it doesn't work and/or Ai joins on your side, go on the offensive. If Ai joins against you, concentrate on the clara dolls first. If there is no sign of Ai or she joins against you, trust that she has a plan.
-[X] Convince everibody to atyack both sides of the war. One groupe will handle Madoka's forces and the other Homura's.
-[X] Go with the groupe that will handle Homura's forces.
-[X] Make sure withenight and his 12 apostels and one sin aren't overwhelment or suprised attacked by eother forces grunts.
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I reread the last update where we saw Ai, and she said that she had to do her thing alone.

I remember being slightly annoyed at it at the time and I have to admit I still am now. Yuki herself did point out the advantages of working together.

Also, the way she talks, I think she actually considers Madoka as a parent, as she does talk about her mothers or parents, plural, when she talks about it.

Anyway, the discussion has vibes of her trying to do a super hidden thing like maybe convert the Clara dolls to our side or something like that, but she could also have been talking about helping Homura convince Madoka to not return to the law of cycles and that's exactly the problem. This is the same as with any case where one side is not giving information: You risk working at cross purpose even when you don't want to.

I am not as sure about calling her to come as I was, but I still want to just to force her out of her isolation in case she thinks she has no choice but to help Homura.

I do want to add a thing to my vote in consideration of it:

[x] Call out to Ai, she should be nearby. Remind her of your friendship and tell her that she is no more bound to the way she was born as you are. Ask for her help in your work on allowing her mothers to see reason.
-[x] stall the clara dolls as much as possible at the beginning, while taking out the normal familiars. If it doesn't work and/or Ai joins on your side, go on the offensive. If Ai joins against you, concentrate on the clara dolls first. If there is no sign of Ai or she joins against you, trust that she has a plan.

(Added a part about trusting in Ai if she doesn't show up or join against us, as well as put mother in plural since I do want to have a talk with Madokami later too, Homura is just the most urgent of the two)

Also, if there are people thinking of asking Yuki to join on Homura's side: I think it is possible for it to work, I just don't think it's the best moment for it.
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My plan is to attack both sides of the war and convince the others to follow suit. And to help withenight and one sin not get suprized attacked by the grunts of both armies. I am propzing we play the 3rd neutral party that iznt alined with Homura nor Madoka.
Well, Homura's apotheosis feels like the full manifestation of one sin already, and WhiteNight I'm sure wouldn't be appreciative of someone else taking the role of savior.

If we were to reach out, One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds would be good for Homura to communicate with? But my understanding is they generally just wipe the slate clean (Perfect work result restores SP of everyone nearby, and in lore removes memory of the sin. Confessing during WN has all the disciples and WN struck down without rewarding the EGO) which wouldn't be entirely helpful.

Although, with the SP restoration in exchange for memory I suppose they could work as an alternate Cycle, instead of witching out they lose their memory of being a Magical Girl. That's my least favorite genre choice though so... eh.

I kinda want to release Kyubey. Considering our previous conversation with them they are probably the one that is the most fine with this situation lol.
[x] Call out to Ai, she should be nearby. Remind her of your friendship and tell her that she is no more bound to the way she was born as you are. Ask for her help in your work on allowing her mothers to see reason.
-[x] stall the clara dolls as much as possible at the beginning, while taking out the normal familiars. If it doesn't work and/or Ai joins on your side, go on the offensive. If Ai joins against you, concentrate on the clara dolls first. If there is no sign of Ai or she joins against you, trust that she has a plan.
-[x] stall the clara dolls as much as possible at the beginning, while taking out the normal familiars. If it doesn't work and/or Ai joins on your side, go on the offensive. If Ai joins against you, concentrate on the clara dolls first. If there is no sign of Ai or she joins against you, trust that she has a plan.
Oh look, if-clauses. My favourite :V

I could say other things, but I feel I should stay out of this conversation unless there is something I need to clarify. Just felt like poking fun at that bit.
[x] Call out to Ai, she should be nearby. Remind her of your friendship and tell her that she is no more bound to the way she was born as you are. Ask for her help in your work on allowing her mothers to see reason.
-[x] stall the clara dolls as much as possible at the beginning, while taking out the normal familiars. If it doesn't work and/or Ai joins on your side, go on the offensive. If Ai joins against you, concentrate on the clara dolls first. If there is no sign of Ai or she joins against you, trust that she has a plan.
I had a change of mind concerning Ai, she better show result or I'm voting to call her out later:

[x] concentrate on the clara dolls first, they are the main threat here.
-[x] search for signs of Ai, she should be around her sisters or mothers, try to help her discreetly if possible.

I am not giving up the occasion to calling Madoka and Homura as Ai's mothers.
My plan is this:
Sayaka and first gives a big wave to temporarily hold the tide of familiars with Yumi healing and Kyoko helping protect them and spearing fliers. Nagisa and Yuki can disorient and push the dolls for Mami and Yuki to chain and bind them, no acid so the dolls can't melt the ribbons hopefully. With the elite units too bound up to fight and move effectively, Yuki and Yumi switch to heal and cleanse. Yuki and Sayaka make bigger waves with acid together after which Kyoko can help suppress the dolls harder. Yuki and Yumi with Kyoko alternating as needed... maybe free Kyuubi.

If initial suppression starts to fail get Kyoko to help with the dolls

this counts on the ribbons being resistant to explosive and blunt damage, the suppression getting to a point where it becomes easy to do more suppression, and that the enemies will be too occupied to help either side out while the suppression is being set up such that when one side of our team tires we can switch to freshen up and reapply bindings or clear out more familiar mobs that escape the AOE or try to fly up.
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[x] Whoever is capable of mass attacks deal with familiars, while people who have a more single target ranged focus attempt to shoot down the dolls. people restricted to true melee are probably going to be running inference as much as possible.