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Honestly I would put him at the same level as Richards maybe even slightly smarter. As you said the only thing that really drags him down is his vanity and temper. Hell, it feels like the only reason he tries to conquer the world is just for the challenge and to face off against Richards. If he didn't have him to give Doom a challenge he would probably focus on some other great challenge worthy of Doom.

Doom, because he is brilliant in science as well as magic, is usually more than a match for Reed, one-on-one. I imagine that he's a touch less good with science because he is also so good at magic. Magic and science do not mix well in most fiction. This would explain why he is not the sorcerer supreme as well. His science knowledge gets in the way.

You are right, that Doom frequently seems to only be going through the motions of being a villain. The idea that he is only a villain because the most worthwhile enemies are heroes has merit. It depends on who is writing him though. Doom runs the gamut from incorrigible to noble, from chaotic evil to lawful neutral, depending on the writers and the setting.
Someone bit bigger and with better understanding of magic.
The Emperor.

Oh, THAT gold and red armor.

I'd put GEOM a step or two above Doom.

Contessa: Summons GEOM, explains the situation.

GEOM: *concentrates* It's taken care of. I've consumed his life energy. Now, send me back.

Contessa: Ah, about that. You didn't actually exist before. This machine makes fictional characters real.

GEOM: I see. But I am real now.

Contessa: unplugs machine.

GEOM: *Waves finger at Contessa* You're quite a potent psyker, but your power no longer works on me. That might have worked, five seconds ago.

Contessa: Fuck!

GEOM: Now, now. I'm going to need a base of operations in order to spread humanity across the Galaxy and wipe out the Space Whales and other Xenos. You seem like a competent sort.

Probably a better ending than canon Worm, and almost certainly a better ending than WH40K.

But right now?

Contessa has basically created something more powerful than Space Whales, and one of the first things it did? Made it so her power is useless against it. She's got to be having kittens.

The rest of the universe is probably not going to appreciate humanity much, once the GEOM gets started on his "Just Say No to Xenos" projects.
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Contessa has basically created something more powerful than Space Whales
I'm personally think that he is extremely powerful, but to the extend of destroying Zion with flick of his fingers.
But for a short snippet it works as well as [extended and epic battle] remark.

Armsmaster - Praise be to the Omnissiah!
Dragon - Ia Ia Omnissiah!
Omnissiah is actually K'Tan Void Dragon. And The Emperor is firmly atheistic, so...
I'm personally think that he is extremely powerful, but to the extend of destroying Zion with flick of his fingers.
But for a short snippet it works as well as [extended and epic battle] remark.

Omnissiah is actually K'Tan Void Dragon. And The Emperor is firmly atheistic, so...
Well of course the C'tan want you to think it's all powerful.

Ofc, why hasn't it gotten up and done anything yet?

Because the GEOM came in and laid down the pecking order.
Wait.... So the GEoM knows he's fictional and now has access to the entirety for the 40K canon and all the other stuff related to it..... So he now knows where he went wrong, what he was wrong on, and how he can stop that.... Something tells me he's not going to be so Xenophobic this time around as he shot himself in the foot when it came to allies.
/IIRC he wasn't "KILL ALL XENOS" as the Imperium made him out to be. He just put humanity's needs and wants above there's.
I'm personally think that he is extremely powerful, but to the extend of destroying Zion with flick of his fingers.
But for a short snippet it works as well as [extended and epic battle] remark.

Omnissiah is actually K'Tan Void Dragon. And The Emperor is firmly atheistic, so...

His son, Horus, was empowered by all the chaos gods, and the Emperor nearly allowed Horus to kill him, because he was too sentimental. He was trying to save his son. In the end, nearly dead, the Emperor saw his son kill another human, and enjoy the death. He then killed his son despite being grievously wounded, despite the combined power of all the chaos gods.

Scion is a Xeno, on Earth, and therefore a direct threat to all of humanity. Scion would be smoked as soon as GEOM was made aware of his existence. That's my headcanon anyway.
Wait.... So the GEoM knows he's fictional and now has access to the entirety for the 40K canon and all the other stuff related to it..... So he now knows where he went wrong, what he was wrong on, and how he can stop that.... Something tells me he's not going to be so Xenophobic this time around as he shot himself in the foot when it came to allies.
/IIRC he wasn't "KILL ALL XENOS" as the Imperium made him out to be. He just put humanity's needs and wants above there's.

Yes. I can imagine a very different future for humanity in the Wormverse under GEOM. Especially if there are no chaos gods. But I didn't want to diverge too far from canon GEOM. He might not have been rabidly anti-xeno, but there would be zero hesitation to eliminating xenos that were even a potential threat to humanity.
Oh, THAT gold and red armor.

I'd put GEOM a step or two above Doom.

Contessa: Summons GEOM, explains the situation.

GEOM: *concentrates* It's taken care of. I've consumed his life energy. Now, send me back.

