Scrift Wars: The Power of Words. A Battle High-School Quest.

[X] Plan Effort-chan
-[X] Supreme Angle - A style focused on control and precision. It uses swift angular dodges and deflection to avoid attacks and set up pinpoint attacks of its own, aiming to hit weak points for maximum damage with minimal effort. Offers training with rapiers, daggers, and spears.

The minimum effort style for the most lazy person.

-[X] Alchemy - Alchemy is NOT chemistry. The reactions you can obtain aren't possible with normal science. Many affects of the potions and ungents that alchemy can produce aren't any different from what normal magic can produce, the main advantage being the ability to store such affects well in advance until needed, essentially broadening or deepening ones magical reserves and repertoire in the field. More advanced alchemy can produce affects that normal magic cannot produce. Alchemy's main drawback is that it takes time to create things and brewnptions, requiring prep work.

Take our own sweet time

-[X] Lucky - Things just seem to go your way. Increases the odds of random good things happening during the quest. 5 Points

Have good things happen without trying

-[X] Familiar - You have an animal companion that you have formed a mystical connection with. It is more intelligent than any normal animal, will follow your commands, and you can share your senses with it. As you grow more powerful, so will your familiar... 5 Points.

And a minion do our work for us.

-[X] Coward - You easily become scared or intimidated by the slightest bit of agression. -2 Will on all such checks. Incompatible with the Advantage Brave. 1 Point.
-[X] Harmless - You have a difficult time hurting things, dealing -3 Damage on all atacks. Incompatible with the Advantage Dangerous. 2 Points

Really, why fight directly, or at all? :p
[X] Artificer - You are trained in the creation of magical talismans, wards, and various other items of magical potency. It takes a lot of prep work, especially if you want something to be permanently enchanted, but it can pay off with all sorts of affects, including plenty that can't be achieved by normal magical means.

[X] Familiar - You have an animal companion that you have formed a mystical connection with. It is more intelligent than any normal animal, will follow your commands, and you can share your senses with it. As you grow more powerful, so will your familiar... 5 Points.
[X] Lucky - Things just seem to go your way. Increases the odds of random good things happening during the quest. 5 Points
[X] Rich - Your family has a lot of money. Most mundane purchases are no problem. Incompatible with the Drawback Poor. 3 Points.

[X] Frail - You are more delicate than most, having -1 HP per level than normal. Incompatible with the Advantage Tough. 2 Points.
[X] Honest - You can't really lie, even when you really should. -2 penalty on all Social checks to deceive people. Incompatible with the Advantage Guile. 1 Point

And now an actual plan.
Interesting Quest. And the Zen like personality sort of solidified in my mind as a plan.

[X] Martial Arts Master Monk
-[X] Soaring Phoenix
-[X] Swift Wind Wolf
--[X] Make use of twin blades
-[X] Chakra
-[X] Aware
-[X] Mentor (4 points)
-[X] Harmless

Alright, so some rationalization for this. First off, both Soaring Phoenix and Swift Wind Wolf make use of twin blades, so I figured we could have some good synergy by combining them. It also happens that they both make use of agility and maneuverability and this is also where I think the Mentor comes in - he or she taught Lily both the fighting style and Chakra. Chakra's important as it both provides a way for us to improve our body and also gives us an excuse to meditate which I think fits into our Zen-like personality.

Finally, the Harmless drawback. First off, I think Lily does not want to make enemies and is a bit afraid of death - both experiencing it due to violence and causing it. In this plan, I very much imagine her to be a pacifist at heart - trying to incapacitate but not truly harm foes.

