Second Age of Heroes (Mutants and Mastermind Quest)

I am sad that i was to late with the power vote and boring and possibly useless Enhanced Body compared to all other powers is nearly wining
When does this vote close?
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I am sad that i was to late with the power vote and boring and possibly useless Enhanced Body compared to all other powers is nearly wining
When does this vote close?

Vote is just closed. I made the edit to my tally post while you were making the above post. By the way, Enhanced Body isn't useless, it just gives boosts to physical and mental stats that can go into superhuman levels, similar to Captain America.
I think enhanced body will be the most effective as a knight.
Origins III
[X] [Power] Enhanced Body (Enhanced stats across the board)
[X] [Region] Duchy of Orleans


You are Frederica Le Blanc and you live in the Duchy of Orleans. The Duchy of Orleans is ruled by Duchess Gwenhwyfar Rhys, a forty one year old duchess who recently inherited the title from her late father, Morfarch Rhys. The Duchess is said to be fair hand at the game of intrigue and to be physically fit and attractive for her age. However, she is always rumoured to be a paranoid, untrusting sort of woman who indulges in many vices and no virtues.


Powers: Here you get to decide what sort of family Federica comes from. Please note that all options have an equal amount of points assigned to them.
[] [Family] You come from a family of local nobles. While you aren't too high up in the aristocracy, your family owns land, is rather rich and you enjoy one of the higher positions in the social pecking order. Presence. Expertise: Noble,
[] [Family] Your family has a proud military tradition to it. Your family has served for many generation with your father an officer within the military and your mother a retired sergeant. Fighting. Close Combat: Sword, Ranged Combat: Pistol,
[] [Family] Your family are craftsman, serving in the city by producing their goods and selling them to the populace or the traders. Intellect. Expertise: Craftsman,
[] [Family] You are an orphan, your parents dying while you were young. Since then you done your best to raise yourself. Awareness. Insight.

: Pick the background of Federica and decide what she did whilst growing up. Pick 2 with the 2 with the most votes winning. Please note that all options have an equal amount of points assigned to them.
[] [Background] You train regularly doing your best to stay fit and strong in order to join the army when you are old enough. Strength, Stamina, Agility. Athletics & Acrobatics.
[] [Background] You hang out in the back alleys of the city, hanging out with thieves and other criminals. Awareness, Dexterity. Stealth, Sleight of Hand, Deception,
[] [Background] You like to go out and get involved in street fights, something which didn't go in your favour fairly often. Stamina, Strength, Fighting. Close Combat: Unarmed, Intimidation,
[] [Background] You like to socialise with others and are an outgoing socialite. Presence, Awareness. Insight, Persuasion, Deception,
[] [Background] You like to get involved in book and spent plenty of time at the library, learning useful stuff. Intellect. Expertise: History, Expertise: Culture,
[] [Background] You like to study science and technology and did your best to keep with the latest studies and inventions. Intellect. Expertise Science, Technology, Vehicles,
[] [Background] You volunteer and help out at the local church, a girl of faith and virtue. Awareness, Presence. Expertise: Christianity, Treatment, Insight,

: Pick from one of three cities from within the Duchy of Orleans. There are others cities as well, but they are not up for selection.
[] [City] Orleans
[] [City] Avaricon
[] [City] Carnutum
[X] Plan: Maximum Kombat Powah
- [X] [Family] Your family has a proud militarytradition to it. Your family has served formany generation with your father an officerwithin the military and your mother aretired sergeant. Fighting. Close Combat:Sword, Ranged Combat: Pistol,
- [X] [Background] You train regularly doingyour best to stay fit and strong in order tojoin the army when you are old enough.Strength, Stamina, Agility. Athletics &Acrobatics.
- [X] [Background] You like to go out and get involved in street fights, something whichdidn't go in your favour fairly often.Stamina, Strength, Fighting. CloseCombat: Unarmed, Intimidation,

- [X] [City] Orleans
[X] [Family] Your family has a proud military tradition to it. Your family has served for many generation with your father an officer within the military and your mother a retired sergeant. Fighting. Close Combat:Sword, Ranged Combat: Pistol,
[X] [Background] You train regularly doing your best to stay fit and strong in order to join the army when you are old enough.Strength, Stamina, Agility. Athletics &Acrobatics.
[X] [Background] You like to socialise with others and are an outgoing socialite. Presence, Awareness. Insight, Persuasion, Deception,
[X] [City] Orleans
Corrupt Government Official?

