Second Age of Heroes (Mutants and Mastermind Quest)

That explains a lot. It's just that compared to the other Hero interlude earlier, you can't help but compare and contrast how that one guy barely seemed inconvinienced while Knight seemingly struggled.

The comparisons of that guy being the superman of this setting weren't exactly off so don't expect him to be close to your power level.
[X] [Authority] Now. Sergeant Arpin will know all too soon what has happened and if you give him the chance, he will try to cover his arse by painting you in a bad light and turning the authorities against you while they still trust him.
[X] [Presence] Deliver it personally. You will personally deliver the evidence, but you will have to meet the person you are giving it to.
Vote Closed:
Vote Tally : Original - Alt. History - Superhero - Second Age of Heroes (Mutants and Mastermind Quest) | Page 7 | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 167-177]
##### NetTally 1.9.7
Task: Presence
[X][Presence] Deliver it personally. You will personally deliver the evidence, but you will have to meet the person you are giving it to.
No. of Votes: 4

——————————————————————————————————————————————Task: Authority
[X][Authority] Now. Sergeant Arpin will know all too soon what has happened and if you give him the chance, he will try to cover his arse by painting you in a bad light and turning the authorities against you while they still trust him.
No. of Votes: 4
Total No. of Voters: 4
Corruption in the Ranks IV
[X] [Authority] Now. Sergeant Arpin will know all too soon what has happened and if you give him the chance, he will try to cover his arse by painting you in a bad light and turning the authorities against you while they still trust him.
[X] [Presence] Deliver it personally. You will personally deliver the evidence, but you will have to meet the person you are giving it to.


With no hiding what you have done, you decide that time is of the essence. Sergeant Arpin will no doubt start running damage control once he hears about your actions and he will definitely try to cover his own arse by trying to discredit you and your evidence. You cannot allow him opportunity to do so.

Heading back to church, you make sure to be stealthy with no one spotting you as you across the rooftops. Hearing voices in the front of the church, you carefully enter by the back in order to reach the other evidence that you got from the Empty Eyes the other night.

Adding those documents to the ones in your back, you swiftly return to the rooftops. While you could just leave the evidence to be found by the right person, you feel it would make a better impression to personally deliver the documents. Doing so would also allow you make sure that nothing happens to them before they reach the right hands.

Captain Gareth Jordan will be your contact. A relatively young Captain of the Orleans City Guard at the age of twenty eight, the man is without doubt incorruptible and is one of the most proactive members of the Orleans City Guard when it comes to resisting the corruption slowly seething into it.

Furthermore, the man is in a position to take direction against Sergeant Gerald Arpin as the lieutenant in charge of the old Sarge Arpin is under the command of Captain Jordan.

With it being late at night and Captain Jordan usually working the day shift, you believe that the man show be home as evening falls. If he isn't, you can just wait around nearby until he does come home as you made sure that you had no plans for tonight in case something came up.

Fortunately for you, Captain Jordan is already home when you reach his home. Carefully sneaking in, you make your way to his home office. Having been told the details by someone who visited here before at one of the social events you attended, your perfect memory lets you remember how to navigate the place near perfectly.

Sneaking into the office, you quietly wait behind where the door opens, making it impossible for you to be spotted by someone unless they are already in the room.

You wait almost half an hour before Captain Jordan finally comes into room.

A sturdy built man with a firm jaw, scruffy short reddish-brown hair and sharp, wary blue eyes, Captain Jordan has the looks of one who fights for justice.

"Greetings neighbour," you say, stepping forward as you make the city guard captain jump in surprise.

"Who the heck are you?" demands Captain Jordan as he rounds on you, drawing a concealed semi-automatic pistol.

"I am Knight Errant," you tell him, warily eying the pistol, knowing full well the threat that the weapon proposes, "I wish to bring you evidence of corruption committed by those under your command."

"And why on Earth should I trust you?" demands Captain Jordan, aiming the pistol at you.

"Because I am blessed by God and I am using those blessings to protect others from evil and injustice," you inform him.

Acting with superhuman reflexes, you snatch Captain Jordan's gun out of his hands.

"As you can see," you continue as Captain Jordan's eyes flicker between his now empty hand and the weapon that is now in your hand, "I have been blessed with all of my natural abilities being enhanced beyond what is normally physically possible. For example, I can bend steel with ease and heal from injuries in mere minutes."

"I see," says Captain Jordan as he studies you, "And you say you are a servant of God and justice?"