So that's about everything. I think it's pretty comprehensive. Let me know what you think.
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[X] Alchemy - Alchemy is NOT chemistry. The reactions you can obtain aren't possible with normal science. Many affects of the potions and ungents that alchemy can produce aren't any different from what normal magic can produce, the main advantage being the ability to store such affects well in advance until needed, essentially broadening or deepening ones magical reserves and repertoire in the field. More advanced alchemy can produce affects that normal magic cannot produce. Alchemy's main drawback is that it takes time to create things and brewnptions, requiring prep work.
[X] Artificer - You are trained in the creation of magical talismans, wards, and various other items of magical potency. It takes a lot of prep work, especially if you want something to be permanently enchanted, but it can pay off with all sorts of affects, including plenty that can't be achieved by normal magical means.
We are only allowed one system at start.
[X] Plan Self Made Ninja
-[X] Soaring Phoenix - An acrobatic style that emphasizes flips, rolls, and other maneuvers that enable their user to always stay ahead of their foe, letting them attack from various angles and escape before their foe can retaliate. Offers training with bo, twin blades, and shuriken.
-[X] Artificer - You are trained in the creation of magical talismans, wards, and various other items of magical potency. It takes a lot of prep work, especially if you want something to be permanently enchanted, but it can pay off with all sorts of affects, including plenty that can't be achieved by normal magical means.
-[X] Prodigy - You aquire 1 extra experience point whenever you acquire experience. Incompatible with the Drawback Incompetent. 6 Points.
-[X] Sneaky - Stealth comes naturally to you. +2 bonus to all Skill checks to be sneaky or otherwise do something undetected. Incompatible with the Drawback Obvious. 1 Point

So I don't like any of the disadvantages and 'takes a lot of prepwork' seems a natural fit to 'lives forever'. And getting hit is too much effort, man.

... and I really don't like the harmless trait all the plans have been taking. It sounds too harmful to us...
... and I really don't like the harmless trait all the plans have been taking. It sounds too harmful to us...

I know. I was hesitant about it too until I realized that we wouldn't be able to learn anything new from the 2 point Mentor. Besides, I felt that a pacifist fit into the character I was making in that plan.

So long as we avoid fights I think we'll be fine.
[X] Plan Self Made Ninja
-[X] Soaring Phoenix - An acrobatic style that emphasizes flips, rolls, and other maneuvers that enable their user to always stay ahead of their foe, letting them attack from various angles and escape before their foe can retaliate. Offers training with bo, twin blades, and shuriken.
-[X] Artificer - You are trained in the creation of magical talismans, wards, and various other items of magical potency. It takes a lot of prep work, especially if you want something to be permanently enchanted, but it can pay off with all sorts of affects, including plenty that can't be achieved by normal magical means.
-[X] Prodigy - You aquire 1 extra experience point whenever you acquire experience. Incompatible with the Drawback Incompetent. 6 Points.
-[X] Sneaky - Stealth comes naturally to you. +2 bonus to all Skill checks to be sneaky or otherwise do something undetected. Incompatible with the Drawback Obvious. 1 Point
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[X]Plan Minimum Effort
-[X] Supreme Angle - A style focused on control and precision. It uses swift angular dodges and deflection to avoid attacks and set up pinpoint attacks of its own, aiming to hit weak points for maximum damage with minimal effort. Offers training with rapiers, daggers, and spears.
-[X] Chakra - Also called Inner Alchemy, the Chakra are internal power nodes. Working on refining ones connection with them can lead one to achieving a superhuman state of being. Being able to tap into your chakras will grant you more energy for casting spells. Mastering each chakra will also provide different supernatural advantages.
-[X] Familiar - You have an animal companion that you have formed a mystical connection with. It is more intelligent than any normal animal, will follow your commands, and you can share your senses with it. As you grow more powerful, so will your familiar... 5 Points.
-[X] Friendly - When trying to make friends, end hostility, or just asking a friend for a favor you gain +2 on all such Social checks. Incompatible with the Drawback Hostile. 1 Point.
-[X] Guile - You are skilled at manipulating people. +2 bonus to trick, deceive, or otherwise con people into doing things for your own benefit. Incompatible with the Drawback Honest. 1 Point

Why are people choosing magical systems of such obvious negative synergy? Alchemy and Artifice are explicitly about alloting an certain amount of time and effort to create powerful items, which is the very opposite of lazing about, to be honest. It seems we would get very little mileage of said choices with our personality. After all, at least with the Chakras, once we learn it, we can't unlearn it, while the most powerful options available to Artificier and Alchemist would require constant work.

Besides, I feel the presented plans are not using the most potent power of all layabouts everywhere! The power of getting other people to do things for you! Or, has the uninitiated might call it, friendship!

