Scrift Wars: The Power of Words. A Battle High-School Quest.

Note that we are lazy not foelr fear of work, but for the certainty of being able to take our own sweet time for everything
General Magic and the Elements
General Magic

All mages have access to general magic, though training natural helps refine this connection. Magic is highly flexible and can be used in a lot of situations. That being said, there are a few limits: Nobody has figured out how to create true life yet, or how to resurrect the dead. Immortality is also right out. Time travel has also proven impossible. All this of course is barring proper Scrifts, which can bypass the usual rules of magic.

Magic costs Mana to perform, though how much mana it costs varies from spell to spell. The three main factors that determine cost are Magnitude, how large or powerful the spell is, Duration, or how long the spell is sustained, and Complexity, how many things the spell has to do all at once. Objects created by general magic are temporary and will vanish once they are no longer being sustained, while changes made to already existing objects and materials may be permanent depending on the nature of the changes.


What spells a particular mage can cast is influenced by their connection to the various elements. The more elements they connect to, the more options they have when casting spells. Most mages have an instinctive connection to at least one element, and it is possible to eventually forget a connection with them all. The Elements are:
  • Air - Includes things such as wind, sound, and clouds (even though they are all made of water). One of the more classical elements.
  • Beasts - A connection to animals be they bird, fish, or beast of the land. Oversight such things as summoning, commanding, and talking with natural animals as well as taking on aspects or abilities of animals.
  • Darkness - The element of shadows, blindness, stealth, and invisibility. Not evil.
  • Earth - This only affects natural earth such as clay, dirt, rocks, etc. Refined metals are their own element.
  • Electricity - The manipulation and generation of electricity. It has been recently discovered that this also extends to electronic devices, much to the delight of some very nerdy mages who decided to create a super Internet for mages to use, the Magi-Net.
  • Fire - Another classical element, and one of the more destructive.
  • Gravity - The power to change the weight of targets or to change gravitational orientation or origin.
  • Ice - Cold stuff such as snow, ice, etc. fall under this element. At higher levels you can even freeze things that aren't physical.
  • Kinetic - The force of...force. Great for making shields against solid objects and attacks or knocking things around telekineticly. It can also get you a soda from the fridge without having to get off the couch.
  • Light - Control over the visual light spectrum, this used to be the domain of illusionists. With the invention of lasers however it turns out that this element can do a bit more.
  • Metal - The power to use and manipulate refined ores. Raw ores fall under Earth. This element has become more and more valued since the industrial age started and metal became more and more common.
  • Plastic - Yeah, the mages were just as surprised, but this element exists now. Of course considering some of the stuff they are doing with plastics this element may have some serious potential.
  • Water - The last of the four Helanistic elements governs the material that covers 3/4th of our planet, at least in liquid form.
  • Wood - A connection to all plant life and not just trees. It does still affect crafted wood though.
  • Void - The element of anti-element. This is what mages use when they are countering, negating, blocking, or otherwise undoing the powers of magic.
It seems pretty clear to me that we are gonna have a natural connection to the Kinetic element.
Inb4"No shit,Sherlock"
[X] Chakra - Also called Inner Alchemy, the Chakra are internal power nodes. Working on refining ones connection with them can lead one to achieving a superhuman state of being. Being able to tap into your chakras will grant you more energy for casting spells. Mastering each chakra will also provide different supernatural advantages.
[X] Familiar - You have an animal companion that you have formed a mystical connection with. It is more intelligent than any normal animal, will follow your commands, and you can share your senses with it. As you grow more powerful, so will your familiar...
[X] Prodigy - You aquire 1 extra experience point whenever you acquire experience. Incompatible with the Drawback Incompetent.
[X] Obvious - You just can't be quiet or stealthy, even when you try. -2 Skill penalty when you try to go unnoticed.
[X] Plan Effort-chan
-[X] Supreme Angle - A style focused on control and precision. It uses swift angular dodges and deflection to avoid attacks and set up pinpoint attacks of its own, aiming to hit weak points for maximum damage with minimal effort. Offers training with rapiers, daggers, and spears.
-[X] Alchemy - Alchemy is NOT chemistry. The reactions you can obtain aren't possible with normal science. Many affects of the potions and ungents that alchemy can produce aren't any different from what normal magic can produce, the main advantage being the ability to store such affects well in advance until needed, essentially broadening or deepening ones magical reserves and repertoire in the field. More advanced alchemy can produce affects that normal magic cannot produce. Alchemy's main drawback is that it takes time to create things and brewnptions, requiring prep work.
-[X] Lucky - Things just seem to go your way. Increases the odds of random good things happening during the quest. 5 Points
-[X] Familiar - You have an animal companion that you have formed a mystical connection with. It is more intelligent than any normal animal, will follow your commands, and you can share your senses with it. As you grow more powerful, so will your familiar... 5 Points.
-[X] Coward - You easily become scared or intimidated by the slightest bit of agression. -2 Will on all such checks. Incompatible with the Advantage Brave. 1 Point.
-[X] Harmless - You have a difficult time hurting things, dealing -3 Damage on all atacks. Incompatible with the Advantage Dangerous. 2 Points

