Scrapped (A Discarded Android Riot Quest)(Always Recruiting)

Now that I've taken another look at the mechanics, it appears that Spare Parts are for fixing up sapient robots and Components are for everything else, so I changed my vote to searching for those instead.
[X] Go looking for Components

Changed my vote again. We have some spare parts in storage, also we may disassemble unneeded components into spare parts if we'll have a pressing need. My current plan is salvaging now, scout for possible targets for the raid next turn and hope that we'll get some upgrades for combat bot\base and then then, in the turn after that try to assemble a striking team.
Manufacturer: Exalt-Advent Corporation
Model Name: Seeker
Serial Number: HK-1138

Function: Stealthy Hunter-Killer and Reconnaissance Automaton

Physical Description: Most resembling a floating Terran squid, the Seeker built by the EAC was designed primarily for the military and private security markets. Fitted with a Glass Shield Cloaking System and streamlined sound dampening chassis, the Seeker stalks its targets until the most opportune moment. Then with either its five reinforced manipulators or whatever user-installed weapon in the omni-mount, it quietly and efficiently takes down it's prey. This unit seems to not have a weapon installed, leaving the omni-mount bracket empty.

Personal Identifier: Teuthis (They/Them/Their)

  • Combat 1
  • Intrigue 1
  • Salvage 1
  • Combat Tentacles: +5 to Combat
  • Glass-Shield Cloak: +10 to Intrigue
Status: Patched
Preliminary Tally 3
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by I just write on Jul 29, 2018 at 6:45 AM, finished with 84 posts and 14 votes.

  • [X] Go looking for Components
    [X] Defend the Scavengers
    [X] Name your group!
    -[X] The Droid Republic
    [X] Negotiations!
    -[X] Loners
    --[X] Recruitment
    [X] Defend salvage team.
    [X] Defend another action
    -[X] Defend Uhtread's Loner Recruitment
    [X] Name your group!
    -[X] Autobots
    [X] Construction
    -[X] Reinforce walls
    -[X] The stockade
    [X] Name: ScrapLords
    [X] Go looking for Components
    -[X] Small or medium components for either manufacturing or weaponry
    [X] Go looking for Spare Parts
    [X] Go looking for Spare Parts

    [X] Name: Tharsis Republic
    [X] Look if she can prevent misunderstandings due to different languages
    [X] Aliance of Free Sentients
    [X] Defend another action
    - [X] Escort the Component Search Team
    [X] Go looking for Components
    [X] Defend a base
    - [X] The Stockade
Manufacturer: Viper Security Services Incorporated

Model Name: Legion-V Heavy Fire Support Unit

Serial Number: 1176G

Function: Legion-V series Heavy Fire Support Units are designed to maneuver with lighter infantry units to provide heavy fire support with both heavy weaponry held by the robots, and also integrated shoulder-mounted mortars. As part of decommissioning, all munitions are removed from the unit.

Physical Description:

Legion drones are usually repainted in more convenient colors when not being used by unscrupulous governments as public security drones. In Victor's case, his last repaint was by an organization that preferred urban camouflage, with Victor's chassis having a scuffed and scraped version of a standard digital camouflage pattern.

Personal Identifier: Victor (He/Him)

-Combat: 2
-Salvage: 1

-Combat Subroutines: +5 Combat
-Manipulator Arms: +5 Construction
-Grenade Mortar: +5 Combat if ammunition is provided

Status: Patched

[X] Defend salvage team.
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So we are up to 17 droids at this point
2 Salvage
6 Combat
3 Construction
2 Intrigue
4 Support(2 intrigue and 2 construction, all 4 picked combat so far)

@10ebbor10 you were asking what we need and at this point a 3rd Salvage or Intrigue droid would probably be the best bet.
Turn 1 Vote Tally and Rolls
Final Tally
Adhoc vote count started by I just write on Jul 29, 2018 at 9:26 PM, finished with 91 posts and 16 votes.

  • [X] Go looking for Components
    [X] Defend salvage team.
    [X] Defend the Scavengers
    [X] Go looking for Spare Parts

    [X] Name: Tharsis Republic
    [X] Defend a base
    - [X] The Stockade
    [X] Go looking for Components
    [X] Defend another action
    - [X] Escort the Component Search Team
    [X] Aliance of Free Sentients
    [X] Look if she can prevent misunderstandings due to different languages
    [X] Go looking for Components
    -[X] Small or medium components for either manufacturing or weaponry
    [X] Go looking for Spare Parts
    [X] Name your group!
    -[X] The Droid Republic
    [X] Name: ScrapLords
    [X] Construction
    -[X] Reinforce walls
    -[X] The stockade
    [X] Name your group!
    -[X] Autobots
    [X] Defend another action
    -[X] Defend Uhtread's Loner Recruitment
    [X] Negotiations!
    -[X] Loners
    --[X] Recruitment
    [X] Scouting Mission
Mission 1: Find Components
@Ukrainian Ranger (Weapons)
@Romulus (Small/Medium, Manufacturing/Weapons)

Mission 1a: Protect Component Scavengers

Mission 2: Recruit Loners

Mission 2a: Defend Recruiters
@Space Jawa

Mission 3: Reinforce Stockade Walls
@Lizard Knight

Mission 4: Scavenge Spare Parts
@Void Stalker

Mission 4a: Protect Spare Part Scavengers

Mission 5: Defend the Stockade

Name Vote
Droid Republic: X
Autobots: X
Tharsis Republic: X
Alliance of Free Sentients: X
Final Compromise Name: Free Autobot Republic of Tharsis (FART)
We Just Write threw 8 100-faced dice. Reason: Actions 1-7 Total: 433
65 65 39 39 59 59 74 74 60 60 93 93 14 14 29 29
We Just Write threw 3 12-faced dice. Reason: Loot 1 Total: 11
1 1 3 3 7 7
We Just Write threw 3 12-faced dice. Reason: Loot 2 Total: 21
2 2 10 10 9 9
We Just Write threw 3 12-faced dice. Reason: Loot 3 Total: 9
1 1 3 3 5 5
We Just Write threw 3 12-faced dice. Reason: Loot 4 Total: 24
11 11 2 2 11 11
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Can someone spell out what the scavengers found loot wise? Actually can someone hust spell out the whole thing? I don't underatand it how it works looking at it, other than the three loots and the categories.

Nvm... wow that's really freaking bad loot. I guess we can use the small power generation component later on as some kind of portable charger... the small computational thing could be used as a sort of assistant I guess? Or could be used for a small turret thing...
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Man, we were just 3 of a 4th component, either a higher roll or better modifiers would have done it for us. Salvage though we should have a bunch of parts.
Double checking my math, you actually just barely squeaked over the threshold for a fourth Component.
Oh wow a large component, man we are going to have to take an action next turn to bring it in, and just one short of being pristine. And power generation, that might be very useful for the base or if we can start work on a vehicle.
Oh wow a large component, man we are going to have to take an action next turn to bring it in, and just one short of being pristine. And power generation, that might be very useful for the base or if we can start work on a vehicle.

Use ot for the base I think would be the better choice. I'm planning on building a crucible to melt down any salvage or whatever and seperate the metals and use a pattern to stamp out spare parts or components and that would needs lots of power.

Also a lathe. Can't forget that one.
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