"Correct," you reply.

"Then I shall take a risk and give you a chance," says Captain Jordan with a sigh, "Not like I could stop you if you had bad intentions. What do you have to show me?"

"Sergeant Gerald Arpin of the Black Alley guard tower has been taking bribes from the Empty Eyes to turn a blind eye to their activities and sometimes cover them up," you tell the city guard captain as you hand him back his pistol back and your bag full of documents, "With the exception of Constable Edmond Severin, all of his subordinates are also in on the corruption."

"I will look into," Captain Jordan assures you, "I assume this bag contains evidence for me to go on?"

"It does," you confirm, "I recommend acting on it swiftly. My attempt at retrieving this information...was less than subtle so Sergeant Arpin definitely knows that I retrieved this evidence and my past activities means that he knows I shall use this evidence to reveal his corruption. He will no doubt be attempting to run damage control as soon as possible and cover up his criminal deeds."

"I understand," says Captain Jordan before looking at you appraisingly.

You look back at him as the two of you study each other.

"So you want to help people and fight the corruption?" inquires Captain Jordan, suddenly looking weary.

"That I do neighbour," you answer.

"There is a drug ring in the Saint James district," says Captain Jordan, "The Forces of Iron are creating a large amount of combat drugs, which they both use to bolster their own thugs and sell to other criminal organisation. Normally we would have already shut this down, but certain people in positions of power are covertly blocking us. You on the other hand could take them out without the ducal bitch interfering."

"I will do what I can," you tell Captain Jordan, "Farewell neighbour. May be meet again."

"I hope we do," says Captain Jordan as you leave.


Power Boost
You have 1 Point to upgrade Frederica's powers.
[] [Power] Ability
-[] [Power] Strength
-[] [Power] Stamina
-[] [Power] Agility
-[] [Power] Dexterity
-[] [Power] Fighting
-[] [Power] Intellect
-[] [Power] Awareness
-[] [Power] Presence
[] [Power] Movement
-[] [Power] Speed
-[] [Power] Quickness
[] [Power] Senses
-[] [Power] Vision
-[] [Power] Hearing
-[] [Power] Smelling
-[] [Power] Touching
-[] [Power] Tasting
[] [Power] Regeneration
[] [Power] Beauty
[] [Power] None (save the Power Points for later spending)
[] [Power] Write-in.

Upgrade 1 Skill
[] [Skill] +1 to Stealth.
[] [Skill] +2 to Persuasion.
[] [Skill] +1 to Deception.
[] [Skill] +1 to Intimidation.

What does Federica do?
What will Frederica do in her spare time? Pick 3 Options. If options have a shared number, that means they have synergy with each other.
[] [Fred] 1 (Benefit: High Life Social Connections) Spend time socialising with the high life of Orleans. Increases Persuasion & Deception. Gains Contacts or Connected.
[] [Fred] 1 Spend time socialising with others. Increases Persuasion & Deception.
[] [Fred] (Benefit: Father Fionn) Spend time doing your religious duties. Increases Expertise: Christianity, Increases Insight
[] [Fred] Tinkering and working with technology. Increases Technology skill.
[] [Fred] Stalk the criminal underground to gain more information. Gain intelligence on crime in the city. Increases Stealth.
[] [Fred] Acquire a second outfit for Knight Errant. Gains a second outfit for Knight Errant (choice of options).
[] [Fred] Acquire a shield for Knight Errant. Gains a shield for Knight Errant.
[] [Fred] 2 Train yourself physically. Increases Athletics skill.
[] [Fred] 2 Train yourself in the art of fist fighting. Increases Close Combat: Unarmed,
[] [Fred] 2 Train yourself in how to use your sword. Increases Close Combat: Sword,
[] [Fred] 2 Practice street fighting. Increases Close Combat: Unarmed, Close Combat: Knife.
[] [Fred] Write-in

Knight Errant sneaks up on Captain Gareth Jordan:
Stealth Test, DC20: 16+7 = 23, Passed Test.