Sounds like a job for a Detective! A super Detective breaking into homes without a permit! For only the low, low, price of your vote, you too can expose and depose evil overlords!

[X] Plan Super Ninja Sleuth
-[X] [Family] You are an orphan, your parents dying while you were young. Since then you done your best to raise yourself. Awareness. Insight.
-[X] [Background] You hang out in the back alleys of the city, hanging out with thieves and other criminals. Awareness, Dexterity. Stealth, Sleight of Hand, Deception,
-[X] [Background] You like to socialise with others and are an outgoing socialite. Presence, Awareness. Insight, Persuasion, Deception,
-[X] [City] Orleans

Let's veer away from the typical combat focused builds, and try for the more "Drop tips and evidence for the police and other trustworthy officials" kind of hero.
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[X] Plan Deus Vult
[X] [Family] You come from a family of local nobles. While you aren't too high up in the aristocracy, your family owns land, is rather rich and you enjoy one of the higher positions in the social pecking order. Presence. Expertise: Noble,
[X] [Background] You like to go out and get involved in street fights, something which didn't go in your favour fairly often. Stamina, Strength, Fighting. Close Combat: Unarmed, Intimidation,
[X] [Background] You volunteer and help out at the local church, a girl of faith and virtue. Awareness, Presence. Expertise: Christianity, Treatment, Insight,
[X] [City] Orleans
I'm going to call the vote soon so I can build Federica's character sheet before going to bed. Any last minute votes should be placed in the next hour.
Vote closed:
Vote Tally : Original - Alt. History - Superhero - Second Age of Heroes (Mutants and Mastermind Quest) | Page 3 | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 55-59]
##### NetTally 1.9.7

——————————————————————————————————————————————Task: Family
- [X][Family] Your family has a proud militarytradition to it. Your family has served formany generation with your father an officerwithin the military and your mother aretired sergeant. Fighting. Close Combat:Sword, Ranged Combat: Pistol,
No. of Votes: 2
-[X][Family] You are an orphan, your parents dying while you were young. Since then you done your best to raise yourself. Awareness. Insight.
No. of Votes: 2
[X][Family] You come from a family of local nobles. While you aren't too high up in the aristocracy, your family owns land, is rather rich and you enjoy one of the higher positions in the social pecking order. Presence. Expertise: Noble,
No. of Votes: 1

——————————————————————————————————————————————Task: Background
-[X][Background] You like to socialise with others and are an outgoing socialite. Presence, Awareness. Insight, Persuasion, Deception,
No. of Votes: 3
- [X][Background] You train regularly doingyour best to stay fit and strong in order tojoin the army when you are old enough.Strength, Stamina, Agility. Athletics &Acrobatics.
No. of Votes: 2
- [X][Background] You like to go out and get involved in street fights, something whichdidn't go in your favour fairly often.Stamina, Strength, Fighting. CloseCombat: Unarmed, Intimidation,
No. of Votes: 2
-[X][Background] You hang out in the back alleys of the city, hanging out with thieves and other criminals. Awareness, Dexterity. Stealth, Sleight of Hand, Deception,
No. of Votes: 2
[X][Background] You volunteer and help out at the local church, a girl of faith and virtue. Awareness, Presence. Expertise: Christianity, Treatment, Insight,
No. of Votes: 1

