[X] [Knight] Subtle. Sneaking in and acquiring evidence to bring to an authority thing will be the best solution.
[X] [Cope] Embrace It. Despite all of the problems it will cause her, Frederica will embrace her bisexuality.
[X] [Knight] Subtle. Sneaking in and acquiring evidence to bring to an authority thing will be the best solution.
[X] [Cope] Embrace It/Reject It. With two identities, Frederica will embrace her bisexuality in one whilst concealing it in the other.
The best way to solve crime isn't by beating criminals up black and blue until they give in, that just creates power vacuums for more criminals. Instead, the key to it is a strong, well-supported police force.
We scratch the law's back, and they'll scratch ours.
As for our bisexuality, I'll pick the option for maximum drama. The split between a civilian identity and the superhero identity is a staple of a genre, a good one at that.
I have to say though, Frederica is a very, very repressed and frustrated woman.
[X] [Knight] Authority. You been snooping around for enough rope to hang Sergeant Arpin and his lackeys with and now you have just have to pass it on to a city guard official so the authorities can handle this situation properly.
[X] [Cope] Embrace It/Reject It. With two identities, Frederica will embrace her bisexuality in one whilst concealing it in the other.
Less of that and more of the fact that her sexuality got supernaturally changed along with [Redacted] and it has changed from something that was is socially acceptable to something that has social stigma attached to it. Because of this, she is trying to ignore it, but because she is actively thinking about trying to ignore it, it just stays at the front of her mind and thoughts, such as how trying to not think about something just causes you to think about it.
On another note, why is everybody voting for Subtle? I could see going for Aggressive if you want to crack some skulls together, but if you want evidence to turn over to the authorities, you already have that as you got very lucky when looking for more information, which makes Authority the best vote for turning in evidence to the proper authorities.
On another note, why is everybody voting for Subtle? I could see going for Aggressive if you want to crack some skulls together, but if you want evidence to turn over to the authorities, you already have that as you got very lucky when looking for more information, which makes Authority the best vote for turning in evidence to the proper authorities.
Less of that and more of the fact that her sexuality got supernaturally changed along with [Redacted] and it has changed from something that was is socially acceptable to something that has social stigma attached to it. Because of this, she is trying to ignore it, but because she is actively thinking about trying to ignore it, it just stays at the front of her mind and thoughts, such as how trying to not think about something just causes you to think about it.
On another note, why is everybody voting for Subtle? I could see going for Aggressive if you want to crack some skulls together, but if you want evidence to turn over to the authorities, you already have that as you got very lucky when looking for more information, which makes Authority the best vote for turning in evidence to the proper authorities.
[X] [Knight] Subtle. Sneaking in and acquiring evidence to bring to an authority thing will be the best solution.
[X] [Cope] Deny It. Frederica will deny her bisexuality and not acknowledge its existence.
Most people if having their sexuality forcible changed would deny it. There. Drama. Sigh. Why must all female protagonists be gay on this site? Can't a woman be strong without becoming a fetish symbol?
[X] [Knight] Subtle. Sneaking in and acquiring evidence to bring to an authority thing will be the best solution.
[X] [Cope] Deny It. Frederica will deny her bisexuality and not acknowledge its existence.
Most people if having their sexuality forcible changed would deny it. There. Drama. Sigh. Why must all female protagonists be gay on this site? Can't a woman be strong without becoming a fetish symbol?
Plenty of straight female protags on SV once you step away from the fandoms that have a majority female characters like PMMM. Take Ling Qi from Forge of Destiny for example.
Besides that, the other votes don't really want to turn our protag into a fetish symbol. Doesn't seem like it to me, at least.
[X] [Knight] Subtle. Sneaking in and acquiring evidence to bring to an authority thing will be the best solution.
[X] [Cope] Embrace It/Reject It. With two identities, Frederica will embrace her bisexuality in one whilst concealing it in the other.
Which is what Frederica has been doing, but the dice decided to bring it to a head by having Frederica crit-fail her ability to cope with it by ignoring it (much to my annoyance as I didn't plan for that to happen).
They are not? Besides Frederica is not gay, but a bisexual who strongly prefers men and doesn't like that fact that she has physical attraction towards her own gender.