Knight Errant persuades Captain Gareth Jordan of her honest intentions:
Persuasion Test, DC20: 15 +10 = 25, Passed Test,

Knight Errant snatches Captain Gareth Jordan's pistol:
Sleight of Hand vs Athletics: 6+6 vs 1+12 = 12 vs 1, Knight Errant wins by three degrees of success,

Knight Errant persuades Captain Gareth Jordan to act swiftly on the evidence:
Persuasion Test, DC5: 12+10+5 = 27, Passed Test,

Captain Gareth Jordan trusts Knight Errant:
Persuasion vs Persuasion Check, DC5: 2+10 vs 13+10+5 = 12 vs 28, Captain Gareth Jordan trusts Knight Errant,
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[X] [Power] Regeneration
[X] [Skill] +1 to Stealth.
[X] [Fred] 1 (Benefit: High Life Social Connections) Spend time socialising with the high life of Orleans. Increases Persuasion & Deception. Gains Contacts or Connected.
[X] [Fred] Acquire a second outfit for Knight Errant. Gains a second outfit for Knight Errant (choice of options).
[X] [Fred] 2 Train yourself in the art of fist fighting. Increases Close Combat: Unarmed,

Regen is always useful in every situation.

Better Stealth, More Info and More Connections. We'll definitely need those for the Drug Ring mission.
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[X] [Power] Regeneration
[X] [Skill] +1 to Stealth.

You didn't include the third part of the vote:
What does Federica do?
What will Frederica do in her spare time? Pick 3 Options. If options have a shared number, that means they have synergy with each other.
[] [Fred] 1 (Benefit: High Life Social Connections) Spend time socialising with the high life of Orleans. Increases Persuasion & Deception. Gains Contacts or Connected.
[] [Fred] 1 Spend time socialising with others. Increases Persuasion & Deception.
[] [Fred] (Benefit: Father Fionn) Spend time doing your religious duties. Increases Expertise: Christianity, Increases Insight
[] [Fred] Tinkering and working with technology. Increases Technology skill.
[] [Fred] Stalk the criminal underground to gain more information. Gain intelligence on crime in the city. Increases Stealth.
[] [Fred] Acquire a second outfit for Knight Errant. Gains a second outfit for Knight Errant (choice of options).
[] [Fred] Acquire a shield for Knight Errant. Gains a shield for Knight Errant.
[] [Fred] 2 Train yourself physically. Increases Athletics skill.
[] [Fred] 2 Train yourself in the art of fist fighting. Increases Close Combat: Unarmed,
[] [Fred] 2 Train yourself in how to use your sword. Increases Close Combat: Sword,
[] [Fred] 2 Practice street fighting. Increases Close Combat: Unarmed, Close Combat: Knife.
[] [Fred] Write-in
[X] [Power] Regeneration
[X] [Skill] +1 to Stealth.
[X] [Fred] 1 (Benefit: High Life Social Connections) Spend time socialising with the high life of Orleans. Increases Persuasion & Deception. Gains Contacts or Connected.
[X] [Fred] 2 Train yourself in how to use your sword. Increases Close Combat: Sword,
[X] [Fred] 2 Train yourself in the art of fist fighting. Increases Close Combat: Unarmed,
[X] [Power] Regeneration
[X] [Skill] +1 to Stealth.
[X] [Fred] (Benefit: Father Fionn) Spend time doing your religious duties. Increases Expertise: Christianity, Increases Insight
[X] [Fred] Tinkering and working with technology. Increases Technology skill.
[X] [Fred] 2 Practice street fighting. Increases Close Combat: Unarmed, Close Combat: Knife

A lot of people (mostly Hannz) seem to want to be a batman type person (I believe), well that is perfectly fine with me. Now how about fusing that with the Hunter from Bloodborne or Alexander Anderson. Now that's something people shall both fear and love. We can focus on religion later right now we need cool batman like toys, so how about we start creating cross and Christian themed tools.
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[X] [Power] Regeneration
[X] [Skill] +1 to Stealth.
[X] [Fred] (Benefit: Father Fionn) Spend time doing your religious duties. Increases Expertise: Christianity, Increases Insight
[X] [Fred] 2 Train yourself in how to use your sword. Increases Close Combat: Sword,
[X] [Fred] 2 Train yourself in the art of fist fighting. Increases Close Combat: Unarmed,

She is incredible stressed and suffering from something affecting her mind. Give her time before going for socializing and maybe finding out what else is wrong. Maybe she is also feeling an urge to kill or something the insight will help and any normal person would spend time thinking. The training also will help calm her mind and centre herself
Vote closed:
Vote Tally : Original - Alt. History - Superhero - Second Age of Heroes (Mutants and Mastermind Quest) | Page 8 | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 180-184]
##### NetTally 1.9.7
Task: Power
[X][Power] Regeneration
No. of Votes: 4