——————————————————————————————————————————————Task: City
- [X][City] Orleans
No. of Votes: 5
Total No. of Voters: 5

For contested votes, I flipped a coin (family)/rolled a dice (background 2).
So I have been doing votes by Task so far, but since most people voted in a plan this last vote, would voters like me to do that from now on or perhaps something else?
Character Sheet - Knight Errant
Knight Errant
Name: Federica Le Blanc
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Power Level 10

Enhanced Body- Biological: Innate,
-Abilities: Enhanced Strength 5, Enhanced Stamina 5, Enhanced Agility 5, Enhanced Dexterity 5, Enhanced Fighting 3, Enhanced Intellect 3, Enhanced Awareness 3, Enhanced Presence 3, Impervious Toughness 5,
-Movement: Speed 3 (16 KMPH), Quickness 2, Swimming 1, Leaping 1, Sure-Footed 1, Improved Initiative I,
-Regeneration: Regeneration 8 (0.8 per a round),
-Senses: Analytical Lowlight Extended 2 Vision, Analytical Extended 2 Hearing, Acute Extended 1 Smelling, Acute Extended 1 Tasting, Acute Extended 1 Touching, Time Sense,
-Feature: Attractive II, Eidetic Memory, Temporal Inertia,
-Allure: Affliction 1 (1 - Entrances, 2 - Compelled, 3 - Controlled), Defence = Will, Limited to Visual & Penalty to those not normally attracted, Cumulative,

Strength: 7
Stamina: 7
Agility: 6
Dexterity: 6
Fighting: 5
Intellect: 4
Awareness: 7
Presence: 6

Dodge: 8
Fortitude: 8
Parry: 7
Toughness: 7/Impervious 5 (13)
Will: 7

Initiative +6
Unarmed +9: Close, Damage 8, Critical 20,
Sword +8: Damage 10, Slashing, Critical 19-20,
Pistol +6: Ranged Damage 3, Critical 20

Close Combat: Unarmed 4 (9)
Close Combat: Sword 3 (8)
Expertise: Christianity 1 (5)
Deception 6 (12)
Insight 7 (14)
Intimidation 2 (8)
Persuasion 6 (12)
Stealth 4 (10)

Assessment: Use Insight to learn an opponent's combat capabilities.
Attractive 2: +5 Circumstance bonus to interaction based on your looks.
Connected: Call in assistance or favours with a Persuasion check.
Benefit (High Life Social Connections): Between your beautiful looks and charming personality, you have gained access to the high life of the city of Orleans.
Benefit (Father Fionn Killian): You have revealed your secret to the local priest and he has offered you his aid in your personal crusade against the dark side of Orleans.
Eidetic Memory: Total recall, +5 circumstance bonus to remember things.
Fascinate (Deception): Use an interaction skill to entrance others.
Great Endurance: +5 on checks involving endurance
Improved Defence: +2 bonus to active defence when you take the defend action.
Improved Hold: –5 circumstance penalty to escape from your holds.

Code (Live by the Sword, die by the Sword): Taking another human life is an evil act even if it is something necessary and the right thing to do. As of such, Knight Errant won't take a life if it is within her power to avoid doing so.

Sword: Damage 3, Slashing, Critical 19-20
Plate Armour: Protection 6, +1 to Unarmed Damage,
Light Pistol: Ranged Damage 3,
Stealth Outfit: +2 to Stealth Checks,
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Character Creation should always go with Vote by Plan to ensure there's a coberent idea behind a character and not just a mish mash of traits.
I'll try to remember that in the future. Still, we got Frederica now so please tell me what you think of her so far.
She's a bit more rough and tough than I would like since I wanted to veer away from the combat-oriented type of protags, but we can still go do Detective things with her even if she can't stay stealthy when breaking in.
She's a bit more rough and tough than I would like since I wanted to veer away from the combat-oriented type of protags, but we can still go do Detective things with her even if she can't stay stealthy when breaking in.