I can assure you that this will not be a problem. I even addressed this in post by saying I would:
Furthermore, why would you think that Frederica is becoming a fetish symbol? There has been absolutely nothing at all to indicate that happening apart from the guy who suffered the wrath of the mods.
On another note, vote closed:
Vote Tally : Original - Alt. History - Superhero - Second Age of Heroes (Mutants and Mastermind Quest) | Page 6 | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 150-160] ##### NetTally 1.9.7 Task: Knight
[X][Knight] Subtle. Sneaking in and acquiring evidence to bring to an authority thing will be the best solution. No. of Votes: 5
[X][Knight] Authority. You been snooping around for enough rope to hang Sergeant Arpin and his lackeys with and now you have just have to pass it on to a city guard official so the authorities can handle this situation properly. No. of Votes: 1
Task: Cope
[X][Cope] Embrace It/Reject It. With two identities, Frederica will embrace her bisexuality in one whilst concealing it in the other. No. of Votes: 3
I say: [X] [Knight] Authority. You been snooping around for enough rope to hang Sergeant Arpin and his lackeys with and now you have just have to pass it on to a city guard official so the authorities can handle this situation properly.
[X] [Cope] Deny It. Frederica will deny her bisexuality and not acknowledge its existence.
Edit: I was too late, the vote is closed.
[X] [Knight] Authority. You been snooping around for enough rope to hang Sergeant Arpin and his lackeys with and now you have just have to pass it on to a city guard official so the authorities can handle this situation properly.
[X] [Cope] Deny It. Frederica will deny her bisexuality and not acknowledge its existence.
[X] [Knight] Subtle. Sneaking in and acquiring evidence to bring to an authority thing will be the best solution.
[X] [Cope] Embrace It/Reject It. With two identities, Frederica will embrace her bisexuality as Knight Errant whilst rejecting it as Frederica Le Blanc.
Despite having enough evidence to expose Sergeant Gerald Arpin and his lackeys to the proper authorities, you decide that you will still sneak into the Black Alley guard tower and acquire some more.
You seek to find out how far the corruption has spread and the full extent of it. The chance to practice your stealth skills is another bonus on the side.
The approach to the guard tower is simple. Barely anybody pays attention to the rooftops of Orleans at night and you never stick around when you do encounter someone. Not expecting anyone to come at the guard tower, let alone do so from the rooftops, you manage to approach the Black Alley guard tower undetected.
Remembering what Edmond Severin told you, there is a window on one of the upper floors of the guard tower that they are supposed to guard, but none of them actually do that because you would have to be capable of jumping from the rooftop up into the window or have specialised equipment to reach the window.
As the former isn't physically possible for a normal human and the former would be easily noticed, the Black Alley city guards just ignore that entrance. Unfortunately for them, you are not a normal human and are fully capable of jumping that distance.
Judging the right way to jump across the thin air in order to reach the window, you hope that your abilities will be enough to get the job done. Lacking any training or real experience in pulling off jumps, you leap up at the window.
You almost don't make it. As you reach the window, you realise that you are going to fall a bit short. Reaching out, you are able to get a grip on the bottom of the open window even as you slam into the wall of the guard tower with a thud. Using your enhanced speed and strength, you hull yourself up and through the window before anybody below can go looking for what the noise was.
Now in the tower, you have a rough idea of where to go as subtle questions to Edmond Severin the other night have given you the gist of the guard tower's layout.
Sergeant Gerald Arpin keeps most of his records up near the top of the tower, by his quarters and office with the majority of the rest being between in those two places. According to Edmond, old Sarge Arpin is very worried about someone gaining access to his stuff and using it against him so he wants to keep it all in one place as much as possible so he can kept an eye on all of it at once and high up so it is harder to gain access to.
You carefully make your way through the tower. The journey isn't that far as the window you entered through was already on the upper half of the tower. You don't have to worry about being caught too much as half of the city guards operating out of this tower are on patrol or otherwise out of the building while only a third of those remaining are on the upper levels with the rest remaining closer to the ground.