Task: Skill
[X][Skill] +1 to Stealth.
No. of Votes: 4

Task: Fred
[X][Fred] 2 Train yourself in the art of fist fighting. Increases Close Combat: Unarmed,
No. of Votes: 3
[X][Fred] 1 (Benefit: High Life Social Connections) Spend time socialising with the high life of Orleans. Increases Persuasion & Deception. Gains Contacts or Connected.
No. of Votes: 2
[X][Fred] 2 Train yourself in how to use your sword. Increases Close Combat: Sword,
No. of Votes: 2
[X][Fred] (Benefit: Father Fionn) Spend time doing your religious duties. Increases Expertise: Christianity, Increases Insight
No. of Votes: 2
[X][Fred] Acquire a second outfit for Knight Errant. Gains a second outfit for Knight Errant (choice of options).
No. of Votes: 1
[X][Fred] Tinkering and working with technology. Increases Technology skill.
No. of Votes: 1
[X][Fred] 2 Practice street fighting. Increases Close Combat: Unarmed, Close Combat: Knife
No. of Votes: 1
Total No. of Voters: 4
Oshha threw 2 6-faced dice. Reason: 1 Total: 8
4 4 4 4
Oshha threw 3 3-faced dice. Reason: 2 Total: 5
1 1 1 1 3 3
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Demons and Machines I
[X][Power] Regeneration
[X][Skill] +1 to Stealth.
[X][Fred] 2 Train yourself in the art of fist fighting. Increases Close Combat: Unarmed,
[X][Fred] 1 (Benefit: High Life Social Connections) Spend time socialising with the high life of Orleans. Increases Persuasion & Deception. Gains Contacts or Connected.
[X][Fred] 2 Train yourself in how to use your sword. Increases Close Combat: Sword,

You spend the next week doing a variety of things that your sleepless days allow you the time to do so.

You split your time as Frederica between socialising with your high life connections and getting training for your time as Knight Errant.

The social events prove to be enjoyable and despite selling your companionship for each event, a fondness for attending such gathering. You are also surprised at how many there are and those of your age are able to attend. Then again, you don't find it too unexpected that the kids your age with too much money to spend end up throwing parties and when you consider how large the city is and how it is the capital of a duchy, the number of parties seem reasonable enough.

You also suppose that the fact you are hiring yourself out is partially why you get so many invitations as you are effectively hired by different people within different social groups to attend a variety of different gatherings. As a result of that, you end up with a large amount of social contacts who are either rich or important or closely related or connected to those who are.

You can't help, but notice that these connections of yours open you are up to a large amount of potential resources and favours that you can use. You would just have to be careful to not allow Knight Errant to be traced back to the actions of Frederica Le Blanc.

As for your training, you are able to find two trainers, one for unarmed combat and another for how to wield a sword like the one that Knight Errant has.

A professional wrestler, Henry Chapman is, to be frank, a great guy. He is an earnest and straightforward young man who displays great courage and appreciation for people along with being on the most incorruptible people that you know. He is rather blunt and quick brutal, but you don't mind, appreciating the upfront nature of his words and your powers let you shrug off anything too excessive in your sparring.

Still, Henry isn't perfect and just as he appreciates your personality, he also appreciates your body. You are certain that one of the main reasons he gives you free lessons is because of the unavoidable nature of wrestling means that he is going to be getting hands on with your curvaceous figure. On the up your, his kind and honourable personality means he makes up for this by doing his utmost to train you.

And to your mild surprise, you find that you don't particularly care, even when he accidentally gropes you. You are already doing what is basically selling your body as a source of income, information and resources and you already used it as a tool to acquire intelligence for Knight Errant on two different occasions.

Come to think of it, why not embrace your promiscuousness? You are doing it anyway and will continue to doing so, leaving you with little reason to see why you shouldn't enjoy it.

Except for the fact that you vaguely remember something about such activities being a sin. You would discuss the matter with Father Fionn, but you are hesitant to do so as it may result in the fatherly old priest attempting to make you end your social activities, cutting you off from your connections.

Your swordswomanship teacher is a different beast to Henry. Lady Chloe Harkness is a honourable, but proud girl about your age. Slim and lean with black hair in a pony tall, Chloe vaguely reminds you of Mina minus any physical attraction. While very vain, Chloe has her virtues as she is very active and adventurous with a generous and loyal to side to her. You have no doubts that Chloe would never backstab you. In fact, she is a rather good friend to you, refusing payment as the initial lessons and happily sharing her possessions with you.