She can still do stealthy as she has the speed and senses to avoid getting detected or spotted. As for going detective, you can still go that route in near-future votes and learn stealth relatively quickly if you attempt to use it.
Origins IV
[X] [Family] You are an orphan, your parents dying while you were young. Since then you done your best to raise yourself. Awareness. Insight.
[X] [Background] You like to socialise with others and are an outgoing socialite. Presence, Awareness. Insight, Persuasion, Deception,
[X] [Background] You like to go out and get involved in street fights, something which didn't go in your favour fairly often. Stamina, Strength, Fighting. Close Combat: Unarmed, Intimidation,
[X] [City] Orleans


You are Frederica Le Blanc and you are special. You know that much for certain given how you changed over the last couple of months. It came as a shock when it first started and you still don't know what is more shocking, the sheer speed and strength that your body now has or your appearance.

You personally lean towards the latter as while being able to jump off of buildings and bend steel is cool, you only do that some of the time while your appearance is always there and noticeable. You glance down at the body in question, your chest bouncing slightly with each step. Of the changes to your appearance, your curves are the ones that stick out to you. Sure you have glossy, wavy and golden hair that falls down to your shoulders while your lush skin is without imperfection and whilst you have glistening blue eyes along with lips that are full and plump. But most of all, your curves are the main change to your body that sticks out to you. You weren't flat or anything before, but you sure as Haer didn't have a figure three months ago. Now you have generous curves in all the right places with wide hips, a nice butt, a snuck waist and a large set of cleavage.

And by Thor's Whores is your cleavage is big as when you can't even see your feet anymore, just two mounds of flesh that jut out. At least they don't wait a ton and hurt your back like you hear other women with large chests complain about.

Impressive as it is, your chest or even your other curves aren't the best part of the changes to your body. No, the real cool stuff is hidden beneath your new beautiful exterior. You can punch through metal, take pretty much anything a human can deal out without resorting to serious weaponry, never lose your balance, run fast enough to keep up with vehicles and a bunch of other things that should be impossible for a mere human to accomplish even if nothing is really too out there. To be honest, you haven't had too much opportunity to test your new physical limits yet.

And then you got your senses as you can see and hear further than anyone else in addition to having the rest of your senses be more refined and accurate. Oh, your hearing. You can just pick out voices from so darn far away. Then you got your ability to perfectly see things at the other end of the street. Combined with your ability to always keep track of what the time, your senses are closer to something inhuman than those of a normal person. Though the time sense is probably due to the changes to your mind.

Because since the changes to your body weren't enough, whatever did this decided to improve your mind as well. You have a pretty much perfect memory of whatever has happened since you started getting your new abilities. Your mind is so much sharper and your general awareness of what is going on around you has improved significantly. And that isn't even mentioning your superior ability to follow social cues and manipulate other people.

For all intents and purposes, the entirety of you has been improved to be just better and you wouldn't be surprised if the changes applied to your soul as well.

The main problem you had was keeping things secret. While it was a spread out over a couple of months, the changes were still unnaturally rapid. Nonetheless, you were able to play upon what people figured was naturally possible and alongside keeping your other newfound abilities secret, were able to convince folks that you were just a late bloomer and you hadn't grown that much. After all, such levels of growth weren't possible after all?

Other than convincing people that you weren't experiencing anything abnormal, you also had to deal with the fact that you were rapidly outgrowing all of your old clothes. Especially since you kept outgrowing the new clothing you were buying and you couldn't just keep buying more without running out of money or drawing undue attention about why you needed to keep buying new clothing.

Instead you resorted to alternative methods, using the new assets granted to you that were causing the problems in the first place. You had good social skills from spending your spare time hanging out with other kids, but it turns out that a nice rack and a charming smile can get you places that wouldn't otherwise be inaccessible to a poor orphan. While it does leave you feeling mildly disgusted, it works well. You flirt with a rich boy, he spends his parent's money on getting you some nice clothes and you both win in the end as you get some free clothing and he gets to spend a night with a beauty in his arms. Not in his bed of course. You are not pulling that sort of stuff. You make that abundantly clear to any boy you met and no amount of whining, threats or bribes convince you otherwise.