I quite like this build. Supreme Angle means then when Lilly has to fight she can expend the minimum effort required to do so. Alchemy doesn't take much effort just time* which Lilly has plenty of.

*Chemistry and cooking, the two closest things to Alchemy IRL, require almost no physical effort and often (IE: when creating something where you already know the process required) little mental effort. The real drain is all the waiting and that is explicitly something Lilly is good at.

Lucky is a vital trait for any would-be immortal. As Tom Scott mentions here odds are even for a being immune to the ravages of time there is still only a 80% chance of making to 500 and ~66% chance of making it to 1,000. If Lilly really wants to live to see eternity then she has to be really lucky.

Familiar is great not just because it's a minion that can do stuff for Lilly, hurray laziness, but because it grows with Lilly. While we don't know for sure I'd guess her familiar will share her agelessness which means by picking this Lilly is guaranteed one companion who, assuming we don't let it get killed, will stay with her forever.

Coward and Harmless again fit perfectly with the idea of a girl who wants to live forever. She's a coward because brave people, or reckless as Lilly would likely see them, don't tend to live long lives. Harmless meanwhile logically flows from the fact that compared to Lilly everyone else may as well be mayflies. They are born, live, and died in the blink of an eye for her. How could she sentence someone to an even shorter life then they are already doomed to live?
It's really a question of what you want to emphasis - the laziness or the Zen-like personality. I'm more drawn to the later, but if the thread wants to go the other way than it wants to go the other way.
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Vote tally:
##### 3.21
[X] Ally - Yiu have a close friend and trusted companion. For 2 points they are mundane and have no magical ability. For 4 points they are a fellow new student. For 6 points they are an node student who has taken you under their wing.
-[X] 4 Points
[X] Familiar - You have an animal companion that you have formed a mystical connection with. It is more intelligent than any normal animal, will follow your commands, and you can share your senses with it. As you grow more powerful, so will your familiar... 5 Points.
[X] Prodigy - You aquire 1 extra experience point whenever you acquire experience. Incompatible with the Drawback Incompetent. 6 Points.
[X] Rich - Your family has a lot of money. Most mundane purchases are no problem. Incompatible with the Drawback Poor. 3 Points.
[X] Honest - You can't really lie, even when you really should. -2 penalty on all Social checks to deceive people. Incompatible with the Advantage Guile. 1 Point
[X] Obvious - You just can't be quiet or stealthy, even when you try. -2 Skill penalty when you try to go unnoticed.
[X] Unaware - It's difficult for you to sense magical energy. -2 penalty on any attempt to sense magical energy. Incompatible with the Advantage Aware. 1 Point
No. of votes: 2
Omegahugger, Kelirapc

[X] Plan Effort-chan
-[X] Supreme Angle - A style focused on control and precision. It uses swift angular dodges and deflection to avoid attacks and set up pinpoint attacks of its own, aiming to hit weak points for maximum damage with minimal effort. Offers training with rapiers, daggers, and spears.
-[X] Alchemy - Alchemy is NOT chemistry. The reactions you can obtain aren't possible with normal science. Many affects of the potions and ungents that alchemy can produce aren't any different from what normal magic can produce, the main advantage being the ability to store such affects well in advance until needed, essentially broadening or deepening ones magical reserves and repertoire in the field. More advanced alchemy can produce affects that normal magic cannot produce. Alchemy's main drawback is that it takes time to create things and brewnptions, requiring prep work.
-[X] Lucky - Things just seem to go your way. Increases the odds of random good things happening during the quest. 5 Points
-[X] Familiar - You have an animal companion that you have formed a mystical connection with. It is more intelligent than any normal animal, will follow your commands, and you can share your senses with it. As you grow more powerful, so will your familiar... 5 Points.
-[X] Coward - You easily become scared or intimidated by the slightest bit of agression. -2 Will on all such checks. Incompatible with the Advantage Brave. 1 Point.
-[X] Harmless - You have a difficult time hurting things, dealing -3 Damage on all atacks. Incompatible with the Advantage Dangerous. 2 Points
No. of votes: 3
veekie, UberJJK,wingstrike96

