Seclorum and Eye's Crack Emporium (Feed Us, Read Us, JOIN US!) Featuring SV's Crackfic Connoisseurs!

"So I'm currently taking over your body for the next few months and/or years as I recover and get enough supplies to call in my children.... Anything you want from me during this time...... Sadly your mother is far too gone but I can make the patient in your name.... Okay I'm going to kick their asses just on sheer principle. And you gain the muscle memory of the ancient fighting styles I know!"
Actually, the Queen title for specific Goa'uld, such as Egeria, is more than just that. It's also a biological distinction from the snake masses - Goa'uld Queens (and thus Tok'ra ones as well) are the only ones that can reproduce. Provided enough newtype-Jaffa or (preferably) an alternate means of incubation, Taylor/Egeria could plausibly sell 2-4 thousand 'blank' (i.e. the spawning queen chose not to pass on her genetic memories) symbiotes to the PRT and other law enforcement agencies every quarter. That means that every mundane agent and officer has strength, speed, non-combat regen, extended life, and the ability to use Goa'uld tech (it generally requires the presence of a particular extraterrestrial element in the user's blood and the easiest way to do that is to be a host or ex-host). This completely changes Earth Bet's balance of power at the street level.

The S1 episode "Hathor" and S4 episode "Crossroads" have further details on Goa'uld reproduction. It's... squicky. Let's just say there's a reason why that the specific post that re-inspired Seclorum to write the snippet was made at QQ. (The original discussion was at SB, about a month ago, but nothing came of it until now.)
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Someone over on SB in the ideas thread brought this up and I liked it... so I stoles it... hehehehe.

A Queen is made

"Dad, when did mom pick this up?" I walked up into the kitchen having just been in the basement, going through moms old storage.

Danny turned and squinted his eyes, "I think it was that time she was in Egypt I think. She always wanted to travel and see exotic places, meet strange and interesting people..." He had a far away look in his eyes.

I turned the white jar over in my hands, "What is it anyway?"

"I dont know. Why dont you look it up online?" He suggested.

Groaning, "But it takes ages to boot the computer..."

He shrugged, "You could always hit the library if it means that much to you."

Admonished I said, "It's ok. I can take a shower while it starts up."

I stepped into the den and flicked the ancient plastic switch on the front of the case. With a snap I heard the system begin to boot, text slowly rising up the screen.

With the jar in hand I went upstairs and got my things for a shower. I dont know why but I slipped the jar into the basket as I slipped into the bathroom and started the shower going.

As I sat down on the toilet to let the water come up to temperature I glanced at the jar.

The milky white jar with some stupid lion head for a lid.

I picked it up and inspected it. A gold band around the middle, outlining the tiny seam between the top and bottom halves.

I felt the steam on my skin and I stood up turning to put the jar back when it slipped from my fingers and shattered on the tiles of the bathroom floor.

"Oh shit!" I cried as I kneeled down to scoop up the sharp shards.

Tucked under a large shard was some dessicated thing. Looking almost like really pale beef jerky.

"What in the world is this? Jerked fish?" I picked it up in my hands and turned it this way and that. It had ribbed fins all over it's surface that stuck out.

Suddenly it moved in my hands, I cried out in surprise and it sprang right at me!

I felt it wiggle into my throat and for a brief moment I thought I was going to choke to death.

Then it did something and seemed to go down easily... as if it wanted to go further inside me!

I coughed and wheezed and slipped to my butt on the cold tile floor.

My head swam and throbbed oddly before my fingertips tingled.

And then I got up to my feet.

But I couldn't control my moments. I saw my hands rise into view and flex a bit.

I walked over to the mirror and wiped away the steamy film and my own face leered at my body.

"This will do for now." My mouth moved and spoke but it wasn't me speaking. It was something else!

"I abhor doing this to you but I have been locked away unjustly for a long time. I hope in time you can come to forgive me for what I'm going to do. As well as for what I'm doing now. But the needs of the many, outweigh the needs of the few."

As she spoke, for I got the distinct impression whoever was in control was female, My eyes glowed with golden light.
Please tell me Taylor remains in control of her bugs. I want to see Taylor 'lolnope' the Goa'uld by threatening her own body with painful bug bites. Honestly, this is one of the few times I would ever want to read Taylorwank.
Prompt:Armsmaster is given the ability to use Fullbring by ROB, his halberd which can be said that he's fond of due to having it around so much can now transform and is named [Good Work] for it's ability to maximise the effect of anything and even concentrate the amount of damage into specific areas
Joker: I knew you were too chicken to fight me! *turns back on golden throne*

Joker: *Notices Mechanicum Agents falling to their knees in front of him and staring over his head.* "Umm. Shit."

God Emperor of Mankind(!):"Oh myself! For whatever the reason I just don't like you!" his rotting body starts regenerating specifically around the hands "You know all these millennia of having to listen to prayers from all across the Imperium 24/7 and fighting Chaos has left me rather in need of a warm up. A good boxing match will do and YES I am planning on killing you and destroying you down to your soul Mr.(REDACTED)"

Joker:"My name isn't (REDACTED)!" goes crazy....well crazier


Joker(somehow escapes)

Random Custodes:"My liege we will go after the heretic!"
God Emperor of Mankind(!):"No need leave it to the Arbites."

Joker(thoughts):It's the cops! I know what I'll do I'll just walk up to them and they'll spend too much time just pointing their guns at me and not even shooting THEN I'LL KILL THEM ALL! AHAHAHAHA!

I'll be honest the Joker has some pretty blatant and frustrating types of plot armour. Specifically ones where people like the police just spend too much time pointing their guns at him and not shooting even when he's killed his way through a large number of cops and civilians.
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Prompts:Taylor triggers with a somewhat different version of Deadpool's abilities. She isn't deformed in anyway and for whatever the reason is always energetic and has no need to eat, drink or sleep but does so anyway. The energetic part is to the point she seems crazy. Her healing factor makes it so that every time something hurts her she comes back fully healed with a slight upgrade to her physical abilities. She's got a hammer space to carry all her weapons and is an extremely good fighter with mastery over many weapons and finally the two voices in her head can beat the shit out of other shards

When she meets Jack Slash, her two voices proceed to gang up on the broadcast shard and beat it so bad that Jack suffers a hundred aneurysms
Crack prompt: Taylor triggers with Doormaker's shard, and then travels to the Earths of the other Taylors featured in this thread.
Prompt Inspired by a comment on my Kakerangers thread: Simurgh decides to be a hardboiled detective. Wait, no, that's the plot of Totally Winging It...
Prompt:A portal connects the settings of different series with one another. This results in things like Naruto, Ichigo, Issei, Nanoha, Hibiki, Luffy etc attacking each other till for whatever the reason it all ended with them being friends. One day they notice a strange anomaly that's occurring in the setting of DxD a couple of males bearing the same names as Naruto, Ichigo and Shirou(etc)suddenly appear and are having strange effects on certain females.

This results in Issei being forced to flee because he doesn't want to hurt his friends. The originals then confront their doppelgängers, one of the INOs(In Name Only's)attempts to "meet" Nanoha only to receive a Starlight Breaker for his/it's troubles. They must now do what they can to help Issei before it's too late.
Prompt:Taylor gains the powers of Rikudo Sennin(Sage of Six Paths)and starts giving out chakra to ordinary people in the hopes that they can use it to simply defend themselves and gain a connection with one another.