You would normally be worried about getting a bad reputation about such activities, perhaps one as a whore, but the opposite seems to have happened. Between your adamant refusal to sell yourself in bed and your willingness to only respectable outfits, you have gained yourself a reputation as a something of a non-sexual courtesan for the male youth of your age. A young lady to be courted and brought as a date to social events, paid in gifts that do not consist of only clothing. Especially since the rumours of you growing more beautiful by the day, though that rumour isn't true any longer. You even have the rich male part of the youth seeking you out to be their companion for the night. With the boys entranced with your looks, you just needed to deal with the female side of the rich and aristocratic youth. Fortunately your charms, sharp wit and honed social skills along with an unmatched mind allow you woo them and gain their social affections to the point that you have both the boys and girls of the upstanding youth seeking you out for different reasons.

What turned out to be just an attempt to gain you new clothing that fitted you as now resulted in an overflowing wardrobe of outfits that show off your beauty and entry into the high life of the city of Orleans that can be cultivated into something more.

And that isn't all you been doing either. You have always gotten into street fights as a kid. You enjoyed the thrill of a nice friendly fight and even if you got your arse kicked most of the time, you pretty much always had a good time. But that was in the past. With the reign of the new duchess, the streets have gotten rougher and nastier as crime and corruption is allowed to slowly flourish in the city under her rule. With that happening, real criminal fight rings are displacing or driving out the old friendly street fights that you liked to enjoy. Perhaps that isn't too bad a thing as while you miss the fights, less folks would be willing to fight a girl with your looks and with enough fights, you would definitely give away your abilities by accident in the heat of the moment.

And yet you are still unsure about how to feel about your low-life style being replaced by a high-life style. Perhaps it is neither good nor bad and is just something different to what you are used.

As much as you would just like to fade out of your old life on the streets and rise into the high life of society, you have no doubts that you got your new abilities for a reason. Just as a corrupt and sinful Duchess takes up rule over the duchy and slowly begins to plunge the duchy and the city into a slow decay into a crime-ridden dump as she lived up her life, you gained the power to do something about it. Sure the Emperor would eventually find out and do something about Duchess Rhys, but who knows how many people would suffer under the reign of the duchess in the meantime? How many lives ruined and how much damage done before her evil is brought to a halt?

No, something needs to be done and by the Lord Almighty, you will not sit idly by.


Pick Frederica's motive for being a hero.
[] [Motive] Doing Good.
[] [Motive] Justice.
[] [Motive] Patriotism.
[] [Motive] Responsibility.

The First Outing:
You want to go out and aid the people of Orleans. But how to do so?
[] [Outing] You want to be a hero? Keep things simple by going after some street criminals.
[] [Outing] You want to protect the local community. The best way to do that is to patrol the local neighbourhood and eliminate
[] [Outing] The local organised crime is growing strong under the reign of Duchess Rhys. You could try and make a stand against them by going after one of the local gangs of note.
-[] [Outing] The Snake Crew.
-[] [Outing] The Empty Eyes.
-[] [Outing] The Grey Boars.
[] [Outing] Write-in.

