Scrift Wars: The Power of Words. A Battle High-School Quest.

I'd suggest we don't get the ally trait, we're immortal, so any ally will eventually drop away.
Maybe try grabbing a couple more flaws and getting familiar, instead, or a low-grade mentor.
Agh, why the hell are people choosing the option withe the least synergy? Is the influence of the tech path so powerful in SV's mind? We are naturally disinclined form effortful actions, what the hell do you all think Artificing even is? Can't we choose a more fitting system, or none at all, if that would be necessary? At least we would be spending our points better. And I find Alchemy to be little better in this regard.

Prodigy or no, can we at least move away from them?
Agh, why the hell are people choosing the option withe the least synergy? Is the influence of the tech path so powerful in SV's mind? We are naturally disinclined form effortful actions, what the hell do you all think Artificing even is? Can't we choose a more fitting system, or none at all, if that would be necessary? At least we would be spending our points better. And I find Alchemy to be little better in this regard.

Prodigy or no, can we at least move away from them?


Artificing is making magic items once then we never have to do it again.

It's basicly a lazy mans magic.

Alchemy could work i grant you but the creations of Alchemy are one and done

Kabla is Basicly normal magic that we have to cast ebery single time

Chakra is Kung fu which takes effort.
[X] Plan: Rich Lazy Lucky Genius
-[X] Artificer - You are trained in the creation of magical talismans, wards, and various other items of magical potency. It takes a lot of prep work, especially if you want something to be permanently enchanted, but it can pay off with all sorts of affects, including plenty that can't be achieved by normal magical means.
-[X] Lucky - Things just seem to go your way. Increases the odds of random good things happening during the quest. 5 Points
-[X] Prodigy - You aquire 1 extra experience point whenever you acquire experience. Incompatible with the Drawback Incompetent. 6 Points.
-[X] Rich - Your family has a lot of money. Most mundane purchases are no problem. Incompatible with the Drawback Poor. 3 Points.
-[X] Honest - You can't really lie, even when you really should. -2 penalty on all Social checks to deceive people. Incompatible with the Advantage Guile. 1 Point
-[X] Frail - You are more delicate than most, having -1 HP per level than normal. Incompatible with the Advantage Tough. 2 Points.
-[X] Obvious - You just can't be quiet or stealthy, even when you try. -2 Skill penalty when you try to go unnoticed. 1 Point
Artificing is making magic items once then we never have to do it again.

Sure, if you are fine with just having that power until the end of the quest, but this is SV here. It won't turn down power. It practically can't, really.

And if we want to upgrade ourselves, we have to make new items. And new items. And more new items. Which is an colossal amount of effort, when we tire from an friggin' five-page report.

At least the meditative nature of the Chakras fits our temperament, while the Artificier opposes it.
Sure, if you are fine with just having that power until the end of the quest, but this is SV here. It won't turn down power. It practically can't, really.

And if we want to upgrade ourselves, we have to make new items. And new items. And more new items. Which is an colossal amount of effort, when we tire from an friggin' five-page report.

At least the meditative nature of the Chakras fits our temperament, while the Artificier opposes it.
Really? Mastering Chakras is hard work, man, and it just doesn't take proper advantage of our immortality, at least when we make magic items we don't have to keep training, we can just keep them eternally, and steadily improve in power instead of going through life-or-death training in order to unleash our inner power.
Sure, if you are fine with just having that power until the end of the quest, but this is SV here. It won't turn down power. It practically can't, really.

And if we want to upgrade ourselves, we have to make new items. And new items. And more new items. Which is an colossal amount of effort, when we tire from an friggin' five-page report.

At least the meditative nature of the Chakras fits our temperament, while the Artificier opposes it.


Which uses more effort?

Bulding a gun?

Or intensive workouts weight lifting and connection to your inner power and leaning how to punch people really really hard.

Aain which requires more effort

Shooting a gun?

Or taping into your inner power running around and hitting someone really really hard in the face.

Chakra requires CONSTANT training and fighting.

Artificer makes a gadget to do the work for us. sure we have to build new ones to escalate but we can sell the old ones for profit or just up grade them if we can't be bothered to make new gear.
Really? Mastering Chakras is hard work, man, and it just doesn't take proper advantage of our immortality

What? Is the time frame of this quest occurring with centuries of interval? I don't think so, for obvious reasons, and it doesn't matter anyway; I guarantee you we will not be able to hole ourselves in a cave and emerge a thousand years later piloting a Magical Orbital Superiority Fortress. We aren't even immortal, just unaging! Our long life has little bearing in this choice.

