Seclorum and Eye's Crack Emporium (Feed Us, Read Us, JOIN US!) Featuring SV's Crackfic Connoisseurs!

Given canon events, that's pretty much canon! :p
Yeah, but I mean like way earlier. So the Undersiders have to deal with overbearing bosses and rules while the Wards have to deal with defending territory and being in charge. Miss Militia has to deal with her impending liver failure, and after a month the two teams learn that neither side has it as easy as they thought and switch back. You know, like a kids show.
Yeah, but I mean like way earlier. So the Undersiders have to deal with overbearing bosses and rules while the Wards have to deal with defending territory and being in charge. Miss Militia has to deal with her impending liver failure, and after a month the two teams learn that neither side has it as easy as they thought and switch back. You know, like a kids show.
Or they all become one big group of Superfriends.
I've been thinking... we've hit 400 pages.

Perhaps its time for a fresh thread? I've noticed that recently there just tends to be a single small group of people that actually keep up with the thread anymore, let alone post and like. And to be honest, 400+ pages is fairly intimidating to newcomers...
Yeah that's a good idea, what you should try to do for the next thread is try to keep up with the snippets so that you can link them on the first page of the new thread.
Prompt: Taylor gains the power to summon Stelio Kontos ! For whatever the reason EVERYONE somehow has strange memories of having been a victim of his whenever Stelio Kontos comes after them.

Jack Slash remembers Stelio as his "roommate" back when he was stuck in a bunker

Also music plays whenever he arrives thanks to Taylor
Prompt: I need a prompt!

Taylor can make D&D based dungeons with all items and upgrades being persistent, these dungeons can be of varying lethality (non-lethal will dump you out, unconscious or awake, and can be used for fun but have weaker stuff (good for larping, the kids love it)) and of two types, pocket dimension and real world (this one can be used to make tall barrier-walls that can tank one of Levi's waves), she can also control the monsters to some degree when she wants but she has to beat them/their boss type first.

Oh yeah, magic is a thing and para-human powers can be upgraded too.
Prompt: One day Peter Parker wakes up after ROB hits him with a modified version of the Blacklight Virus, now instead of webs he shoots tentacles and he no longer has to wear his costume under his clothes. His costume's made from him!
Prompt: KanColle and Marvel (or DC) cross.
One of the Bad Guys succeeds ta Diabolical Plan and brings forth the Abyssals. One of the Good Guys counters it by spreading method of summoning of KanMusu. After epic internal crossover arc Abyssals are generally beaten (because Status Quo is God), but keeps appearing as main antagonist in Kanmusu storyline. But some characters bleeds over time between different storylines.
Prompt: Thanks to act of ROB when Kaneki wakes up he finds that he now has FOUR Voices/Imaginary Friends in his head PLUS Rize. These Five Imaginary Friends are Tobi, Issei, Deadpool and the yellow and white speech texts that appear in Deadpool's head. Along with this Kaneki finds that he no longer feels hungry because ROB somehow added White Zetsu DNA into him and is almost immortal thanks to ROB putting a modified healing factor in him.

Whenever he starts slobbering for human flesh and Rize appears, the Four arrive and ruin the moment by doing things like hitting on Rize and being all funny and near-sociopathic. However because the events have to eventually at some point have to go near The Stations of Canon, Nishio takes a look at Kaneki and smells how WEIRD the guy is and after beating the shit out of him and Hide manages to take a bite out of Kaneki only to puke because "it's like broccoli" even though Ghouls can't eat vegetables!

In the meanwhile Doctor Kanou is wondering, why his regenerative ability THAT absurd and how can he walk on water, become intangible and grow trees from his body along with summon red power armour that says BOOST and speak to people's boobs? Deadpool at some point somehow thinks "Killebrew" and decides to meet the good doctor
Technically I think it makes Eye look like a reverse trap.

Anyways, gonna make a new thread now. This one's starting to get long-winded.