I do believe I desire to be involved in this. Boop.
Manufacturer, Model Name, Serial Number: Lis Combat Technologies, Disposable Infantry Substitute Variant Three, #03-948
Function: The V-3 model of D.I.S. (Disposable Infantry Substitute) was made to serve the roll of "combat medic". As such it
it was designed with the intent to be fully capable of repairing and maintaining both organic soldiers and D.I.S., although
the V-3 model could be used in any roll theoretically, it was not recommended.
Physical Description: All D.I.S. models look like a seven foot tall muscular broad shouldered human male if you skinned him and
painted everything matte black then fused a gas-mask with opaque lens to his face and followed that by liberally welding armored
plates to his torso and limbs. Variant Threes are identified by the white cross painted on the right pauldron.
Personal Identifier: #03-948, It.
Skills: Combat 1, Construction 1, Salvage 1.
Hardware: Ballistics Computer, missing is not encouraged +10 Combat.
Diagnostics suit, first find the problem then fix +5 Construction.
Status: Patched