[X] Artificer - You are trained in the creation of magical talismans, wards, and various other items of magical potency. It takes a lot of prep work, especially if you want something to be permanently enchanted, but it can pay off with all sorts of affects, including plenty that can't be achieved by normal magical means.
[X] Familiar - You have an animal companion that you have formed a mystical connection with. It is more intelligent than any normal animal, will follow your commands, and you can share your senses with it. As you grow more powerful, so will your familiar... 5 Points.
[X] Lucky - Things just seem to go your way. Increases the odds of random good things happening during the quest. 5 Points
[X] Rich - Your family has a lot of money. Most mundane purchases are no problem. Incompatible with the Drawback Poor. 3 Points.
[X] Frail - You are more delicate than most, having -1 HP per level than normal. Incompatible with the Advantage Tough. 2 Points.
[X] Honest - You can't really lie, even when you really should. -2 penalty on all Social checks to deceive people. Incompatible with the Advantage Guile. 1 Point
No. of votes: 1

[X] Martial Arts Master Monk
-[X] Soaring Phoenix
-[X] Swift Wind Wolf
--[X] Make use of twin blades
-[X] Chakra
-[X] Aware
-[X] Mentor (4 points)
-[X] Harmless
No. of votes: 1

[X] Plan Self Made Ninja
-[X] Soaring Phoenix - An acrobatic style that emphasizes flips, rolls, and other maneuvers that enable their user to always stay ahead of their foe, letting them attack from various angles and escape before their foe can retaliate. Offers training with bo, twin blades, and shuriken.
-[X] Artificer - You are trained in the creation of magical talismans, wards, and various other items of magical potency. It takes a lot of prep work, especially if you want something to be permanently enchanted, but it can pay off with all sorts of affects, including plenty that can't be achieved by normal magical means.
-[X] Prodigy - You aquire 1 extra experience point whenever you acquire experience. Incompatible with the Drawback Incompetent. 6 Points.
-[X] Sneaky - Stealth comes naturally to you. +2 bonus to all Skill checks to be sneaky or otherwise do something undetected. Incompatible with the Drawback Obvious. 1 Point
No. of votes: 4
Terrabrand, dunk1010,aqiml, Execute/Dumbo

[X]Plan Minimum Effort
-[X] Supreme Angle - A style focused on control and precision. It uses swift angular dodges and deflection to avoid attacks and set up pinpoint attacks of its own, aiming to hit weak points for maximum damage with minimal effort. Offers training with rapiers, daggers, and spears.
-[X] Chakra - Also called Inner Alchemy, the Chakra are internal power nodes. Working on refining ones connection with them can lead one to achieving a superhuman state of being. Being able to tap into your chakras will grant you more energy for casting spells. Mastering each chakra will also provide different supernatural advantages.
-[X] Familiar - You have an animal companion that you have formed a mystical connection with. It is more intelligent than any normal animal, will follow your commands, and you can share your senses with it. As you grow more powerful, so will your familiar... 5 Points.
-[X] Friendly - When trying to make friends, end hostility, or just asking a friend for a favor you gain +2 on all such Social checks. Incompatible with the Drawback Hostile. 1 Point.
-[X] Guile - You are skilled at manipulating people. +2 bonus to trick, deceive, or otherwise con people into doing things for your own benefit. Incompatible with the Drawback Honest. 1 Point
No. of votes: 2
BrainInAJar, Varano