And by the Lord is Chloe the best swordswoman that you have ever met. You have never seen a man or woman wield a blade like she does and you doubt that you could match her even with your abilities. Heck, you bet even Knight Errant would struggle to fight her to a standstill let alone win.

As for Knight Errant, she fights the Empty Eyes gangsters in her local area whilst covertly investigating the tip-off about the situation in the Saint James district. As far as you can tell, Captain Jordan was being completely truthful and while the problem isn't too major yet, it will grow to something truly troublesome if given time to grow.

You ought to investigate it soon, but doing so would definitely draw unwelcome attention down upon Knight Errant.


Henry Chapman

[] [Henry] Fling. Henry is a swell guy and you don't mind getting a little more involved with him even if your abilities mean it can't go too far.
[] [Henry] Friends. As nice as he is, you and Henry are better off remaining just friends.
[] [Henry] Write-in

Bonus Training

[] [Skill] +1 to Close Combat: Unarmed.
[] [Skill] +1 to Close Combat: Sword.

Knight Errant's activities
[] Continue to hit the Empty Eyes, going after some juicer targets which the loss of would actually hurt the gang.
[] Going in after the drug ring. While doing so will potentially get Knight Errant in over her head, you can't allow this operation to grow unchecked.
[] Write-in
[X] [Henry] Friends. As nice as he is, you and Henry are better off remaining just friends.
[X] [Skill] +1 to Close Combat: Sword.
[X] Continue to hit the Empty Eyes, going after some juicer targets which the lossof would actually hurt the gang.

We're not reqdy for the Drug Ring yet. At least get an outfit for sneaking around so that the Plate Armor malus doesn't screw us over and get the Drug Ring to bug out and become a even more annoying problem.
[X] [Henry] Friends. As nice as he is, you and Henry are better off remaining just friends.
[X] [Skill] +1 to Close Combat: Sword.
[X] Continue to hit the Empty Eyes, going after some juicer targets which the lossof would actually hurt the gang.
[X] [Henry] Friends. As nice as he is, you and Henry are better off remaining just friends.
[X] [Skill] +1 to Close Combat: Sword.
[X] Continue to hit the Empty Eyes, going after some juicer targets which the lossof would actually hurt the gang.
[X] [Henry] Friends. As nice as he is, you and Henry are better off remaining just friends.
[X] [Skill] +1 to Close Combat: Sword.
[X] Continue to hit the Empty Eyes, going after some juicer targets which the lossof would actually hurt the gang.
Vote closed:
Vote Tally : Original - Alt. History - Superhero - Second Age of Heroes (Mutants and Mastermind Quest) | Page 8 | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 187-190]
##### NetTally 1.9.7
[X] Continue to hit the Empty Eyes, going after some juicer targets which the lossof would actually hurt the gang.
No. of Votes: 4

——————————————————————————————————————————————Task: Henry
[X][Henry] Friends. As nice as he is, you and Henry are better off remaining just friends.
No. of Votes: 4

——————————————————————————————————————————————Task: Skill
[X][Skill] +1 to Close Combat: Sword.
No. of Votes: 4
Total No. of Voters: 4
Demons and Machines II
[X] [Henry] Friends. As nice as he is, you and Henry are better off remaining just friends.
[X] [Skill] +1 to Close Combat: Sword.
[X] Continue to hit the Empty Eyes, going after some juicer targets which the loss of would actually hurt the gang.

You decide to not purse any temporary romance. While your body is becoming just another tool in your arsenal in more ways than one, you shouldn't be willingly to use it so easily. As of such, you stick to remaining just friends with the brown-haired lad.

And while your combat skills grow ever greater, you still don't feel comfortable with directly going after the drug ring. There are too many big players involved, including the Duchess of Orleans herself. Taking it down would bring down too much attention on yourself right now and you aren't yet good enough to handle all of it.

Instead you stick to taking out the local Empty Eyes. While you have primarily sticking to hospitalising local gangsters and taking out low-level criminal set-ups such as drug farms and illegal storehouses, you have recently found a real juicy target. One which the loss of would actually hurt the gang.

Wimarca Demaret is her name and the middle aged woman is a high ranking member of the Empty Eyes, a lieutenant of Pierre Michaux himself who reports directly to the leader of the Empty Eyes.