Despite that, you almost get spotted by a guard a couple of times. Fortunately, you are quick enough to get out of sight just in time so while she is suspicious, the guard is willingly to believe that her eyes are just playing tricks on her.
Making your way into the office, you easily force your way past the locked door as you are too strong for it to have any chance of stopping you. Once in, you have no chance of hiding your entry, even after you are physically gone so you don't bother being careful to hide your presence when looking for information.
Ironically, the most obvious evidence is the hardest to find, but once you do find it, you know what you are looking for and find the rest with ease. Snatching a nearby bag, you stuff the documents into it and prepare to leave. While a good portion of the stolen documents will be useless to exposing Sergeant Arpin, you don't have the time right now to search through them and find the actual incriminating ones.
As you prepare to leave, something catches you eye. A brown book that looks untouched and seems to be cast aside. Picking it up, you read the title and raise an eyebrow.
Butchers and Strangers
You decide that it is interesting enough to investigate further and put in your recently acquired bag to look at in proper detail later.
Alas, the exit out of the guard tower isn't as simple as the entry as when you leave, you stumble directly into the suspicious guard from earlier.
Before she can open her mouth to yell a warning for her fellow city guards, you act with inhuman reaction times and reflexes. Punching out with a fist, your left hand smashes into her face and send the guard flying back into a wall, out cold and hopefully with nothing worse than a really bad headache.
Moving quickly as you can before anymore guards come to investigate, you reach the window you entered though and leap out of the window.
It is too late that you realise your mistake as you go crashing through the roof that you intended to land on. However, quick reflexes allow you to shield the evidence from any potential damage.
Swiftly getting to your feet as the crash didn't hurt you and your extra tough body, you leap out of the hole in the roof, making your quick escape.
While your efforts were successful and your attempt to acquire more evidence was successful, you were not subtle at all and your latest actions will be obvious to everyone.
When does Knight Errant give the evidence to the authorities?
You have all of the evidence. Now you just need to decide when you will turn it over to the proper authorities.
[] [Authority] Now. Sergeant Arpin will know all too soon what has happened and if you give him the chance, he will try to cover his arse by painting you in a bad light and turning the authorities against you while they still trust him.
[] [Authority] Later. While Sergeant Arpin will surely be making his own plans in response to your actions, you wish to review the evidence you have collected and look for any useful information.
[] [Authority] Write-in.
How will Knight Errant deliver the evidence?
You need to decide whether you will deliver the evidence in person or leave it to be found by the right person.
[] [Presence] Deliver it personally. You will personally deliver the evidence, but you will have to meet the person you are giving it to.
[] [Presence] Left it to be found. You will be able to avoid having to interact with the person, but you can't guarantee that they will get the evidence intact.
[] [Presence] Write-in.
Knight Errant sneaks up on the guard tower.
Stealth Test, DC10: 4+7 = 11, Passed Test.
Knight Errant remembers a side-entrance to the guard tower.
Intelligence Test, DC5: 12+4 = 16, Passed Test.
Knight Errant leaps into the guard tower.
Athletics Test, DC10: 6+7 = 13, Passed Test.
Knight Errant attempts to avoid detection once in the guard tower:
Stealth vs Perception: 18+4(+6 & -3) vs 12+8 = 22 vs 18, Knight Errant goes undetected.
Knight Errant attempts to avoid detection on her way out of the guard tower:
Stealth vs Perception: 1+4(+6 & -3) vs 3+8 = 5 vs 11, Knight Errant is detected.
Initiative Rolls:
Knight Errant: 20+6 = 26
Black Alley City Guard: 17+2 = 19
1) Knight Errant attacks Black Alley City Guard:
Unarmed Attack, DC18: 20+7 = 27, Critical Hit
Toughness, DC22: 8+5 = 13, Minion Knocked Out.
Knight Errant leaps out of the guard tower.
Athletics Test, DC10: 1+7 = 8, Critically Failed Test.
[X] Now. Sergeant Arpin will know all too soon what has happened and if you give him the chance, he will try to cover his arse by painting you in a bad light and turning the authorities against you while they still trust him.
[X] [Presence] Deliver it personally. You will personally deliver the evidence, but you will have to meet the person you are giving it to.