[X] Plan Let Other People Do Things For You
-[X] Supreme Angle - A style focused on control and precision. It uses swift angular dodges and deflection to avoid attacks and set up pinpoint attacks of its own, aiming to hit weak points for maximum damage with minimal effort. Offers training with rapiers, daggers, and spears.
-[X] Ally - Yiu have a close friend and trusted companion. For 2 points they are mundane and have no magical ability. For 4 points they are a fellow new student. For 6 points they are an node student who has taken you under their wing.
--[X] 4 Points
-[X] Mentor - You have a teacher, trainer, and roll model beyond your regular teachers at school. For 2 points you've learned all you can from them mystically, but they are still willing to give you advice.
--[X] 2 points
-[X] Prodigy - You aquire 1 extra experience point whenever you acquire experience. Incompatible with the Drawback Incompetent. 6 Points.
-[X] Rich - Your family has a lot of money. Most mundane purchases are no problem. Incompatible with the Drawback Poor. 3 Points.
-[X] Frail - You are more delicate than most, having -1 HP per level than normal. Incompatible with the Advantage Tough. 2 Points.
-[X] Obvious - You just can't be quiet or stealthy, even when you try. -2 Skill penalty when you try to go unnoticed.
No. of votes: 1

[X] Plan: Rich Lazy Lucky Genius
-[X] Artificer - You are trained in the creation of magical talismans, wards, and various other items of magical potency. It takes a lot of prep work, especially if you want something to be permanently enchanted, but it can pay off with all sorts of affects, including plenty that can't be achieved by normal magical means.
-[X] Lucky - Things just seem to go your way. Increases the odds of random good things happening during the quest. 5 Points
-[X] Prodigy - You aquire 1 extra experience point whenever you acquire experience. Incompatible with the Drawback Incompetent. 6 Points.
-[X] Rich - Your family has a lot of money. Most mundane purchases are no problem. Incompatible with the Drawback Poor. 3 Points.
-[X] Honest - You can't really lie, even when you really should. -2 penalty on all Social checks to deceive people. Incompatible with the Advantage Guile. 1 Point
-[X] Frail - You are more delicate than most, having -1 HP per level than normal. Incompatible with the Advantage Tough. 2 Points.
-[X] Obvious - You just can't be quiet or stealthy, even when you try. -2 Skill penalty when you try to go unnoticed. 1 Point
No. of votes: 2

[X] Chakra - Also called Inner Alchemy, the Chakra are internal power nodes. Working on refining ones connection with them can lead one to achieving a superhuman state of being. Being able to tap into your chakras will grant you more energy for casting spells. Mastering each chakra will also provide different supernatural advantages.
[X] Familiar - You have an animal companion that you have formed a mystical connection with. It is more intelligent than any normal animal, will follow your commands, and you can share your senses with it. As you grow more powerful, so will your familiar...
[X] Prodigy - You aquire 1 extra experience point whenever you acquire experience. Incompatible with the Drawback Incompetent.
[X] Obvious - You just can't be quiet or stealthy, even when you try. -2 Skill penalty when you try to go unnoticed.
No. of votes: 1

Using an old program, if I missed anyone let me know.
Just leaving this here for easier discussion and consolidation.
Looks like the ninja are in the lead. The rest of you guys only have a few hours to work out a compromise if you want to try something else.

Tally ho:
Vote Tally : Original - Fantasy - Modern - Scrift Wars: The Power of Words. A Battle High-School Quest. | Page 2 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally

[X] Plan Effort-chan
-[X] Supreme Angle - A style focused on control and precision. It uses swift angular dodges and deflection to avoid attacks and set up pinpoint attacks of its own, aiming to hit weak points for maximum damage with minimal effort. Offers training with rapiers, daggers, and spears.
-[X] Alchemy - Alchemy is NOT chemistry. The reactions you can obtain aren't possible with normal science. Many affects of the potions and ungents that alchemy can produce aren't any different from what normal magic can produce, the main advantage being the ability to store such affects well in advance until needed, essentially broadening or deepening ones magical reserves and repertoire in the field. More advanced alchemy can produce affects that normal magic cannot produce. Alchemy's main drawback is that it takes time to create things and brewnptions, requiring prep work.
-[X] Lucky - Things just seem to go your way. Increases the odds of random good things happening during the quest. 5 Points
-[X] Familiar - You have an animal companion that you have formed a mystical connection with. It is more intelligent than any normal animal, will follow your commands, and you can share your senses with it. As you grow more powerful, so will your familiar... 5 Points.
-[X] Coward - You easily become scared or intimidated by the slightest bit of agression. -2 Will on all such checks. Incompatible with the Advantage Brave. 1 Point.
-[X] Harmless - You have a difficult time hurting things, dealing -3 Damage on all atacks. Incompatible with the Advantage Dangerous. 2 Points
No. of Votes: 7