Taking her down and letting the city guard get their hands on her would strike a significant blow to the Empty Eyes and set back their operations and strength.

So here you are as Knight Errant makes a stealth approach on the pair of Empty Eyes guarding the building used by Demaret as her personal headquarters.

As you leap down from the rooftops, they never see you coming. You slam the first one into the ground and the other doesn't realise anything is wrong until it is too late. You grab her from behind and smash her into the wall and then into the ground, leaving the thug unconscious in the street.

Testing the door, you find it unlocked. Curious, but not unwelcome. Entering the building, you find the initial room unguarded as are the other buildings on the ground floor.

Surprised by the lack of resistance you find upon entry, you consider the possibilities.

Given how this is the personal headquarters of a high ranking lieutenant, you can't be so lucky as for there to be so few guards. Another possibility might be that they knew you are coming so they have a trap or two prepared on the upper levels with the guards being left out front as to avoid making you suspicious with their absence. A further option might be that your information is simply outdated and Demaret no longer uses this place as her personal headquarters and the Empty Eyes use it for another purpose of far lesser importance.

Preparing yourself for a possibly confrontation in case it is a trap, you pause on the stairs as the stench of piss, faeces along with a heavy metallic odour. You have no recognition of what it could be, but it disgusts you and you hope that you will never have to smell it again.
Forcing yourself to the top of the stairs, you find yourself facing a corridor of death. Blood splatters the walls and floors while corpses hang from the ceiling. At the very end of the corridor, Wimarca Demaret herself is hanging with her jaw torn off and her eyes gone.

As you stand gazing in horror at the sight before, you almost fail to react in time as the killer responsible comes for you.

Fortunately for you, you just hear the monster coming for you and you are able to brace yourself to parry attack. However, your foe proves to be too swift and overpowering for you, their attack smashing through your defence.

You stagger backwards, caught off-guard by the powerful attack. Attempt to counterattack, but your swing is deflected by your opponent.

Your foe strikes you again, stabbing a blade into your chest. As you stumble backwards, you finally get a good look at this killer.

Slim and lithe, they appears be a woman, but are covered in sleek overlapping plates of armour with glowing red eyes made of glass. Two guns jut out of her shoulders whilst a pair of blades are sticking out of each waist just above the hands. Her body has already splotches of blood on it while you pick out a couple of bullet dents.

You swing out wildly at your opponent, but you fail miserably at hitting her as the woman seems to have abilities like your own whilst also being a better fighter.

The woman jams another blade into you as you once again fail to fend her off, but this time, you grit your teeth and take it as your body begins to heal the earliest injury.

You take another swing at her, but she ducks with a step back. You get a second of breathing room before your opponents is in your face again, another blade lodged in your flesh.

Snarling as you feel a moment of pain before that injury and your other wounds heal, you try to headbutt your foe, but she easily dodges it. She attempts to stab you again, but you are able to parry it enough that the blade ends up just glancing off of your armour.

Alas, your moment of holding your own ends swiftly as it came as the woman flies into air using a pair of momentary fires on her back before kicking you in the face and slashing your neck with one of her blades as she comes down.

In pain and off-balance, you are unable to make any noteworthy attacks against your opponent before she comes as you again. She stabs you in the back, keeping you off balanced and unable to recover.

You lash out wildly, but as you expect, it is completely ineffective. In return, your foe slams you against the wall before hitting you around the head.

You blink in surprise as the world fades to black.


So that was unexpected and unplanned. What happens next?
Since the dice seem to dislike Knight Errant right now, you have been captured in your first supervillain fight so I'm going to have to scrap my originally planned choices and ask you guys to pick how this situation will be resolved. Feedback would be welcome.
[] Knight Errant escapes on her own.
[] Knight Errant is rescued.
[] Write-in

Knight Errant sneaks up on Empty Eye guards
Stealth Test vs Perception: 18+8 vs 6+2 = 26 vs 8 , Passed Test by four degrees of success.

