Seclorum and Eye's Crack Emporium (Feed Us, Read Us, JOIN US!) Featuring SV's Crackfic Connoisseurs!

Prompt: Taylor triggers as Erza Scarlet(with no fanservice)and has the special Trump ability of Nakama Power except she doesn't. Because Emma betrayed her and she has no friends. Also the many outfits are too cute or sexy to even wear
Prompt: Taylor triggers as Erza Scarlet(with no fanservice)and has the special Trump ability of Nakama Power except she doesn't. Because Emma betrayed her and she has no friends. Also the many outfits are too cute or sexy to even wear

but you have to remenber she has infinite swords, who needs cute or sexy outfits when you can have infinite swords
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1. One day all the members of the CCG wake up to find that everything(except coffee and water) tastes like shit, urine, glue, crap etc. They must now work together to figure out what to do from now on!

In the meanwhile Shinohara tries giving Juuzou a LOT of coffee to keep him from eating people on the street. They all find a nice coffee shop named Anteiku and start going there frequently. It's employees are now constantly spitting out their coffee when no one is looking.


So is it just the sense of taste or have the CCG turned into ghouls and the ghouls into humans?

... now to go through the last hundred pages of the Worm Ideas thread so I can announce chapter updates again...
Prompt: Eye spies on Dumbledore and Co. leaving baby Harry on the doorstep of Number Four, and after they leave, adopts him. Backlash shard negates trackers.
Harry: *looking at the Mirror* Huh.
Dumbledore: What do you see?
Harry: Wings and chocolate cake. Lots of 'em.
Dumbledore: ...
We all need to make a Tvtropes page for Totally WInging it. I think it'll give Eye the motivation to write again.... Provided she doesn't get sucked into Tvtropes.
Eye would like to throw my (and her) wholehearted approval into this project.
*hugs* Eye is here now.
I honestly didn't like Fairy tail. It got boring to me at a certain point, just like Rave Master which was done by the same author.

It's a Base Breaker full of cliches what do you expect.

At the very least it's villains somehow manage to be cooler than the ones who are extremely boring in abilities and personality in High School DxD. Seriously practically every villain has the almost exact same personality
I think we need more LotR/Worm xovers. I know there is a one-shot of Sauron!Taylor that Sorian did that's really good. A couple of suggestions from me would be dropping late game Skitter into the Council of Elrond in the LotR world, or a Taylor who triggers with powers from the Shadow of Mordor game.
Prompt: Sauron finds himself and the rest of Mordor in the "deconstruction" called Maoyuu.

He debates on whether or not to do any politics and in the meanwhile the Hero suddenly has to fight a bunch of morally Always Chaotic Evil Race called Orcs who are ruled by a legitimate Dark Lord
I think we need more LotR/Worm xovers. I know there is a one-shot of Sauron!Taylor that Sorian did that's really good. A couple of suggestions from me would be dropping late game Skitter into the Council of Elrond in the LotR world, or a Taylor who triggers with powers from the Shadow of Mordor game.

Hehe. You could troll Sauron too. I had fun with crossing a certain Worm character into LOTR in that little plot bunny.
Prompt: Taylor stops going to school. She sends a replacement.

"Um." Madison began, unsure whether it was a good idea to bring this up, "does um... does Taylor seem different to you?"

Emma looks up, distracted from her nearly perpetual texting, staving off carpal tunnel just that little bit longer. "Different how?"

"Well." Madison glanced over at Taylor.

In Taylor's chair sat an extremely large spider, jammed into a shoddily made sweater, with extra holes for its limbs, and an extremely well made wig on its head.

"I mean..."

The spider hisses at a student sleeping nearby, startling him so much he does a back flip off his seat.

"She's more... confident? Maybe?"

"I'm pretty sure you're just imagining things..." Emma mutters, fingers now running over the screen of her phone once more. "We already broke her."

The spider's fangs drip slowly onto Taylor's desk, making a soft sizzling noise as its venom eats into the wood.

"Somethings off. Maybe its her teeth? I think its her teeth."

Taylor forgets about the spider and through shenanigans it becomes the highest scoring student in Brockton Bay's history, Winslow's most popular, most fabulous prom queen, and student council president.

Emma is devastated and Madison never does figure out what was wrong. Sophia though...

"She was a spider I tell you, a giant spider!" Sophia's screams gradually fade as she is dragged away by a highly embarrassed group of Wards.

"I'm sorry that you had to go through that Miss Hebert." Militia says, gently patting the spider on the back.
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Prompt: Taylor stops going to school. She sends a replacement.

"Um." Madison began, unsure whether it was a good idea to bring this up, "does um... does Taylor seem different to you?"

Emma looks up, distracted from her nearly perpetual texting, staving off carpal tunnel just that little bit longer. "Different how?"

"Well." Madison glanced over at Taylor.

In Taylor's chair sat an extremely large spider, jammed into a shoddily made sweater, with extra holes for its limbs, and an extremely well made wig on its head.

"I mean..."

The spider hisses at a student sleeping nearby, startling him so much he does a back flip off his seat.

"She's more... confident? Maybe?"

"I'm pretty sure you're just imagining things..." Emma mutters, fingers now running over the screen of her phone once more. "We already broke her."

The spider's fangs drip slowly onto Taylor's desk, making a soft sizzling noise as its venom eats into the wood.

"Somethings off. Maybe its her teeth? I think its her teeth."

Taylor forgets about the spider and through shenanigans it becomes the highest scoring student in Brockton Bay's history, Winslow's most popular student, most fabulous prom queen, and student council president.

Emma is devastated and Madison never does figure out what was wrong. Sophia though...

"She was a spider I tell you, a giant spider!" Sophia's screams gradually fade as she is dragged away by a highly embarrassed group of Wards.

"I'm sorry that you had to go through that Miss Hebert." Militia says, gently patting the spider on the back.

It also "solves" the students' many home problems by threatening their Gangmembers parents to be better people in-spite of the socioeconomic climate
Taylor's bugs have a higher bluff and charisma rating than anybody else on the planet. They're not sure if she's a Master or a Stranger or just plain Badass Normal.