Contessa: Ah, about that. You didn't actually exist before. This machine makes fictional characters real.

GEOM: I see. But I am real now.

Contessa: unplugs machine.
GEOM: *Waves finger at Contessa* You're quite a potent psyker, but your power no longer works on me. That might have worked, five seconds ago.

Contessa: Fuck!

GEOM: Now, now. I'm going to need a base of operations in order to spread humanity across the Galaxy and wipe out the Space Whales and other Xenos. You seem like a competent sort.

Oh, he meant that emperor. For some reason He was the one that came to mind for me.
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Emma triggers with the Red Miles. She and Taylor (Who apparently had swarm of Japanese Giant Hornets fall on her at camp) promptly end up ensuring that everyone is terrified of them without realizing it.
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Taylor - Alright Maggots, listen up. Popo is about to teach you the pecking order.
Missy - Ummm...
Taylor - It goes You, The Dirt, The worms that live inside the dirt, Popo's stool, Piggy, Then Popo. Any questions?
Dennis - Ummm, yeah. I.... AIIIEEEE! *Dennis Owned Counter: 1*
Taylor - Enjoy the Climb back up, Bitch! *Collects Herself* Now anymore questions?


Taylor - Good. Then we can begin. *Sadistic Smile*
Indeed, Tony would be potentially useful here, and Tony will do questionable things from time to time, but he will not like anything about Cauldron. If he is brought, he will be kept in the dark, like Legend.

((Tony also has no real knowledge about magic, as far as I understand.))

Doom, on the other hand, would fit Cauldron perfectly. With the intent of eventually taking Scion's power for himself and ruling all Earths, of course.
It was enough work for Doom ruling one earth, ruling 50^10 of them or however many the worm multiverse contains would not leave him any time for annoying Richard or improving his magic or tech.
((Tony also has no real knowledge about magic, as far as I understand.))*wags hand* kinda sorta...its complicated but yes Tony not a magic user. He hasn't be shown as able to use it but he as been shown as able to block and beat it.
Doom, because he is brilliant in science as well as magic, is usually more than a match for Reed, one-on-one. I imagine that he's a touch less good with science because he is also so good at magic. Magic and science do not mix well in most fiction. This would explain why he is not the sorcerer supreme as well. His science knowledge gets in the way
Doom is more science than magic most days, this is shown by him only being in the running for sorcerer supreme while he had been given power by the Hazareth Three that was said to be as strong as what it would have been if he had chose magic over science or something like that. Also you must remember strange is op as all hell so any comparison to him must be remembered as him being really strong/smart/experienced rather than others sucking.
Scion - *Appears in a golden blast of light* I am Scion... The eternal Space Whale.... Speak your Wish and... Oh. It's you my master. Is it time to lay waste to this world?
Taylor - Nah, give em a couple more years. See if they can clean this up.
Scion - Then how might I be of service Lord Popo?
Taylor - Good question. *Talking to the sky* Contessa, the fuck am I doing?
Contessa - Good question. *Talking to the sky* Dinah, the fuck is she doing?
Dinah - Oh my head. *Talking to the sky* Ok, Listen. I want you to bring back everyone Jack Slash and the slaughterhouse nine have killed.
Contessa - Why?
Dinah - Are you questioning the most powerful Precog?
Contessa - Are you?
Dinah - Not in the mood Contessa!
Contessa - Fine, not my problem anyway. Popo...
Taylor - I heard. *Talking to Scion* Scion, bring back all the worthless maggots that were killed by Jack Slash and the slaughterhouse nine or whatever.
Scion - As you command, so it shall be. *Glowing waves spread across the world*
Everyone now wonders why the Simurgh is collecting bottlecaps.

I was browsing earlier parts of the thread when I found the above post by WhoAmEye in reference to a post right above it that had Taylor gaining powers that basically were summed up as "access to the cheat codes and command console(s) of games like GTA, Skyrim, and the Fallout games." So combine that with the fact I've been playing Fallout: Shelter almost every day since it came out, and well a little crack bunny sprung forth in my mind.

Prompt: In canon we're 'told' more or less that when not actively on the attack, the Endbringers go into a dormant state, basically hibernating until it's they're turn to attack again. "Atonement" by Cerulean posits that instead the Endbringers are all terrorizing a nearby Earth on a more permanent basis until it's their respective turn to attack Earth Bet. For a bit of crack, I'm saying that when not attacking Bet the Endbringers basically troll any other world they feel like. So you could have Simurgh playing in the Wastelands of Fallout collecting Caps (which is what prompted this idea in the first place,) or else maybe even more amusing, showing up on random Earths using various scavenged bits of Tinker-tech to pretend to be a Roswell Grey and anal probing anyone she feels like (particularly UFO fanboys.) Or Leviathan in the One Piece world eating the local giant sea monsters. Or Behemoth entertaining himself on a dinosaur world against hordes of dinosaurs. Or what have you.