[X] Plan Self Made Ninja
-[X] Soaring Phoenix - An acrobatic style that emphasizes flips, rolls, and other maneuvers that enable their user to always stay ahead of their foe, letting them attack from various angles and escape before their foe can retaliate. Offers training with bo, twin blades, and shuriken.
-[X] Artificer - You are trained in the creation of magical talismans, wards, and various other items of magical potency. It takes a lot of prep work, especially if you want something to be permanently enchanted, but it can pay off with all sorts of affects, including plenty that can't be achieved by normal magical means.
-[X] Prodigy - You aquire 1 extra experience point whenever you acquire experience. Incompatible with the Drawback Incompetent. 6 Points.
-[X] Sneaky - Stealth comes naturally to you. +2 bonus to all Skill checks to be sneaky or otherwise do something undetected. Incompatible with the Drawback Obvious. 1 Point
No. of Votes: 4

[X]Plan Minimum Effort
-[X] Supreme Angle - A style focused on control and precision. It uses swift angular dodges and deflection to avoid attacks and set up pinpoint attacks of its own, aiming to hit weak points for maximum damage with minimal effort. Offers training with rapiers, daggers, and spears.
-[X] Chakra - Also called Inner Alchemy, the Chakra are internal power nodes. Working on refining ones connection with them can lead one to achieving a superhuman state of being. Being able to tap into your chakras will grant you more energy for casting spells. Mastering each chakra will also provide different supernatural advantages.
-[X] Familiar - You have an animal companion that you have formed a mystical connection with. It is more intelligent than any normal animal, will follow your commands, and you can share your senses with it. As you grow more powerful, so will your familiar... 5 Points.
-[X] Friendly - When trying to make friends, end hostility, or just asking a friend for a favor you gain +2 on all such Social checks. Incompatible with the Drawback Hostile. 1 Point.
-[X] Guile - You are skilled at manipulating people. +2 bonus to trick, deceive, or otherwise con people into doing things for your own benefit. Incompatible with the Drawback Honest. 1 Point
No. of Votes: 2

[X] Plan: Rich Lazy Lucky Genius
-[X] Artificer - You are trained in the creation of magical talismans, wards, and various other items of magical potency. It takes a lot of prep work, especially if you want something to be permanently enchanted, but it can pay off with all sorts of affects, including plenty that can't be achieved by normal magical means.
-[X] Lucky - Things just seem to go your way. Increases the odds of random good things happening during the quest. 5 Points
-[X] Prodigy - You aquire 1 extra experience point whenever you acquire experience. Incompatible with the Drawback Incompetent. 6 Points.
-[X] Rich - Your family has a lot of money. Most mundane purchases are no problem. Incompatible with the Drawback Poor. 3 Points.
-[X] Honest - You can't really lie, even when you really should. -2 penalty on all Social checks to deceive people. Incompatible with the Advantage Guile. 1 Point
-[X] Frail - You are more delicate than most, having -1 HP per level than normal. Incompatible with the Advantage Tough. 2 Points.
-[X] Obvious - You just can't be quiet or stealthy, even when you try. -2 Skill penalty when you try to go unnoticed. 1 Point
No. of Votes: 2