Getting a familiar is obvious; it is a guaranteed ally that levels when we do and will be present for most of our fights, but more importantly, it can do the things we don't feel like doing! Like cleaning! Or the dishes! Truly the most valuable advantage!

Our social kit helps with this, too! We are great at making friends, and more friends mean more people to help us with stuff! And we are pretty great at even making people who are not our friends do things for us! Truly grand!

What more can you want, really? Our fighting style is nice and minimalistic and not all that concerned with big moves, we get a system perfectly suited to our contemplative personality, and we can get lots of peole to thething which we rather not do! It's perfect really.

(ahh typing this on my old mobile is painful)
Besides, I feel the presented plans are not using the most potent power of all layabouts everywhere! The power of getting other people to do things for you! Or, has the uninitiated might call it, friendship!
Indeed. A familiar or a friend are one of the best traits on offer. That said...

[X] Plan Let Other People Do Things For You

Omegahugger's plan for an ally is appealing. Let's have a friend to do all the work we are unwilling to. We'll only do brilliant planning. And when our giant brain isn't enough, let's have a mentor to fall back on.

Familliar seems excessive to me when we have a friend, but I'd mike to have a style for that one time when we actually need to put effort. Of course, I'd still prefer it to be a bare minimum, but a minimum that counts.

-[X] Supreme Angle - A style focused on control and precision. It uses swift angular dodges and deflection to avoid attacks and set up pinpoint attacks of its own, aiming to hit weak points for maximum damage with minimal effort. Offers training with rapiers, daggers, and spears.

-[X] Ally - Yiu have a close friend and trusted companion. For 2 points they are mundane and have no magical ability. For 4 points they are a fellow new student. For 6 points they are an node student who has taken you under their wing.
--[X] 4 Points

-[X] Mentor - You have a teacher, trainer, and roll model beyond your regular teachers at school. For 2 points you've learned all you can from them mystically, but they are still willing to give you advice.
--[X] 2 points

-[X] Prodigy - You aquire 1 extra experience point whenever you acquire experience. Incompatible with the Drawback Incompetent. 6 Points.
-[X] Rich - Your family has a lot of money. Most mundane purchases are no problem. Incompatible with the Drawback Poor. 3 Points.

-[X] Frail - You are more delicate than most, having -1 HP per level than normal. Incompatible with the Advantage Tough. 2 Points.
-[X] Obvious - You just can't be quiet or stealthy, even when you try. -2 Skill penalty when you try to go unnoticed.
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[X] Plan Self Made Ninja

In the same way trivia and cat videos become very engrossing when you have work you should be doing, it must be that much more satisfying to procrastinate when you can do crazy wallruns and shit.
This is the power we got?
Razza frazzin immortality?!
'Oh, Execute, no-one wants Almighty, all we want is a word combo that we don't even know the power for."
*Other assorted grumbling*
[X] Plan Self Made Ninja
Mm, prodigy is just too tempting, though I'd like getting the unlucky trait.
[X] Plan: Lazy Lucky Genius
-[X] Artificer - You are trained in the creation of magical talismans, wards, and various other items of magical potency. It takes a lot of prep work, especially if you want something to be permanently enchanted, but it can pay off with all sorts of affects, including plenty that can't be achieved by normal magical means.
-[X] Lucky - Things just seem to go your way. Increases the odds of random good things happening during the quest. 5 Points
-[X] Prodigy - You aquire 1 extra experience point whenever you acquire experience. Incompatible with the Drawback Incompetent. 6 Points.
-[X] Ally - You have a close friend and trusted companion. For 2 points they are mundane and have no magical ability. For 4 points they are a fellow new student. For 6 points they are an older student who has taken you under their wing.
-[X] Honest - You can't really lie, even when you really should. -2 penalty on all Social checks to deceive people. Incompatible with the Advantage Guile. 1 Point
-[X] Obvious - You just can't be quiet or stealthy, even when you try. -2 Skill penalty when you try to go unnoticed.
15-5-5-6-(at least)2+1+1=-1 or less. This is not within the points limit.