Mechanical Killer sneaks up on Knight Errant
Stealth vs Perception: 10+8 vs 18+7 = 18 vs 25, Knight Errant notices Mechanical Killer,

Initiative Roll:
Knight Errant: 17+6 = 23
Mechanical Killer: 19+8 = 27

1) Mechanical Killer attacks Knight Errant
Gauntlet Blade Attack, DC17: 6+19 = 25, Successful Hit
Toughness, DC22: 2+13 = 15, Knight Errant suffers 1 Damage and is Dazed,

1) Knight Errant attacks Mechanical Killer
Unarmed Attack, DC19: 2+9 = 11, Miss,

2) Mechanical Killer attacks Knight Errant
Gauntlet Blade Attack, DC17: 16+9 = 25, Successful Hit
Toughness, DC27: 3+12 = 15, Knight Errant suffers 1 Damage and is Staggered,

2) Knight Errant attacks Mechanical Killer
Unarmed Attack, DC24: 14+9 = 23, Miss,

3) Mechanical Killer attacks Knight Errant
Gauntlet Blade Attack, DC17: 15+9 = 24, Successful Hit
Toughness, DC27: 19+10 = 29, Knight Errant is unharmed,

3) Knight Errant attacks Mechanical Killer
Unarmed Attack, DC24: 7+9 = 15, Miss,
Knight Errant regenerates 1 Damage.

4) Mechanical Killer attacks Knight Errant
Gauntlet Blade Attack, DC17: 11+9 = 20, Successful Hit,
Toughness, DC27: 15+11 = 23, Knight Errant suffers 1 Damage,

4) Knight Errant attacks Mechanical Killer
Unarmed Attack, DC24: 7+9 = 15, Miss,
Knight Errant regenerates 1 Damage and recovers from Staggered.

5) Mechanical Killer attacks Knight Errant
Gauntlet Blade Attack, DC17: 8+9 = 17, Successful Hit
Toughness, DC27: 20+13 = 33, Knight Errant is unharmed,

5) Knight Errant attacks Mechanical Killer
Unarmed Attack, DC24: 7+9 = 15, Miss,
Knight Errant regenerates 1 Damage.

6) Mechanical Killer attacks Knight Errant
Gauntlet Blade Attack, DC17: 10+9 = 19, Successful Hit
Toughness, DC27: 2+13 = 15, Knight Errant suffers 1 Damage and is Staggered,

6) Knight Errant attacks Mechanical Killer
Unarmed Attack, DC24: 7+9 = 15, Miss,

7) Mechanical Killer attacks Knight Errant
Gauntlet Blade Attack, DC17: 14+9 = 23, Successful Hit
Toughness, DC27: 5+12 = 17, Knight Errant suffers 1 Damage and is Dazed,

7) Knight Errant attacks Mechanical Killer
Unarmed Attack, DC24: 5+9 = 13, Miss,
Knight Errant regenerates 1 Damage and recovers from Staggered.

8) Mechanical Killer attacks Knight Errant
Gauntlet Blade Attack, DC17: 20+9 = 29, Successful Critical Hit
Toughness, DC32: 2+12 = 14, Knight Errant suffers 1 Damage and is Incapacitated,

Mechanical Killer captures Knight Errant
??? vs Regeneration = 19+??? vs 1+6 = ??? vs Critical Failure, Knight Errant is captured.
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[JK] Knight Errant Kills the Mysterious Mechanical Killer by sheer luck!

[X] Knight Errant escapes on her own (We jump out the window or solid wall and make a run for it)
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It's a little frustrating, but it's not like we're all that weak, it just seems to be bad luck with the dice.

[X] Knight Errant is rescued.

Might be less satisfying than escaping on our own, but could also gain us a new ally. Here's hoping at least.
This is frustrating, our performance has been frustrating.
It's a little frustrating, but it's not like we're all that weak, it just seems to be bad luck with the dice.

Yeah, it was rather annoying on my end as well and you did extremely unlucky with the dice. My original plan was to have to place a vote on how Knight Errant would approach this fight after she was no longer fully on the defensive and got her own attack in, but she just got her ass kicked before that could happen. I could have ignored the dice, but I feel it is dishonest and mildly pathetic to just ignore the results when you happen to dislike them and they aren't what you expected or wanted so I stuck with them.

By the way, your foe is a mixture of a fragile speedster/glass canon so all you would have needed to do is get a few hits in to take her out.
Vote closed.
Vote Tally : Original - Alt. History - Superhero - Second Age of Heroes (Mutants and Mastermind Quest) | Page 8 | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 193-198]
##### NetTally 1.9.7
[X] Knight Errant escapes on her own
No. of Votes: 2
[X] Knight Errant is rescued.
No. of Votes: 2
Total No. of Voters: 4

Rescued it is.

Edit: And the dice rolls in the actual update say that both are going to happen simultaneously.
Oshha threw 1 2-faced dice. Reason: 1 Total: 2
2 2
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