Like, seriously, have you even read the name of the quest? It's a battle high-school quest! We will face battle before the advantages of our Scrift even have an impact, and, with our laziness, do you really think we will be able to Artifice all that much? If we had an absurd amount of time, I could see it, but it seems this choice has little value for our character, so why choose it in spite of better options?
What? Is the time frame of this quest occurring with centuries of interval? I don't think so, for obvious reasons, and it doesn't matter anyway; I guarantee you we will not be able to hole ourselves in a cave and emerge a thousand years later piloting a Magical Orbital Superiority Fortress. We aren't even immortal, just unaging! Our long life has little bearing in this choice.

Like, seriously, have you even read the name of the quest? It's a battle high-school quest! We will face battle before the advantages of our Scrift even have an impact, and, with our laziness, do you really think we will be able to Artifice all that much? If we had an absurd amount of time, I could see it, but it seems this choice has little value for our character, so why choose it in spite of better options?

Oh and we would not be lazy about physical fitness?

Oh please tell me more

Which uses more effort?

Bulding a gun?

Or intensive workouts weight lifting and connection to your inner power and leaning how to punch people really really hard.

Aain which requires more effort

Shooting a gun?

Or taping into your inner power running around and hitting someone really really hard in the face.

Chakra requires CONSTANT training and fighting.

Artificer makes a gadget to do the work for us. sure we have to build new ones to escalate but we can sell the old ones for profit or just up grade them if we can't be bothered to make new gear.
Cjdavis103 said:
Oh please tell me more


In this topic: people don't know what the Chakras actually are.

There is a reason I said we are more compatible, and that is because we explicitly have an Zen-like personality, which is essencial. These powers are not gotten by weightlifting, but by meditation and contemplation about the world and the self, a path to enlightenment, not physical exercise.

Also, why are you assuming Artificing is as easy as constructing a gun? And, you know, actually require significant effort, like it says in the description. Are we just ignoring that?
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What? Is the time frame of this quest occurring with centuries of interval? I don't think so, for obvious reasons, and it doesn't matter anyway; I guarantee you we will not be able to hole ourselves in a cave and emerge a thousand years later piloting a Magical Orbital Superiority Fortress. We aren't even immortal, just unaging! Our long life has little bearing in this choice.

Like, seriously, have you even read the name of the quest? It's a battle high-school quest! We will face battle before the advantages of our Scrift even have an impact, and, with our laziness, do you really think we will be able to Artifice all that much? If we had an absurd amount of time, I could see it, but it seems this choice has little value for our character, so why choose it in spite of better options?
What kind of lazy person decides to persue bodily perfection to attain charles atlas-
Incorrect. It has nothing to do with martial arts, why would you think that?
Because you spent time talking about the gates and how they can unleash supernatural powers, I naturally assumed a parallel to the gates in Naruto, which naturally require constant training, I dunno about the other guy, but I think that's the case, anyway.
Okay, to clear up any misunderstandings, does Chakra require meditation and a clear mind to unlock the gates or do we require constant pumping iron?
What kind of lazy person decides to persue bodily perfection to attain charles atlas-

Because you spent time talking about the gates and how they can unleash supernatural powers, I naturally assumed a parallel to the gates in Naruto, which naturally require constant training, I dunno about the other guy, but I think that's the case, anyway.
Okay, to clear up any misunderstandings, does Chakra require meditation and a clear mind to unlock the gates or do we require constant pumping iron?


In this topic: people don't know what the Chakras actually are.

There is a reason I said we are more compatible, and that is because we explicitly have an Zen-like personality, which is essencial. These powers are not gotten by weightlifting, but by meditation and contemplation about the world and the self, a path to enlightenment, not physical exercise.

Also, why are you assuming Artificing is as easy as constructing a gun? And, you know, actually require significant effort, like it says in the description. Are we just ignoring that?

Both chakra and creation will require effort let's be clear on that point.

I'm of the opinion that artificeing will be more useful in the long term and you are not. I'm okay with that.

But in my mind my plan will let us take more disadvantages that we can nullafy with equipment (frill for example can be countered by armor) from more perks.