[X] Artificer - You are trained in the creation of magical talismans, wards, and various other items of magical potency. It takes a lot of prep work, especially if you want something to be permanently enchanted, but it can pay off with all sorts of affects, including plenty that can't be achieved by normal magical means.
[X] Familiar - You have an animal companion that you have formed a mystical connection with. It is more intelligent than any normal animal, will follow your commands, and you can share your senses with it. As you grow more powerful, so will your familiar... 5 Points.
[X] Lucky - Things just seem to go your way. Increases the odds of random good things happening during the quest. 5 Points
[X] Rich - Your family has a lot of money. Most mundane purchases are no problem. Incompatible with the Drawback Poor. 3 Points.
[X] Frail - You are more delicate than most, having -1 HP per level than normal. Incompatible with the Advantage Tough. 2 Points.
[X] Honest - You can't really lie, even when you really should. -2 penalty on all Social checks to deceive people. Incompatible with the Advantage Guile. 1 Point
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Martial Arts Master Monk
-[X] Soaring Phoenix
-[X] Swift Wind Wolf
--[X] Make use of twin blades
-[X] Chakra
-[X] Aware
-[X] Mentor (4 points)
-[X] Harmless
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Chakra - Also called Inner Alchemy, the Chakra are internal power nodes. Working on refining ones connection with them can lead one to achieving a superhuman state of being. Being able to tap into your chakras will grant you more energy for casting spells. Mastering each chakra will also provide different supernatural advantages.
[X] Familiar - You have an animal companion that you have formed a mystical connection with. It is more intelligent than any normal animal, will follow your commands, and you can share your senses with it. As you grow more powerful, so will your familiar...
[X] Prodigy - You aquire 1 extra experience point whenever you acquire experience. Incompatible with the Drawback Incompetent.
[X] Obvious - You just can't be quiet or stealthy, even when you try. -2 Skill penalty when you try to go unnoticed.
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Plan Let Other People Do Things For You
-[X] Supreme Angle - A style focused on control and precision. It uses swift angular dodges and deflection to avoid attacks and set up pinpoint attacks of its own, aiming to hit weak points for maximum damage with minimal effort. Offers training with rapiers, daggers, and spears.
-[X] Ally - Yiu have a close friend and trusted companion. For 2 points they are mundane and have no magical ability. For 4 points they are a fellow new student. For 6 points they are an node student who has taken you under their wing.
--[X] 4 Points
-[X] Mentor - You have a teacher, trainer, and roll model beyond your regular teachers at school. For 2 points you've learned all you can from them mystically, but they are still willing to give you advice.
--[X] 2 points
-[X] Prodigy - You aquire 1 extra experience point whenever you acquire experience. Incompatible with the Drawback Incompetent. 6 Points.
-[X] Rich - Your family has a lot of money. Most mundane purchases are no problem. Incompatible with the Drawback Poor. 3 Points.
-[X] Frail - You are more delicate than most, having -1 HP per level than normal. Incompatible with the Advantage Tough. 2 Points.
-[X] Obvious - You just can't be quiet or stealthy, even when you try. -2 Skill penalty when you try to go unnoticed.
No. of Votes: 0

Total No. of Voters: 18
I may have accidentally pulled other voters with me when I decided to comprimise...

Doesn't change anything. If I force pin named votes, IE: they don't update, then Effort-Chan only loses a single vote and so still wins:
Vote Tally : Original - Fantasy - Modern - Scrift Wars: The Power of Words. A Battle High-School Quest. | Page 2 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally

[X] Plan Effort-chan
-[X] Supreme Angle - A style focused on control and precision. It uses swift angular dodges and deflection to avoid attacks and set up pinpoint attacks of its own, aiming to hit weak points for maximum damage with minimal effort. Offers training with rapiers, daggers, and spears.
-[X] Alchemy - Alchemy is NOT chemistry. The reactions you can obtain aren't possible with normal science. Many affects of the potions and ungents that alchemy can produce aren't any different from what normal magic can produce, the main advantage being the ability to store such affects well in advance until needed, essentially broadening or deepening ones magical reserves and repertoire in the field. More advanced alchemy can produce affects that normal magic cannot produce. Alchemy's main drawback is that it takes time to create things and brewnptions, requiring prep work.
-[X] Lucky - Things just seem to go your way. Increases the odds of random good things happening during the quest. 5 Points
-[X] Familiar - You have an animal companion that you have formed a mystical connection with. It is more intelligent than any normal animal, will follow your commands, and you can share your senses with it. As you grow more powerful, so will your familiar... 5 Points.
-[X] Coward - You easily become scared or intimidated by the slightest bit of agression. -2 Will on all such checks. Incompatible with the Advantage Brave. 1 Point.
-[X] Harmless - You have a difficult time hurting things, dealing -3 Damage on all atacks. Incompatible with the Advantage Dangerous. 2 Points
No. of Votes: 6