I'm not seeing how delivering the evidence personally is a way to cope with being bisexual.
Even though we already had sufficient evidence, people still went to acquire more which caused us to have to now deal with the massive hole in the roof we made and the guard we knocked out, now we have to stop the corrupt guard from turning this on us.
But, we did gain the interesting book.
[X] [Authority] Now. Sergeant Arpin will know all too soon what has happened and if you give him the chance, he will try to cover his arse by painting you in a bad light and turning the authorities against you while they still trust him.
[X] [Presence] Deliver it personally. You will personally deliver the evidence, but you will have to meet the person you are giving it to.
And our rolls continue to job. Between the mook fight that should have been a whole lot smoother, and this failed stealth attempt, we better start stacking bonuses.
And our rolls continue to job. Between the mook fight that should have a whole lot smoother, and this failed stealth attempt, we better start stacking bonuses.
Mook fight went super well with you knocking her out before she could even react or alert the other guards? And with stealth, you aren't a stealthy build right now and you went up against folks who has being alert and being on the look out for trouble as a main part of their job. Plus the plate armour isn't helpful towards any stealth attempts.
Mook fight went super well with you knocking her out before she could even react or alert the other guards? And with stealth, you aren't a stealthy build right now and you went up against folks who has being alert and being on the look out for trouble as a main part of their job. Plus the plate armour isn't helpful towards any stealth attempts.
The Mook fight really felt like we were struggling, what, with them actually doing damage and avoiding our blows and setting us on the backfoot for several rounds.
As for the Stealth, it's a shame that the stealth build didn't win CC, but I guess we can compensate by buying a Venetian Mask and replacing the Plate Armor with a more Zorro-esque type of costume or just some plain clothes more fit for the job.
The Mook fight really felt like we were struggling, what, with them actually doing damage and avoiding our blows and setting us on the backfoot for several rounds.
Oh, that last fight. While I can see how it might have felt like that, you were actually doing well and stood no chance of losing. You were outnumbered fifteen to one, but you didn't take a noteworthy damage and they lack any means to actually take you out. The only thing you struggled with was the numbers bodies being thrown at you with even a few lucky/skilled hits they were getting in not being an actual threat at their level (low level street thugs). So you were doing well, but it was just slow because you had to punch a lot of people and I framed it as best as I could to make it seem like you had a real chance of losing that fight when you actually didn't.
Furthermore, Knight Errant is better suited for taking on one to three opponents at once so be wary of taking on numerous foes, especially when they are high quality. Basically, lots of high quality foes = serious threat. Which I guess is common sense.
As for the Stealth, it's a shame that the stealth build didn't win CC, but I guess we can compensate by buying a Venetian Mask and replacing the Plate Armor with a more Zorro-esque type of costume or just some plain clothes more fit for the job.
You could also try to acquire a second outfit for more stealthy jobs until you can train up your stealth skill enough that the plate armour penalty effectively doesn't matter. Option to get a second outfit will appear in the next vote by the way.
Oh, that last fight. While I can see how it might have felt like that, you were actually doing well and stood no chance of losing. You were outnumbered fifteen to one, but you didn't take a noteworthy damage and they lack any means to actually take you out. The only thing you struggled with was the numbers bodies being thrown at you with even a few lucky/skilled hits they were getting in not being an actual threat at their level (low level street thugs). So you were doing well, but it was just slow because you had to punch a lot of people and I framed it as best as I could to make it seem like you had a real chance of losing that fight when you actually didn't.
Furthermore, Knight Errant is better suited for taking on one to three opponents at once so be wary of taking on numerous foes, especially when they are high quality. Basically, lots of high quality foes = serious threat. Which I guess is common sense.
That explains a lot. It's just that compared to the other Hero interlude earlier, you can't help but compare and contrast how that one guy barely seemed inconvinienced while Knight seemingly struggled.
[X] Now. Sergeant Arpin will know all too soon what has happened and if you give him the chance, he will try to cover his arse by painting you in a bad light and turning the authorities against you while they still trust him.
[X] [Presence] Deliver it personally. You will personally deliver the evidence, but you will have to meet the person you are giving it to.