Rich lucky and genius Will give us a ton of stuff to work with for creating stuff and improving even with the lazy trait.
Okay, to clear up any misunderstandings, does Chakra require meditation and a clear mind to unlock the gates or do we require constant pumping iron?
Uh, meditation on self, the universe, and everything. Because that's what the chakras are, the metaphysical manifestation of one's connection to the universe. You know, Inner Alchemy, one of the beliefs of Buhdism and Hinduism? It's existed for a few thousand years?
Uh, meditation on self, the universe, and everything. Because that's what the chakras are, the metaphysical manifestation of one's connection to the universe. You know, Inner Alchemy, one of the beliefs of Buhdism and Hinduism? It's existed for a few thousand years?

Both chakra and creation will require effort let's be clear on that point.
Blatant shifting of goalposts, but alright, I'll bite it. Just let it be perfectly, absolutely clear that we explicitly have an helpful mentality for the awakening of the Chakras while having negative synergy with Artificier, but otherwise, I agree.

I'm of the opinion that artificeing will be more useful in the long term and you are not. I'm okay with that.

How long is this " long term", anyway? We already got confirmation that we would need to regularly matain our devices, along with the effort required to actually craft new gear and know how to use it, when we could simply decide not to pick a choice with so many disadvantages. What would we be actually gaining from this?

But in my mind my plan will let us take more disadvantages that we can nullafy with equipment (frill for example can be countered by armor) from more perks.

Or we could not pick even more disadvantages we will have work against to compensate! Remember, we have a malus against effortful actions. we already would have difficulty compensating for just choosing Artificier alone, nevermind with even more maluses.

Blatant shifting of goalposts, but alright, I'll bite it. Just let it be perfectly, absolutely clear that we explicitly have an helpful mentality for the awakening of the Chakras while having negative synergy with Artificier, but otherwise, I agree.

How long is this " long term", anyway? We already got confirmation that we would need to regularly matain our devices, along with the effort required to actually craft new gear and know how to use it, when we could simply decide not to pick a choice with so many disadvantages. What would we be actually gaining from this?

Or we could not pick even more disadvantages we will have work against to compensate! Remember, we have a malus against effortful actions. we already would have difficulty compensating for just choosing Artificier alone, nevermind with even more maluses.

All right it's too late in the night to argue this fully with you but

Where the flying fuck did you get we have a negative synergy? it says we need prep workto build stuff like everything else needs training to do what they do. It's no flipping different!

Nowhere does it say that Artificier has a malus on it!

Nowhere does it say that Artificier has a malus on it!

Lazy - Any action or plan that would require an extensive amount of effort to perform suffers a -2 penalty.
Artificier said:
It takes a lot of prep work, especially if you want something to be permanently enchanted
Seems pretty clear to me.
What in my post are you saying No to?

I was saying no to Csdavis using your quote to prove my assertion, sorry if that was unclear.
Chargen is a wonderful time when you're not technically in character yet, and can do things that are against the character's interests and personality for the sake of making things more interesting.

Out of the plans that had more than one vote, being a lazy ninja sounded more fun than convincing people to do stuff for us 24/7 because we're riddled with flaws, even if the latter would almost certainly be more powerful.

If you'd like a build with better synergy that I'd be willing to vote for, vote [] Blueflamingwings and I'll switch to make it three.
Uh, meditation on self, the universe, and everything. Because that's what the chakras are, the metaphysical manifestation of one's connection to the universe. You know, Inner Alchemy, one of the beliefs of Buhdism and Hinduism? It's existed for a few thousand years?
I learnt the concept of Chakra from Naruto, of course I didn't.
Please, next time, don't assume knowledge from us.
Seems pretty clear to me.

I was saying no to Csdavis using your quote to prove my assertion, sorry if that was unclear.
With this information, I fully agree with you, sorry for being an ass.
Seems pretty clear to me.

I was saying no to Csdavis using your quote to prove my assertion, sorry if that was unclear.


So what you're saying is detailed study of metaphysical internal energies and constant use of these energies does not require effort?

I'm sorry what?

Both require essentially as much effort if it was out of character we wouldn't have been given the option to chose these.

Also your plan is the one that involves us running around trying to hit people with martial arts and magic

Mine has us nowhere near the battlefield rich and lucky.