[X] Plan Self Made Ninja
-[X] Soaring Phoenix - An acrobatic style that emphasizes flips, rolls, and other maneuvers that enable their user to always stay ahead of their foe, letting them attack from various angles and escape before their foe can retaliate. Offers training with bo, twin blades, and shuriken.
-[X] Artificer - You are trained in the creation of magical talismans, wards, and various other items of magical potency. It takes a lot of prep work, especially if you want something to be permanently enchanted, but it can pay off with all sorts of affects, including plenty that can't be achieved by normal magical means.
-[X] Prodigy - You aquire 1 extra experience point whenever you acquire experience. Incompatible with the Drawback Incompetent. 6 Points.
-[X] Sneaky - Stealth comes naturally to you. +2 bonus to all Skill checks to be sneaky or otherwise do something undetected. Incompatible with the Drawback Obvious. 1 Point
No. of Votes: 4

[X]Plan Minimum Effort
-[X] Supreme Angle - A style focused on control and precision. It uses swift angular dodges and deflection to avoid attacks and set up pinpoint attacks of its own, aiming to hit weak points for maximum damage with minimal effort. Offers training with rapiers, daggers, and spears.
-[X] Chakra - Also called Inner Alchemy, the Chakra are internal power nodes. Working on refining ones connection with them can lead one to achieving a superhuman state of being. Being able to tap into your chakras will grant you more energy for casting spells. Mastering each chakra will also provide different supernatural advantages.
-[X] Familiar - You have an animal companion that you have formed a mystical connection with. It is more intelligent than any normal animal, will follow your commands, and you can share your senses with it. As you grow more powerful, so will your familiar... 5 Points.
-[X] Friendly - When trying to make friends, end hostility, or just asking a friend for a favor you gain +2 on all such Social checks. Incompatible with the Drawback Hostile. 1 Point.
-[X] Guile - You are skilled at manipulating people. +2 bonus to trick, deceive, or otherwise con people into doing things for your own benefit. Incompatible with the Drawback Honest. 1 Point
No. of Votes: 2

[X] Plan: Rich Lazy Lucky Genius
-[X] Artificer - You are trained in the creation of magical talismans, wards, and various other items of magical potency. It takes a lot of prep work, especially if you want something to be permanently enchanted, but it can pay off with all sorts of affects, including plenty that can't be achieved by normal magical means.
-[X] Lucky - Things just seem to go your way. Increases the odds of random good things happening during the quest. 5 Points
-[X] Prodigy - You aquire 1 extra experience point whenever you acquire experience. Incompatible with the Drawback Incompetent. 6 Points.
-[X] Rich - Your family has a lot of money. Most mundane purchases are no problem. Incompatible with the Drawback Poor. 3 Points.
-[X] Honest - You can't really lie, even when you really should. -2 penalty on all Social checks to deceive people. Incompatible with the Advantage Guile. 1 Point
-[X] Frail - You are more delicate than most, having -1 HP per level than normal. Incompatible with the Advantage Tough. 2 Points.
-[X] Obvious - You just can't be quiet or stealthy, even when you try. -2 Skill penalty when you try to go unnoticed. 1 Point
No. of Votes: 2

