Seclorum and Eye's Crack Emporium (Feed Us, Read Us, JOIN US!) Featuring SV's Crackfic Connoisseurs!

Prompt: All of SV gets sent into Azeroth, just before Thrall's vision at the start of Warcraft III, as our avatars.

i need you go to hell and retrieve the dude i sold to satan for one corn chip but he was actually worth two corn chips, i am bad at math ok, so go now, your reward will be corn chips

prompt: Taylor one day sees a strange big spider egg among her spider eggs and what comes out of the egg, Jeff the spider(from the grim adventures of billy and mandy)
Prompt: All of SV gets sent into Azeroth, just before Thrall's vision at the start of Warcraft III, as our avatars.
"UUUGGGHH wait oh not again first worm now this..............MAKE SOME NANOMATERIAL SPEAKERS"

meanwhile at the docks of stormwind
"Ummm look we have stormwind guards for some time right"
"so what is the protocol for a boat giving a concert"
"Quiet and listen"
"Yeah ok"

back to the fogtech north carolina
@ All of SV sent to Azeroth;

I look around and a shit eating grin splits my face, "Illidan, my nigga."

Illidan looked at me with disdain, "What did you call me mortal?"

My hair ignites with Spiral Power and I grow four sizes, "...You are not Prepared!"
Prompt: All of SV gets sent into Azeroth, just before Thrall's vision at the start of Warcraft III, as our avatars.

EDIT: POST 10000 WOO!!!
Shit, the start of Warcraft 3? I suppose it depends on where I appeared, then. If I popped up in Kalimdor, I desperately try to find the Tauren or Night Elves without dying and warn them of upcoming problems. If I end up in Lordaeron, I immediately book it south to get away from the incoming Scourge and Demons while doing my best to make subtle warnings. Am I on Pandaria? Guess I'll just chill and learn Kung-fu. Northrend? Freeze to death.
Prompt: All of SV gets sent into Azeroth, just before Thrall's vision at the start of Warcraft III, as our avatars.

"I'm a scary demon!"

-Some humans just stare at me before turning and blushing-

"Meow!" I roared.

-The humans just stare at me-



-runs away crying much to the human's confusion-

Some time later!

Archimonde: HAHAHAHAHA!

ORG: -appears out of nowhere and drop kicks Archimode's face in- WHOSE THE BAD ASS DEMON NOW?! -proceeds to keep punching Archimode in the face- THEY ALL LAUGHED AT ME BUT WHO IS LAUGHING NOW HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH -stands triumphant over Archimode's corpse- I AM OVERLORD NEKO!


Becoming a disgaea demon might have made me tad bit... insane.
Prompt: After starting executing his newest crime The Joker learns that person who is must hurt by it is named Sirius (no, not Black).

Alt: During talking with "volunteer from the crowd", The Joker asks "why so serious?", and than man, keeping steely face draws driver's permit.
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Triggering gives all capes the body of a 12 year old girl.
Missy would probably think it was awesome, since now she could be taken seriously despite her age.

But that would suck for the all the male capes! Plus, how would you hide having powers?

Or worse...

Triggering literally gives you the body of a 12 year old girl. Specifically, Contessa's.

Just *Pop* and a little girl's body appears at your feet.

Eden's final revenge! As interpreted by a really dumb Shard.
Prompt: After Skitter surrenders the other Undersiders decide to become Wards as well. Meanwhile the Wards see how good Foil has it and turn to the side of evil.