Who did you tell about your powers?:
It was too dangerous to reveal your abilities openly. There is too much of a risk of you being declared a heretic, a pagan or even a demon. Or Duchess would try and enlist you in her sinful crimes. Perhaps both. But there might be one person you can tell....
[] [Friend] No One. Telling anybody would be too much of a risk for both you and them.
[] [Friend] The Orphan. Rebecca Pichard is your best friend in the orphanage. If you can trust anybody, it is her.
[] [Friend] The Smith. William Craig is one of your closest childhood friends and works at his family's blacksmith. He can aid you in your adventures.
[] [Friend] The Priest. Father Fionn Killian is the priest in charge of running the local Church you visit every Saturday. He can aid you in dealing with these newfound abilities.
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[X] [Motive] Doing Good.
[X] [Outing] You want to be a hero? Keep things simple by going after some street criminals.
-[X] [Outing] The Empty Eyes.
[X] [Friend] The Priest. Father Fionn Killian is the priest in charge of running the local Church you visit every Saturday. He can aid you in dealing with these newfound abilities.

Let's start small and inconspicuous, nothing you can't attribute to someone being a good samaritan. We don't want to draw attention, not when we want to play Detective later on.
[X] [Motive] Doing Good.
[X] [Outing] You want to be a hero? Keep things simple by going after some street criminals.
-[X] [Outing] The Empty Eyes.
[X] [Friend] The Priest. Father Fionn Killian is the priest in charge of running the local Church you visit every Saturday. He can aid you in dealing with these newfound abilities.
[X] [Motive] Doing Good.
[X] [Outing] You want to be a hero? Keep things simple by going after some street criminals.
-[X] [Outing] The Empty Eyes.
[X] [Friend] The Priest. Father Fionn Killian is the priest in charge of running the local Church you visit every Saturday. He can aid you in dealing with these newfound abilities.
[X] [Motive] Doing Good.
[X] [Outing] You want to be a hero? Keep things simple by going after some street criminals.
-[X] [Outing] The Empty Eyes.
[X] [Friend] The Priest. Father Fionn Killian is the priest in charge of running the local Church you visit every Saturday. He can aid you in dealing with these newfound abilities.

I want to say yes, but given I don't know what those are and google is failing me, I'm going to ask for me details on what those are first.
Too late, but for future reference feng shui is the arrangement of land/objects so as to channel and filter energy such that positive energy (the definition of "positive" is highly contingent upon the desired end result due to the variety of energies that exist in taoist philosophy) is pooled in the desired places. e.g., houses have a door in a certain section, if wealthy tend to have a pool, clean air is desirable, a block immediately at the door hampers energy and softens its flow within the house, rivers/oceans make the people near them more flexible but manipulative, mountains make people stubborn but trustworthy, etc.
Geomancy is the arrangement of runes/land/buildings/land-uses (e.g. farms, mining) such that geomantic/astral energy in the form of ley lines, ropes, threads, etc. (in declining order of strength) cross in desired places, creating pools of energy (nexus/nexi) in the desired location, where the energy can be extracted (by mages or other geomantic arrangements) in order to reduce the requirements for certain actions or to create a desired effect over time due to the saturation w/ energy that results. e.g. redirecting a stream over a ley line frays it and makes magic in the area easier but dilutes it further along its length, planting a garden where ley lines cross results in lusher and more magically potent plants, if you leave a quartz crystal under the full moon on a mountain it will absorb moon energy and can be used to [make you more beautiful, turn people into wolves, get rid of curses, apply curses on others, force people to love you].

I.e., in general it is the redirection of energy through earth to achieve a desired purpose in a steady and sustainable fashion. More rarely, such energy can be stored in things of earth (crystals, metal) and discharged for more powerful but short-lived effects.
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[x] [Motive] Patriotism.
[x] [Outing] The local organised crime is growing strong under the reign of Duchess Rhys. You could try and make a stand against them by going after one of the local gangs of note.
-[x] [Outing] The Empty Eyes.
[x] [Friend] The Orphan. Rebecca Pichard is your best friend in the orphan. If you can trust anybody, it is her.
Vote closed because I want to start writing the next update and there is a clear majority.
Vote Tally : Original - Alt. History - Superhero - Second Age of Heroes (Mutants and Mastermind Quest) | Page 3 | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 68-72]
##### NetTally 1.9.7
Task: Motive
[X][Motive] Doing Good.
No. of Votes: 4
[x][Motive] Patriotism.
No. of Votes: 1