[X] Ally - Yiu have a close friend and trusted companion. For 2 points they are mundane and have no magical ability. For 4 points they are a fellow new student. For 6 points they are an node student who has taken you under their wing.
-[X] 4 Points
[X] Familiar - You have an animal companion that you have formed a mystical connection with. It is more intelligent than any normal animal, will follow your commands, and you can share your senses with it. As you grow more powerful, so will your familiar... 5 Points.
[X] Prodigy - You aquire 1 extra experience point whenever you acquire experience. Incompatible with the Drawback Incompetent. 6 Points.
[X] Rich - Your family has a lot of money. Most mundane purchases are no problem. Incompatible with the Drawback Poor. 3 Points.
[X] Honest - You can't really lie, even when you really should. -2 penalty on all Social checks to deceive people. Incompatible with the Advantage Guile. 1 Point
[X] Obvious - You just can't be quiet or stealthy, even when you try. -2 Skill penalty when you try to go unnoticed.
[X] Unaware - It's difficult for you to sense magical energy. -2 penalty on any attempt to sense magical energy. Incompatible with the Advantage Aware. 1 Point
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Artificer - You are trained in the creation of magical talismans, wards, and various other items of magical potency. It takes a lot of prep work, especially if you want something to be permanently enchanted, but it can pay off with all sorts of affects, including plenty that can't be achieved by normal magical means.
[X] Familiar - You have an animal companion that you have formed a mystical connection with. It is more intelligent than any normal animal, will follow your commands, and you can share your senses with it. As you grow more powerful, so will your familiar... 5 Points.
[X] Lucky - Things just seem to go your way. Increases the odds of random good things happening during the quest. 5 Points
[X] Rich - Your family has a lot of money. Most mundane purchases are no problem. Incompatible with the Drawback Poor. 3 Points.
[X] Frail - You are more delicate than most, having -1 HP per level than normal. Incompatible with the Advantage Tough. 2 Points.
[X] Honest - You can't really lie, even when you really should. -2 penalty on all Social checks to deceive people. Incompatible with the Advantage Guile. 1 Point
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Martial Arts Master Monk
-[X] Soaring Phoenix
-[X] Swift Wind Wolf
--[X] Make use of twin blades
-[X] Chakra
-[X] Aware
-[X] Mentor (4 points)
-[X] Harmless
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Chakra - Also called Inner Alchemy, the Chakra are internal power nodes. Working on refining ones connection with them can lead one to achieving a superhuman state of being. Being able to tap into your chakras will grant you more energy for casting spells. Mastering each chakra will also provide different supernatural advantages.
[X] Familiar - You have an animal companion that you have formed a mystical connection with. It is more intelligent than any normal animal, will follow your commands, and you can share your senses with it. As you grow more powerful, so will your familiar...
[X] Prodigy - You aquire 1 extra experience point whenever you acquire experience. Incompatible with the Drawback Incompetent.
[X] Obvious - You just can't be quiet or stealthy, even when you try. -2 Skill penalty when you try to go unnoticed.
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Plan Let Other People Do Things For You
-[X] Supreme Angle - A style focused on control and precision. It uses swift angular dodges and deflection to avoid attacks and set up pinpoint attacks of its own, aiming to hit weak points for maximum damage with minimal effort. Offers training with rapiers, daggers, and spears.
-[X] Ally - Yiu have a close friend and trusted companion. For 2 points they are mundane and have no magical ability. For 4 points they are a fellow new student. For 6 points they are an node student who has taken you under their wing.
--[X] 4 Points
-[X] Mentor - You have a teacher, trainer, and roll model beyond your regular teachers at school. For 2 points you've learned all you can from them mystically, but they are still willing to give you advice.
--[X] 2 points
-[X] Prodigy - You aquire 1 extra experience point whenever you acquire experience. Incompatible with the Drawback Incompetent. 6 Points.
-[X] Rich - Your family has a lot of money. Most mundane purchases are no problem. Incompatible with the Drawback Poor. 3 Points.
-[X] Frail - You are more delicate than most, having -1 HP per level than normal. Incompatible with the Advantage Tough. 2 Points.
-[X] Obvious - You just can't be quiet or stealthy, even when you try. -2 Skill penalty when you try to go unnoticed.
No. of Votes: 0

Total No. of Voters: 18
Well, I was kind of voting for Omegahugger's original plan, rather than what he flopped to. But I don't care anymore, just want to keep this going.
Character Creation Pt 3
I see, that's interesting. So you have a familiar huh? What is it?

[ ] Write in small animal.

Actually, now that I think about it, what do you look like?

[ ] 1

[ ] 2

[ ] 3

[ ] 4

[ ] 5

[ ] 6

So what sort of history does your family have with magic?

[ ] I'm a first generation mage, nobody in my family history has had far as we know. I'm just kind of winging it and seeing how it all works out. On the bright side no family baggage in the magical world to worry about.
[ ] One of my parents was a first generation mage, so we weren't totally clueless as to what was happening when I started using magic. They weren't the best at magic, but at least they had some idea of what to do.
- [ ] My mom is the mage.
- [ ] My father is the mage.
[ ] I have plenty of magical relatives so it was kind of expected I'd get magic too. A few people in the magical community probably know somebody in my family, but we also have an enemy or two.
[ ] My lineage goes back many generations; we are a family steeped in the world of magic and some of my ancestors grace the pages of history books with their great deeds. People know my name and family crest, as does our family's many enemies.

This vote is by category, not plan.
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