——————————————————————————————————————————————Task: Outing
[X][Outing] You want to be a hero? Keep things simple by going after some street criminals.
-[X][Outing] The Empty Eyes.
No. of Votes: 4
[x][Outing] The local organised crime is growing strong under the reign of Duchess Rhys. You could try and make a stand against them by going after one of the local gangs of note.
-[x][Outing] The Empty Eyes.
No. of Votes: 1

——————————————————————————————————————————————Task: Friend
[X][Friend] The Priest. Father Fionn Killian is the priest in charge of running the local Church you visit every Saturday. He can aid you in dealing with these newfound abilities.
No. of Votes: 4
[x][Friend] The Orphan. Rebecca Pichard is your best friend in the orphan. If you can trust anybody, it is her.
No. of Votes: 1
Total No. of Voters: 5
Origins V
[X] [Motive] Doing Good.
[X] [Outing] You want to be a hero? Keep things simple by going after some street criminals.
-[X] [Outing] The Empty Eyes.
[X] [Friend] The Priest. Father Fionn Killian is the priest in charge of running the local Church you visit every Saturday. He can aid you in dealing with these newfound abilities.


You decide to tell the head priest at your local church, Father Fionn Killian. If anybody could aid you in what you must do and can be trusted with your secrets, it is the man of God who has known you for most of your life.

You head down one evening when hardly anybody if anyone at all should be about. While you wear a light blue gown that can't help, but show off your curves like all of your clothing these days and a light grey cloak around your body to conceal your good looks, you stride down the dark streets.

You doubt anybody would try and jump you and even if they did, you have could certainly take them with ease. But you can never be too certain on the streets at night anymore and even if you have nothing to worry about should something happen, you have no desire to draw undue attention to yourself if you can help it.

As you approach the church, you let out an internal sigh of relief as only hear one person moving about inside and recognise the voice as that of Father Fionn even as you know that he would never leave the church alone with someone else in it if the old Irishman can help it.

"Father Fionn," you say as you enter the church, "May I speak with you? It is important."

The Irish priest is a stout man, a little on the short side, but with plenty of muscles from his day as a soldier. His formerly red hair is now mostly grey and cut short while his blue eyes are as sharp as ever. Despite his age, Father Fionn has kept his strengths and skills up and is one of the strongest, toughest folks that you have the honour of knowing.

Furthermore, he is a kind and caring person with a fatherly personality that fits his job so well. This man knows many of your secrets already even if none of them are as big as the one you are about to share.

You are also confident that Father Fionn knows you well enough to be convinced that you aren't some kind of demon or pagan. You hope that kindly old priest would have some advice on convincing others of that truth.

"Ah Frederica, my child," replies Father Fionn in a genial voice as he greets your arrival with a smile, "I am pleased to see you again. It has been a while since you last came here. I was briefly worried that you had strayed into a path of sin with your recent activities, but all I have heard is that you have resisted the temptation. With that knowledge, I can only be pleased at the success you are gaining for yourself. A mere orphan such as yourself gaining entry into the higher social circles of life whilst staying firmly on a path of Christian virtue despite all of the temptation? Truly outstanding. But judging from your reaction, that is not what you came here to speak to me about?"

"No Father," you reply as the moment of truth comes to hand, "Two months ago, some unnatural changes came over me and have only recently come to a halt."

"Unnatural changes?" repeats Father Fionn with a frown on his face, "What are you talking about? Is this the reason you have not attended the Church's services in over a month?"

"That is correct Father," you answer, "As for the changes..."

You decide that the best way is too demonstrate as clear, undeniable evidence will swiftly convince the veteran soldier.

Calculating how high and far you will need to jump in your head, you leap into the air. Soaring through the air, you were careful to make sure you didn't crash into anything and you come down with a gentle thud on the other side of the Church and Father Fionn.

"That is just one amongst many other things that I am now capable off," you tell the flabbergasted priest, "I can also bend steel with my bare hands and run faster than anyone else and I am super tough now as well and I can't forget anything and my hearing and sight is just so much better and well..."

As your words come to an end, you unfasten your cloak and shrug it off, letting it drop to the floor and revealing what is beneath. You have chosen a particularly flattering dress in order to empathise how much your body has changed.

"My appearance has also changed," you inform Father Fionn as the man upholds his vows by not staring like many of his gender would, "The reason my life style has changed is due to the fact that I need clothing to wear and I swiftly ran out of money to buy more clothing along with excuses to do so. So I decided to use my new looks to convince rich boys to buy some more clothing for me in exchange for me spending time in their company. It seemed fair enough. I get free clothing that I need while they only spend a bit of their parent's money whilst getting to spend a night in the presences of a pretty girl. Then one thing lead to another and that is how I became so well-known to the rich socialites of the city."

"I see," says Father Fionn, "Why don't you come into the back with me to continue this discussion somewhere more private? Perhaps you would like to put your cloak back on?"

"I would like that Father," you inform Father Fionn.


"That is quite the story child," says Father Fionn finally after you finished telling him about your abilities, "I believe of course, but it is still a lot to take in. What do you intend to do next Frederica?"

"Orleans is falling into corruption and sin," you tell Father Fionn, looking him right in the eye, "Duchess Rhys is source of the problem, allowing corruption to seep into the authorities and empowering the criminal underworld. She needs to be stop and somebody has to take her down. And just as things are being to take a turn truly for a worse, I gain my powers. I do not believe this is a mere coincidence. Just as evil begins to take firm roots into the city, I gain a great capability for good."
"And what do you desire child?" asks Father Fionn softly.

"To do good," you answer without hesitation, "I seek to fight evil and help people. I wish to do good deeds and make this world a better place."

"A good answer," mutters Father Fionn before speaking up, "I too do not believe this to be a mere coincidence. God works in mysterious ways and I believe what you have experienced to be his work. Contrary to your fears, you have not fallen to demons or nonbelievers, but have been blessed by the Lord himself. Deus Vult."

"Deus Vult?" you repeat, echoing the battle-cry of the Crusaders in a questioning tone.

"Deus Vult," confirms Father Fionn, "Your powers and the desire to do good with them is all part of God's plan. I shall aid you in this crusade of yours. Orleans needs a knight in shining armour right now and you are perfect for this job."


To keep your identity secret, you must assume a persona whilst being a crime-fight hero.
[] [Name] Paladin.
[] [Name] Crusader.
[] [Name] Knight Errant.
[] [Name] Deus Vult.
[] [Name] Write-in. (Must be something knight-themed.)

Your Outfit:
Father Fionn has been able to acquire a set of equipment for your crime-fighting persona.
[] [Outfit] A Sword, a Medium Shield and Leather Armour.
[] [Outfit] A Sword, a Light Shield and Plate-Mail Armour.
[] [Outfit] A Sword and Plate Armour.
[] [Outfit] A Light Shield and Plate Armour.
[] [Outfit] A Sword, Leather Armour, a Shortbow, Arrows
[] [Outfit] Write-in. (I reserve the right to veto them or refine them into something via.)

Where shall you live?:
While you can continue to live at the orphanage, Father Fionn has a proposal.
[] [Home] The Church. Father Fionn has offered to let you live and work at the church, allowing you better access to your base of operations and a convenient cover for your crusade as holy activities.
[] [Home] The Orphanage. You shall continue living at the orphanage like you have for most of your life.
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[X] [Name] Knight Errant.
[X] [Outfit] A Sword and Plate Armour.
[X] [Home] The Church. Father Fionn has offered to let you live and work at the church, allowing you better access to your base of operations and a convenient coverfor your crusade as holy activities.

[:V] [Outfit] Iron Man Armor.